quran2_177ncolWhy do we not find units, methods and other detail of Five daily Namaz rituals in complete and fully detailed Quran 12:111, 16:89, 17:12?

All Praise is due to Hayy-ul-Qayyum Who never dies, and knows even what soul of person whispers. Near a sincere devotee (Ibaad-ul-Mukhle-seen) He is the focal point of all true love, obedience, and remembrance. He must be praised and thanked in each breath in all awaken conditions when person is lying down, standing, walking, and working. He solely deserves His house in each heart. He is Kabir-ul-Muta’al. His Greatness is the Greatest. All journeys start from Him, and end at Him. He is the First and the Last, and the Manifest and the Hidden. He does not live in any House but there is no any house where He does not live. Nothing is like Him. His throne (Arsh) is extended to whole Universe “Waasay-aa-Kursiyyo-HuSamaawatay Wal-Ard”. So, Omniscient and Omnipresent Allah Azza wa Jal is directionless as He covers all directions everywhere and anywhere. Wherever you turn, there is His Presence 2:115. When anyone confines Him to a building of stones and mortar, he denies His attributes, and in this way he denies Quranic verses 50:16, 57:3, 57:4, 58:7, 2:115, 2:142, 2:177, 2:186, 24:35, 67:13, 20:7, 13:9-10, 56:83-84-85, 4:108, 6:59, 2:255, 6:103, 34:50, 11:61, 5:109, 7:7, 4:126, 10:61, and therefore; such a person commits a heinous Shirk through non-Quranic intentionally-planned directional-rituals 12:106, 2:177. East and West belong to Him. He is closer to man than even his neck-vein 50:16, and He is present in every meeting 58:7 but O Ritualist: you are searching Him thousands kilometer far from your neck-vein, and some time you search Him in Sky. The musk is in the Deer, but it seeks it not within itself: it wanders in quest of grass. Mr. Ritualist: are you not like that Deer! Is it rational, is it logical; will you not use your reason 8:22, 7:179? (Please allow five to ten minutes to load this page fully if your Internet speed is low).

Dear Reader: This page is almost an encyclopedia on this very complex and tough subject of Salat. You will find nowhere any other so deeply discussed page that takes all relevant adjacent fields into account at full. This page is for Theologians, Student of Comparative Religion, True Sufis/True Mystics, Educated honest opened mind Muslims who can think out of box, Intellectuals, and University Professors of Comparative Religion. This page is long and might take hours to read, days to digest, and weeks to fully understand. So we suggest you not to skip even one line of this page or you might not understand this page correctly. Besides; due to very complex nature of this subject, we suggest to read with full concentration in a quiet room/area. You can read this page in parts, little by little every day but read it fully. If you have any no-nonsense rational question, kindly post at the bottom of this page. A member of our Team will answer your questions provided your question has not been already answered in this page. Purpose of this page is not to attack ideology of any one but mere to exchange info. We request reader to empty his/her brain from all already built-in dogmas temporarily, and then read this page with blank mind in order to realize what is the truth, and what not. One of the main targets of this page is to tell reader that Islam the sole one True Path of One God preached by all Prophets of God is NEVER a Religion but is Deen (Divinely Prescribed way of Life) 42:13, 3:19, 3:85. 3:52, 3:67. Divine Deen Islam talks about Right faith and Philanthropy, but Clergy-Made religion concentrates on non-Quranic rites, rituals and non-Quranic clergy-made laws.This page is for those who are intelligent, and have analytical mind; and at the same time are honest, and have ability to think out of box. This Page is absolutely not for Dumb Fanatics who has been badly infected by Clergy Mullahs and Priests and they have decided not to come out from “box of ignorance” in which vile Mullahs has packed and locked them. Nowhere our discussion in this page violates any verse/law of Noble Quran. In fact this page is in depth exposition/Exegesis/Tafsir of Quranic word “Salat”. Standalone fully detailed 6:114, made-easy 54:17, fully self-explanatory by tasreef 18:54, 25:33, and protected 15:9, 41:42, 10:37, 4:82, 17:88, 39:28 Quran explains every thing for Muslim which is part of Islam 12:111, 16:89, 17:12. Therefore; any law, rite or ritual which is not given in Quran, is absolutely not part of Islam. Quran does not give detail of Rituals because Salat is never rituals. If Salat meant rituals, for sure, God could have given us its full detail. Prophet Mohammad(s) was bound to preach from no book except from within Quran 5:44, 6:19, 10:15, 6:114, 50:45, 16:116, 25:30. Prophet Mohammad (in person) could not guide any person to the RIGHT PATH 28:56, 72:21; then how could he guide Sunni and Shia sects about their many non-Quranic rites and non-Quranic rituals and their units? Prophet died in 632 A.D. and after his death, only written Quran was found in his Room (this is written even in books of hadithers like Bukhari). Did Prophet and four guided caliphs leave behind any written manuscript of hadiths and sunnah? No. That hadith books of Shia and Sunni sects appeared 250 years after the death of Prophet. 99% Hadith-followers never read their hadith books FULLY in their whole life nor they read and understand whole Quran. But we have read all such books and we tell you honestly, that all fabricated hadiths books contain billions of tons fairytale, jokes, gossip, hearsay, rumors and folklore. Reader is suggested to read our page “Some Hadiths that will drag you to paradise even before your death – Your enlightenment is guaranteed”. Link of this page is given in next para.

We have discussed following  mutually interconnected and interrelated topics in this page:

1- What is Salat of Quran, and what are daily five Namaz rituals.

2- Miraaj (Night Journey) of Prophet Mohammad The Exalted – What is the Truth?

3- Role of Masjid (Mosque) in Islam before year 722 CE

4- Masjid QiblaTain

5- Quran says, Salat keeps you away from evildoing but if Salat means five daily Namaz Rituals, then, why do millions of Muslims who pray Five Namaz rituals daily, still commit all kinds of evils?

6- And following three Very Important pages (must be read by all Muslims) are prerequisite material for this page. It will be better; if reader studies following three pages fully before reading this page. Without reading following three pages fully, if you read this page; it will be like, one is attempting to read English literature even before learning the English alphabet. However it is up to you what you decide. 

True History of Hadiths and Sunnah, a unique page that must be read by all Muslims and also by Non-Muslim Theologians:

Some Hadiths which might drag you to paradise even before your death – Your enlightenment is guaranteed

God is OmnipresentA must reading in order to understand the foundation, on which, this page of Salat is built.

Following page must be read and understood after the complete study of this page: “Discussion on those all Quranic verses in which word Salat is usedLogical and rational approach at micro-level; and circumstantial evidence clearly shows that neither Prophet Mohammad PBUH nor even four Guided Caliphs used to pray that Five daily Namaz Rituals. These Rituals were blended in Islam by Zoroastrian Pseudo Hadith Imams in 8th century under the patronage of Pro-Zoroastrian and Pro-Persian Abbasid Caliphs through forgery of Hadith of Flying Donkey “Buraq”. After forgery of “Buraq” story; this was the same gang who then forged hundreds of more hadiths in order to back and reinforce forgery of Five Namaz Rituals which came to us through that Flying-Donkey. From year 750 CE to 1258 CE; those forgers had more than enough time to complete their iniquitous task. For example, in those forged hadiths, they show you that when in his last days, Prophet became ill, he told Abu Bakar RA to lead the Five Rituals in Mosque. This kind of all hadiths were forged in order to strengthen and reinforce forgery of Story of Flying Donkey Buraq; the Fictitious Buraq which took flight to any unknown remote part of Sky to bring that Five Namaz Rituals to us. Quran tells us in 50:16, 57:4 that God is closer to man than even his neck vein, but this Flying Donkey “Buraq” of Sunni and Shia sects was searching God in any remote part of Sky to get their Five Rituals. If God could reveal a big book Quran on the heart of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) without the use of that Flying Donkey; then why could God not reveal these five rituals and in their detail in Glorious Quran too! And Non-Quranic Calls of Payers (Adhan) of Shia and Sunni are different too! Allah Jalla Aala tells in Quranic verses 6:114, 25:33, 18:54, 12:111, 16:89, 17:12 that his Quran is complete, fully detailed and his Quran explains everything for Deen Islam. Therefore; if Quranic Salat meant Five daily Namaz Rituals; then Noble Quran could have given us full detail of that Rituals; at least number of units of each ritual. If Quran can tell us in inheritance verses, fractions like ½, ¼, 1/3, 1/8 then what was problem to mention at least units of each Namaz ritual of Sunni sect and Shia sect? Besides; verses 2:115, 2:142 and 2:177 loudly blasts all kind of Rituals. Verse 2:177 clearly tells that Rituals are not a Good Deed. Glorious Quran makes crystal clear in verses 50:16, 57:3, 57:4, 58:7, 2:115, 2:142, 2:177, 2:186, 24:35, 67:13, 20:7, 13:9-10, 56:83-84-85, 4:108, 6:59, 2:255, 6:103, 34:50, 11:61, 5:109, 7:7, 4:126 that God is Omnipresent. Therefore; to pray Rituals physically toward a specific City or toward a specific Cubical Building, fully contradicts Omnipresence of God which mean: God is not confined to any specific place. Such kind of Rituals are nothing but mere an extension of ancient Pagans Idol Worship. Noble Quran also makes very clear in several verses that meaning of Ruku and Sujud is never physically bend, and physically place forehead on ground but meaning of Ruku and Sujud in Quran is: Yield to and humble to Divine Law 55:6, 22:18. There is not even one verse in Quran which tells to do Ruku and Sujud toward Kaaba. In verses 5:95, 5:97, Quran has told functions of Kaaba, and those are: Kaaba acts as asylum security center for pilgrims, and a place in front of which are made animal sacrifices during Hajj. In many verses of Noble Quran, it is said: Turn your face to Allah or Turn your face to Islam. But can we turn our face to Allah and Islam, physically? No. In Quran, in several verses, meaning of “turn your face to” is dedicate yourself to a cause, and pay attention to a cause. It never means: pray Five Rituals facing a Building made of stones and bricks. In the same way, when Glorious Quran says: turn your faces toward Masjid-Al-Haram; that means: pay attention to Masjid al-Haram because Masjid al-Haram is made Qibla (GHQ=General headquarter) of Deen Islam. In Quran, meaning of word “Qibla” is never a place or building where people should pray five Rituals to but in Quran, meaning of Qibla is “GHQ”; and verse 10:87 makes it clear when God ordained Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) to take some houses from Egypt, and turn those houses into Qibla (GHQ-A Center to preach Divine Message). Quran_2_213_2Noble Quran 2:213: Mankind were one community. (Nature’s provision was abundant and open for all (2:36). Then Satan, their selfish desire, divided them (10:19)) Allah sent Prophets as heralds of good news and as Warners. He sent down with them the Scripture with the Truth to judge among people in their differences. After the Prophet passed on, people started differing in the Scripture that was given to them with clear verses. And they did so in stubborn rivalry. Allah by His Will keeps the sincere believers guided in Truth concerning whatever differences arise among them. Allah guides people according to His Laws. (Using your faculties of listening, observing and reasoning will help you achieve guidance, while selfishness, arrogance and blind following will lead people astray (2:170), (6:56), (40:35), (41:17)).

Above-given verse 2:213 makes as clear as sun in the sky that books of Allah, contained system of Divine Sociology. Therefore; Divine System that has been finalized in preserved last testament of GOD “Noble Quran” has no any relation with Theocracy, Priesthood, Mullahism, pooja-pot and worship. Meaning of Ya’bo-doon are discussed later in this page. Besides, verses 5:44 and 6:114 again confirm what Allah has said in verse 2:213. Verses 6:114 and 16:116, 5:44 also make crystal clear that Sharia laws are valid only from Quran.Quranic verse 5:44 does not stop just here, but goes ahead, and gives clear verdict that who Judge (Make Sharia Laws) from any other book except Book of Allah are Kaafirs. Therefore; there must be no any doubt that all who make Sharia laws from fabricated Hadith and Sunna books are indeed Kaafirs. Because, Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him), four Caliphs, and all Companions (Sahaaba) of Prophet left behind only written Quran (nothing else); therefore, morally, logically, rationally and legally, for Deen Islam, we Muslims must seek guidance only from Quran. Any rite, ritual or Islamic law (Sharia law) which does not have roots in fully detailed 6:114 and complete 16:89 Quran, is absolutely not part of Deen Islam. Meaning of “Obey Allah and Rasool” is nothing else but to obey laws and ethical codes of that Divine Book which Allah Azza wa Jal sent to we people through his Rasool, and name that book is Quran only 6:19, 6:114, 10:15, 25:30. Several verses of Quran make clear that Rasool was no more than an Agency of Allah Jalla Aala, and so task given to him by Allah Al-Haadi was no more than to deliver Quran clearly 39:41, 6:107, 29:18, 5:92, 5:99, 3:20, 24:54, 42:6, 42:48, 64:12, 16:64, 2:213, 39:41, 18:110, 28:56, 72:21, 2:272, 27:92, 50:45. 12:111, 16:89, 17:12, 6:114, 10:15, 6:19, 13:40, 3:80, 75:19. In whole Quran, term “Sunnah of Rasool” never appear nor any verse of Quran ordains we Muslims to follow “Sunnah of Rasool”. That term of “Sunnah of Rasool” is invented by Sunni and Shia sects. In Quran, only two kind of Sunnah are given, Sunnah of Allah Al-Haadi, and Sunnah of bad people of past. Quran does talk about Oswat-Hasana of Prophet Ibrahim, and Prophet Mohammad but did these both prophets leave behind for us any extra-Quranic manuscript of Oswat-Hasana? No. Did four Caliphs leave behind for us any manuscript of Oswat-Hasana? No. They were not in need of leaving behind any such manuscript because they were fully aware that authentic “Oswat-Hasana” of Prophet is fully incorporated within ethical codes of Quran. This is why: when a person asked wife of Prophet “Aisha RA” that O mother of Believers: how did you find Akhlaaq (conduct/oswat) of Messenger of Allah? She replied: “The Quran is Akhlaaq of Messenger of Allah”.  Aqimu-Salaat>> To Establish Salaat is to establish system in an Islamic society as per Divine Laws of Quran; to follow and obey closely all moral & ethical codes; and laws of Quran; and in order to please GOD, a Muslim serves creation of GOD in the light of Divine Laws; and remains mindful about GOD in all awaken conditions, and does Meditation upon GOD. Sole one true path of one GOD, Islam is not clergy-made religion but is DEEN (Divinely prescribed way of life). ZulQuranain_Optical_IllusionQuran clearly blasts all kinds of rituals in 2:177 and ordains Philanthropy. Therefore; a True Muslim is in fact also a Philanthropist. Quran is not book of Theocracy (of Mullah-ism) but of Divine Sociology. Duty of Prophets was to follow only laws of Books of Allah & it was not their duty to invent their own laws by inventing their own hadith and Sunna; nor any of prophet ever invented them in their lives but it is evil clergy who fabricated that crap centuries after Prophets. If Quran does not tell you about Five Namaz rituals, neither units of each Shia Sunni rituals nor what to read in Qayaam & Atta-hiyaat; then prophet had never followed that kind of non-Quranic Rituals, as he was bound to follow only what is given in Quran. Zakaat is “Just Economic order of Islam” this is why we do not find any 2.5% figure in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89. All hadiths are nothing but Persian’s gossip, hearsay, like Chinese whisper, and fabricated lies that defeated Persian Zoroastrian hypocrite imams forged 250-400 years after the death of last Prophet with fake Matans, fake Chains of narrations and with the fraud so labeled as Science of Hadith. Truth is; that even the best scientific method cannot convert a fabricated lie into a truth.Quranic Verse 2:177 clearly tells that Allah never ordained to make any place on earth as Qibla for directional Rituals, as pre-Islamic Pagans used to do. Reader can judge dishonestly of almost all Sectarian & other Translators of Quran that they have totally DELIBERATELY ignored word qibla that appears in first line of verse 2:177. They have ignored it because by not ignoring that word; their whole building of non-Quranic Rituals collapses in a second. Word QBL is root-word of Qibla which we can see in verse 2:177 and that comes from hypothetical ancestor root to read it as Qibla. Clearly, verse is telling that the rituals you pray taking direction of Qibla to East or west is NEVER a GOOD DEED but Good deed is Philanthropy “To serve Creation of Allah”. In same verse, later, word “Salat” is used. And it again Proves that Salat mean never Rituals.; otherwise, how Allah could tell us at the beginning of verse that Rituals are not Good deed, and at the end of same verse, how GOD could say: Pray Rituals! So meaning of word Salat used in last part of verse 2:177 is nothing else but “To follow Divine Law and to establish Divine System”Two, among the Top most Legends of Islamic history, Razi (died 932 A.D.) and Abu Ali Al-Jubba’i the famous Mu’tazili Scholar (died 1100 years ago in 915 A.D.) wrote in Quranic Commentary that Earth has Spherical shape http://is.gd/HVr2h0If you ask any Christian, why do you belief in trinity? He will tell you that this Matwaatar report is coming from the time of Isa/Jesus. So they believe in it. If you ask them, why do you say that Jesus is son of god. They will again give you same answer. But what is the fact? Fact is: Early followers of Jesus Ebionites never called Jesus Son of God but only a Prophet of God. They never believed in Trinity. Beliefs of Son-ship and Trinity were added much later in Christianity. In the same way, Five Namaz rituals were added in Islam much later.

Same case is with we Muslims. If Last and Final Prophet of God “Mohammad PBUH” or even any of 4 Caliphs had left behind for us any extra-Quranic manuscript of Hadith or Sunnah or Tafsir; we will be the first to place those hadiths on our eyelashes, but Fact is: Neither Prophet nor 4 caliphs nor even any Sahabi (Companion of Prophet) left behind any extra-Quranic manuscript. They left behind only written Quran. Therefore; after landing of Quran; Deen Islam=Quran; FULL STOP. What is given in Quran is part of Deen Islam; and what is not given in Quran is NOT part of Deen Islam. So, any rite, ritual or Islamic law which does not have roots in Noble Quran, is absolutely not part of Deen Islam.

We read word Salat in Quran. Now, if Salat was any kind of Five Namaz Rituals; then Quran was supposed to give us detail of that Rituals because God says in Quran 6:114, 12:111, 16:89, 17:12 that his Quran is Mufassal (fully detailed) and is Complete, and his Quran explains every thing which is part of Deen Islam 16:89.

Do we find in Quran number of Units/Rak’ats of each Five Rituals? No. If God can tell us in Quran fractional math in heritance shares like 1/2, 1/4, 1/6, 1/8, 1/3 etc. then what was difficult for God to mention also Number of Rakat of each Namaz?

We also read in Quran 24:41 that even birds follow SALAT. If Salat is Namaz; then question is: do birds pray Namaz like Sunni or Shia, Do birds enter in any Mosque and place their forehead toward Meccan Cube Kaaba? Do birds recite Fatiha in their Salat? Do bird sit in Tashahhud and recite Shia-made text of Tashahhud and Shia-made Durood Ibrahami? No. Yes: Birds follow Divine Law. They follow their mission and strife. So, it is clear that Salat is not any kind of Namaz Rituals.

Quran is the most beautiful book. It fully explains itself through its own Tasreef 6:105, 18:54, 6:114, 25:33. Quran also tells us in 55:6, 22:18 and in several other verses; what is meaning of Sajadah in Quran. Verse 22:18 tells us that even mountains do Sajadah. But have you ever seen Mountain Himalaya entering in any Sunni Shia mosque, doing Astanja, doing wudhu, shouting either Sunni Azan or Shia Azan, and then placing his forehead on ground in Sajada toward Meccan Kaaba? No This point makes Clear that in Quran, meaning of Sajadah is NOT to place forehead on ground toward Kaaba like pre-Quranic Idol worshippers but in Quran, meaning of word Sajadah is HUMBLE TO DIVINE LAW.

We read in many verses of Quran 50:16, 57:3, 57:4, 58:7, 2:115, 2:142, 2:177, 2:186, 24:35, 67:13, 20:7, 13:9-10, 56:83-84-85, 4:108, 6:59, 2:255, 6:103, 34:50, 11:61, 5:109, 7:7, 4:126, 10:61 that God is OMNIPRESENT. Which means: God is everywhere. And all directions belong to God. God is neither confined in Kaaba nor is confined in any Temple. “Whichever direction you turn, there is presence of God” 2:115. “God is with you wherever you may be” 57:4. “God is closer to you than even your neck vein” 50:16. Now Question is: when God is so close to Man; then why was Prophet Mohammad in need of to take ride on that Fictitious Flying Horse Buraq in order to meet God in any remote part of Sky and bring for us five daily Namaz? If God could download a Big Book like Quran (standard pages about 600) on the heart of Prophet, then why not detail of daily Five Namaz Rituals too?

If God is closer to you than even your neck-vein; then why should you prostrate to Kaaba which is thousands km far from you? Does even one verse of Quran tell us to make Sajada toward Kaaba? No. God is so close to you 50:16, so you have to search God in your own “HOUSE”, not in Mecca!! If you will search him sincerely, and will not give up, finally you will find him nearer to you than even your neck vein 50:16. Baba Bulleh Shah, Kabir, Rumi, Mia’n Mohammad Bakhsh, Baba Freed, Muslim-Sufi Nanak, and Sultan Bahu type “Men of God” can tell you further on this subject

You know and we know that Five daily Namaz Rituals reached to we Muslims through so called Hadith of Miraj-Buraq but TRUTH is: whole tale of Miraj is a blatant forgery, and this tale has no any logical, rational and even historical base. If hadith of Miraj is Fabricated, then it means: Five daily Namaz Rituals are also fabricated because these five Rituals are integral part of Fabricated hadith of Miraj.

All historians know that Masjid-al-Aqsa which we see today in Jerusalem never existed in the life of Prophet Mohammad PBUH. It was built by Omayyad Caliphs 60 years after the death of Prophet. This proves 101% that Hadith of Miraj is Fabricated. All hadiths about Two-Qibla, and Qibla-Change are 101% Forged (forged by Imam Zuhri under pressure of Omayyad Caliphs). Does 2:142 mention name of Jerusalem? No. Our Translators badly tamper translation of verse 2:142. Fact is: 2:142 ordained people stop to worship Meccan Kaaba because God is Omnipresent 2:115. Masjid al-Aqsa which is mentioned in noble verse 17:1 have no any relation with masjid al-Aqsa which we see today in Jerusalem. Masjid al-Aqsa of 17:1 existed within Saudi Arabia a few hundred km far from Mecca, and that Masjid was present in the life of Prophet.

During life of Last Prophet, even no any Jewish Temple existed in Jerusalem. Because that Temple was demolished completely by Roman General Titus in year 70 CE, which means: about 500 years before the birth of Great Man 68:4 Mohammad PBUH.

When Quran says: from wherever you exit: turn faces to Masjid-al-haram’ that never means to pray five Rituals and prostrate toward Kaaba. That means, pay attention to Masjid-al-Haram because that is Qibla=GHQ=General headquarter of Islam (see also 10:87). We read in other verses that Turn your face to Islam. Is Islam a Cubicle Building? No. We also read: turn face to god. Does that mean: god is a Cube to be prostrated to? No. That means: Dedicate yourself to Islam, and for the cause of Allah Azza wa Jal.

Name of Mother of Caliph Harun Rashid Abbasi was Khaizrun. She is told a Zoroastrian or at least strong supporter of those Zoroastrian Bramka Ministers who worked in the Caliph-hood of Harun Rashid Abbasi. They, with Khaizrun, made a plan to blend Five Zoroastrian Namaz in Islam. So they called Persian Authors of Six Books of Sunni sects, and other Imams, and ordered them to forge hadith of Miraj. These Persian Pseudo Hadith Imams copied story of Buraq from two Zoroastrian Books Arda Viraf and Zardashtnama, and added some more juicy details, and then they fabricated a long tale of Miraj in order to blend Five Zoroastrian Namaz in Islam.

To sum up:
There is no any Namaz rituals in Deen Islam; not at all. Salat is not Namaz. Quran has made clear in 2:177 that Rituals are not a good deed but Good deed is to be a Muslim, and then live as Philanthropist
The terms Worship & Pooja-pot are only relevant to Idol worship. Word “Ya-bo-doon” in Quran is derivation of word Abeed which mean Slave. A Slave does not do pooja-pot or worship of his Malik/Owner but obeys his orders. So in order to implement on “Ya-bo-doon”; be slave of Allah and obey his all orders given in Quran. Word Sajada has many meanings such as obey, humble to, prostrate, adore, follow, bow to laws. Iblis was told to obey Adam & not to prostrate him as Jaahil Mullahs preach. Read terminology of Quran at the end of this page. Masjad is where Muslims used to gather after Wadhu (5:6) to discuss and solve problems of Muslim community as per Divine laws especially on Friday & that is called Salaat Juma > in order to discuss, how to establish Salaat>Divine System > its laws. This is why; you will not see any Mullah-made Juma-Rituals, nor their units in Quran.Quran72_18Please read in following picture, how ~50 translators has translated above-shown verse 72:18
If Allah Jalla Aala can mention complex fractional math in inheritance verses like 1/2, 1/6 etc. ; then what was difficult for Allah to tell the units of each Sunni and Shia Namaz rituals & what to read in Qayaam and Atta-Hiyaat and who is freak Mahdi & evil Dajjal? Do you know, who manufactured non-Quranic text of Atta-hiyaat and non-Quranic Drood Ibrahimi; which is Shirk to read in any Masjad 72:18? From 1200 years, more Shirkia Atta-Hiyyaat & Drood Ibrahimi we recite in Masjid; more curse drops on us. Very clearly, commandment in verse 72:18 ordains: La Tadou Ma Allah”. Mosques are only for Allah, and do not invoke any other name side-by-side with name of Allah. Atta-Hiyyaat was concocted by Shia during Abbasid Period. Sunni are big fools and do not know that many many heresies they follow, were in fact invented by Shia during Abbasid Period 750-1258 A.D. Even Shirkia Drood Ibrahimi of Atta-Hiyaat was concocted by Moiz-Doula of Persian Caspian area who later captured Baghdad and became ruler. In order to cover up forgery of whole Shirkia text of Atta-Hiyaat (Tash’had) and Drood Ibrahimi, they picked up two verses of Sura Ibrahim 14:40-41 and attached them at the end of Atta-hiyaat. Quran blasts all sects. It is great just to be a Muslim and only Muslim, and no any evil sect.DivineSystemVersesBasically there are two groups who support Zoroastrian’s Five daily Namaz rituals in different ways.

First group comprise blindly-following hadithers of all sects (Shia Sunni Salafi Wahabi etc) who has been waging war against Allah and his last Book from ~1200 years. They always degrade Quran and try to prove that Quran is incomplete Book, and (according to them) this is why they need hadith Books that Persian Zoroastrian hypocrite Imams forged 250-400 years after the death of last Prophet in order to take revenge from Muslims for their defeat because they are Muslims who dismantled their millennia Zoroastrian empire in 7th Century. Despite; Allah Jalla Aala says repeatedly in Quran that his Book is complete and fully detailed; Evil Sects-following Hadithers say: Five Namaz Rituals are not in Quran, this is not in Quran and that is not in Quran & this verse is abrogated and that verse is abrogated. During any debate; usually first question of these infidel-hadithers is:” Show us where are Five Namaz rituals in Quran?”. Their this question clearly indicates that they believe that five daily Namaz rituals are missing from complete and fully detailed Quran. According to our view point; they are the biggest Kaafirs on this planet because they throw lie on Allah and his Book. Their claim/stand about Five daily Namaz rituals is highly fragile and can be debunked easily because from our following discussion; it can be proved 100% that Salaat of Quran has NO ANY relation with Five Namaz Rituals.Second group comprise non-Sectarian Muslims; and Submitter > Follower of Impostor Rashaad Khalifa. Positive thing in them is, that they reject all hadiths-crap, and they also believe that Quran is complete and fully detailed Book of Allah and nothing is missing from it 16:89; but at the same time they contradict their own previously mentioned sound beliefs, by their assertion that Five Daily Namaz rituals exists in Quran. And they try to prove that daily Five Zoroastrian’s Namaz, from various verses of Noble Quran. But when you ask them, where are all units of all Shia Sunni Namaz rituals in Quran? Where Quran says that you should read Fatiha in Qayyam, where Quran says you should recite non-Quranic Atta-Hiayaat and Drood Ibarhmi in Five Parsi Namaz rituals; they have no any logical and rational answer. So their attempt to validate Five Zoroastrian Namaz Rituals in Islam becomes also fully absurd, nonsensical and irrational. Followers of Rashaad Khailfa also use another back-door for escape and excuse, which is, that (according to them) Five Daily Namaz Rituals are coming to us from time of Prophet Ibrahim. Then we ask them, if this is correct; show us proof from any previous scripture. And why these rituals and their units are not present in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89quran-20_52Being the final edition of all scriptures; Quran also carries forward remnant truth of all previous scriptures 5:48. If Allah can carry forward out of ten, nine commandment of Original Torah to Noble Quran; then why not so called Five Namaz Rituals and their units of Prophet Abraham too? Did Allah forget? Did Allah erred? No. My Lord neither errs nor forgets (Quran 20:52). Tenth Commandment of Torah “Sabbath” was dropped. Therefore; Sabbath is not part of finalized updated version of Islam which now exists in Noble Quran. Hence; the claim, that Five Rituals are coming from Prophet Abraham is shallow and cannot be substantiated by any member of Submitter-Cult. Let any Submitter find book of Abraham and show us where Five Namaz rituals are mentioned. Can any follower of Impostor Rashaad Khalifa show us that book? They will not find. For the sake of argument; even if they find; those will be invalid because that are not carried forward to Quran. Another example: We do not know if Stoning Rajam punishment existed in Original Torah or not but in corrupted Torah that we read now; we find punishment of Stoning. For the sake of argument; even if we believe that Rajam existed in Original Torah; then that punishment is not carried forward in Quran, so is dropped by Allah Jalla Aala (like Sabbath is dropped) and has been replaced by 100 lashes for adultery, regardless person is married or unmarried. But defeated Persian Pseudo hypo Imams copied stoning from corrupted Torah, and manufactured a fake hadith of stoning that our brain-dead Satanic Mullahs and Imam preach to their ignorant pets from centuries. Their ignorance is beyond limits. Truth is: that no any stoning punishment exists in Noble Quran for adultery regardless culprits are married or unmarried. If Allah can mention complex fractional math in inheritance verses 1/2, 1/6 etc, then what was difficult for Allah to mention method and units of each ritual?

Members of Submitter-cult are stuck to wrong track because, like hadithers, they are unable to grasp the truth that Islam is not religion but DEEN.  Even a well educated member of submitter-cult Edip has failed to grasp very important point that Islam is not Religion but Deen. No any religion is Divine but all religions are concocted by Clergy in ages. Non-Divine all Religious theocracies tell you for countless brands of manufactured rituals but sole one true path of one God “Islam” tells you in Quran 2:177 “NO RITUALS BUT PHILANTHROPY”. Due to this reason; Submitter-cult always look for some tactics to validate Five Rituals; and some Pseudo Scholars like Gavaid Jamidi also follow irrational and unsound stand of Submitter-cult. Therefore; their all such groundless claims can also be easily debunked from our following discussion. Do not forget to view two diagrams given at the bottom of this page. That two pictures will help reader to know; what is DEEN Islam, and what is Religion of Mullahs and Imams. But what is Truth and where whole paradigm shifted from? Root-cause of all ignorance among we Muslims is, that our Mullahs and Imams have been telling us from over 1200 years that Islam is a religion. This is the root-cause of all evils. Because the sole one true path of one GOD “Islam” is NEVER EVER a religion but is DEEN which mean “Divinely Prescribed Way of Life”. The major difference between the practices of Clergy-Made Religions, and DEEN is: InheritanceLawAndRitualsDEEN tells you; Please GOD by serving his creation as per Divine laws 2:177 & be mindful about GOD in all awaken conditions (Quran). So there is no any emphasis on rituals. This is why all scriptures including Quran are though not empty of rites but are empty of rituals. But “Clergy-Made-religions” which are very much influenced by two oldest religions Hinduism and Zoroastrianism, teach people countless brands of rituals. The meaning of Sajada is not only to place forehead on ground but in Arabic Sajada has many other meanings. Masjid is not place of worship but is place of Ibada which mean an Islamic community center, where, in order to establish system of Salaat, Muslims gather especially for Salaat-Juma. Salaat-Juma is not Ritual otherwise Quran could have told us what to recite in rituals and how many units are in rituals. Reader must understand, that Meditation is not a Ritual nor it has any units.  So far; in reader’s brain many questions would have been popped up. Please be patient, we will discuss all that points below: Deen_Not_ReligionPersian Conspiracy against Quran (Important)

Undoubtedly, Islam, the sole one true path of one GOD is TRUTH but vast majority of Mullahs and Imams has acted as certified disciples of Iblees from past 1200 years. That disciples of Iblees have misled Muslims more than their teacher did. Here we say in the light of commandment given in Quran 2:177, that if you have a Million Dollar surplus; and you want to spend it; then its best use is not to build a new temple but to help your poor relatives; and  others disabled, poor and needy. Read about Zoroastrian Book “Arda Viraf” at this link: Arda Viraf
Namaz_MaryBoyce1We have given numerous references in this page, like this one from Mary Boyce, just for the kind information of analytical reader; but Apart from Mary Boyce and others; we know and we believe, and every True Muslim must believe that no one is more truthful than Allah Jalla Aala; and Allah says in 10:15, 6:19, 6:114 that Prophet was bound to follow only what is given in Quran. Besides; Allah says in 12:111, 16:89 and 17:11 clearly VERY Clearly that Quran explains every thing in detail for a Muslim. If Five Rituals were part of Islam, then how Allah could forget to mention two different versions of Shia and Sunni Rituals. Where are units, what to read in Qayyaam, what to read in Atta-Hiyaat, Fard and Sunna units in Quran? If Salat of Friday was ritual, then where are units of that Ritual? If Allah can tell us complex fractional math in inheritance verses, then what was the issue to tell units of each Shia and Sunni ritual? It is very clear  in many verses of Quran that sole job of Messengers was to deliver books of Allah to people clearly 29:18. Mortal humans the Messengers were NO MORE THAN Divine Postmen. For example, a Postman comes to your door, delivers you book and takes your signature for witness that he delivered you the Book; and in case of being Divine-Postman, after delivery, he raises his index finger and say” O Allah, be witness, I have completed my Mission and have delivered your Book to people. After that, Postman goes back to his LORD. It is not duty of a True Muslim to idolize and worship Postman but to follow the Divine Book that postman delivered, Christians started to worship Eisa PBUH and we Muslims copied Christians and started to idolize Last Prophet. Read verse 25:30 and learn that last Prophet will be very pleased on that day, if you have followed Quran fully. Allah ordains us in 72:18 not to read Persian’s manufactured Atta-Hiyaat and Shia’s concocted Drood Ibrahimi in Atta-Hiyaat in Masjad, but do we care what verse 72:18 ordains? It was not duty of any Messenger of GOD to invent his own law parallel to law of Divine BOOK by inventing his own Hadith and Sunna nor any Messenger left behind any book except Book of GOD. Did Messenger leave any hadith, Sunna, Tafsir, Contexts, and Shan-e-Nazool manuscript behind? No. Did Prophet certify and verify any such manuscript? No. Allah tells Prophet Mohammad PBUH in 28:56 that “O Mohammad” You cannot guide any one but it is Allah who guides. So how Messengers could guide Shia and Sunni sects about Five Rituals? What is utility of fabricated books of hadith and Sunna in the light of verse 28:56, and 5:44, 10:15, 6:114? Quran makes clear in many verses that to obey Messenger mean to follow the Book that Messenger delivered, and in this way, you also obey Allah because Messengers were mere AGENCY of Allah. Did Messenger deliver Vedas, Purnas, Gita, Avesta, Torah, Bible (Injeel); or books of Hadiths and Sunna that Persians concocted 250-400 years after Prophet? No, No and big No. Only Quran was given to Prophet Mohammad PBUH 6:19, 10:15, 6:114, 17:12, 16:89, 12:111. Callout_3ColorMusalliFollowsSabiqReferring to terms Musalli and Sabiq used in Arabic literature 1400 years ago, we have captured a quotation below from a Book “Man versus Society in Medieval Islam” authored by Franz Rosenthal, Page 384 MusalliInLiteratureMusalli_3MusalleenFFFReferring to above-given verse 74:43, we invite all honest, intelligent and analytical brains who follow logic and rationality, that if we translate word “Musalleen (Who follow Salat) as those people who pray Five Rituals daily; then Criteria of, to get Paradise or Hell appears only and only Five Rituals. But this 100% contradicts 21:47 and all codes, ethics, and laws of Quran that tell; Good deed is not rituals but is Philanthropy 2:177. If word Musalleen of verse 74:43 is translated as “Who pray Five Rituals daily”, then that’s mean, a Criminal who killed 100 people, have raped countless women and has committed all kind of evils will go to paradise just by praying Five Rituals daily. Therefore; in NO WAY, in verse 74:43, word “daily Five Rituals” fits” but fits 100% “Who followed Divine Law”, as we have shown in a picture of two horses in this page above. Please also note that in verse 70:23 above, word “Daa’i’moon” is used which mean ALWAYS, who follow Salat (Divine Law) always; not just 5 time by non-Quranic rituals. In verse 9:103 (in 33:56 too) word “Salataka and Salle” is used as “Your Support” or your “backing to them”, as back of horse is called also Salle”; however in verse 11:87  for Prophet Shuaib, word “aSalatuka” is used as “Your system”. “Qaloo ya shuAAaybu asalatuka tamuruka”. In 17:110 it is advised not to speak too loud or too low in Gatherings of Salat, during adoring Allah, during Dua, during meditation upon God (no Rituals because no units no methods in fully detailed Quran 16:89) which is a component of System of Salat.  Quran 31:19 (Sura Luqman) “Hence, be modest in thy bearing, and lower thy voice: for, behold, the ugliest of all voices is the [loud] voice of asses”. Also see 49:2. Quran 14:40 “My Lord! Enable me and my children to establish the Divine System (in order to follow Divine Law). Our Lord! Accept my Dua. In 2:58 word “Sujjadan” is used for humble to. Callout_3Color

Five daily Namaz Rituals have no any relation with Salat of Quran Quran says, that even birds establish Salat 24:41; and the sun and the moon, and the stars and the mountains, and the trees, and the animals do Sajood to him 22:18. Do you think, birds, the sun and the moon, and the stars and the mountains, and the trees, and the animals, come in Mosque to pray Five Zoroastrian Namaz Rituals? No. They all closely follow Divine System & its laws. They obey their Creator. Quran_24_41Noble Quran 24:41 “Do you not realize that Allah, He it is Whom all beings in the heavens and the earth glorify, and the birds, with their wings outspread, as they fly in columns. All of them know their SALAT and TASBEEH (mission and strife). Allah is Aware of what they do to fulfill His Plan.”. Note: Tasbih = Strife. Tasbih also galloping of horse during race.
Galloping = Race With rhythm or rapidity, developing or progressing at an accelerated rate, progressing rapidly toward a conclusion. Our Mullahs call a “String of pearls” Tasbih. Birds fly hundreds of Kilometers but come to their nest without Google Map. Honey Bee travels ~37K miles to produce one drop of honey and knows where to return without any Google Map. Migratory birds fly from Australia / Philippine and fly thousands KM over Sea to South America without Google Map. If They lay eggs in Australia, new birds from eggs even know how to reach their parents in South America without Google Map or GPS. All praise is due to Hayy-ul-Qayyoom who has educated these birds in their mission and strife.Arabic is very big language and one word of Arabic could have many many meanings. The person who have read whole Quran from start to end and knows Arabic to its roots, knows well that what version of meaning is to be used in Certain Sentence. For example: in Arabic meaning of “Daraba” can be TO BEAT, to harm or strike but in Arabic if someone tells other Person to dial for me this phone number, he will say “Udrab (Root is Daraba) haaza raqam ili”. That mean, dial a phone number for me. So here its does not mean that he is telling you to take a stick and start to beat telephone. Just for camel, in Arabic there are about 5000 words. In same way Sajda has many many meaning in Arabic. Some are as under: Some Meaning of Sajdah in Arabic:

Prostration; Complete submission; Willful obedience; Utter humility; Adoration; Utmost commitment to Divine cause; Humbling one’s own self. Now let read Quranic verse 55:6 in which word Sajada is used: Quran55_OnlyVerseOur Mullahs translate it as: “The stars and trees prostrate (Do Sajda) before Him”. Now we ask reader, have you ever seen any Tree and star prostrating on their foreheads on ground? Have they any forehead? If reader is not a brain-bent idiotic fanatic, for sure, he/she will say – NO. Here again in verse 55:6, clearly, meaning of Sajada is “To obey Divine laws” & not to put forehead on ground because neither Trees nor Stars has foreheads nor they have to come in Masjid of Ibleesian Mufti Popal-Zai to prostrate. Therefore, the true translation of verse 55:6 will be: “The Stars and the Trees submit to His designs;, or And the stemless plants and the trees humbly submit (to His will); or The stars and the trees all adore Him (and follow His Laws).” So, same was told by Allah to Iblees/Satan in the case of Adam because when we read whole Quran about Shirk, this points becomes clear. Following is verse of Noble Quran 22:18 which uses word Yasjodo which is another derivation of word Sajada. Quran22_18_OnlyVerseQuran 22:18 “Don’t you see that all things and beings in the heavens and in the earth, the sun and the moon, and the stars and the mountains, and the trees, and the animals, and a great many human beings pay adoration (Yasjodo) to Allah? And there are a great many human beings who make themselves worthy of Requital. And those whom the Divine Law shall disgrace, none can raise them to honor. For, Allah carries out all actions according to His Laws.”

Physical Movements of Body parts and physical prostration in Rituals: Throughout mankind kind history, Worship of Idols remained a religious component in different pagan societies. So people used to consider an Idol, as god, and used to prostrate to those Idols physically when that Idols were in front of them or visible to them. We have also read that before landing of Quran, Pagan Arabs used to prostrate and worship their Idols. Even inside Kaaba/Cube they had placed many Idols. So during Rituals they used to Prostrate toward Cube which is made of Bricks and Mortar. If we read that Arabic poetry books which existed before landing of Quran, it clearly appears from that Poetry, that Pagan Arabs were very much impressed from Hindu Practices in India. One Arab Poet has even admired India like we Muslims today admire lands of Mecca and Madina. So there is no doubt that some practices of Pre-Islamic Arab Pagans were imported from Indian Hindus. They also copied physical prostration from Hindu Idol worship. Seven rounds around Meccan Cube during Hajj are also copied from Hindus. Hindu frequently make seven rounds in their many rites. Even in Hindu Marriage, Man & woman walk seven rounds around a Fire. Nowhere Noble Quran ordains us for this kind of seven rounds around Cube. Also nowhere Quran ordains to kiss black stone called Hajar Aswad. From Quran, word Ibada never mean to worship and prostrate like Idol worshipers. Connotation of word Ibada is linked with word Abeed/Abd which mean a Slave. And a Slave=Abeed=Abd obeys commands of his master. In same way, Ibada mean to obey Allah Jalla Aala by obeying his commandments which are now finalized in Noble Quran. In Quran it is crystal clear from many verses especially from 55:6 and 22:18 that meaning of Sajada is never physical prostration but to submit to, humble to commandments of God.

Physical Prostration make sense only for Idols which are located at one place in front of worshipers. But Quran makes 100% Clear in many verses that God is present everywhere. God is Omnipresent. So, due to his Omnipresence; physical prostration does not make any sense. Especially physical prostration in one direction and to one specific building is not different from Idol worship. Because We Muslims are following 5 Zoroastrian Namaz Rituals from 1200 years; so now that religious concoction is infused in each cell of our blood, and we are unable to digest actual truth of Quran. Quran 2:115 makes VERY VERY Clear; that because God is Omnipresent; because “wherever you turn, there is presence of God”, so you do not need to face any direction in Rituals nor physical movements. In Quran 2:142, Quran clearly forbade Muslims to face Cube in Rituals and Quran declared in 2:142 those people, Fools who say: Why God has forbade us facing Cube but hypocrites manufactured false hadiths to show there were two Qibla, one in Palestine and one in Mecca. This is the Greatest lie of Universe because in life of Prophet neither any Masjid Aqasa nor any Jewish temple existed in Jerusalem. Masjad Aqsa was built there 60 years after the death of Prophet, and Jewish temple was erased 500 years before the birth of Prophet Mohammad, by Romans. Quran 17:1 uses word aqsa which mean remote “Remote Mosque” which was nowhere but in Madina at that time; Remote from Mecca. Hadith of Miraaj is blatant forgery which was fabricated to blend 5 Zoroastrian Namaz Rituals in Islam in 8th Century during era of Abbasid Caliph Haroon Rasheed. In Quran word Salat have different meaning in different verses but never its mean any kind of Ritual with physical movements. You can pray to GOD by Dua without movement of body. You can sit anywhere at any direction and make dua to Allah. That’s it.

Quran 2:177 drives final nail in the coffin-box of Ritualists when verse says: It is never a Good deed to turn your face toward Qibla to East or West but Good deed is to have Right Faith and be a Philanthropist. Ritualists give reference of Hadiths to validate their Rituals but Prophet left behind no any extra-Quranic hadiths. All Extra-Quranic Hadiths are fabricated stories. We cannot build our faith on hearsay and fabrications. If Salat was really Rituals, Quran could have told us methods of body movements and also units of each Ritual, and also except two verses of Sura Ibrahim, whole text of Tashahud Atta-Hiyaat is not present in Quran. It was forged by Rulers of Shia sect. In early Islam, Masjid used to be without Mehrab that faces Mecca. Masjid used to be only a Muslim Community Center, for Salat Meetings and for adoration of God but never for Rituals with Physical movements and physical Prostration. All stories in hadiths which show Prophet and his Companion prayed Rituals, were fabricated by a plan in order to validate 5 Zoroastrian Ritual. In Quran, God told Prophet Moses to take a few houses from Egypt and turn those houses into Qibla. This never mean that GOD told Moses now you start physically to Prostrate to that Egyptian houses which Moses converted into Qibla. Meaning of Qibla here is clearly to make a Center to preach Divine Message. In same way Quran told Last Prophet to take Masjid Haraam as Center/capital to preach Divine Message. Quran ordains Hajj and Umra which is simple and a little more than to pay a visit to Masjid-al-Haraam. Please also note that rite of “Talbiya” Labaik Labaik during Hajj also came from Pre-Islamic era. Quran never ordains such Talbiya. Purpose of Hajj and Umra is never to search and locate God in Mecca but is to commemorate works of Prophet Ibrahim who was also Friend of God. Quran uses word “Siddiqan-Nabiya”. During Hajj and Umra, a Muslim should follow only those rites of Hajja and Umra which are given in Quran. All extra-Quranic rites are not part of Islamic Hajj.According to our Research, praying 5 Zoroastrian Namaz Rituals, and physically Prostrating to Meccan Cube is an idolatry. It is Pre-Islamic practice of Idolaters which Quran clearly forbade in many verses especially in 2:115, 2:142 and 2:177 but After death of Prophet, Group of idolaters/hypocrites (10:15) took over and resumed idolatry, and substituted their old pre-Islamic idolatry practice by 5 Zoroastrian Namaz Rituals which were blended in Islam in 8th Century during Abbasid era at Gov level. That Forgery was validated by forging Hadith of Miraaj.

Please note: if through Quran’s own Tasreef, we precisely analyze all those verses which are relevant to Hajj directly and indirectly; it becomes quite clear that four sacred months are also months of Hajj, and names of those four sacred months are 9th (Ramadan), 10th Shawwal, 11th Dhu al-Qa’da, and 12th Dhu al-Ḥijja. But what we see in fabricated hadiths books; that is concoction of hypocrites which is mentioned in verse 9:37. Those hypocrites changed original scared months. During Hajj, there becomes stamped several times which has so far killed thousands of Pilgrims. This problem of stampede can be solved if relevant authorities conduct Hajj two to four times during four sacred months. According to Quran, Hajj season starts on First Ramadan, and Hajj of that first day is “Hajj al-Akbar”

God forbids in many verses of Quran not to follow others blindly, and even God declared that kind of blind followers “worst beast” on planet; and intellectually, such kind of blind followers are even worse than cattle 8:22, 7:179 but Fact is: by nature, Humans are Sheeple; and majority is of blind followers because to follow Clergy blindly is much easier than to investigate a matter and then reach to truth. Water always flows to easy path. In same way, Human mind usually follows Easy way. To follow Clergy blindly is an easy way but to spend days and months in investigation of a certain topic is, comparatively difficult Job. People who know the right answer of a Question: Who is God and what are God’s attribute; they will laugh on Physical Rituals like 5 Zoro Namaz. They will know very well that Physical 5 Namaz Rituals are just an other extension of Idol worship; because God is Omnipresent, and is independent of directions and locations. God is with you wherever you may be 2:115, 2:142, 2:177, 50:16, 57:4, 58:7, 24:35, 2:255, 56:83…85, 42:11. Therefore; You can make Dua or can talk to God any time when you are laying on bed or you are walking or you are working or you are in any temple or you are outside the temple. Your success is in following all ethics codes and laws of last testament of God “Quran. At beginning, Mosques were Muslim Community Centers and to adore God/to meditate upon God, but never for directional Physical 5 Zoro Namaz Rituals. “Even old mosques used to have no any Mehraab (Niche) toward Mecca; Mehraab in Mosques is a Bid’ah/Innovation (Albani)”. You can read full references of Albani in our page “What is Quranic Salat?

But many people then ask: If Masjid was not a ritual center, but was Community Center and for adoration/meditation upon God; then why name of this building is Masjid because word Masjid is derived from word Sajadah. But that questioners do not understand Quran only by Quran. First of all, majority of Muslims never understand whole Quran in their life, and even who understand Quran fully, they never understand Quran only by Quran. They try to understand Infallible Book of Infallible GOD with the help of fallible books of fallible humans. Does it make any sense! No. So what is result then? Result is: They never understand Quran correctly in their whole life because when you try to understand Quran through man-made stuff; that man-made stuff influences your brain, and might take you far from real meanings of certain Quranic term/verse. Standalone Quran is Self-explanatory. Quran fully explains itself by its own built-in Tasreef 18:54, Tafseel 6:114, and built-in Tafseer 25:33. When we understand Quran only by Quran; it becomes Crystal Clear that in Quran, meaning of Sajadah is never Physical Prostration, never to place forehead on ground (an extension of Idol Worship) but meaning of Sajadah in Quran is “To humble to Divine Law”. Quran tells us in 22:18 and 55:6 that even Stars and Mountains do Sajadah. Now, do Stars and Mountains enter in any Mosque and place forehead on ground? No. Have Stars and Mountains even their foreheads? No. We have discussed meaning of Quranic Sajadah in detail in our page “What is Quranic Salat”? So Masjid is: Where Muslims solve their Problems as Per Divine laws/Humbling to (Sajadah/Masajid) Divine laws. And they also adore God; meditate upon God without any special physical movements, drill and directions. Ignorance of a Cult called “Submitters”:” A Dogmatic Gang called themselves “Submitters” the followers of False-Messenger Rashaad Khaleefa tries to validate their Idol Worship=“5 Zoroastrian Namaz” by totally lame, illogical, irrational, and nonsensical arguments. Some time they say: Abraham prayed 5 Rituals but they do not have any substantial Proof of their claim. Fact is: Abraham was not an Idol Worshiper who will physically Prostrate to Cube of Cement and Bricks. For the sake of argument, even if he had prayed that kind of 5 Rituals; being final edition of all Scriptures, Quran was supposed to carry forward full detail of his all Five Rituals. Allah says: His Quran is complete and explains every things for Muslims 12:111, 16:89, 17:12, 6:114. So where is detail of that 3 or 5 Rituals? Besides; Prophet Abraham lived thousands years before the forgery of Hadith of Miraaj; and all Muslims know that Five Namaz Rituals were validated by Sunni and Shia sects through forged Hadith of Miraaj. Quran tells: Even birds follow Salat 24:41; and birds were living on this planet before Abraham. So how did birds pray 5 Rituals before Abraham, and now? In which mosque bird fly in to place their forehead on ground after reading Fatiha? Where does Quran say: We have 4 Fard for Dhuhar, 4 for Asar, 3 for Maghrab, 4 for Isha and 2 for Fajar? Where Quran tells to read this and that Arabic text in Physical Raku and Physical Sujood? Where is in Quran text of Tashahhud and Drood Ibrahimi? This Submitter cult claims: Like their Ignorant False Messenger Rashaad Khaleefa, they too are Champions of Quran but these brain-dead Ignorant even do not know what is meaning of Ruku and Sujud in Quran; despite Quran makes it very clear that meaning of these terms is not to make physical drill but to humble to Divine Law.

Quran tells: Stars and Mountains also do Sujud. Can any Ritual-Lover or any Ignorant Submitter tell us: In which Masjid Mountain and Stars do Sujud? Have Mountains and Stars even any forehead which they will place on ground? Do Birds, Animals, Moon, Sun, Mountains and Stars which existed before landing of Quran, recite Fatiha, Subhana-Rabbi-Yal-Azeem, and Subhana-Rabbi-Yal-Aala after placing their foreheads on ground in any Mosque 22:18? This our argument fully debunks claim of Submitters and all other Ritual-Lovers. Like Ignorant hadithers, these Idiot Submitters do not understand that God is not sitting in one Cube or in any one direction but God is Omnipresent, and is closer to man than his neck-vein. So God is independent of Directions, Locations, and Physical drills 2:115, 2:142, 2:177, 50:16, 57:4, 58:7, 24:35, 2:255, 56:83…85, 42:11. You can talk to God any time in any direction without doing a Physical drill of 5 Rituals. Physical Prostration make sense only if GOD is sitting in Meccan Cube only, and at specific Angle only to be detected by compass; and when you are flying in Plane, then?. Without any doubt, physical prostration is an extension of Idol-worship. Rarely to fall non-directionally on own face for humility is not Ritual. Hindu place Idols in their front, so they prostrate Idols Physically. Omnipresent GOD is everywhere and also is present outside and inside of every Submitter.

So should now Submitters Physically Prostrate to their hearts? Can they do so? Prophet Isa was also a Great Mystic. This is why: he said: Shut the door of your Room and sit at quiet place, and talk to God; that’s it. You need no Yoga or Drill in Rituals. Quran makes very clear in 2:177, 2:115 that Rituals Facing Qibla are not a Good deed but after embracing Islam, good deed is Philanthropy. Neither Quran nor any previous scripture mentions any Physical Drill type Rituals. What Rituals Yahood pray are not from Torah but are made up by their Mullahs called Rabbis (by Sanhedrin). And what this same Sanhedrin says about Jesus and his Pious Mother Mary!; we cannot post here. We can only say: AstaghFirAllah. Meaning of Arabic word “Ibada or Ya’bo’doon is never worship but to obey. Word Ibada has root in word Abd=Servant like name Abd-Allah (Servant of God, not worshipper of God). Word worship applies to Idols only. Quran is so clear but people do not ponder. Just read verse 2:213 which tells what was PURPOSE behind sending Prophets with Scriptures to mankind Quran 2:213 Mankind were one community, and Allah sent (unto them) Prophets as bearers of good tidings and as warners, and revealed therewith the Scripture with the truth that it might judge between mankind concerning that wherein they differed… So verse makes clear that Prophets/Scripture were sent to judge disputes of People as per Divine law. Does verse say: Prophet/Scriptures were sent to teach People five Zoroastrian Namaz Rituals? No. This is why: we always say: Quran is not a book of Rituals, Mullahs, and Theocracy but Quran is Book of Divine Sociology; and so Islam the sole one True path of One GOD 3:19, 3:85 is never a Religion (Theocracy full of countless Rituals) but is DEEN, which mean “Divinely Prescribed Way of Life”=Divine Sociology. This is why: God says in Quran 2:177: Rituals are not a Good deed but Good deed is Philanthropy because not rituals but philanthropy is backbone of a Righteous Society. For further detail, please read this out page fully without skipping any line.

After exposing forgery of Hadiths of Qiblatain at page 47, Professor Alfred Guillaume has written about Role of Mosque in early Islam on Page 39:

Indeed, the role played by the mosque itself in the early days of the Islamic empire was radically different from that of later times. At first it served the purpose of a town hall or council chamber. The Umayyads took counsel with their advisers and transacted their public business in the mosque, not in their palaces”
(Reference: The Traditions of Islam, An introduction to the study of the Hadith literature, by Alfred Guillaume).

Alfred Guillaume DD (8 November 1888 – 30 November 1965) was a British Arabist, scholar of Islam and Hebrew Bible / Old Testament scholar. Guillaume was born in Edmonton, Middlesex, the son of Alfred Guillaume. He took up Arabic after studying Theology and Oriental Languages at the Wadham College, Oxford. In the First World War, he served in France and then in the Arab Bureau in Cairo. Guillaume was a Christian and later ordained.

He became Professor of Arabic and the Head of the Department of the Near and Middle East in the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), in the University of London. He was later Visiting Professor of Arabic at Princeton University, New Jersey. He was a professor of Hebrew at Durham University from 1920-30.[1]

In the winter 1944-45, during the Second World War the British Council invited him to accept a visiting professorship at the American University of Beirut where he greatly enlarged his circle of Muslim friends. The Arab Academy of Damascus (1949) and the Royal Academy of Baghdad (1950) honoured him by electing him to their number, and the University of Istanbul chose him as their first foreign lecturer on Christian and Islamic theology. In the Autumn of 1945, Guillaume succeeded his friend S. H. Hooke on the Samuel Davidson chair at the University of London, changing to the chair in Arabic in 1947 (at SOAS),[2] and was also a professor of Hebrew from 1947–55. In 1955, Guillaume served as president to the Society for Old Testament Study.[1]

He died in Wallingford, Berkshire, age 77. In 1916, he married Margaret Woodfield Leadbitter, daughter of Rev. William Oram Leadbitter, and they had two sons and two daughters.

From centuries, Authors has been quoting references of books which were authored before their life time. Though following very old Reference/books are not easily available today, but Authors has been quoting these references from one generation to next and next. This shows: There was a time when that references really existed. Dr. Shabbir Ahmed M.D. says: copy of that references are still present in a Turkish Museum or at some other special places but reach of general public is not allowed because that reference bulldoze Clergy-Made dogma which majority follows today. From following references, one famous personality of Islamic history Hasan al-Basri (642-728 A.D.) is quoted: saying: That Ijtamah of Salat used to have no rituals. Usually on Friday, Ijtama of Salat used to start in Masjid just like today we start an Islamic conference or Symposium where, at the beginning, one person stands up, and will recite Sura Fatiha or any other Sura or verse of Quran, and then regular meeting starts to discuss and solve community problems. There was no any so called Tashahud (Atta-Hiyyat) and Physical Raku or Physical Sajadah in that Ijtamah of Salat. Clearly that was in no way a Ritual like Namaz of today. About physical prostration, also think how birds and other creatures would conduct their Namaz.

(Ref: 1. ‘Azwaaj-in-Nabi wal-Ashaab’, by Hammad bin Hakam in 94 AH, 210 years before Tareekh Tabari. 2. ‘Kitab-e-Dalail-e-Nabawwut Syedna Muhammad’ by Abdul Jabbar Fatimi, written in 130 AH, 150 years before Tabari, the first ever ‘canonized historian). 

A Sister asked us: How should we thank God!
Very strange! you are visiting a city fist time, and you failed to locate a road/street. You ask a Person: Sir: where is Street# 110. Person tells you: Next one is, Street# 110. Then you answer him: Thank you Sir. O dear: You know how to thank a man but know not, how to thank GOD! You can adore and thank God any time anywhere i.e. when you are riding a Bus, Car, Ship or a Plane. You can adore him and thank him even when you are in a deep vale or at the peak of a Mountain. You can talk to him when you are walking, working, or lying down in your bed or you are in a Temple or at home. Adore him, thank him for grants HU has showered upon you. Ask him for help, and make Dua for to be healed from sickness. The Best Duas are Duas of Quran. It is very important: You must stand sincere with him. Ask him forgiveness and repent for your sins, and give him a oath sincerely: that you will not commit that sin again. Ask him for protection and guidance on every step even if you are opening a rusty nut/bolt. God is Omnipresent and closer to you than your neck-vein and listens your each word and each Dua. Just talk to him any time. It is so easy and straight, as God is always with you wherever you may be 2:115, 2:142, 2:177, 50:16, 57:3-4, 58:7, 24:35, 2:255, 56:83…85, 42:11, 2:186, 6:103.

And also know: When you are following ethics, codes, and laws of last Book of God “Quran”, you are automatically obeying God by humbling to his laws. You are automatically performing that duty which is assigned to you by GOD during test in earthy life, and therefore; in this way, you are approaching to get pass marks in test. There is no shortage of silly stupid morons on this plant. One asked: Can he adore him in toilet? It is matter of basic common sense; and answer is: No. If HU gives you sweat melon, thank him, and if gives you a bitter, never complain; as it could be your test how you behave in this condition. If you  remember him in Joy and happiness, then why sorrow should come in your life! Always be mindful about your Creator. Think about his Greatness and marvels in whole universe. In a piece of land, if you sow 500 kinds of different fruit plants; all will grow with different shape and different taste, despite same clay and same water to irrigate. Do you not wonder! Should Atheists go to Jupiter and grow such plants and fruits!
Narrated Abu Huraira (King of Hadith Forgers): Allah’s Messenger said, “When the Adhan (Call of prayer) is pronounced, Satan takes to his heels and passes wind (farts) with noise during his flight in order not to hear the Adhan. (Zoro Bukhari) – Reference: (http://sunnah.com/bukhari/10/6) . Note: At one time, there are thousands of Calls for prayers all over the globe. That mean, Satan of Joker Bukhari is farting in front of each mosque at same time. We think, that Ozone layer is not being damaged by CFC gases but from non-stop Farting of Satan of Bukhari. But Mentally paralyzed hadithers believe every thing that is stuffed in that all fabricated hadith books which Prophet never certified.

How Non-Quranic Adhan /Azan / Call of Prayer evolved?
Zoro Persians with Millennia experience in forgeries, were professional forgers. After blending Zoroastrian Rituals in Islam in 8th century, they planned to inject in, now the call for Rituals. So they backed up that forgery by many concocted hadiths. Please read below what that hadiths tell us:

1– Muslim were not aware what to do, so some suggested, in order to call Muslims for Salat, they should lit Fire like Zoroastrians.
2– But Prophet suggested, we should use a big horn (Like Jews) but later he changed mind and said: Bell will be fine, so bell (Like Church) was made and used for Call of Salat.
3– Some Other Dreams-Mongers also Suggested to use Bell like Christians.
4– Prophet thought that some people should shout from the top of forts to call people for Salat
5– One man said, in dream, he has seen a Person in green clothes and he told him this and that type of Call for Salat. Other people also came with their dreams and Prophet said to one person: your dream seems fit for call of Salat (Could he depend on dreams and suggestions, instead of Wahi 10:15?)
6– When Muslims came to Madina, they were not aware, how to call people for Salat. Some suggested bell, like Church, other suggested a horn like Jews but Umar said this and that will be ok
A point of commonsense, logic, and rationality:
Note: In such a big confusion and controversy about call of prayer (as appears above); If Adhan was part of Islam, then: was it difficult for Allah Aala to send text of Adhan/Azhan to Prophet Mohammad through Wahi? If Allah can send a big book like Noble Quran; then what was difficulty in sending one line of Adhan/Azan, Mahdi, Dajjal and Units of Shia and Sunni rituals through Wahi? Answer is: Islam is neither Theocracy nor a Clergy-manufactured Ritualistic Theocratic Religion but Islam is DEEN the sole one True Path of One God. Deen = Divinely prescribed way of life and its core message is not rituals but to have Right faith, mindfulness of God, to follow Divine Law, and Philanthropy >> Quran 2:177.
Reader can read a.m Hadiths (we say it gossip) at following links:
http://sunnah.com/search/?q=adhan Also know that the word Iba’daat is from Ibada and Ibada has roots in Abeed. In Arabic, Abeed mean a Slave. Does a Slave worship his owner, or a slave obeys all orders of his owner? Of Course, a slave never worship but obey orders. So Ibada never mean worship rituals but to obey the orders of his real owner Malik Allah Jalla Aala. Ibada is to obey all Divine Laws of Allah finalized in his last Book Quran. This is why Complete and fully detailed Quran is empty of all kinds of rituals such as daily Five Zoroastrian Namaz Rituals, funeral rituals and Eid rituals etc are all fabrications forged during Pro-Zoroastrian Abbasid Period 750-1258 A.D. Rituals and other modes of worship are of Hindus and Majoosi Zoroastrians. To please Allah, serve his creation [Quran 2:177]. Verse 2:177 blasts rituals when it says Laisa Birra. IT IS NEVER A GOOD DEED THAT YOU TURN YOUR FACE TO EAST OR WEST but Good deed is to help poor needy disabled.

Quran says, that Salaat was established by all Prophets. But you know and we know that Five Daily Namaz were received thru forged hadith of Miraaj. But all previous Prophets who also established Salaat passed away thousands years before our last beloved Prophet Mohammad The Exalted. In Quranic verse 2:83 and 5:12 Bani-Israel were ordained to establish-Salaat. In 14:37 and 14:40 Prophet Ibrahim talked for the establishment of Salaat. In 19:31 Prophet Isa/Jesus talked about Salaat, and Harun & Moses established Salaat. This all confirms that Salaat of Quran is NEVER EVER Five Namaz rituals that we received through forgery of hadith of Miraaj. This is the reason Complete Quran does not tell you units of any rituals because Salaat is not Five rituals at all. We will discuss below, why and how Hadith of Miraaj was forged? So far, we have given you irrefutable proof that Salaat of Quran has no any relation with Five Namaz Rituals, as Salaat existed even thousands years before the incidence of Miraaj, and Stars & birds also establish Salaat; but Five Naamz rituals were made-up through forgery of hadith of Miraaj.Quran tells that Allah is closer to person than his neck-vein and wherever you turn your face, is presence of Allah. That clearly shows that Allah is Omniscient and Omnipresent. Take, as concept/parable of a Sphere that has no circumferential limits. In sphere are 360 degrees. So Sphere is direction-less. Therefore; if you want to prostrate him by placing forehead on ground, which direction will you take? Your physical prostration cannot be confined to a certain degree of circular Sphere because sphere is directionless. Allah is everywhere and his throne is extended to all spaces (Ayt-ul-Kursi). You have rationality and logic to place your forehead at ground to a specific direction, only and only, if Allah Jalla Aala lives in a confined place such as any Five Star Villa in heavens (AstaghFirAllah). But Quran tells, Allah is Omnipresent, HU is everywhere and anywhere. Try to digest this point if you can. If you digest it; you might realize the truth.

Noble Quran neither contains Five Zoroastrian Namaz Rituals nor it tells to perform five rituals by taking direction of Qibla. Mullahs and sectarian translators twist meanings of relevant verses by placing their own comments in brackets inside translations. Relevant verse says: to take Qibla as Center of Islam. An Head Quarter, Focal point/UNO for whole world. Truth is, that verse 2:177 makes as clear as Sun in the Sky that to perform Rituals by taking directions of East and West is useless, but fruitful good deed is Philanthropy after having right faith , 2177, 4:136.  About word Sajada, someone has discussed it in depth at:

Another great page that every Muslim; and non-Muslim Theologians must reading before the study of Noble Quran. It is Symbolism and Allegory in Glorious Quran – A must info for Beginner-Reader of Quran

We can read following verses that reconfirm again the point being discussed.

Quran 2:115 “To Allah belong the east and the West: Whither-soever ye turn, there is the presence of Allah. For Allah is all-Pervading, all-Knowing.”

Quran 6:103 “No human vision can encompass Him, whereas He encompasses all human vision: for He alone is unfathomable, all-aware.”

Quran 42:11 “…… there is nothing like unto Him, and He alone is all-hearing, all-seeing”

Quran 24:35 GOD is the Light of the heavens and the earth, Parable of his light is…..(please read full verse).

Quran 2:255 … HU is encompassing every thing and …His thrown is extended to all spaces (please read full verse)

Quran 67:13 “GOD knows about your all secrets…”

Quran 50:16 “NOW, VERILY, it is We who have created man, and We know what his innermost self whispers within him: for We are closer to him than his neck-vein

Quran 56:83-84-85 We are closer to person than you, but you see us not

Quran 58:7 God is present in every meeting when one or more than one person are confabulating……

Reader is suggested to ready our this page: God is Omnipresent, at:

This our ongoing rational discussion fully debunks non-Quranic Rituals; and 2:177 confirms it again.
Fareed said: When I reached to a position (spiritual), I saw down and saw fire(noor) in every home; HU was everywhere. Kabir says: musk is in Deer but Deer does not see it and wanders for grass, Bullah Shah says: Do not try to catch things flying in sky but catch him who is sitting right in your own home. Rumi says: Never think, you are alone because whole universe is within you, this is why Darwaish of Rumi encircle around their own body, and light is one but are many lamps. Same point when Mansoor Hallaaj told, he was cut into pieces, hanged and then burned into ashes by Government Clergy. Isa son of Mary said: Kingdom of GOD is within You, History tells, Prophet Mohammad said, paradise and hell is closer to you than the laces of your shoes. Three wise Men of GOD in same time era ~2500 B.C, Confucius, Siddhartha Buddha and Socrates said almost same. People who say: Buddha, Socrates and Confucius did not believe in God, are idiotic ignorant. We have studied them in depth, and there is no any doubt that they were men of God addressing GOD by TRUTH (Al-Haque), One Reality, and Tao. Their followers corrupted their teachings like Christians corrupted teachings of Son of Mary, burned Original Aramaic/Syriac Gospel, and invented Mark Mathew Luke and John.


However we want to make one thing very clear especially to our Hindu readers, that Pitcher full of Ocean-water is floating in Ocean. Pitcher is full of water and is surrounded by water; yet Pitcher is not Ocean and Ocean is not Pitcher. Therefore; never say, Man is God, but Man is Creation of GOD. ONE GOD Omnipresent Omniscient is Creator and Sustainer of all Creations. In Masjid, in Ijtama of Salat, study Quran, teach Quran, lecture Quran, bow to (yasjodo) laws and Commands of Almighty, adore him (Yasjodo), and solve all community problems in the light of Quranic laws. Take care of poor, your seniors, parents, needy, disabled, unemployed, who is under crushing debt, who needs assistance, find out your poor relatives and help them and that all actions are defined as GOOD DEED in 2:177. In this way, make your State like a welfare Islamic State that existed before 722 A.D. In fact, thank your Lord in your each breath in all awaken conditions, not necessarily by tongue but by mind, be mindful of him. By tons of different brands of Non-Quranic rituals of countless sects, we are failed to make our society a welfare Society. We are split into countless sects. We are praying many brands of Non-Quranic rituals, yet always fighting each other all over the Globe, despite Quran says, who makes sects is out of Islam 6:159 and for sect followers, hell is waiting 3:103-105. Allah named all True believers from Adam to Mohammad only Muslim and just Muslim 22:78. No any sect. Callout_3ColorunitsoffivenamazWe ask but only a reader who has healthy brain and who is not blindly-following fanatic; In following Picture, if clay-made (18:110) Pitcher wants to reach to Ocean, will that Pitcher need a flying donkey Buraq to reach to Ocean? No. Because Ocean is nearer to Pitcher than its Neck-vein. If that Pitcher survives death on Cross 4:157, and ~ 90 years later, he want to reach to Ocean by natural death (5:116-117); will he need any stealth Jet fighter to reach to Ocean, and want to sit at the right hand of Ocean (As Church tells us and depicts that GOD has right-hand like we humans)? No. “Nothing is like him 42:11”. Clergy has fabricated countless fables, and we humans follow that fables from centuries but why? Because, by nature, we humans are sheeple. Because water flows to easy path. To follow others blindly is much easier way than to do own investigation about any disputed matter as it needs tons of labor, inquiry, investigation, and research. We humans can spend hours and days on video games on smartphones but we have no time for that kind of research and inquiry.PitcherInOceanWill Impostor Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani jump back into his already broken pitcher, as a fake Mahdi and Masih Ma’uood? No. Never. Quran tells, Pitcher-Dwellers never return to their pitchers once their pitchers are broken until the day of resurrection. O Friend: Before death and after death, you are with GOD. Before death, you exist before invisible immaterial barrier (Barzakh) but after death, you cross the barrier and live on other side of barrier. On one side of barrier is our temporarily transient Material world, a lab to test how we behave. That Material world is only the world of brain-bent Atheists. On the other side of barrier is immortal Spiritual Realm which is your actual home from where you were sent to earth via womb of your mother. Do not think about test-tube. In that case, Test tube is also another kind of womb. Basic process is same. To cross that barrier, one does not need any flying donkey Buraq or a train or horse or flying jet. It is just like your home-light toggle switch. Either it is off (when on earth) or it is ON (when across the barrier). When switch is in on position, you will be able to see even those things that were hidden in darkness.TrinityDualityTouheed3When living on earth, you can have glimpse of after Barrier immortal world of Spiritual Realm, provided, you die before death. “To die before death” is another big subject. You can know it by your own research or You can have some classes with Rumi, Bullah Shah, Baba Farid, Mian Mohammad Bakhsh but take care; follow only best part 39:18 and best part is that part, which passes through filters of Noble Quran. An example: When Ghazali talks sense, we accept it but when Ghazali says: 2nd Caliph Omar Khattaab used to break his fast by having sex with two slave girls, we throw it in garbage basket, as it is an evident lie based on Arab and Persian races tussle. Ghazali a Persian and Omar an Arab. Just like we reject the lie of Persian Parsi Bukhari when he says: Prophet (68:4) married a six years girl when he was 53 years, as It contradicts 68:4 and laws of Quran, and has been proved that all 11 narrators of that report were Shia, nine from Koofa and two from Basra Iraq. Shia sect abuses Abu Bakar, Omar, Uthman and Aisha RA. Read our special page on this subject. Another example; Ibn Arabi has written great books but when he validates Hindu’s Idol-Worship; we throw that his crap on his face. As translators of Quran, we rate high Allama Mohammad Asad, yet he has some oversight in his work. We rate high translation of Dr Shabbir Ahmed M.D. and Allama Ghulam Ahmed Perwaiz but even that both men has grossly exaggerated in topics of miracles, Jinn, Angels and destiny. We all humans are fallible and we make mistakes. We also advise you; never accept what we write unless it satisfies your reason and common sense, and passes successfully through filters, set by last Book of Allah “Glorious Quran”. We blast blind following and we talk with reason, logic and rationality, as Book of Allah commands us to do so.

We all know that When someone is extra-ordinary angry, probability for abuse becomes higher. In same way, after finding a treasure suddenly, a mystic becomes extra-ordinary joyful (whole Ocean in a cup), he could also speak some rare silly things, and that what happens with most of mystics. In this situation, a Wise, need Al-Furqan that separates Baatil from Haqq,

Quran41_37Read verse 41:37 carefully. In this verse after Sajada to Allah, word “Ta’bo’doon” is also used at end. It is beauty of Noble Quran that it explains itself. In this verse, word “Ta’bo’doom” confirms the meaning of “Sajada to Allah” which is Ibada>Ibadat>Ma’bood>Ya’bo’doon>Ta’bo’doon>Abad>Abeed=Slave. And a Slave OBEYS ORDERS of his Lord. Therefore verse 41:37 is:

Quran 41:37 “And of His signs are the night and day and the sun and moon. Do not adore/bow to the sun or to the moon, but obey (Ta’bo’doon) Allah , who created them, if it should be Him that you obey (Ta’bo’doon).” — To obey Allah and Rasool means to obey and follow Divine Laws given in BOOK of Allah 10:15, 6;114, 39:23, 69:40, 47:2, 28:56, 3:80, 3:20.

Dr. Shabbir Ahmed M.D translated verse 41:37 as:

“(Divine Laws help you journey through life in great balance as you see in the Nature). Now among His Signs are the night and the day as well as the sun and the moon. Adore neither the sun nor the moon, but adore Allah Who created them, if it is Him you wish to serve.”

Allama Ghulam Perwaiz translated verse 41:37 as under:

“(Quran 41:37) If you want to understand the way life is blessed and balanced by obeying the divine laws, just take a look at the cosmic bodies. Ponder how night and day appear one after the other according to an unalterable law; and how the sun and the moon revolve according to a fixed law. (You will observe that there is no disorder in the universal system. This is the result of obeying the divine law.)

This example also makes it clear that the moon and the sun do not have any intrinsic power. There is no basis for human beings to start considering them to be deities and start bowing to them. (This will simply be superstition.) Both the sun and the moon have been created by the Almighty and they obey only His laws. You also should obey only God’s laws. (Adore/Bow to his laws 55:6, 84:21, 3:113, 7:206, 13:15, 16:49, 22:18, 27:25)


It appears; God sent King Nebuchadnezzar (Bakht Nasar) to punish those Israelite, who after the death of Prophet Solomon, deviated from Right Path; and God sent Genghis Khan (a Staunch Monotheist) to punish people of that time who were plunged in Sins; and God sent Abu Tahir Al-Jannabi to punish those who were plunged in shirk. Bible too says: Nebuchadnezzar was an Agent of God to punish Sinners. First line of Genghis Khan’s law “Yassa” was “It is ordered to believe that there is only One God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, who alone gives life and death, riches and poverty as please him – Who has over everything an absolute Power”. Genghis Khan also said: he is sent by God to Punish Sinners; and when Abu Tahir returned Broken Black-Stone after 23 years; that Broken Stone was thrown in a Mosque of Kufa Iraq bound in a Cloth. When Cloth was opened; there was a letter with it. On that letter, it was written: We took that black stone under a command, and returned it now under a command.


Majority of Muslims and non-Muslims are not aware of some following historical facts; that during 750-1258 A.D for 508 years; in fact Islamic empire was hijacked by Persian Zoroastrians. Almost all innovations in Islam were blended during that 508 years. Never forget that 508 years is not a short period. Also know the fact; that practically, Abbasid Caliph were more Zoroastrians than they were Muslims, because their tutors, their almost all ministers, their many wives and even mothers were Zoroastrians. So by DNA, they were also Zoroastrians. For example, mother of one of the most powerful Abbasid Caliphs, Harun Rashid Queen Khaizran was a Zoroastrian. She is the woman who managed to blend Five Zoroastrian Namaz rituals in Islam through forgery of Hadith of Flying Donkey “Buraaq”. During that five centuries, Zoroastrians tried to their best to break each bone of Islam, ideologically in order to take revenge from Islam for their defeat in 7th century. They managed to fabricate countless blasphemous exegesis, fabricated tales of contexts (shan-e-Nazools), and millions of fake hadith with fake Matans and fake chains (Isnaad) of narrations to insult Allah, Prophet and Quran. The hadith Books which we have read fully, nakedly insult Prophet and attack Quran. Not less than 99% Hadithers never read all hadiths in their whole life but if you tell such an ignorant fanatic, that hadiths are lies; he will be ready even to shoot you. So they defend the books that they never study fully in their whole life! Hadithers are INDEED hypnotized beasts.

Zoroastrians also tried to change Quranic text but failed because there were thousands Hafiz of Quran and such kind of their evil move could be exposed by even just one Hafiz. Hafiz is a Muslim who memorize whole Quran. When they failed to change Quranic text; then they followed another strategy to revenge Muslims as they were Muslims who finished their Millennia Zoroastrian Sassanian empire. They invented abrogation theory & they planned to forge millions of fake hadiths with fake matans and fake chains of narrations 250-400 years after the death of last Prophet in order to disable Quranic verses/laws. Their manufactured hadiths were never written under supervision of Prophet, as was written down Quran. In their hadith books, Persian imams has nakedly insulted Prophet, Prophets, Allah & have badly attacked Quran. Allah says, he is protector of his BOOK 15:9 but Persian Hadith Imams bark, that verses of Rajam and Suckling has been eaten by hungry goat of Aisha RA (Ibne Maja). But our Evil idiotic Mullahs and Imams and their shameless Sectarian pets do not follow what Allah says in 15:9 but they follow Persian Zoroastrian liar Hadith Imams. Allah says, Prophet used to have the best conduct but that Satanic Hadith Books depicts Prophet as the worst person on planet. Mushrik Hadithers follow their books even with out reading them fully but we have read each line of that Books of Satan. As Per verse 5:44 of Quran, all Hadith-followers are Kaafirs.Besides, it were not Arabs but Persian Zoroastrians who first time made dictionary to translate Arabic Quranic terms into Persian. During that translation, they changed meaning of thousands of Quranic Terms during Abbasid Period 750-1258 A.D. Later Persian terms were translated into Urdu and other languages. So from 1200 years, all curricula being taught in Islamic universities is based on Persian’s translated terms. This is why, our even Ph.D. Mullahs are gone astray because they follow in curricula, fake translations of terms of Quran injected by Persian Zoroastrians, such as Salaat, Zakat, Sajada, Masjid, Ibada etc. From 1200 years, another big ignorant in Quran are Arabs too. They always depended upon Persian’s forged translation of terms. Even today Saudi Arabia follow translation of Quran which is from two big ignorant Ph.D doctors of Pakistani origin Halali Khan and Mohson Khan. When our team compared all translations of Quran that exist presently; Translation of Halali khan and Moshsan Khan was rated as the worst and the most twisted. Their translation will totally misguide you. One of the best (comparatively) is of Allama Dr. Mohammad Asad Ph.D. “the message of Quran”. Translation by Moudoodi has also many twists.Washing is mentioned in Quran 5:6 and also in 4:43. In both verses, word Washing is used, and word Wudu/ablution is not used.

It is commonsense that when people gather in a meeting especially in Masjid, they are supposed not to be stinky, smelly, and dirty. Every one should be clean, This is why: Quran ordains cleanliness before such kind of Sacred Meetings in which Name of GOD is adored and problems of Muslims are discussed and their solutions are proposed as per Divine Law. That, in no way makes meaning of Salat, a Ritual because if Salat was Ritual, then Allah could have told us all detail of Rituals, different methods and units of Shia and Sunni rituals and their badly mutually conflicting Azan/call of prayers that Quran never contains. This again and again proves that Salat is not Ritual. They were hadith-monger Zoroastrian Pseudo Imams who converted DEEN Islam into Religion by forging hadith of Miraaj (night Journey) in which they placed Great Man (68:4) Prophet Mohammad flying on a fictitious funny phony flying horse labeled as Buraq in order to make meeting with GOD to get Five Namaz Rituals – A total 100% blatant forged tale; because in order to convert DEEN Islam into religion; that pseudo imams were badly in need of any brand of rituals. Clergy-made religions introduce countless brands of non-scriptural rituals but DEEN Islam tells in Quran 2:177 VERY CLEARLY: O Man: Rituals are never a good deed but good deed is Philanthropy. Please GOD by serving his creation. Allah is closer to person than his neck-vein (Quran 50:16); then why Prophet Mohammad was in need of to fly on that ridiculous flying horse Buraq in order to meet GOD in any remote part of universe? Does God live in any villa? Can brain-dead ritualistic Hadithers tell us postal code of that villa so we can fly to that villa too by utilizing Google Map? Simply: their brains do not work. They are brain-dead hypnotized beasts. They do not use their reason 8:22, 7:179,

If person does not find water for washing; then DIVINE Book could ordain:

1- Skip Washing
2- Do Tayammam with dust or sand.

If Allah had opened the door skipping, then many people could have used that back door wrongfully. This is why: Quran ordains Tayammam. So no one will skip cleansing with water. For the sake of argument, If in your room, there is sand and also water. Which one, will you prefer? Of Course, you will prefer water. Tayammam is also ceremonial to prepare person, mentally that he has fulfilled duty assigned by Lord. in order to cross a main road, if you make a tunnel underneath the road for pedestrians, and also make a bridge over road with same dimensions (height/depth of Tunnel); you will see; all people will take tunnel and no one will use bridge despite both use same distance and energy of person, In tunnel, you have to go upstairs at the end, and on bridge you have to go upstairs at the beginning. That is human Psychology.

Quran 4:43 In order to establish the Quranic order, congregational meetings of salat are necessary. O Jamat-ul-Momineen! Do not come to such an assembly: With a befogged mind when you do not understand what you say Until you have washed yourselves if you have had sexual intercourse, except when you do not participate in the meeting but simply pass by it. If you cannot wash yourself due to sickness when water is harmful to you When you are on a journey; or you have returned from the call of nature and water is not available or you have touched a woman; In these cases, you can cleanse yourselves by using soil and wiping your hands and face. Such a relaxation is given by Allah Who is lenient and protective.

Quran 5:6 O Jamat-ul-Momineen, at the time of salat, wash your faces and your hands and arms up to the elbows and pass your (wet) hands lightly over your head and on feet up to the ankles. If you have cohabited with your wives, then take a full bath. If you cannot wash yourself due to sickness when water is harmful to you or when you are on a journey or have returned from the call of nature or have touched a woman, and water is not available, you can cleanse yourselves by using soil and wiping your hands and face (4:43). Five Zoroastrian Namaz Prayers were blended in Islam through forgery of Hadith of Miraaj (Night Journey):

We know, now a fanatic reader will be thinking, that how this bloody kaafir is denying Miraaj that is also in Quran. No. The Miraaj of Bukhari is not in Quran. Sura Asra and Najam point to journey of Prophet from Mecca to Madina. All historian know, that Masjid Aqsa was built by Omayyad Caliphs many years after the death of Prophet. Then why Masjad Aqsa is mentioned in Sura Asra even before the Mosque of Aqsa was built? Because Aqsa in Sura Asra is not Noun but adjective, *and meaning of Aqsa in Arabic is “Remote”. Masjad Aqsa mean remote-mosque and that remotest mosque from Mecca at that time was no where but in Madina. Mosque were already in Madina before the Hijra of our beloved Prophet. So, no where is any description of Boraq [riding donkey that has head of a pretty woman] and other fake story of Miraaj in sura Najam or Sura Asra but Criminals twist meanings of verses & add their own words in brackets in verses in order to reconcile it with forged story of MiraaJ. Following picture shows you fictitious Boraq (flying Donkey). And Mosque shown under this donkey never existed in life of Prophet but was built by Omayyad Caliphs.Does Quran tell us story of flying donkey Boraq?

In order to export/infuse/blend/validate Five daily Persian Zoroastrian Namaz/Gah/Bandagi prayers/rituals in Islam, a staunch ally of Persian Zoroastrians, mother of Caliph Harun Rashid Abbasi “Khaizran” [Al-Khayzuran] ordered Zoroastrians hadith Imams to fabricate story of “Miraaj” [Night Journey] that was parallel to a Zoroastrian’s story which is found in an old Zoroastrian Pahlavi book known as “The Book of Arda Viraf”. The Zoroastrian story describes the journey of a saintly priest (Arda Viraf), who went into a trance and his spirit went up to the heavens under the guidance of an angel named Sarosh. He passed from one utopia (7 heavens) to another until he reached the presence of Ormazd, the great deity of the whole universe. When Arda saw everything in heaven and that the inhabitants were very happy, Ormazd commanded him to return to earth as his ‘messenger’ and to tell the people all that he saw and heard. Historian say that mother of Caliph Harun Rashid “Al-Khayzuran” or Khaizran was a Yamni slave girl but name Al- Khayzuran is a Persian. She was not just strong ally of Zoroastrians Bramka but in fact was also a Parsi. During manufacture of Miraaj hadith, also Persian Parsi [Parsi = Zoroastrian] Hadith Imams borrowed the concept from another Zoroastrian work the ‘Zerdashtnama’, which has a story of how Zoroaster himself ascended into the heavens and obtained permission to visit hell, where he found Ahriman, the Devil. http://www.avesta.org/mp/viraf.html

Reader is suggested to ready our this page: God is Omnipresent, at:

A bitter race between fanatic Christians & fanatic Mullahs started after Noble Quran landed. If you read oldest manuscripts of Bibles of 4th century, we do not find any trace of ascension & later return fiction of Jesus [irrefutable full proof is given at: Click here When Quran landed; Islam started to spread very fast; So Christian fanatics added fiction of ascension of Jesus to heaven in Gospel of Mark to show new converts that Christianity is superior to Islam. Mathew Luke & John later copied this fiction from Gospel of Mark. Now it was turn of freak Mullahs to counter Christians; So they fabricated hadith of Miraaj under patronage of Zoroastrian Mother of Caliph Haroon Rasheed Abbasi.One of the greatest scholars of Bibles Dr. Constantine Von Tischendorf, who after having personally examined the original hand written copies of the oldest available Four Gospels have quoted:

“that the texts for the physical ascension of Jesus to heaven or Jesus being carried by the angels to heaven, are lacking in these ancient documents. The texts that are found within the published copies of the circulating gospels on the subject of the physical ascension of Jesus have been added centuries later”(7) -Nicolle, David (1994). Yarmuk AD 636: The Muslim Conquest of Syria. Osprey Publishing.
(8) -Rizwi Faizer (1998). “The Shape of the Holy: Early Islamic Jerusalem”. Rizwi’s Bibliography for Medieval Islam. Archived from the original on 2002-02-10.

“The Romans Destroy the Temple at Jerusalem, 70 AD,” Eyewitness to History. Josephus’ account appears in: Cornfield, Gaalya ed., Josephus, The Jewish War (1982); Duruy, Victor, History of Rome vol. V (1883).Besides, there is another very important point, which is, that Abu Hurairah who is talking in above-given forged hadith died in 681 C.E but Mosque Aqsa in Jerusalem was completed in 692 C.E. That mean, Abu Huraira died 11 years before that completion of Aqsa mosque. This shows; Persians forged above-given hadith and connected to the name of Abu Huraira. So all hadiths narrated by Abu Huraira becomes totally suspicious; and in fact are mere fabricated lies.Important_Callout2ProfessionalForgersWe assure all our beloved Muslim sisters and brothers with full confidence that 1400 years ago, Persians became pseudo Muslims after their defeat; as there was no other option. Even today, after 1400 years, still Persians are pseudo Muslims. One of the major causes of all sectarian split and Fasaad in Muslim Umma is Persian Rulers. There is only one way to unite all Muslim Umma again; if Turkey and Pakistan (Twin brothers – Militarily the strongest among all Muslim countries) take Persia 50/50. They both can accomplish this most beneficial task for Muslim Umma within a year. Otherwise, that sectarian split and Fasaad will remain forever. All sects must be banned, Quran blasts all sects over four times. Allah has named us only Muslims in 22:78 with out any sect.Quran17_1_3Plusnote

Because the duty to fabricate Hadith of Mairaj was given to Bukhari & other Persian hadith imams [all disguised Zoroastrians]; so they hunt two birds with one arrow. Countered the Christian’s fiction of ascension of Jesus to heaven [if your Eisa/Jesus is gone up, then our Prophet is also gone up too by Miraaj]. Secondly, they added 5 Persian [Fire-shippers] Five Namaz prayers also in Miraj Hadith in order to export these Five daily Irani rituals [Not in Quran] in Islam around 770AD. Parsi mother of Caliph Harun Rasheed “Khaizran” ws patron of this project. Reader should note, that the word Salaat already was appeared in Quran 25 time before the fictitious incidence of Miraaj. So If salaat mean Five Namaz Payers after Miraaj then what was meaning of Salaat that appeared 25 times in Quran before the incidence of Miraaj.WindowSpiritualFollowing is excerpt from Book: The Fifth Gospel: New Evidence from the Tibetan, Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian and Urdu Sources About the Historical Life of Jesus Christ After the Crucifixion, by Professor Dr. Fida Hassnain, and Dahan Levi, in book page 177-179, and in adobe reader toolbar 206-208. 2016-07-02_232450Islamic Prophet Isa/Jesus “Jesus paused a while in many a hamlet, town and cities in Persia. He preached and healed among the common people who followed him in throngs. He also attended a feast in Persepolis. He spoke to the Priests in these words:

There is Silence where soul meet its God and there the fount of wisdom is and all who enter are immersed in Light and filled with wisdom love and power. The Silence is not circumscribed; Is not a place closed in with wall, or a rocky steeps, nor guarded by the swords of men!. Men carry with them all the time the secret place, where they may meet their God. It matters not where men abide, on mountain top, in deepest vale or in a quite home;They may at once, at any time, flung wide the door, and find the Silence, find the house of God: It is within the soul.

During his short Sojourn in Persia, Jesus sat in silence in the prayer hall of the Magi Priests (mean Zoroastrian Priests) for seven days. Then he spoke on the origin of evil and good.
He told them not to worship the Sun, for it was but a part of the cosmos, which God has created for humanity. It is to God and to God alone, that we owe all that we possess in this world. On hearing him, the priests asked as to how could a people live according to the rules of justice if it had no preceptor? Jesus replied that so long as the people had no priests, the natural law governed them, and they preserved the candor of their souls. He further explained that when their souls were with God, they could commune with the Father, without the medium of any idol or animal or the sun or the fire. He said:

You contend, that one must worship the Sun, The spirit of good and of evil: Well: I say unto You; Your doctrine is a false one: The Sun acting not spontaneously but according to the will of The Invisible Creator, who gave it birth. That is animate. You commit a great sin in-dividing it, into a spirit of evil and a spirit of god: For there is no God outside the Good. Who, Like unto the father of a family, Does but good to his children, forgiving their all faults: If they repent. Wherefore I say unto you, Beware of the day of judgment, For God will inflict a terrible chastisement, Upon all those, who shall have led His Children astray, from the right path.” —  Our Note: Divine Temple is within You. You carry it with you everywhere anywhere you go. So; how will you Physically bend and physically Prostrate to that Temple! Which direction will you take in this case for Five Zoro Rituals! Have you seen whirling darwishes of Rumi? Have you ever thought, why they whirl around Y-Axis of their own body!. If still you have not understood the point, then read above-given para repeatedly until you understand the point. This is why Noble Quran ordains you Salat but not directional rituals. Isa/Jesus was one Prophet of Islam, as all Prophets preached only Islam (Quran 22:78, 42:13, 3:19, 3:85, 3:67, 3:52).  In same Book Reference that is mentioned above, at Book Page 184, in adobe tool-bar page 213: we read: “One day, in silent meditation, Jesus set besides a spring among the poor people. He saw the hard drawn lines of toil on every brow and his heat was stirred with pity for these poor toilers. And he said:

Cease to seek for heaven in The Sky; (same was said by Buddha, Bullah Shah and Rumi, Fareed, Nanak) Just open up the windows of your hearts, And like a flood of light, H heaven will come, And being a boundless joy; Then toil will be no cruel task. Jesus continued his sermon as follow: Even as father would act. Toward his Children, After their deaths: According to the laws of his mercy. Never would he so humiliate his child, As to transmigrate his soul, As in a purgatory, Into the body of an animal.” (here Jesus rejecting those who say that a bad man after death will take rebirth as a dog or snake etc). In most cases “Aqimu-Salat” is to follow Divine law firmly but during following Law of your Lord, you must also be mindful about your Lord always. Mindfulness has also stages and one superior stage is enlightenment that was achieved by Buddha (a Man of God), Rumi, Nanak (a man of God), Baba Freed, Bullah Shah, Rumi, Mian Mohammad Bakhsh and many others. That enlightenment will be fruitful at the end only if you believed/believe in the contents of 4:136, (example) otherwise many Non-Muslims has also visited Mecca with fake Muslim Passports. We suggest you to spare up-to an hour daily and sit at totally silent place (lightly dark or with no light) anywhere, and watch your breath just like you are sitting at the bank of a river/sea and watching its waves. Concentrate on your breath when going in and out. Keep eyes closed. No other thought but just watch your breath. After a period, could be months, or years, you could start to enter in valley of success but not guaranteed for all. Do not get disappointed because when you start to travel toward right destination with sincere and good intentions; even if you expire during that journey, you will be good in the book that is being written about you always, by invisible ones. During meditation, your intention must be to meet your Lord, who is sitting inside your own home and is so close to you, that even closer than your neck-vein (50:16). In fact in your heart. 

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This is complete Authentic-Copy of Tawasin but this copy is in French but relevant verses are in Arabic:

This is abridged translation of Tawasin in Arabic:

This is abridged translation of Tawasin in English:

One thing is clear about real Mystics: though, neither their authored-books nor were they free of oversights but for sure, they realized the truth much better than Brahmans, Rabbis, Magi, Priests, Pseudo PhD Scholars, Mullahs and Imams. 100% Truth is Only in Last testament of God “Glorious Quran” which is Truth of all Truths.

Forged Hadith of Miraaj is ONE OF THE MOST OUTRAGEOUS Persian conspiracy tht converted DEEN of Islam into “religion of Mullahs”.

DEEN=Do betterment of people
Religion of Mullah= just be busy in rituals day night [not in Quran]
First proof of forgery of Hadith of Miraaj is, tht Al-Qudas Mosque never existed in time of Prophet. It was built much later.
ONE PRINCIPLE all wise people must stick with is tht no any Human+Human Prophet can visit paradise/Hell unless he dies first & his soul returns.

DEEN of ISLAM = core message is to help each other, do the betterment of people. verse 2:177 blasts rituals, when it say “it is not good deed tht u turn ur face to East or west”

Religion of Mullah = Keep people busy in Five Namaz [Irani] prayers always + they have designed many other rituals too.

Quranic dictionary

Deen = The System of Life = The Divinely Prescribed way of Life.

Please note that Islam is not a religion [Madhab] but is sole DEEN (Divine system Islam). All religions are not Divine but are man-made by Clergy. DEEN emphasizes on betterment of People [As is in Europe and North America, This is why they are at top] but religions just keep you busy in man-made rituals. What Quran commands, actually most of that is being implemented by those nations who are not Muslims just like America and Europe & Reader can see there Barka – peace & prosperity. i.e Canada & most of Europe [un-intentionally] implement commands of verse 2:177 of Noble Quran but no any Muslim country does. We are Muslims but we do not follow what Quran ordains us to follow and as a result of this hypocrisy no any Barka [peace and prosperity] in by-name Muslim countries. One of our friends once told us that in USA & Canada, if you buy an item from Market but after a few days if you are not satisfied from the item, you can return it with full refund. They accept return with smile. In our so called Muslim countries, if you return such as item, shop keeper will throw the item on your face. We have witnessed such an incidence with our own eyes once in a Market of so called a Muslim Country. If North America and Europe recite Shahada today, they will be considered more practical Muslims than the so called Muslims of any other so called Muslim country. In year 2014, a research by a group of universities was aired by B.B.C. That research show a list of countries; which are nearest, in following, ethical and moral codes of Quran (intentionally or unintentionally). Reader will be flabbergasted that Number-One in that list was Ireland, then Denmark and then many other countries where, both, peace and prosperity exist at same time. Saudi Arabia was on Number-92. Here Reader can check, up to what degree, we Muslim countries are hypocrites; Muslims just in passport but actions are worse than Yahood and Hanood.

Salaat= To follow closely, like a runners-up (Musalli) follows the winning horse (Saabiq) = To follow Divine Commands closely.

Aqimussallat = Establish the System that facilitates the following of Divine Commands

Ibadah = Obeying God by serving His creation

Amal Saaleh = An act of social welfare = Helping others = Increasing the societal potential = Fulfilling needs = ‘Good work’.

So to say that during miraaj 50 prayers were given first then prophet went back & forth to Allah Subhano HU many times again and again until 50 were reduced to 5 prayers, is a shear falsehood and a fabrication which is attributed to our beloved Prophet & it was launched by enemy of Islam & story tellers that was later added in Hadith books by irresponsible Persian Mullahs. Target of Persian Parsi Mullah was to keep busy in rituals that are not ordained in Quran; so that their attention can be drawn away from two main pillar of Islam “Akimu Salaat, and Zakat, that mean “Sallat: To establish system in society as per laws of Quran” and “Zakat: to establish just economic order for growth and development“; so that every one should live in prosperity and live a life of a righteous person. Will you not wonder that there is not even one Muslim country where where these two main pillars are active. Do not tells us that it is Saudia. No; it is not system of Quran; it is monarchy. We spent centuries and still spending the time in rituals that were not ordained in Quran. So what is result? Result is, that we are under subjugation of others and we are being humiliated every where.

Quran 29:45: Recite what is sent of the Book by inspiration to thee, and establish the Divine system as per Divine laws: for following Divine laws restrains from shameful and unjust deeds; and remembrance of Allah is the greatest (thing in life) without doubt. And Allah knows the (deeds) that ye doSome very important points that vast majority of Muslims do not understand from centuries (due to blindly following the Mullah-Mafia) but are clear in Glorious Quran

1- Islam is NOT A RELIGION but Islam is DEEN. DEEN mean “Divine System”. Click on following links & read.

Is Islam a DEEN or a religion?

2- All religions are man-made such as Hinduism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, & Pauline Christianity ++++…. Quran tells us repeatedly that One Allah has only ONE DEEN and that is Islam. Quran tells us that all Prophets were Prophets of Islam & all past actual-unforged scriptures were scriptures of Islam that are now superseded by preserved final edition of all scriptures Noble Quran. This is why, Quran ordains a Muslim to believe in all its predecessor actual un-forged scriptures & all predecessors Prophets of Last Prophet SyedeNa Muhammad [peace be upon all of them]. Quran clearly says “Ibrahim was neither a Jew nor Christian but was a pious Muslim & this verse makes 100% clear that Judaism and Christianity are not DEEN of Allah but were manufactured by priests. Quran also tells us VERY CLEARLY that all the true followers of all Prophets were Muslims & they used to call themselves only Muslims. http://goo.gl/McCG1. For example, True followers of of Eisa PBUH used to call themselves Muslims Hawariyoon. Hawariyoon is plural of Haar which mean “White Grabbed one” that mean who wears always white clothes. In addition to Noble Quran, history also confirms these facts. It was not Eisa Son of Mary [pbuh] but was Paul who invented the RELIGION/CULT called ‘Christainity” which is in fact true-copy of a pagan’s cult known as “Mithraism. Searh in Google: “Christianity and Mithraism” and read it please. Nasaraa of Quran are not Pauline Christians though they were also derailed people. https://wp.me/p4GOwI-45Z

3- All Religions emphasize on man-made rituals that we find neither in Noble Quran nor in any past un-forged scripture. Allah is not in need of your rituals. The word Ya’bodoon is derived from Ibada–Abid mean to obey/follow, and not Rituals. Allah says, even planets & trees make Sajda to him but how a round planet & tree will put his forehead on ground to make Sajda or Raku? If Quran is understood from A to Z, its becomes clear that Sajda & Raku mean to follow/obey the laws of Allah. All planets and tree follow the ordered laws of Allah. Masjad is from Sajda and Sajda mean to obey the laws of Allah. So Masjad is the place where it is discussed how to obey/establish in practice the laws of Allah given in Quran for humans’ betterment. We can please Allah by serving humanity as per laws of Quran.

4- DEEN of Islam which is finalized in Noble Quran emphasizes on “the betterment of humans, human society” by putting in practice all Divine laws that Allah Jalla Aala has given in Noble Quran.5- Quranic prayer is, to follow the laws of Allah given in Quran and be mindful about Allah and to think deeply about his splendid works all the times in all awaken states (in fact meditation). Masjad is local parliament where Muslims before 670AD used to gather & essential on Friday (before the invention of terms of hadith and Sunna by Persian imams); and then used to stand just in Qayaam (like the so called funeral prayer) at the beginning of meeting, & Imam used to recite some verses of Quran & then meeting used to start to discuss the problems of Muslim community & to find its solutions. http://goo.gl/lbcIU. Before going to meeting in Masjad, for keeping good manners and cleanliness, they used to follow the commandment given in Quranic verse 5:6; which is 1-wash hands up to arms elbows, 2-wash face, & 3 & 4- do Masa [wipe with wet hands] of head and feet. Mullahs say it Wadoo or Ablution. Also if some one was in need of, he/she used to have full bath [Ghusal]. Hadithers say that Ablution method is not given in Quran so they seek it in fabricated hadiths books. They are liars due to their ignorance because they usually do not read and understand Quran but instead, they just follow blindly their Mullah-Mafia from past ~1150 years. In fact, complete, compact & very solid, just one version of Ablution and Ghusal is fully given in Quranic verse 5:6. Whether in fabricated hadith books, three mutually conflicting versions of Ablution are given and that all the three versions contradict mutually and also contradict with the method given in verse 5:6. Now should one follow the ablution method that is given in Book of Allah, or what is given in fabricated hadiths books of Persian Mullahs/Imams (disguised Pro-shia Persian Zoroastrians under taqiya)? Read full discussion on Ablution in point# 100 of this page.

6-Quran verse 2:177 [given below] blasts rituals and emphasize on the betterment of humans.

(One obvious result of sectarianism is their pre- occupation with rituals. This is because each sect leaves the Book aside and makes its own set of dogmas they call religion). No wonder, they forget that)

“Quran 2:177 “Righteousness and exponential development of personality is not in that you turn your faces to the East and the West. But righteous is he who has conviction in Allah and the Last Day and the Angels and the Book and the Prophets. And he gives his wealth that he loves in reverence of Him, to: Family and relatives, Orphans, Widows, Those left helpless in the society, Those whose hard-earned income fails to meet their basic needs, Those whose running businesses have stalled, The ones who have lost their jobs, Whose life has stalled for any reason, The disabled, The needy wayfarer, son of the street, the homeless, the one who travels to you for assistance, Those who ask for help, and Those whose necks are burdened with any kind of bondage, oppression, crushing debts and extreme hardship of labor. They (the truly righteous) strive to establish the Divine System, and set up the Just Economic Order. They are true to their promises whenever they make a promise. They remain steadfast in physical or emotional distress and in times of peril. It is they that have proved to be practically true, and it is they, they that indeed journey through life in Blissful honor and security” (also refer to verses 2:3 & 3:92)”http://tolueislam.org/zakah-its-concept-and-purpose-in-islam-part-1-dr-mansoor-alam-ohio-usa/

Now we invite you to use your common sense and ask yourself and your conscience following Questions:

 If Allah can mention very complex fractional mathematics in Noble Quran for the division of heritage of a dead person among his family members & relatives, then what was difficult for Allah Jalla Aala to mention also Five Namaz daily ritual Prayers & units of each prayer & what to read in each prayer in Qayaam and in Tashehad etc? Did Allah forget? Does Allah Forget? Have Allah shortage of words? NO NO NO. Then why we do not see 5 daily Rituals in Noble Quran? In Quran we do not see the  words “Iqra Salat”(read Salat) but “Aqimo-Salat’ (establish the system of Salat).

Again; did Allah forget to add Five Namaz Prayers in Quran? Does Allah forget? Has Allah shortage of words? NO – NEVER.

Allah never forgets any thing [Quran 19:64].

Allah has no shortage of words [31:27].

Allah is the Best law-Maker [5:50].

Allah has detailed Quran [11:1,16:89].

Who looks for other sources of law than Quran, disobeys the Messenger & Allah [6:114].

Never follow any hadith except the BEST Hadith of Allah-Quran. [45:6, 39:23, 5:44; 69:40-46]
Some try to impose their Zoroastrianism-Oriented Five Persian Namaz Rituals on Quran by twisting and bending following verses: They do so because Mullahs has welded a false concept in their brain by telling them that Islam is a religion and religion needs Rituals but Islam is NEVER a religion but DEEN (Divinely prescribed way of life) the sole 1 True Path of One God preached by all Prophets. Quran is never a Book of Mullahs and Theocracy but of Divine-Sociology. Below; their Points are in black and our answers are in blue-font.

The details of ablution (4:43; 5:6)

Quran nowhere uses word ablution in 4:43 and 5:6 but Cleansing. It is washing, and washing could be necessary before entering in a Meeting/Ijtamah of Salat & not in your Zoro Rituals. Quran has used word Salat in these verses and not five Rituals. Where are Fard units of each rituals of Shia and Sunni sects, and tons of other rituals like Sunna units etc. Did God send you two brands of Rituals and Call of Payers for Shia and Sunni sects? Mohammad cannot guide 28:56, 72:21, 10:15; Then who guided Shia and Sunni sects about the Fard and sunna units of their rituals? Who told you to read Shia-Manufactured text of Atta-hiyaat and Drood Ibrahimi in Tashahd? Atta-hiyaat and Drood Ibrahimi (some say salat Ibrahimi) both are not present in fully detailed Quran 16:89.

A need for a direction – Qiblah, specific for the ‘believers’ (Mu’mins) (2.143-44)

Verse 2:143-44 never tell you to pray 5 Namaz rituals by facing a Building of Bricks and Mortar. That tell, to take it only as Focal point as a central place take as Main Divine Center to preach Divine Law , refer See 10:87 where Moses and his brother were ordained by God to convert some houses into Qibla (A center to preach Divine Law). Nowhere your Parsi rituals are mentioned in these verses nor is mentioned that Muslim used to pray rituals toward Masjid Aqsa in Palestine which never existed in the life time of Prophet. It was built 60 years after the death of Prophet. Even no any Jewish temple existed in the time of Prophet, as that temple was erased to ground by Roman in 70 A.D. about 500 years before the birth of Prophet Mohammad. Two Qibla theory for Rituals is a preposterous forgery of any evil mind. One Hadith from Sahih-Muslim (full text is given in this page) tells: Prophet used to face his Camel during prayers instead of Qibla. So?

Garments (7:31)

Verse 7:31 never tells you about the Garments of 5 Rituals. That verse has no any relation with your rituals.

Allusion of times: (4:103; 11:114; 17:78; 24:58; 30:18; 2:238: 20:58)

Above-Given verses never show that Salat mean Ritual.

Those prayers must be observed on time (4:103)

Verse 4:103 tells about Salat on fixed times and how can you assume that Salat is 5 Ritual? Does Quran show you 4 Fard of Duhar, 4 Fard of Asar, 3 Fard of Maghrab, 4 Fard of Isha and other tons of Sunna and Nafal of Shia and Sunni Rituals? If God can give full detail in inheritance verses with fractional math like /2, 1/6, 1/6; then why God could not give the units of each rituals too. Why God has blasted your Rituals in 2:177 and has said that Rituals are NEVER a Good deed but is Philanthropy after having right faith 4:136.

Followers of the previous scripture to observe their Qiblah and the ‘Believers (Mu’mins) their own Q’iblah (2:145)

Verse 2:145 never tells you about 5 Rituals. That verse talks about the Main-Centers of each nations. No clue about Rituals

Prayer involves prostration (Sujood – 4:102; 48:29)

How you assumed that meaning of Sujood is to place forehead on Ground? Quran says: Even Mountain and Stars do Sujood. Do Mountain and Star come in Mosque to place forehead on Ground? No. Very Clear here that meaning of Sujood is to submit to Divine Laws

There is more than one prayer (Prayer in plural used – Salawat) (2:238)

If it is more than one; then how you assumed, that is apples or oranges or your Rituals? More than one mean, could be Meetings, Training of Divine laws, or meditation sittings too.

There is a general form to prayer (2:238-39).

Verse talks about Salat and not about your rituals. Salat wusta, Central duty/Command. Your hadith imams were not aware which one is Wusta-Ritual, one hadith says: It is of Fajar, other says it is of Duhar and another says it comes after just sunrise. And your forged hadiths also tells that when a man illegally kissed a Woman, God sent down two Rituals of Fajar and Magharb in 11:114 to forgive that Rascal-Kisser and also Prophet was given 50 Rituals and then it became 5 Rituals. All fairy and phony moronic tales.

Standing position (3:39; 4:102)

Only Standing does not conform to your Zoro Namaz Rituals. Word Yusalli is used in 3:39. How you assumed, that are your 5 Rituals? That could be Dua or Meditation or Salat meeting.

Bowing down and prostrating (4:102; 22:26; 38:24; 48:29)

Again you are doing false translation of Raku and Sajud. That means to submit to Divine laws. Where is written that Ibrahim prayed 4 Fard for Dhuar or 3 Wattar for Isha etc? Verse 48:29 is talking: Why Kaafir do not do Sujood. Should Kaafirs pray Rituals and do Sujood in Rituals then? Here it is clear that when Kaafir used to listen Quranic preaching, they did not submit to that teachings.

Form is not required during times of emergencies, fear, and unusual circumstances (2:239)

If form is not required, then its means, that is not Rituals

A mention of a call to prayer and congregation prayer (62:9)

Show us text of Call Prayers in Quran, Call-prayers of Shia and who invoke Ali and of Sunni who invoke Mohammad in Mosque and violate Quran 72:18. How you can say” Call for Salat is call for Rituals. Quran describes call of Salat Juma in Sura Juma. That is call for Salat meeting/Ijtama. If that was for Rituals, then show us in that verse, where Quran tells you to pray Rituals on Friday and show us units and forms, and what to read in Rituals.

A warning not to abandon prayer as was done by people before (19:58-59) but to establish prayer (Numerous references)

You are again assuming that 4+4 make 8 Bread. That could be 8 apples too. Verse never says: Read Prayers Ritual but says about Salat: Divine Law. Word used in 19:59 “khalfun adaAAoo alssalata” clearly mean that stopped to follow Divine Law”. If we assume ritual here; then its mean contents of Deen Islam is ONLY ritual and nothing else; and that is not correct.

The purpose of prayer – To remember God alone (6:162; 20:14)

To remember and obey GOD mean to follow his Laws and be mindful about GOD always. It never means Rituals that are blasted in 2:177. And Omniscient Omnipresent GOD is everywhere anywhere and closer to you than your neck vein 50:16. That all makes clear that God is not confined to any place. Throne of GOD covers all places (Aytul-Kursi) so God is directionless as God covers all directions and spaces. Then how can you take a direction during rituals by confining GOD at one place?  Verse 20:14 never proves that Salat is Ritual.

Prayer involves utterance (4:43)

Not only Ritual involves utterance, but a meeting too, a lecture too, Quranic reading and learning too. How you can say: it is for your Zoro Rituals.

The purpose to protect from sins (29:45)

Purpose of Salat (Commitment to Divine laws) is to be protected from Sins. If that was only Rituals, then why Muslim who pray Rituals are not protected from Sins? There are people who pray Rituals in Mosques and then do all kind of evils. Mullahs even molest children in Schools, Madaaris, seminaries but that all Mullahs pray Rituals Five times. What you say now? That clearly proves, that Salat is never your rituals. If Salat was Rituals; for sure it had protected you from Sins but we have seen, it does not. Many time Mullahs who pray 5 Rituals were caught red-handed with their student-kids committing evil of people of Lot/Lut/Loot.

What to do in danger and the shortening of prayer (4:101)

How you can assume, that are prayers and not the Ijtama for periodical meetings at fixed time or Meditation times and meetings for the commitment of Divine laws? Certainly that are not rituals otherwise GOD had told us detail of Rituals in fully detailed Quran. 

Garments and mention of a Masjid, or a place of prayer 7:31

Your translation of Sajud and Masjid is incorrect, as we have mentioned above. Frequently Sujud (Masjid a derivation) in Quran mean to submit to Divine Laws such as “Trees and Stars YasjoDaan (sura Rahman). Have you seen any star coming in Mosque for placing its forehead on ground? Have Stars, Mountains, and trees any foreheads? They all do Sujood and that mean nothing else except that they all Submit to Divine Laws. And Quran also describes Salat of birds. No any bird come in Masjid to place its forehead on ground. They all submit to Laws of Allah Jalla Aala.

The tone of prayer (17:110)

Here again, you are assuming that 4+4 makes always 8 bread, But that could be 8 apple or 8 Oranges. Proper tone is also required in meetings/Ijtamah/during lecturing on Quran/During meditation. In Sura Luqman (Luqman passed thousands years before Landing of Quran), Luqman also advised his son about tone of his vice. Clearly, Luqman is not telling his son about tone of 5 Zoro Namaz Rituals that Persian Zoroastrian Imams blended in Islam through forgery of Hadith of Miraaj.

There is a leader of prayer (4:102)

Again that verse never talks about your Rituals (preconditioned in your brain) but Salat; and Salat is never Rituals. Do you see in that verse any word like “Imam for Rituals”? No. — END

1-Do we find in fully detailed Noble Quran (12:111, 16:89, 17:12) texts of two mutually conflicting Azhan/Adhan of Shia Sunni Sects? No.

2- Do we find in fully detailed Noble Quran (12:111, 16:89, 17:12) what to read during bending in Rituals and how long we should remain bent, 3 seconds or 3 hours etc, what? No. Where Quran tells to sit in Atta-Hiyaat and to sit how long; 3 seconds or 3 centuries? Who was the Mushrik who manufactured non-Quranic text of Atta-hiyaat (Tash’had) and Drood Ibrahimi which violates Quran 72:18? Who manufactured units and methods of Funeral and Eid Ritual? Who told to start Eid Rituals with 1 million Takbirs? Do we find it in Quran? Truth is: All rituals are concocted by clergy in order to run their theocratic trade-shops; and Islam is never a Theocracy but Deen

3- Does fully detailed Noble Quran (12:111, 16:89, 17:12) tell that after placing forehead on ground during rituals; what to read; what is length of that event, 3 seconds 3 hours, what? If you will try to answer us through hadiths, we will throw that all forged crap on your face because Prophet Mohammad left behind not a single hadith. Prophet cannot guide 28:56, 72:21 but only Allah Guides 28:56 and guidance of Allah is in Quran; and not in books that defeated Persian Imams (Zoro Hypo disguised under Muslim names) forged 250-800 years after the death of Prophet in order to send we Muslims astray.

4- Do we find in fully detailed Noble Quran (12:111, 16:89, 17:12) any thing about Fard and Sunna units of Shia and Sunni Rituals? No.

5- Can God (or even Prophet) sent us two mutually conflicting methods of Rituals and Azans of Shia Sunni sects? No

6- Do we find in fully detailed Noble Quran (12:111, 16:89, 17:12) about any command that tells to read Sura-Fatiha in each unit of Rituals and should Ritualists read Bism-Allah before Fatiha or Not? No. Please note, Many Mullahs says: Read bismillah and many say: No. Many Mullahs say: After Imam recite Fatiha, Followers must remain silent and other says, they should read too. Do we find that all controversy in detailed Quran? No. Where Quran tells to shout or to say word “Amin” (aaaaaaMeeeeeeen) at the end of Fatiha? Nowhere.

7- Do we find in fully detailed Noble Quran (12:111, 16:89, 17:12) that if you miss a ritual, you can read it as Qada/Qaza later on? No.

8- Do we find in fully detailed Noble Quran (12:111, 16:89, 17:12) that trees, birds, mountains come to mosques in order to pray Rituals and sujood? No.

9- Do we find in fully detailed Noble Quran (12:111, 16:89, 17:12) text of Atta-Hiyaat and Drood Ibrahimi (some say: Salat Ibrahimi)? No. We have already mentioned in this page some where that Non-Quranic Drood Ibrahimi (Jaahil Arabs of today say it: Salat Ibrahimi) which is made Part of five Rituals and is read in the position of Tashahhud, was forged by Shia Buyid Rulers. But also note that other Text of Atta-Hiyaat (except last 2 verses of Sura Ibrahim) is also non-Quranic and that has been fabricated. Many Mullahs of Sunni sect of today reject that non-Quranic Text of Tashahhud and declare it another Forgery of Shiites. Truth is: That during life time of Prophet, when People used to meet prophet, they used to greet him: O Prophet: Peace be upon you. But after his death; text of Atta’hiyaat (Tashahud) was fabricated and blended in five Rituals. In order to validate this forgery, as usual, hadith Forgers backed it with countless forged hadiths. But a Thief always leaves behind some trace, through which Investigating Agencies in most cases succeed to arrest him. We see many many hadiths about the text of Tashahhud. Narrator of every hadith claims: Prophet taught him this and that text of Atta’Hiyaat (Tashahhud) but did Prophet teach people eleven different version of Tashahhud? No way. It is impossible. That contradiction fully exposes the forgery of Hadith forgers. Let we see below different version of Tashahhud from so called Hadith books:  “Abu Hanifah and his followers never considered Tashahhud obligatory while al-Shafi’i (an hidden Shia) made it mandatory for Rituals)!”. Reference: Mahmud Abu Rayyah in “Light on the Muhammadan Sunnah or Defense of the Hadith” page 71 

How to raise forefinger during Tashahhud of Zoro-brand Namaz Rituals?

Please note that it is forbidden to chant any other name bedside name of Allah Jalla Aala in Masjid 72:18. But Persians Zoroastrian hadith imams forged non-Quranic texts of Tashahhud (Atta-Hiyaat) and also Drood Ibrahimi (some say Salat Ibrahimi) and that both texts are read in Zoroastrian-Brand Namaz Rituals in Masajid (Mosques). Because that texts are not from One GOD but from sectarian hypocrites; this is the reason, neither Pseudo Hadith Imams nor Pseudo Fiqa Imams agree on any one point, like they never agreed on, which one is Middle Ritual in their concocted books.

During Rituals in Tashahhud, they raise forefinger but they are not agreed, how to raise that finger: Please read below:

1- The Hanafi cult says that the finger should be raised when saying “Laa (no)” in the phrase “Ash-hadu an laa ilaaha ill-Allaah (I bear witness that there is no god except Allaah)” and it should be lowered when saying, “ill-Allaah (except Allaah).”

2- The Satanic Shafi cult says that it should be raised when saying “ill-Allaah.”

3- The Maaliki cult says that it should be moved right and left until one finishes the prayer.

4- The Hanbali cult says that one should point with the finger when saying the name of Allaah, without moving it. Besides; Quran again and gain ordains not to create Tafarraka firqa sects split and Division in One Deen Islam (42:13, 3:105, 6:159) but that 4 imams including fifth Shia Imam Jafar Sadiq divided one Deen Islam into 5 Deens and invited curse of Allah that is dropping on that sects from centuries. That sects are always fighting each other from Centuries. Allah named believers only Muslim in Quran 22:78 and it is great to be only a Muslim w/o any sects Tafarraka Firka. Note: in order to visit pages shown in following table; either you can manually write down in note-pad the web-address/url of the page you like to visit, or just click on following table to open a Clickable-Page for all links which are given in following Table. In order to open that clickable page in a new tab; right-click on following table, and then in pull-down menu, click on “Open in New Tab”.Responding to one person “Taimur”. Excuse us for saying this but the whole story which you have told in this video is almost incorrect. Reason of that mistake is: it seems, you failed to understand the meaning of Quranic word Ibadat. Almost all Sunni and Shia, and Pseudo Scholars like Ghamidi and Mirza Engr translate word Ibadat as WORSHIP. Because like millions of Sectarians, they are also Jaahil. They follow Oldi Ignorant Imams blindly, and they do not use their own reason independently. Learn that word “worship” is in general relevant to Idol worship. In worship, Idol is usually in front of Idol-Worshiper. But Proto Root of word Ibadat is ABD. For example ABD-Allah=Servant of God. ABD has another connotation “Abeed=Slave”. Now, point is: does a servant worship his Master or he obeys orders of his Master? Does a servant physically prostrate to his Master by placing forehead on ground or he obeys orders of his master?

For word Ibadat; Simple answer is: a Servant obeys orders of his Master/Lord/God. And those all orders of Master have been finalized in Noble Quran. When you obey all laws and ethical codes of Quran, you are “serving your Master=Doing Ibadat” of your Master. For example: Quran tells in 2:42, do not tell lies. So, when you follow 2:42, you are obeying order of your Master, and that is Ibadat. When, by following verse 24:2, you do not commit Zina; you are serving order of your Master, and that means: You are doing Ibadat>>proving that indeed you are an ABD =S ervant >> ABD > ABEED > IBADAT

Quran makes very clear in these verses 50:16, 57:3, 57:4, 58:7, 2:115, 2:142, 2:177, 2:186, 24:35, 67:13, 20:7, 13:9-10, 56:83-84-85, 4:108, 6:59, 2:255, 6:103, 34:50, 11:61, 5:109, 7:7, 4:126, 10:61 that God is Omnipresent, and so God is not any kind of Idol nor God is confined to Kaaba or Jerusalem or Vatican or any temple. All directions belong to God. “Whichever direction you turn, there is presence of God 2:115. God is with you wherever you may be 57:4. God is closer to man even than his neck-vein 50:16.

In Surah 109 “The Disbelievers” Prophet is ordained by God to tell Unbelievers, your way of life=Deen is different from our way of life=Deen al-Islam 3:19, 3:85. So your Deen=way of life is for you and our way of life (Deen al-Islam) is for us. I do do Ibadat by serving my Master (God), and I do not serve your Masters (Idols).

Al-Islam is Deen (Divinely Prescribed way of life). But Deen of Unbelievers is different because their way of life is not Divinely prescribed. In Deen/Quran, core Message is Peace 60:8-9, 2:190 Justice 4:135 and Philanthropy 2:177. In Mullah-Made Religion=Madhab=Theocracy, core is based on Non-Quranic Rituals like five Zoroastrian Namaz which were imported from Zoroastrians, and then those were validated through Fabricated Hadith of Flying Horse Buraq. Core of Religion are Dam-Droods, Na’ats, Taweez Gandaaz and many other Mullah-made rites and rituals which are not ordained by Noble Quran.

Salat is NOT any kind of Namaz Rituals. Quran has called Namaz Rituals USELESS in verse 2:177. Quran tells in 2:177, these praying-ritual facing Kaaba are not a GOOD DEED but good deed is to be a Muslim 4:136, follow Divine law 6:114, and live as a Righteous Philanthropist 2:177 = Extending services to your parents, family, relatives and whole humanity.

In verse 24:41, Quran tells: even birds follow Salat. If Salat is Namaz; then do birds pray Namaz like Sunni or Shia? Do birds shout in Loudspeaker a Non-Quranic Sunni Azan or Shia Azan? Do birds recite Fatiha in Qayaam? Do birds sit in Atta-Hiyaat and recite Shia-Made Durood Ibrahimi and text of Atta-Hiyaat? No. Birds follow their mission and strife as they are bidden to follow by their Lord.

In Five Zoroastrian Namaz, Sunni and Shia place forehead on ground (like Idol worshipers) toward Kaaba. But not even one verse of Quran tells us to prostrate to Kaaba which is made of stones and cement. We know each word of Quran. No any verse of Quran tells that prostration toward Kaaba is part of Salat. Function of Kaaba is given in 5:95, 5:97 and that function has to do nothing with Five Parsi Namaz Rituals.

In Namaz, Sunni and Shia place forehead toward Kaaba. They call it Sajadah. Now point is: if in Quran, meaning of Sajadah is to place forehead on ground toward Kaaba; then how Elephants, Lions, Tigers, Deer, Cow, Sun, Moon and Mountains do Sajadah because Quranic verses 55:6, 22:18 tell us that even Mountains, Sun, Moon, and Stars do Sajdah. Have you ever seen Mountain Himalaya entering in any Masjid, and placing forehead on the ground toward Kaaba?

Meaning of Proto Root of word “Sajadah” is “Humble to”, and same meaning are used in Glorious Quran. Mountains, Stars, Sun, and Moon humble to Divine Laws. When as a True Muslim, you follow all laws and ethical codes of Quran, you are in the state of Sajadah and Ibadat which are components of Quranic Salat

Brother Taimur: Quran is pretty big Book. God says: his Quran is fully detailed (mufassal) 6:114. God says: for Deen Islam, his Quran explains every thing 16:89. But Quran even never mentions number of Rakat of Five Namaz, because Namaz is not Salat.

Now, if these arguments are read by Sunni and Shia sects; they escape from the backdoor by saying that they have learned methods of Namaz from Rasool. But Truth is: Rasool and 4 Caliphs left behind only written Quran. They did not leave behind even one page of so called Hadiths, Sunnah, Seera. Asbab-Nazool, Fiqh and Tafsir. This kind of all material is forged by Sectarians in order to validate their five Parsi Namaz and to validate tons of Non-Quranic Sharia laws. Even we read tons of reports in Books of Sunni Sect that during the era of Rasool and 4 caliphs, there was complete ban on the writing of Hadith Sunnah and Tafsir. You can read tons of references in this page.

Truth is: Because Rasool and even 4 Caliphs left behind only written Quran, therefore; any rite, ritual or Sharia law which does not have roots in Quran, is not part of Deen al-Islam. After landing of Quran, Islam=Quran; Full Stop. Meaning of “Obey Allah and Rasool” is to obey laws of that Divine Book which Allah Azza wa Jal delivered to we people through his Rasool, and name of that Book is Quran only 6:19, 10:15, 6:114, 17:9, 28:85, 50:45, 25:30. Several verses of Quran make clear that Duty assigned to Rasool by God was NO MORE THAN to deliver Quran clearly, therefore; Rasool was mere an Agency of God 39:41, 6:107, 29:18, 5:92, 5:99, 3:20, 24:54, 42:6, 42:48, 64:12, 16:64, 2:213, 39:41, 18:110, 28:56, 72:21, 2:272, 27:92, 50:45. 12:111, 16:89, 17:12, 6:114, 10:15, 6:19, 13:40, 3:80, 75:19. So:

Authentic Hadith of Allah 39:23 = Authentic Hadith of Rasool 69:40, 81:19 = Only Quran 6:114, 6:19

Verse 3:103 forbids Tafarraqa in one Ummah. That means: no any Division, Split, Grouping, and Sect is permitted by Quran. Quran tells in 22:78, God has named you MUSLIMS; not Sunni and Shia Wahabi Salafi Ahle-Hadith Brailvi, DeoBandi JinnBandi PariBandi NasBandi Hanafi Maliki Shafi’i and Hanbali. This kind of all groups have split one Ummah. Quran tells in 6:159 that these Sect followers are OUT from the Fold of Islam. Verse 3:105 tells: Hell is waiting for these Sect Followers.

In whole Quran, Quran has never called Islam “Mazhab/Madhab=Theocracy. Quran is not Book of Religion=Theocracy=Pooja-Pot=Ritualism=Madhab but Quran is book of Divine Sociology. It guides us: how to spend our life on this planet, and get rewarded hereafter 17:9.سنی اور شیعہ، ہر راشنل ڈبیٹ میں ایک منٹ کے اندر اندر صرف چار قرانی ایات ٦:۱۱۴۔ ۵:۴۴، ۳:۱۰۳، ۳:۱۰۵ سے مکمل ناک-آؤٹ ہو جاتے ہیں کیونکہ شیعہ اور سنی فرقوں کی بنیاد جھوٹ، من-گھڑت کتب، فراڈ، کفر اور شرک پر رکھی گئی ہے اور ایسی شیطانی-عمارت جس کی بنیاد جھوٹ، من-گھڑت کتب، فراڈ، کفر اور شرک پر کھڑی ہو، مسلسل متزلزل رہتی ہے۔ ہم جیسے ایت ۲۲:۷۸ کے سچے مسلمان کے ساتھ، کسی راشنل ڈبیٹ میں، جب کوئی سنی مشرک شکست کھا جاتا ہے تو وہ مشرک اپنی مشرکانہ رائفل کی ميگزین کی اخری چھ مشرکانہ گولیاں فائر کرتا ہے۔ اور ان کی وہ چھ مشرکانہ گولیاں ان کے ۱۲۰۰ سال پرانے رٹے-رٹائے یہ چھ احمقانہ سوال ہیں۔ وہ سوال یہ ہیں: کدھر ہے قران میں نماز کی تفصیل؛ کدھر ہے قران میں وضو؛ کدھر ہے قران میں غسل؛ کدھر ہے قران میں حج کے مناسک؛ کدھر ہے قران میں زکوۃ؛ کدھر ہیں قران میں روزے یعنی فاسٹنگ۔ اپ، ان کے ان بے-تکے سوالات سے یہ سمجھ سکتے ہیں کہ یہ مشرک، ایات ٦:۱۱۴، ۱٦:۷۹ کا انکار کر رہے ہیں کیونکہ یہ ایات کہتی ہیں کہ دین اسلام کے معاملہ میں قران مفصل ہے اور مکمل ہے۔ اور قران کی ایات کہتی ہیں جو قران کی ایک ایت کا بھی انکار کرے وہ کافر ہے۔ ان مشرکین کے ان سوالات کی نوعیت کچھ ایسے ہے کہ اگر کوئی سنی یہ سوال کر دے کہ اگر قران مکمل اور مفصل ہے تو قران میں ایٹم بم بنانے کا فارمولا کیوں نہیں ہے؟ ایسے مشرک کے لیے جواب یہ ہو گا کہ قران، نہ تو وکی-پیڈیا ہے اور نہ ہی ایٹمی-فزکس کی کتاب ہے۔ قران، اللہ تعالی کے ان قوانین اور اخلاقی-ضوابط کی کتاب ہے جن کے مطابق یہ زندگی بسر کی جائے۔ اگر قران میں پانچ نمازوں کی تفصیل نہیں ہے تو اس کی وجہ یہ ہے کہ قران کے مطابق پانچ نمازیں، دین کا حصہ نہیں ہیں۔ اگر دین کا حصہ ہوتیں تو قران، ان کی تفصیل ضرور بتاتا۔ قران، صلاۃ کی بات کرتا ہے، اور ایت ۲:۱۷۷ میں نماز کی پوجا-پاٹ کو فضول قرار دیتا ہے اور کہتا ہے یہ پوجا-پاٹ کوئی نیکی کا کام نہیں ہے لَّيْسَ ٱلْبِرَّ أَن تُوَلُّوا۟ وُجُوهَكُمْ قِبَلَ ٱلْمَشْرِقِ وَٱلْمَغْرِبِ۔ قرانی صلاۃ کا اس نماز سے کوئی تعلق نہیں جو ایرانی پارسیوں سے امپورٹ کی گئی تھی۔ اور پھر اڑنے والے کھوتے براق کی حدیث فورج کرکے اس نماز کو اسلام کا حصہ بنا دیا گیا تھا- یہ جاننے کے لیے کہ قرانی صلاۃ کیا ہے، یہ صفحہ پڑھیں۔ یہ جاننے کے لیے کہ اڑنے والے کھوتے براق والی حدیث کیوں، کس نے، کیسے، اور کب فورج کی گئی یہ صفحہ ضرور پڑھیں۔ ان سنی جاہلوں کو اتنا بھی معلوم نہیں کہ ایت ۵:٦ میں مکمل وضو اور غسل دیا ہوا ہے جوکہ صلاۃ-جمعہ کے اجتماع یعنی میٹنگ میں شامل ہونے سے پہلے ضروری ہے۔ روزہ کا طریقہ قران نے سادہ مگر مکمل دیا ہے کہ ڈان سے ڈسک تک کھانا پینا بند رکھو، اور روزے کے دوران، بیوی سے مباشرت نہیں کرو۔ زکوۃ، اسلامی حکومت کا اقتصادی نظام ہے اور ٹیکس اس نظام کا ایک چھوٹا سا حصہ ہے۔ ملک کے حالات کے مطابق مجلس-شورہ ٹیکس کی شرح مقرر کر سکتی ہے۔ وہ دو فیصد بھی ہوسکتی ہے پانچ فیصد بھی ہو سکتی ہے، ڈھائی فیصد بھی ہو سکتی ہے اور پندرہ فیصد بھی۔ قران نازل ہونے سے پہلے مکہ کے مشرک بھی اپنی نوعیت کا حج کرتے تھے جس میں وہ پتھر کے بنے ہوئے کعبہ کو سجدے کر کے پوجتے تھے جیسے آج کل اسے سنی اور شیعہ اپنی نمازوں میں پوجتے ہیں، مشرک اپنی برانڈ کے حج میں پتھر کے بنے کعبہ کے گرد سات چکر لگاتے تھے، طلبیہ پڑھتے تھے اور حجر-اسود کو چومتے بھی تھے۔ قران نے، مشرکین کے یہ مناسک، اسلامی-حج کا حصہ نہیں بنائے،۔ اسی لیے مشرکین کے ان مناسک کا قران میں ذکر نہیں ہے۔ المختصر:اسلامی حج کے وہی مناسک ہیں جن کا قران نے ذکر کیا ہے۔ جن مناسک کا ذکر مکمل اور مفصل قران نے نہیں کیا وہ اسلامی حج کا بالکل بھی حصہ نہیں۔ ابھی، کوئی سنی یہ کہے گا کہ نماز اور حج کے مناسک اس نے حدیث اور سنت کی کتب سے سیکھے ہیں۔ تو، اس مشرک کو ہمارہ جواب یہ ہوگا کہ جناب مشرک صاحب: اپ سفید جھوٹ بول رہے ہیں کیونکہ رسول، خلفاء اور تمام صحابہ نے پیچھے ایک صفحہ بھی حدیث اور سنت کا نہیں چھوڑا؛ صرف لکھا ہوا قران چھوڑا۔ اور سنی فرقہ کی اپنی بیسیوں کتب میں لکھا ہے کہ رسول اور چار خلفاء کے دور میں حدیث اور سنت کے قصے کہانیوں پر پابندی تھی، اور اپ اس کا ثبوت سارے حوالاجات کے ساتھ اس صفحہ پر خود پڑھ سکتے ہیں۔ سچ یہ ہے کہ جس گروہ نے پارسی نمازیں اسلام میں داخل کیں، اسی گروہ نے حدیث سنت اسباب-نزول اور تفسیر کی کتب فورج کیں

ہم قران-الحکیم کی ہر ایت مبارکہ کو جانتے ہیں۔ قران-مجید کسی ایت میں بھی یہ نہیں کہتا کہ پتھر کے بنے ہوئے کعبہ کو مکہ کے مشرک بت-پرستوں کی طرح سجدے کر کے پوجو۔ قران تو ایت ۲:۱۱۵ میں کہتا ہے کہ تم جدھر بھی رخ کرو وہاں الله جَلَّ جَلَالَهُ موجود ہے۔ یہاں وجود سے مراد مادی وجود نہیں ۲۴:۳۵۔ اس لیے الله جَلَّ جَلَالَهُ کسی خاص مکعب نما کمرے میں یا کسی خاص سمت میں مقید نہیں۔ وہ تو شاہ-رگ سے بھی زیادہ قریب ہے ۵۰:۱٦ پھر ان فرقہ پرستوں نے اپنے خدا کو ایک مکعب نما کمرے میں کیوں مقید کر دیا ہے؟ کچھ نے اپنے خدا کو اسمان کے کسی کونے میں مقید کر رکھا ہے حالانکہ ایت ۲:۲۵۵ میں لکھا ہے کہ اس کی کرسی یعنی عرش پوری کائنات میں پھیلا ہوا ہے یعنی وہ ہرجگہ موجود ہے وَسِعَ كُرْسِيُّهُ ٱلسَّمَـٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضَ ۔ ارے بھائی اسے ڈھونڈنا ہے تو مکہ کی بجائے اسے اپنے مٹی کے بنے گھر میں ڈھونڈو کیونکہ وہ شاہ رگ سے بھی قریب ہے۔ قران-مجید کی کوئی ایت بھی یہ نہیں کہتی کہ کعبہ کو سجدہ کرنا قرانی-صلاۃ کا حصہ ہے۔ اور قران کے اندر تو لفظ سجدہ کے معنی “الله جَلَّ جَلَالَهُ کے احکام کے آگے جھکنا ہے”، کعبہ کی طرف بت-پرستوں کی طرح زمین پر متھا ٹیکنا نہیں۔

قران-مجید ایات ۲۲:۱۸، ۵۵:٦ میں بتاتا ہے کہ چاند، سورج اور پہاڑ بھی سجدہ کرتے ہیں۔ کیا اپ نے کبھی چاند یا سورج یا پہاڑ ہمالیہ کو کسی بریلوی یا چڑیلوی یا وھابی یا دیو-بندی یا جن-بندی یا نس-بندی مسجد میں داخل ہو کر کعبہ کی طرف متھا ٹیکتے دیکھا ہے؟ قران، ایت ۲۴:۴۱ میں یہ بھی بتاتا ہے کہ پرندے بھی صلاۃ کو فالو کرتے ہیں۔ اگر صلاۃ کے معنی نماز-پوجا پاٹ ہے تو ہم، شیعہ اور سنی ملاؤں سے پوچھتے ہیں کہ کیا پرندے شیعہ برانڈ کی اذان دیتے ہیں یا سنی برانڈ کی؟ کیا پرندے شیعہ حاکم معزدولہ کا فورج کیا ہوا درود ابراہیمی بھی پارسی نماز کی تشاھہد میں پڑھتے ہیں؟ تشاھہد کے دوران پرندے کیا شہادت کی انگلی کو اٹھا کر حنفی طریقے سے انگلی ہلاتے ہیں یا مالکی طریقے سے یا شافئی طریقے سے یا حنبلی طریقے سے؟ کیونکہ چاروں کا طریقہ مختلف ہے۔ کیا پرندے فاتحہ پڑھتے ہیں؟ اور کیا پرندے فاتحہ کے اخر میں چرچ سے نقل کی ہوئی “آمین” بریلویوں کی طرح پڑھتے ہیں یا چلا کر وھابیوں کی طرح ایک کلومیٹر لمبی آآآآآآآ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔مین پڑھتے ہیں؟ کیا پرندوں کو پتہ ہے کہ نماز-وسطی کونسی نماز ہے؟ پرندے بیچاروں کو بھلا کیسے پتہ ہو گا جب سنی اور شیعہ ملاؤں کو ۱۲۰۰ سال سے نہیں پتہ کہ صلاۃ-وسطی جس کو وہ نماز-وسطی کہتے ہیں کونسی نماز ہے؟

سیدھی سے بات ہے کہ اگر خاتم الأنبياء عليه السلام اور صحابہ رضي الله عنهم نے دس برس تک ہر روز پانچ نمازیں پڑھی ہوتیں تو بچے بچے کو پتہ ہوتا کہ نماز-وسطی کونسی ہے۔ خاتم الأنبياء عليه السلام اور صحابہ رضي الله عنهم کی وفات کے بہت بعد یہ پانچ پارسی نمازیں، براق کی حدیث فورج کرکے اسلام میں داخل کی گيئں۔ اس لیے ان ملاؤں کو صلاۃ وسطی کے معنی کا پتہ ہی نہیں۔ چنانچہ صدیوں سے سنی ملاں، نماز-وسطی کی اپنی اپنی کہانی سنا رہے ہیں۔ مالک کی مؤطا میں ایک روایت بتاتی ہے کہ نماز-وسطی کی نماز ظہر کی نماز ہے- مگر اسی کتاب کی ایک اور روایت کہتی ہے کہ کہ نماز-وسطی کی نماز فجر کی نماز ہے۔ نسائی لکھتا ہے کہ نماز-وسطی سورج کے طلوع ہونے کے بعد پڑھی جاتی ہے۔ یہ کونسی نماز ہے مسٹر نسائی؟ (اپ کو کچھ سمجھ ائی؟)۔ پارسی حدیث فورجر ترمذی لکھتا ہے کہ نماز-وسطی کی نماز عصر کی نماز ہے مگر فقہ مالکی کا ایک بہت بڑا برج حافظ ابن عبد-البر اپنی کتاب فتح-البر میں لکھتا ہے کہ کسی حال میں بھی عصر کی نماز، نماز-وسطی نہیں ہے۔ طبری لکھتا ہے کہ نماز-وسطی کی نماز فجر کی نماز ہے۔ طبری ایک اور جگہ لکھتا ہے کہ جب ایک ادمی نے خاتم الأنبياء سے پوچھا کہ صلاۃ وسطی کونسی ہے تو خاتم الأنبياء نے جواب دیا کہ صلاۃ-وسطی، صلاۃ ہے (اپ کو کچھ سمبھ ائی؟)۔ مفسر الرازی لکھتا ہے کہ نماز-وسطی کی نماز فجر کی نماز ہے۔ شامی ملاں ابن-کثیرلکھتا ہے کہ نماز-وسطی کی نماز عصر کی نماز ہے مگر ایک اور صفحہ پر ابن-کثیر لکھتا ہے کہ نماز-وسطی کی نماز فجر کی نماز ہے۔ ایک اور صفحہ پر ابن-کثیر لکھتا ہے کہ نماز-وسطی کی نماز ظہر کی نماز ہے(کیا اپ کو کچھ سمبھ آئی یہ خرافات پڑھ کر؟)- سنی اماموں کے صلاۃ-وسطی کے متعلق یہ اٹکل-پچو اور اندازے پڑھ کر اگر اپ، ابھی بھی یہ سمجھتے ہیں کہ خاتم الأنبياء عليه السلام اور صحابہ رضي الله عنهم، موجودہ پانچ پارسی نمازیں پڑھ کر پتھر کے بنے ہوئے کے کعبہ کو سجدے کیا کرتے تھے تو صاحب: پھر، اپ لاعلاج ہیں۔ ابن-شیبہ، مصناف میں لکھتا ہے کہ کہ نماز-وسطی کی نماز عصر کی نماز ہے۔ اسی کتاب میں ایک اور جگہ لکھا ہے کہ جب ابن-سیرن کو پوچھا گیا کہ صلاۃ وسطی کونسی صلاۃ ہے تو اس نے جواب دیا کہ یہ وہ صلاۃ ہے جس کے متعلق لوگوں کو احتیاط برتنی چاہیے (اپ کو کچھ سمبھ ائی؟)۔ اسی کتاب مصناف ابن-شیبہ میں ایک اور جگہ لکھا ہے کہ کہ نماز-وسطی کی نماز ظہر کی نماز ہے۔ اسی کتاب میں ایک اور جگہ لکھا ہے کہ نماز-وسطی کی نماز فجر کی نماز ہے۔ مصناف عبدالرزاق کی ایک رویت میں لکھا ہے کہ جب ابن-جريج نے عطاء سے پوچھا کہ صلاۃ-وسطی کونسی صلاۃ ہے تو اس نے ان الفاظ میں جواب دیا “اظنھا الصبح” میرا گیس ہے یعنی اندازہ ہے کہ وہ فجر ہے۔ یعنی اپ نے دیکھا کہ ان کے امام، صدیوں سے صلاۃ-وسطی کے متعلق گیس یعنی اٹکل-پچو لگا رہے ہیں۔ اگر خاتم الأنبياء عليه السلام اور صحابہ رضي الله عنهم نے روزانہ واقعی پانچ نمازیں پڑھی ہوتیں، تو صلاۃ-وسطی کے بارے میں ایسے اٹکل-پچو اختلافات کا سوال ہی پیدا نہیں ہوتا- نماز کے متعلق سب کی سب احادیث اسی گینگ نے فورج کی ہیں جنہوں نے پانچ پارسی نمازوں کو براق کی حدیث فورج کرکے اسلام میں داخل کر دیا تھا۔

ایت ۲:۱۷۷ صاف بتا رہی ہے کہ نمازوں کی پوجا-پاٹ کوئی نیکی کا کام نہیں مگر سنی مترجم، ترجمہ کرتے وقت اس ایت ۲:۱۷۷ کے ترجمہ کی تحریف کر دیتے ہیں۔ نماز کے متعلق، اور بھی کافی اختلاف ہیں امام کے پیچے فاتحہ پڑھنی ہے کہ نہیں۔ فاتحہ سے پہلے بسم-اللہ پڑھنی ہے کہ نہیں۔ رفعہ-یدین کرنا ہے کہ نہیں، شلوار ٹخنوں سے اوپر ضروری ہے کہ نہیں- حقیقت یہ ہے کہ نہ نماز پوجا-پاٹ اسلام کا حصہ ہے اور نہ ہی خاتم الأنبياء عليه السلام اور صحابہ رضي الله عنهم نے کبھی یروشلم یا کعبہ کی طرف سجدے کر کے نماز پڑھی۔ سنی حدیث اماموں نے یہ سفید جھوٹ لکھا ہے کہ پہلے، مسلمان یروشلم کی مسجد-اقصی کی طرف سجدے کر کے نماز پڑھا کرتے تھے اور بعد میں پارسی بخاری کا کوئی نامعلوم ادمی ایا اور اس نے مسلمانوں کو کہا کہ منہ مکہ کے کعبہ کی طرف موڑ لو۔ یہ کہانی دو سو فیصد من-گھڑت ہے۔ تاریخی ریکارڈ کے مطابق اس کہانی کا نہ سر ہے نہ پاؤں۔ سب پڑھے لکھے تاريخ-دان جانتے ہیں کہ خاتم الأنبياء کی زندگی میں فلسطین میں نہ کسی مسجد-الاقصی کا وجود تھا نہ ہی کسی یہودی ٹیمپل کا وجود تھا۔ جو مسجد-الاقصی اج ہم فلسطین میں دیکھتے ہیں اسے بنو-امیہ کے خلفاء نے خاتم الأنبياء کی موت کے ساٹھ سال بعد تعمیر کروایا تھا مگر معراج کی من-گھڑت احادیث کہتی ہے کہ معراج کے دوران خاتم الأنبياء، براق پر اڑ کر فلسطین کی اس مسجد-الاقصی میں گئے تھے جو مسجد-الاقصی اس وقت موجود ہی نہیں تھی۔ اس سے ثابت ہوا کہ براق والی حدیث، سو-فیصد من-گھڑت ہے، اور وہ پانچ نمازیں جو اس جعلی براق پر لاد کر سنی لائے تھے وہ بھی آٹو-میٹیکلی جعلی ٹھری کیونکہ پانچ نمازوں کی کہانی اس براق والی جعلی حدیث کا حصہ ہے۔ بڑے بڑے مسلم سکالرز نے اس براق کے قصے کو تاریخی-فکشن قرار دیا ہے۔ حتی کہ مفسر الرازی نے بھی براق کے قصے کو قبول نہیں کیا۔ پھر یاد دلاتا چلوں کہ پانچ نمازیں اسی جعلی براق کے ذریعے سے ہی ہم مسلمانوں پر مسلط کی گئیں۔ چونکہ براق جعلی ہے اس لیے جو پانچ نمازیں، اس جعلی براق کی کمر پر لاد کر لائی گئیں وہ بھی جعلی ہیں۔

قران، ایات ۵:۹۵، ۵:۹۷ میں کعبہ کے دو فنکشن بتاتا ہے کعبہ قربانی کی جگہ ہے، اور کعبہ، حجاج کی لیے پناہ-گاہ بھی ہے۔ قران میں کہیں نہیں لکھا کہ کعبہ کو سجدے کرو۔

اپ، اب سمجھ سکتے ہے کہ پانچ نمازوں کا پورا پلاٹ، جعلی ہے۔ اور يروشلم میں یہودیوں کے ٹیمپل کو رومن-جنرل ٹائٹس نے سال ستر عیسوی میں مکمل تباہ کر دیا تھا اور خاتم الأنبياء کے زمانے میں یروشلم میں کوئی یہودیوں کا ٹیمپل بھی موجود نہیں تھا۔ لہذا دو-قبلہ کی پوری کی پوری کہانی من-گھڑت ہے۔ بنو-امیہ نے امام زہری کو دبا کر کہا تھا کہ یہ دو-قبلہ والی حدیث فورج کرو کیونکہ بنو-امیہ کا مکہ کے حاکم عبداللہ بن زبیر سے سیاسی جھگڑا تھا۔ شام کے مسلمان جب مکہ حج کے لیے اتے تھے تو عبداللہ بن زبیر حجاج سے اپنی وفاداری کا حلف لیتے تھے۔ جب دمشق میں بنو-امیہ کو اس کی اطلاع ہوئی تو انہوں نے شامی مسلمانوں کو مکہ، حج پر جانے سے روک دیا۔ مگر شامی مسلمانوں نے شور مچایا کہ خلیفہ ہمیں حج سے کیسے منع کر سکتا ہے جب کہ قران ہمیں حج کرنے کو کہتا ہے۔ اس پر بنو-امیہ کے خلیفہ نے اپنے درباری مولوی امام زہری کو دو-قبلہ یعنی قبلاتین کی حدیث کو فورج کرنے کا حکم دیا۔ بعد میں بنو-امیہ نے یروشلم میں مسجد بنوا کر اسے ایت ۱۷:۱ سے کنیکٹ کرنے کے لیے اس مسجد کا نام مسجد-الاقصی رکھ دیا اور شامی مسلمانوں کو کہا کہ اب مکہ کی بجائے اپ اس نئی مسجد-الاقصی میں حج کریں۔ چنانچہ شامی مسلمان تقریبا سولہ مہینے تک وہاں جا کر جعلی نمبر-دو حج کرتے رہے اور گولڈن گھمبد کے گرد سات چکر لگاتے رہے۔ مگر جب بنو-امیہ نے عبداللہ بن زبیر کو حجاج بن یوسف کے ذریعے قتل کروا کر مکہ پر قبضہ کر لیا تو پھر شامی مسلماں دوبارہ حج کے لیے مکہ جانے لگے۔ یہ سارہ واقعہ پرانے عرب تاريخ-دانوں کی کتب میں لکھا ہوا ہے اور ہم نے اسے خود پڑھا ہے۔ باقی تفصیل اپ ہمارے صلاۃ کے صفحہ میں پڑھ سکتے ہیں۔

اب اپ کے ذہن میں یہ سوال اٹھ چکا ہو گا کہ پھر قرانی ایت ۱۷:۱، کونسی مسجد-الاقصی کی طرف اشارہ کر رہی ہیں؟ اس کا جواب بھی عربوں کی پرانی کتابوں میں موجود ہے۔ ۱۴۰۰ سال پہلے مدینہ منورہ کے بہت سے نام تھے اور ان ناموں میں سے مدینہ شہر کا ایک معروف نام مسجد-الاقصی بھی تھا۔ تو بات صاف ہو گئی کہ ایت ۱۷:۱ خاتم الأنبياء کے مکہ سے مدینہ کی طرف رات کے سفر کی طرف اشارہ کر رہی ہے۔ اس سفر میں جس اونٹنی پر خاتم الأنبياء سوار تھے اس کا نام قصوی تھا اور لفظ قصوی، لفظ مسجد-الاقصی کا مؤنث ہے۔جو شاہ رگ سے قریب ہے وہ جانتا ہے کہ ہمارہ اس کے سوا، کوئی اور ایجنڈا نہیں ہے کہ ایت ۲:۴۲ پر عمل کرتے ہوئے اپ کو صرف سچ بتایا جائے۔ قران کی ایت ۲:۱۷۷ کے مطابق، نمازوں میں نیکی نہیں ہے بلکہ نیکی یہ ہے کہ مسلمان بننے کے بعد اپ اپنے والدین اور بال بچے کی خدمت کریں۔ رشتہ داروں کی مدد کریں۔ معذور اور غریب کی مدد کریں۔ یعنی نیکی، خدمت-خلق میں ہے نماز-پوجا-پاٹ میں نہیں ہے

سنی اور شیعہ امام، صدیوں سے اپنے پیروکاروں کو یہ بتا رہے ہیں کہ قبلہ کے معانی وہ مکعب نما کمرہ ہے جس طرف سجدے کر کے پانچ پارسی نمازیں پڑھی جاتی ہیں۔ مگر یہ بات غلط ہے۔ قران-مجید سب سے زیادہ خوبصورت کتاب ہے۔ اس میں تصریف کے ذریعے ایات ایک دوسرے کی تفسیر کرتی ہیں۔ ایت ۱۰:۸۷ کے مطابق، الله جَلَّ جَلَالَهُ نے حضرت موسی کو حکم دیا تھا کہ مصر سے کچھ گھر لے کر ان کو قبلہ بنا لو اور وہاں سے اسلام کے پیغام کی لوگوں کو تبلیغ کرو۔ کیا یہ ایت موسی کو یہ حکم دے رہی ہے کہ ان گھروں کو قبلہ بنا کر ان گھروں کو نماز میں سجدے کر کے پوجنا شروع کر دو؟ نہیں۔ اس بات کا کوئی تک نہیں بنتا۔ یہ ایت ۱۰:۸۷ صاف بتا رہی ہے کہ قبلہ کا مطلب جی-ایچ-کیو یعنی جنرل-ھیڈ-کوارٹر ہے مرکز ہے۔ جب قران کہتا ہے کہ مسجد-الحرام مسلمانوں کا قبلہ ہے تو اس کے معانی جی-ایچ-کیو یعنی جنرل-ھیڈ-کوارٹر ہے۔

ایت ۲:۱۴۲ میں مشرکین مکہ کی طرح، مسلمانوں کو کعبہ کو سجدے کر کے پوجنے سے منع کیا گیا سَيَقُولُ ٱلسُّفَهَآءُ مِنَ ٱلنَّاسِ مَا وَلَّىٰهُمْ عَن قِبْلَتِهِمُ ٱلَّتِى اور اسی ایت کے اخری حصہ میں ان الفاظ قُل لِّلَّهِ ٱلْمَشْرِقُ وَٱلْمَغْرِبُ میں بتا بھی دیا گیا کہ ان کو ایسا کرنے سے کیوں منع کیا گیا ہے کیونکہ الله جَلَّ جَلَالَهُ ہرجگہ ہرطرف موجود ہے اور کعبہ میں ہی مقید نہیں۔ مگر ان احمقوں ٱلسُّفَهَآءُ کو جنہیں کعبہ کی پوجا پاٹ کی لت پڑ چکی تھی کہا کہ ہمیں کعبہ کی پوجا-پاٹ سے کیوں منع کیا گیا ہے، اور پھر ان احمقوں ٱلسُّفَهَآءُ نے ایت ۲:۱۴۲ کا ترجمہ ہی بدل ڈالا۔ اس ایت کے ترجمہ میں انہوں نے یہود، منافقین اور یروشلم جیسے الفاظ ڈال کر پورے ترجمہ کی تحریف کردی۔ اور اس ایت کو اس من-گھڑت قصے سے جوڑ دیا جس میں یہ کہا گیا کہ مسلمان، یروشلم کی مسجد الاقصی (جو اس وقت موجود ہی نہیں تھی) کی طرف سجدے کر کے نماز پڑھ رہے تھے اور بخاری کی کتاب کے مطابق کوئی نامعلوم شخص ایا اور مسلمانوں کو کہا اب یروشلم سے مکہ کے کعبہ کی طرف منہ موڑ لو۔ یہ کہانی ایک ہزار-فیصد من-گھڑت ہے۔ قران-مجید ہمیں بتاتا ہے اس زمین پر سب سے پہلا قبلہ مکہ والی مسجد الحرام ہے۔ تو پھر مکہ کے لوگوں کو اس وقت یروشلم کی اس مسجد-الاقصی کو نماز میں سجدے کرنے کی کیا ضرورت تھی، اور نبی-کریم کی حیات میں یروشلم میں کوئی مسجد موجود ہی نہیں تھی نہ یہودیوں کا ٹیمپل موجود تھا۔ یروشلم والی مسجد-الاقصی تو نبی-کریم کی موت کے ساٹھ سال بعد بنو-امیہ نے تعمیر کروائی تھی اور اسے بات کو سب تاريخ دان جانتے ہیںDroodIbrahimiPlusNotedroodinventionEnglish Translation of Above-Given Urdu Text: “THis Dua (Drood Ibrahimi) in fact was invented by Dehlmi Bani Boya (A Shia Ruler of Baghdad) and under his order this Dua was added in our Islamic Books. In those days, Books were written by hand, Moiz-Doula and Azz-Doula when managed to translate other religious books, at the same time he ordered to translate Islamic books of early Islamic era too. During that translations, he found an opportunity to blend many things in Islamic books that he loved personally”.

Also read in detail about that Shia Dynasty of Boya called in English “Buyid” at following links:


Please also note: First time, celebration of 10 Moharram was started (Bida”a) by same Shia Ruler of Baghdad “Mu’izz al-Dawla” in year Hijri 352. Same man fabricated fable of Karbala from scratch and built a fake tomb of Ali in Najaf where body of Caliph Ali never exists. Karbala battle never happened. It is a totally fabricated tale. Oldest Islamic history Book “Dalaa’l min Nobuwat-e-Sydna Mohammad” and Diary of Spanish Muslim Ruler tells: Hussein bin Ali was a successful Governor of Iraq. One day, during sleep, Sabaite Shia of Yahoodi hypocrite Abdulla bin Saba entered in his house and murdered Hussein bin Ali. Shia cult is a total fraud. We suggest reader to download a free book “Karbla: fact or fiction” authored by Dr. Shabbir Ahmed M.D. If you do not find it, ask us, we can send you its pdf copy. Many many Kharafaats that has been blended in Islam were invented during the Rule of Boya (Buyid) Shia-Rule. Buyid by roots were Persian Zoroastrians


“True History and False Belief” Read Page 151 & 144 (read who manufactured Five Namaz Rituals].

Note  for following pdf file: Copy relevant link and change extension from pd_ to pdf, and then download through your broser. We have done so, because if we show extension as pdf in these links; this page of wordpress opens whole pdf file even without demand, and that creates burden on loading this page.

A profile writer and researcher of Noble Quran, Akhtar Sherazi has asked 49 questions to a debating Mullah about Five Namaz prayers, at: [very informative]. Please download a.m page in pd_ format from following link:Important_Callout49 Questions about Salat

Following are very important links that will teach you actual meaning of Salat and Zakat

Is Islam a DEEN or a religion?
Important_Callout2A well known History and Quran researcher Akhtar Sherazi writes in his famous book

“The Qur’anic concept of Nikah vs. Religious prostitution”, that:

Noble Mohammad, the last Messenger, received the same Salaat [Constitution] and Zakah [Compatible Economic System] that Allah revealed to all of His previous Apostles. He worked very hard, along with his honorable companions to make the people of Hijaz understand the new system of government, which introduced Central Administration, as opposed to the independent City States, existing at that time.

It was a monumental assignment, which he successfully completed in almost two decades and established the government, first in Medina, and then in Mecca, after he conquered that city, without any bloodshed. The system worked very well, and the weak desert squatters, disdainfully called by the neighboring Iranians, were unified and turned into the first rate power of the time. History testifies to that reality.

The Iranians were devastated by the crumbling of their millennia old magnificent empire on the onslaught of a rag-tag volunteer Arab force. They decided, as a nation, to avenge that insult, and following the age-old English adage, ‘if you can’t beat them, join them’, they became pseudo-Muslims, learned Arabic and started the biggest national conspiracy against the united Arab power.
In the mean time, the people friendly administration, without the distinction of rulers and the ruled, established by Mohammad and his associates ended with the death of his last pal, when the people having lust for power and hunger for riches changed it into autocracy. Omayyad caliphs, in fact atrocious ruling kings, completely altered the administration and the compatible economic system established by Mohammad to suit their personal needs. Nevertheless, they were no good for the Iranians, who started conspiring to topple them. Finally, they succeeded in installing Abbasid clan on the throne, and got their chance to take revenge. About 250 or 300 years after the death of Mohammad, they started an all out campaign to collect his aphorisms or statements. It was just a cover for their heinous plot to ridicule Mohammad and his bosom buddies. Actually, they did not collect even a single saying, but fabricated millions of Ahadith in his name. That was the beginning of the Muslim Ummah coming apart, and is still going strong. Similarly, they created his fictitious Sunnah, fake Fiqah, and baseless Traditions.

They also tried to change the text of the Qur’an, but could not do anything in that area, as Arabic is a language of roots, which is impossible to change. Moreover, hundreds of thousand of Muslim Huffaz [plural of Hafiz, the one committing the entire Qur’an to memory] were there, who could thwart any such move. However, the Iranian Aimmah followed the second best option; they changed the connotations of almost eighty-thousand, terms, phrases, and expressions of the Qur’an. For example Sallat meaning government turned into Nimaz [an Iranian word], and Zakah, which means economic system of the Qur’an changed to 2.5 % tax on one’s annual savings”.

The word Sallat has appeared 67 times in the Qur’an and at most spots, it is followed by the term Zakkat. This in simple term means, administration and fiscal management of an Islamic state. The Islamic priesthood has made a blatant violation of the Arabic lexicon and syntax, by translating Sallat into an Iranian word Nimaz. The five prayers per day is a figment of some demented mind’s imagination or, had been a deliberate attempt to derail the dynamic program of government formation under the charter of the Qur’an. This twisted introduction into the divine social order has destroyed the effectiveness of Allah’s constitution, given to the human beings for having a successful, prosperous, and secure way of living, in this world.Important_Callout2Akhtar Sherazi further writes: about historical Perspective of Prayers:

According to Mu’awiyah, five daily supplications, funeral prayers, incantation of Dua, and celebration of Eid were alien rituals for the Muslim Ummah, until 672 AD. However, during the reign of Ziyad -Ibn- Zanad [in the time of Umayyad Caliph], governor of Iraq in 672 AD,  it surfaced that a sect known as Sabaean, the flowers of Prophet Idress, were carrying on  the five  or seven daily prayers, Drood and Salam, Eid celebration, and many others rituals.

During the reign of Abbasid Dynasty [strict autocracy in the garb of caliphate] extended over five centuries [750-1258 A.D.], the Iranian influence was at its zenith, both in the court and the harems of the royals. The caliphs gave them a free hand to do whatever they liked, on the proviso to make their lives easier in return.

Under the circumstances, the administrative and the economic system of Sallat and Zakah were stamped out completely, paving the way for the autocratic rule. The Muslim priesthood, especially, the Sunni and Shi’ah Aimmah (Imams-Mullahs) did the dirty work for the caliphs [Muslim kings] by introducing the most outrageous religious ritual, 5 daily Namaz . They transmuted the governmental  concept of Salat into five daily supplications, a mode of worship that was very popular among the Zoroastrians, who regularly practiced it to make their god Yasdah happy. Strangely enough, the Muslim Ummah is doing the same for the last millennium.

The ritual of prayer proved to be very divisive (destructive) for the once united Ummah, and played a pivotal role in the cult formation among the Muslims. In fact, the acceptance of prayers by the followers of Mohammad, opened the Pandora’s Box of secondary rites and customs like Darood-o-Salam, Zikar parties, private distribution of Zakah [at the rate of 2.5% on yearly savings], besides many more. whoguidednamazThe moment monarchy in the form of Banu Omayyad dynasty took over power; it was the end of the people friendly government based on the constitution of the Qur’an, which Mohammad and his associates established after long and arduous struggle, spread over couple of decades. Hereditary autocracy got a foothold, which is diametrically opposed to the basic tenets of the last revelation Quran.

The power hungry autocrats, in the garb of caliphs, kept the Aimmah (Imams-Mullahs) along with the Muslim priesthood on the leash, which were ready to do every service to please their masters. They deliberately divided the Qur’an illiterate, or just in name Muslims into countless sects and factions. Of course, according to the code of the Qur’an, it is an unpardonable offense, but the caliphs, their cohorts, and the conniving clergy did not attach much importance to it, as the charter of the Qur’an was the biggest obstacle in their way, which had to go, anyways.

The Aimmah [imams] created sects in Islam, and their descendants strengthened and widened the influence of all such divisions for personal benefits, and for the pleasure of the royalty. It is erroneous to believe; ‘the policy of divide and rule’ was the brainchild of the British hegemony in India, whereas the fact remains, it originated over a millennium ago, as the biggest conspiracy against Allah, Mohammad and the Qur’an, in the corridors of power, within the Muslim caliphate.

The Aimmah (Imams), exclusively originating from Iran, were the real adversaries of Allah, the Qur’an, and Mohammad, the Arab. They deliberately authored the junk of Ahadith, Sunnah, Traditions and Fiqah, in the name of the last Messenger of Allah, to belittle him and his magnificent companions, besides creating contradictions among the clear-cut verses of the Qur’an.

The Muslim priesthood insulted Allah by limiting Him to a single spot, heaven. In fact, this is nothing more than a myth, which all religions of the world accept in one form or another. In order to validate forgery of 5 daily Namaz rituals, they fabricated the hadith of Miraaj (night Journey).

Actually, this event (story of Miraaj) was taken right out of the Zoroastrian religious book, entitled, Arta Viraf Namak, which was in existence around four centuries, before the birth of Mohammad. The Muslim clergy rewrote the same story, with added attractions, like Gabriel and winged horse along with, surreptitiously, changing the main character; replacing the Iranian hero with Mohammad. For reading further juicy details of this fictitious event, please read the pertinent chapter of the book.

Another important point worth mentioning is, if Mohammad started praying after the event of Ascension or the revelation of chapter 17, Bani Israel, then in what context did he understand the word Sallah, which appeared in 25 verses of the Qur’an before all that happened?

Zakat is: Just Economic Order of Islam. This is why we do not see 2.5 in Quran. 2.5 etc Islamic tax is a small part of System of Zakaat. In war, when GOV need more Arms, that tax can be increased from 2.5 to 13 etc. or if State is rich, that can make 1.5 percent instead of 2.5. Allah has left it open as per circumstance, otherwise what was difficult for Allah to mention in a so big book names of fake Dajjal & freak Mahdi and 2.5 Percent of Zakat?

When Allah has called the Quran “Tibyaanan li Kulli Shaiyin” (16:89)”. This means it explains everything; then. 

Why the Qur’an is completely silent about the number of the component rakats [modules] of various prayers such as Sunnat, Fard, Nafal, Vitar, and Traveh? Where did these come from, and who were the perpetrators of such blasphemy? Do you have any answer? Why does the Qur’an not identify the verses suitable for recitation in each rakat of every prayer? What do you say about that?

In the case of inheritance, Allah went into the details of shares for each family member, and used fractions like 1/2 and 1/6th to guide the people. Why then, there is not number of units of Fard and Sunna of Five Namaz Rituals, what to read in Qayyam & Tash’had etc? Did Allah forget to mention  units of 5 Irani Five Namaz rituals? Does Allah forget? Has Allah shortage of words?

Atta-Hyatt, an essential component to be recited before the completion of each module of prayer, consisting of two Rakats, is not available in the Qur’an. Who wrote and introduced this Arabic passage for the Nimaz, [prayer] and how did they dare to equate this human insertion with the text of Allah? Come out with your response!

Where does the Qur’an mention that recitation of Surah Al-Fatiah is compulsory in every Rakat of each Nimaz? How do you look at that aspect of Iranian Nimaz?

The term Allah-o-Akhabar is a repetitive and essential constituent of all prayers, but why it does not appear anywhere in the Qur’an? Have you ever thought about that?

The Shi’ah begin their Wadu or ablution from the feet, in contrast to the Sunni, who begin with the face first. Can Allah issue such stupid and inconsistent commands? Do you agree or go the other way?

Is it possible to identify even a single verse of the Qur’an, which issues specific command on the subject of funeral prayers?

Which verse or, verses of the Qur’an provide details abt Eid-ul- Fitar prayer?

Does the Qur’an mention Eid-ul-Dahha prayer in any verse, and where is it written for the Muslims to follow the Sunnah of Abraham, pertaining to the sacrificial lamb?

Does the Qur’an instruct the Sunni Muslims to celebrate the festival of Eid-e-Meellaad-un-Nabi, through any verse?

Shi’ah has different Aazan as compared to their Sunni counterparts. Can you identify, which one is in line with Allah’s commandments?

The verse 2:115 pinpointsthe fact, there is no need to face a particular direction or towards Ka’bah to please Allah, because he is anywhere and everywhere simultaneously.

Certainly, mosques are built to house the administrative staff of the Islamic state for meeting day to day challenges, head on. It also acts as an assembly hall for the government officials, and the community leaders to come together, for finding solutions to any problems impeding the smooth operation of the divine social order. In the houses of Allah, the sovereignty of His rules and regulations reigns supreme. In view of that fact, nothing else carries any significance at all.’ * [72:18].Important_Callout2Download 49 questions about Namaz at this link:49 Questions about Salat

A file that every wise Muslim MUST read, is at: Click on following link to download. Persian Conspiracies Against Islam

Let we make one point clear that we are not advocates of any Sufi but we are telling here the facts. And any Sufi who violates any law of Noble Quran, has been gone astray. Like Sunni, Shia and other sects; Sufi never claimed, they are a sect. Throughout this page when we use word Sufi; take it as enlightened-one or a Muslim who remains mindful about Allah much more than conventional Mullahs and their blindly-following brain-bent pets. Because about six interconnected topics are discussed in this page; so reader can see repetition of some material; as sometimes, same material is relevant to different topics. Even book of Allah repeats many verses; that have relevancy to different subjects given in Quran. In order to understand what is truth; reader must not seek short-cuts but is expected to be patient and read each line and all internal links given in this page. Remember: You will never find the TRUTH by short-cuts. You have to devote days, months and even years in intensive studies to realize truth. Some readers want to know whole truth of such a complex subject with in a few lines. That kind of readers are indeed not Truth-Seekers but immature morons.; and this page is not published for such kind of fools. Let they watch some cartoon-movies at their TV instead.

Meditation a small Part of System of Salaat: Prophet used to do meditation in Cave Hira when Jibrael came with first verse of Quran. Moses’ 40 days are well known for Meditation. Siddhartha Buddha, for Sure a Muslim Warner to Indian people, was a King of Meditators. But like Judaism and Christianity; teachings of Buddha were also corrupted after his death. So what Buddhist and their lamas preach today, might differ very much from actual teachings of Buddha. In Buddhism of today, many Hindu beliefs has been welded.

In addition to well known 40 days of Jesus’ meditation; Five hundred years after Buddha, Isa/Jesus Christ walked on the foot steps of Buddha, and Jesus stayed for many years in the City of KapilaVastu of Nepal to learn meditation of Buddha. That town is birth-place of Buddha. All teachings of Buddha coincides with teachings of Quran. We have read oldest Buddhist Literature in Pali and we have no doubt that he was a Muslim warner from GOD. Also note that many parables taught by Jesus are exactly word-by-word same as of Siddhartha Buddha. In order to see that similarities, it is better to watch following video:

As a result of tons of written historical evidence; meditation of Jesus with Buddhists Priests 2000 years ago in Tibet, Ladakh Valley of Kashmir, and KapilaVastu Nepal, cannot be denied. Here very important question pops up; which is; that If Siddhartha Buddha was not a Man of GOD, and if Meditation was forbidden by GOD; then how GOD could ordain Prophet Jesus to go to KapilaVastu and learn meditation, or to take part in their meditations?Callout_3ColorJesusandBuddhaIn order to read in depth, what Jesus was doing in Nepal & and India; please visit our best scholarly page on Jesus at:

Whenever we tell truth about life of Jesus in the light of Quran, Bible and history; majority of ignorant fanatics start to place slanders; O that people are Qadiani or followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani. We are NOT followers of Mirza Qadiani or Rashaad Kahalifa in any shape. We believe that Last Prophet of GOD was Mohammad(S), and Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani and Rashaad Khalifa were impostors. At our main page, please visit our page about Qadianism. That page proves rationally and logically, that Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani was an impostor. Our approach is not fragile and unwise like moronic approach of ignorant Mullahs but our approach is so strong, logical and rational, that Qadiani find no way to escape from any back door.

Allah accepts Dua of True Sufis who are great meditators. Allah never accepts Dua of Mullahs who pray 5 Persian Zoroastrians Namaz rituals that Irani Zoroastrians blended in Islam around 773 A.D under patronage of Zoroastrian Mother of caliph Haroon Rasheed Queen Khaizran. Some Mullahs resisted on this innovation of Five Namaz rituals but Khaizran shut their mouth by the bribery of millions of Gold and silver coins, Who resisted lost their necks thru Fatwa-Qazi appointed by Khaizran. This is the the reason, we do not see in Quran Five Namaz Rituals and its units and its atta-hiyaat etc. Because it is NOT PART of Islam.Allah Jalla Aala says in Glorious Quran verse 50:16:

“NOW, VERILY, it is We who have created man, and We know what his innermost self whispers within him: for We are closer to him than his neck-vein”

Allah Jalla Aala says in Glorious Quran verse 56:85:

“and while We are closer to it than you, although you see [Us] not”

“To Allah belong the east and the West: Whither-soever ye turn, there is the presence of Allah. For Allah is all-Pervading, all-Knowing” (Quran 2:115)  Or other translation of this verse by its exact words is:

(Quran 2:115) “Both East and West belong to Allah, so wherever you turn, the Face of Allah is there. Allah is All-Encompassing, All- Knowing.”  [Translation by Aisha Bewley]
“O listener! Did you not see that Allah knows all whatever is in the heavens and all whatever is in the earth? Wherever there is any discussion among three He is the fourth present with them, and among five He is the sixth, and there is no discussion among fewer or more except that He is with them wherever they may be; and then on the Day of Resurrection He will inform them of all what they did; indeed Allah knows all things” [Noble Quran 58:7]
Quran 8:28: Restrain thyself along with those who cry unto their Lord at morning and evening, seeking His countenance; and let not thine eyes overlook them ………..

Quran 13:28: “Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the meditation of Allah. for without doubt in the meditation of Allah do hearts find satisfaction.

Quran 2:152: Therefore, bear Me in mind with reverence so that I bear you in mind and impel yourselves with gratitude. And do not be callous with hearts barren of faith.

(note: To bear me in mind is to be mindful & to be mindful is a meditation.)

Quran 24:37: “By men whom neither traffic nor merchandise can divert from the Remembrance of Allah, nor from closely following established Divine commandments, nor from Zakat (to give in Charity what is surplus): Their (only) fear is for the Day when hearts and eyes will be transformed (in a world wholly new),-

Quran 63:9: “O YOU who have attained to faith! Let not your worldly goods or your children make you forget the remembrance of Allah: for If any behave thus – it is they, they who are the losers”,

إِنَّنِي أَنَا اللَّهُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا أَنَا فَاعْبُدْنِي وَأَقِمِ الصَّلَاةَ لِذِكْرِي

In Quran verse 20:14, Allah says: “Verily, I, I alone am Allah, there is no god but Me. Therefore, serve Me alone, and from this very moment strive to establish the Divine Order in the land to practically remember Me”.

هُوَ الْأَوَّلُ وَالْآخِرُ وَالظَّاهِرُ وَالْبَاطِنُ وَهُوَ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ

HU [Allah] is the First (Awal) and (He is) the Last (Aakir), and the All Present, [Omnipresent, the All Evident (Za’hir)]: And (He is) the Hidden (Ba’tin), and He is the All Knower (Aleem) of all the (minutest) things [Quran 57:3]

وَأَسِرُّوا قَوْلَكُمْ أَوِ اجْهَرُوا بِهِ إِنَّهُ عَلِيمٌ بِذَاتِ الصُّدُورِ

“Whether you hide your word and thought or make it known, behold, HU is the Knower of what is in the hearts”. [Noble Quran 67:13]

[Qaul’ = Word = Saying = Utterance. It also signifies thought, opinion, belief and idea].

Our team has studied, analysed and understood meditation in depth for over 30 years, done by some true Muslim saints and we have concluded that even very big names and very big scholars like Allama Ghulam Ahmed Pervez, Dr. Shabbir Ahmad M.D, the whole Wahabi Sect and many others are totally failed to realize the truth that Quran does not deny Meditation. In fact again and again Quran emphasizes on mediatation to Allah in all awaken conditions. And Quran says it “THE BIGGEST PRAYER. That in no way mean to leave your family and sit in a forest alone to seek Allah. One can be a busy king sitting on thrown and still he can be a Man of GOD. One can be a Professor in a school and still can be a man of GOD. One can be a sweeper in a local city but still can be a man of GOD. Allah is nearer to you than your neck-vein (Quran). So one does not need to search Allah only in Mosque, temple, Church or forest. A thing is searched which is far from you but Allah is not far from you. Only is the barrier between your physical body and the Real Spiritual Realm of One Allah. Meditation gives you a chance to look into that spiritual Realm: We quote here a few lines from the Spiritual Poetry of One of the greatest Muslim fully internally enlightened saints for the understanding of reader: Following video and a few poetry lines of Saint Bulleh Shah explain every thing that we have concluded after our over 30 years in depth research in this field. Bulleh Shah does not say, do not learn knowledge, as he himself was a highly learned scholar but he says, that to meet ur Lord. it is not essential to read heap of theological literature when inner side of person is dark. He says, that a truthful approach even w/o reading the heap of human’s authored books can be fruitful.

مَثَلُ الَّذِينَ حُمِّلُوا التَّوْرَاةَ ثُمَّ لَمْ يَحْمِلُوهَا كَمَثَلِ الْحِمَارِ يَحْمِلُ أَسْفَارًا بِئْسَ

مَثَلُ الْقَوْمِ الَّذِينَ كَذَّبُوا بِآيَاتِ اللَّهِ وَاللَّهُ لَا يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الظَّالِمِينَ

Noble Quran, Sura Juma, verse 62:5: (The Book of Allah is to be read and understood, and not placed in high niches.) The example of those who were entrusted with Torah, and did not apply it in their daily lives, is that of the donkey that carries a load of books. Tough indeed is the example of people who deny Allah’s Verses by their actions. Allah does not show the Way to people who displace the Revelation from its rightful station. (‘Kizb’ = Belie = Give lie = Deny in practice. ‘Kufr’ = Reject openly = Darkness = Denial = Ingratitude. ‘Zulm’ = Dislodge from the rightful place = Relegate the Truth = Give preference to other sources = Oppression = Wrongdoing = Violation of human rights).

In fact Saint Bullah Shah is explaining Quranic verse that says, a Jahil Scholar is like a donkey who is loaded with a heap of books but does not understand the true spirit of that books: We have translated into English with the help of a Punjabi friend. what Saint Bulleh Shah (1680 – 1757 A.D.) has Said:

[ILmoon bas karin O Yar] O Scholar, O Theologian, O my friend, enough is enough, Stop to read heaps of Books now:

“You have read many many books and you have become a big scholar but you have never read yourself (you are dark from inside).”

“You always run & run in order to enter into worship temples but you have never tried to enter in yourself.”

“You fight daily with Satan (Devil) but you never fought with your own ego.”

“O Buleh Shah! people has always tried to catch some thing that fly in sky but have never tried to catch who is sitting right in their home”.

“O man, In order to meet Lord, it is not essential to earn Ph.D Degrees in theology, in order to meet him just to learn & understand / meditate “1” “Alaf” is enough and enough.

{ILmoon bas karin O Yar = O my friend stop now to read many many theological human’s authored books, [After right faith that is in Quran] just is enough to understand/meditate just one word “Alaf” “1” to meet your Lord}

“O Theologian O scholar! you have read so many books that now there are heaps of books around you. So many books that now you are sorounded with the light of those books, but still you have darkness in your inner-self. In this condition, if some ask asks you, tell me the road that goes to Lord? You do not know the answer truly”.

Please double cilck in the center of videos in order to display them in youtube in bigger screen.

Listen poetry of Saint Bullah Shah (1680 – 1757) in following video.

O my friend! stop to read the heaps of books now!. You are in need of just one word “Alaf”

Core message given in following video is what is given in Quranic verse 2:177 [verse is given below]

Which is, serve humanity, serve humans. To serve humans is much much more important than to build/repair worship temples.

Listen poetry of Saint Mian Muhammad Bukhsh [1830-1907 AD] also known as [Rumi of Kashmir] in following video.

Listen also utterance of one of the Greatest Muslim Saints of Islamic History – Mian Muhammad Bakhsh


Following is Utterance / Dua / Prayer of one of the greatest Muslim Saints of Islamic history “Mian Muhammad Bakhsh [1830-1907 AD] from his magnum opus – “Saiful Malūk”

When Saints talk about Friend or beloved or love, that they address only and only to Allah and not to any human being, as some ignorant can take it like this.

Again listen the Utterance of one of the greatest Muslim saints of Islamic history “Saint Bullah Shah (1680 – 1757 AD)” in following video. Please read English translation on the video screen.

Saint Bullah Shah has told the bold truth in his poetry that debunks Mullahhood and priesthood fully. Pls note, saints when use word “Friend or Beloved; it is for Allah, and not for any human.

[Quran 2:115] “Both East and West belong to Allah, so wherever you turn, the Face of Allah is there. Allah is All-Encompassing, All-Knowing.”  [Translation by Aisha Bewley].

هُوَ الْأَوَّلُ وَالْآخِرُ وَالظَّاهِرُ وَالْبَاطِنُ وَهُوَ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ

HU [Allah] is the First (Awal) and (He is) the Last (Aakir), and the All Present, [Omnipresent, the All Evident (Za’hir)]: And (He is) the Hidden (Ba’tin), and He is the All Knower (Aleem) of all the (minutest) things. {Quran 57:3}

وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِي عَنِّي فَإِنِّي قَرِيبٌ أُجِيبُ دَعْوَةَ الدَّاعِ

إِذَا دَعَانِ فَلْيَسْتَجِيبُواْ لِي وَلْيُؤْمِنُواْ بِي لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْشُدُونَ

Quran 2:186: “AND IF My servants ask thee about Me – behold, I am near; I respond to the call of him who calls, whenever he calls unto Me: let them, then, respond unto Me, and believe in Me, so that they might follow the right way”.

Again listen the Utterance of Great Muslim Saint – Bullah Shah

“Munh aayi baat na rehndi ae” – Saint Bullah Shah

There was English translation [subtitles] coming on screen of above-given video but we do not know why “CokeStudio” has removed that translation?

We have translated Poety of Bulla shah that is sung in above-given video. This translation is provided to us by a scholar of Punjabi Language.

In Punjabi, the native language of Saint Bullah Shah =  [“Munh aayi baat na rehndi ae”] mean:

“A truth that have reached to my mouth, now I cannot stop it, so I have to say it now”

“If I tell a lie, then I will be safe [from the Fatwas of Mullahs; Mean, no one will attack me].

But If I say Truth, there will be ignited, a big blazing fire [As Truth may hurt fanatics, Mullahs, Clergy. Clerics, Priests].

So I am afraid of telling both, either a lie or even a truth.

However, though my tongue is very afraid, but yet I am determined to say the truth.

A truth that have reached to my mouth, now I cannot stop it, so I have to say it now.

He who has dicovered the secret/mystry of Sainthood [Wisdom of true path].

He/she is who, who has deeply investigated the path that leads to his own inner-self.

And who finally finds the path that leads to his own inner-self; he/she is who , who is dweller of “Temple of Peace”.

And in that Temple of Peace, nothing goes up or down, there is no any East and West. It is free of these things. (Pause here & read in verse 2:177 East and West please)

A truth that have reached to my mouth, now I cannot stop it, so I have to say it now.

One very important point that we want to disclose with all due respects.

That is , that we know mystry/secret of all of you.

In every one there is face of Allah/creater/ONE GOD. [Refer to Quranic verse 57:3 & 2:115]

 Ref: وَلِلّهِ الْمَشْرِقُ وَالْمَغْرِبُ فَأَيْنَمَا تُوَلُّواْ فَثَمَّ وَجْهُ اللّهِ إِنَّ اللّهَ وَاسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ

But that face is sometime hidden and sometime it exposes himself.  [Refer to Mansur Hallaj, Ba Yazid Bastami, Sarmad, Socrates]

 Ref: هُوَ الْأَوَّلُ وَالْآخِرُ وَالظَّاهِرُ وَالْبَاطِنُ وَهُوَ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ

A truth that have reached to my mouth, now I cannot stop it, so I have to say it now.

This front-yard of your House is slippery, therefore walk slowly & very carefully as there is darkness

But let you use insight, enter in your own House and see/ponder, who is sitting there in your own house [Body].

We do not know, why people search Allah/GOD outside from their own house [inner-self? [such as worship in temples], when HU is right there in your own house.. [Refer to Quranic verse 57:3, 2:115, 50:16, 2:186, 58:7 & 56:85]

A truth that have reached to my mouth, now I cannot stop it, so I have to say it now.

O Bullah Shah! Allah/GOD is not seperate from us. [Refer to Quranic verse 57:3, 2:115, 50:16, 2:186, 58:7 & 56:85]

In fact, nothing exists in this universe except ONE Allah. [Refer to Quranic verse 57:3 & 2:115]

[Note: Mean Allah is source of all existence. Hu has no house to live but there is no any house where Hu does not live. Refer to Quranic Verses 2:255 & 24:35, also see a picture below with lights]

But not every physical eye, can grasp/observe this truth.

This is the reason, we suffer from the pains due to separation [for being separate] from him.

A truth that have reached to my mouth, now I cannot stop it, so I have to say it now.

O scholar! After reading, so many, so many, theological books, you have become a Qazi [Judge] in Islamic Sharia Court. [Refer to Quranic verse 62:6].

After fighting many battles against enemy with sword & defeating them, you have achieved the title of Ghazi [a victorious warrior]

Also you went to Mekka and Madina [In Saudi Arabia] to perform the pilgrimage  & came back, and after that you have achieved the title of Haaji

[Haaji mean a Muslim who has completed Hajj-Pilgrimage of Makka & Madina in Saudi Arabia – Two the most sacred places among Muslims]

But O Bullah Shah! Behold! You have in fact achieved nothing, if you are failed to please your friend [Allah/One GOD]” – [See verse 2:177 & 29:45 too]

وَلَذِكْرُ اللَّهِ أَكْبَرُ[Meditation to Allah is the Greatest Prayer]

Note: Saints say Allah as Lord, Beloved & also the best friend. Please also note that last words that

Last Prophet Muhammad PBUH spoke just before his last breath were: “Allahumma Rafeeqil A’laa” (Allah is our the Glorious Companion)

Quran_25_35Saint Baba Farid said: When I reached to heights (ecstasy in spiritual realm) and saw down; I saw fire in every house. Here he mean Divine light emerging from each human

Rumi Said: Light is ONE but lamps are different.

Last Prophet Said: Paradise is nearer to you than ur shoe laces

Second Last Prophet of Islam Isa/Jesus said: Kingdom of GOD is with in you

A Wise Man of GOD,Siddhartha Buddha Said: Way is in your heart and not in Sky

Though all sects are forbidden by Quran and it is great to be a Muslim and only Muslim but we see, that one of the most deviated and ignorant sect is called Salafi originated from Saudi Arabia. We can say: A Salafi is a blind follower, Quran has declared blind-followers as the worst beasts. Problem of Salafi is; that they fail to understand that there are verses that are Foundation of BOOK; but there are verses of symbolism and allegory. Salafi ignore main verses and follow allegorical verses in their own way. For example: Quran says: That nothing is like Allah Jalla Aala. This verse is among Fundamentals but allegorically; Quran also says: That boat of Noah was floating under EYES of Allah. So we can judge here that this verse about Noah’s boat is allegorical because nothing is like Allah. Also Jaahil Salafi and all Kuffaar Hadithers superimpose millions of forged hadiths on Quran that Persian Zoroastrian Imams fabricated 250-400 years after the death of Prophet with fabricated Matans and fabricated chains of narrations. One fabricated Hadith of Bukhari says: Allah has five fingers, on one finger Allah puts sky and on other four fingers different things.  So they take it as, that Allah is a Human being’ which is a kuffar. We are fan of Dr. Bilal Phillips and we love him more than any one. He is one of the greatest speakers we have ever seen. We believe; he is an honest and dedicated Muslim. But What is problem? He did Ph.D; and curricula of all theological degrees in Christianity and Islam are based on corrupted bibles; fabricated Tafseers, forged hadiths and funny contexts. As a result; bigger the degree one have, bigger the Jaahil he is. They are trained to sell lies. Like Salafi sect, Dr. Bilal also thinks that GOD is like a Man; so he cannot be omnipresent. In one lecture Dr. Bilal Phillips was saying: How GOD can be present every where? Because according to him; will GOD be present in washroom too?. This is proof that up to what extent he is a Jahil. He is saying so, because he thinks; GOD is like Humans. But nothing is like GOD & the point of washroom that Bilal has raised, can be applied only to human beings. Can we ask Bilal that when you pray in House of Allah Masjid, like all humans, your intestine are also full of Stool which is more dirty than even washrooms. So should you go to a doctor who will clean your intestines before your entry into Mosque? All these problems in their brain arise because they think Allah is like a Human. No one in our team is advocate of any Sufi. Quran says: Listen all what is being said and take from it the best part. Same is our way. We take only best part and throw away the other one, regardless who said it. Symbolism and Allegory in Glorious Quran – A must info for Beginner-Reader of Quran

O Mentally paralyzed Atheist: That beam of Divine light in you is keeping you alive, otherwise you are a dummy of flesh and bones. When that beam is cut-off; you will be presented in HU’s court to see, how you performed during test/trial on this earth; and your relatives and friends will carry your lifeless dummy of flesh and bone and will rush to any cemetery or cremating center before decay starts. This is the whole truth that you atheist fails to grasp during your life; and during your life on earth, you spend your whole time in running after tangibility and material proofs of Divine Truth; whether in fact Real eternal world is “Spiritual Realm” and this material world is made temp and transient for test. Just like a villager installs tents in a play ground before a marriage party and after when that party is over; you do not see any tent there. Even when your brain is looking at a crow; that crow does not appear in your brain like camera works but appears through signals that brain generates and in fact you do not know that the crow you are looking, if really exists or not but is being shown to you as it is. Same happens when you touch and see any thing. Try to know mystery of brain; how it works. This is reality of your material and tangibility to whom you stick whole life & destine yourself to Fire. So be Wise and believe in Creator who is source of all lives, and thank him in each breath in all awaken conditions. Your all journeys start from HU and Ends at HU.

ImmortalPersonAn important Information:

According to our in depth research that exceeds three decades in the fields of theology, history, Sufi Saints writings, comparative religions, science, spiritualiy, N.D.E, metaphysics, and Parapsychology;  we conclude that after the Prophets and scriptures of Allah, we have found, that our some Muslim Saints were highly informed about Divine Truth and they were diamonds of Truth include, but not limited to, Saints, Mian Muhammad Bakhsh, Baba Fareed, Rumi, Bullah Shah, Sultan Bahu, Shah Hossein, Baba Nanak & some others. (Note: Our in depth research leads us to believe that Nanak was a Muslim Saint, He never created Sikhism. Sikh-ism was created hundreds of year later and was connected to his name.). Majority of Conventional Mullahs are ignorant in  the field we have mentioned above; so they even declare these saints as Kaafirs. But fact is; that not that Saints but majority of Evil ignorant Mullahs and Freak Imams were and are kaafirs and their role during past 1200 years was no more than role of a deceiver. What they have been preaching to majority of ignorant blindly-folloiwng Muslims has no any relation with the Islam that was perfected upon Last Prophet Mohammad(S) and has been finalized in Noble Quran. We never accept any thing from any Mullahs or imam or Sufi that contradict verses of Quran. This is why we have explained mystic poetry of some saints on this page in the lights of verses of Book of Allah.

Reader may ask why we have excluded personal sayings of Prophets & Sahaaba [companions of Prophets] from this grading? Answer is that in fact personal sayings of Prophets and their sihaba have been not reached to us in their original form. It has been forged & twisted by Zoroastrian Hadith imams of Persian origin, fanatics & criminals. Besides, It was goal of all Prophets including last Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him to establish the laws that were given in the BOOKS of Allah and they all forbade strictly to write their personal sayings [called hadiths].

When you are in aeroplane, how will you pray 5 Persian Namaz Rituals facing Kaaba? Allah is present every where [Quran]. in order to talk to Allah Jalla Aala, you are not in need of any direction as HU covers all directions and Allah Jalla Aala is nearer to you than even your neck vein [Quran]. When Allah is nearer to you than even your neck vein then why Prophet was in need of to take ride on a donkey Buraq and to fly to any remote parts where Allah lives? Why Eisa son Mary then need to fly alive to meet Allah in any remote part of this universe where Allah Lives? Why you need to take any direction during Quranic Prayers [not rituals] when Allah is present in all directions? If you are a wise, then just these two lines are enough to teach you truth and to shun falsehood. But no any treatment for a subborn brainwashed idiot fanatic.

Hell, Paradise, Allah, spirits[original person] of died people are not far from you but are in fact near to you than your shirt but that all are in another REALM called spiritual Realm. One can only enter in that REALM permanently if he/she dies or temporarily/momentarily with the permission of Allah during sleep or deep coma or during Wajad when a pure Muslim enter in. Otherwise there is Barzakh [a barrier] between you and that Spiritual Realm. And your Naats and droods do not reach to dead person/human Prophet after Barzakh. But Allah does not dies & is Live and listens & see all things. Prophets of Allah used to say Quranic Duas when they were in troubles. we suggest all Muslims to always follow following code of Quran given in verse 2:177:

Three Historical Tragedies:  when civilization of a Conqueror Nation was finally swallowed by the civilization of Conquered Nation

1- When Paul tried to convert Roman Pagans into Christianity he succeeded But Christianity was swallowed by Pagan Roman civilization and what we see today is not Christanity but in fact is Pauline Roman Paganism. Two, the biggest blasphemous evils Son-ship and Trinity 3inone came from Pagan culture. This blasphemy was never ever taught by son of Mary.

2- Arabs Invaded Persian Empire but Pure Arab Islamic civilization was swallowed by Persian Zoroastrian civilization and Now todays Islam is No.2 Persian-brand of Islam; Not that real Islam at all that was perfected upon our Great Master Last Prophet & Messenger SyedeNa Muhammad (PBUH). These Persian Parsi Zoroastrians fabricated 2.3 million hadiths 250-400 years after the death of Prophet against his consent to deface Islam & they successfully diverted almost whole Muslim Umma away from Real Law Source of Islam Noble Quran. They took revenge from Arabs/Islam for their defeat in the hands of Arab military Generals. This well planned revenge is very clearly mentioned in Persian’s history books. Today majority of misguided Muslims seek guidance in this forged Persian crap instead of seeking guidance from Book of Allah Quran which is THE BEST hadith of Allah, Fully detailed, Standalone, Complete, Protected and Preserved. So simple is Islam, what is not in Quran is not mandatory. Prophet said always “Do not take from me any thing except Quran & who has written my personal sayings must erase it”.

3- Muslim Mughals Babar & others  {Successors of Amir Tamoor / Temur} invaded India but their Islamic culture was swallowed by Pagan Hindu civilization. So today we see that Muslim in India are half Hindu and half Muslim. They have adapted many Pagan Hindus practices. Many Muslim Indian Movie stars have married Hindu Pagan women. which in the sight of Quranic law is nothing but a Zina. Even Mughal Indian Muslim emperor Akbar married a Hindu Pagan woman. TenPointts5Rituals2Be careful! about so called wahabees and salafi who preach that Allah is sitting some where on a thrown in Skies like worldly kings. This is a blasphemy and their utter ignorance. As per Quran, Allah does not live in a confined House but no any house/place is without the presence of Allah. Allah is right there where you are. If you can enter in a spiritual Realm, Allah is right there even if you are sleeping at bed [Miraaj Sharif] or if you are sitting under a fig tree [Enlightenment of Siddhartha Buddha] or if you are at mountain Toor [Moses]. You do not need to travel to Allah as Allah is not far from you. We have described the truth but only a wise will understand it.

“To Allah belong the east and the West: Whithersoever ye turn, there is the presence of Allah. For Allah is all-Pervading, all-Knowing” (Quran 2:115)

“O listener! Did you not see that Allah knows all whatever is in the heavens and all whatever is in the earth? Wherever there is any discussion among three He is the fourth present with them, and among five He is the sixth, and there is no discussion among fewer or more except that He is with them wherever they may be; and then on the Day of Resurrection He will inform them of all what they did; indeed Allah knows all things” [Noble Quran 58:7]

“NOW, VERILY, it is We who have created man, and We know what his innermost self whispers within him: for We are closer to him than his neck-vein” (Quran 50:16)

“And while We are closer to him than you, although you see [Us] not” (Quran 56:85)

Quran 2:186: “AND IF My servants ask thee about Me – behold, I am near; I respond to the call of him who calls, whenever he calls unto Me: let them, then, respond unto Me, and believe in Me, so that they might follow the right way”

Please note in following Picture. In their Ihraam, Persons has kept their right shoulder, naked.

Masjid Qiblatain and Two Qiblaaz conspiracy:

In the life time of Prophet of Prophet Mohammad, neither any Mosque nor any Jewish temple existed in Jerusalem. Masjid aqsa of Jerusalem was built 60 years after the death of Prophet Mohammad by Omayyad Caliphs. Jewish Temple was erased to ground by Romans in 70 A.D. almost 500 years before the birth of Prophet Mohammad. Word aqsa that appears in Quran 17:1 mean REMOTE. Masjid of 17:1 mean “REMOTE Mosque”, and in the life time of Prophet, from mecca, no any mosque was remoter than the mosques of Madina. 17:1 points to night journey of Prophet from Mecca to Madina. Hadith of Miraaj is a blatant forgery of Persian hadith Imams. Story of QiblaTain comes from fabricated hadiths.

Some contest on Mecca and Baca, however this dispute about Mecca or Baca is irrelevant to the subject being discussed in this page. Main subject being discussed in this page is: regardless Mecca or Baca, direction Oriented Rituals were neither part of Deen Islam before Quran nor after the landing of Quran because attributes of God given in 2:115 are not changeable with time. Please note: As per Quran from Adam to Prophet Mohammad, all Prophets preached none but Islam 42:13, 3:19, 3:85, 22:78, 3:67, 3:52. All other dogmas are made by Clergy.As we said above; “Team factszz” does not want to be a party in this dispute of Mecca and Baca as it is irrelevant to the subject being discussed in this page but just for the info of Reader, following reference say: that Baca is another ancient name of Mecca; and Mecca or Baca mentioned in Quran belong to Mecca Saudi Arabia. Quran has also used different names for same subjects like name Dhul-Nun is also used for Prophet Younas Johna. Name of Last Prophet is mentioned in Quran as Mohammad and also as Ahmed. Name of Jordanian Capital used to be Rabbath Ammon, then it became Philadelphia and now is Amman. Historically we can show hundreds of cities that used to have different names 2000~3000 years ago from the names we use today. It is also seen, that there were and are Cities and towns with exact same names but at different geographical locations on this planet. So if there is another place in Palestine with name Baca, that never mean, that there was no any other Baca on this planet. Names of over 20 towns in Kashmir of today can be traced in Palestine of 2000 to 3000 years ago, in old testament. Modern example: City with name Cambridge, London, Paris etc are in different Countries even today. Whatever is the case, Quran tells that From Adam to Prophet Mohammad, all Prophets including Moses and Jesus preached none but Islam. Quran loudly announces in 3:67 that Prophet Ibrahim was neither a Jew nor a Christian but he was a Pious Upright Muslim 3:67, 3:52, 3:19, 3:85, 42:13. From Adam to Mohammad, God named all people who believed in Divine Law as Muslim (Quran 22:78). To repeat Mantra of three Abrahamic religions have absolutely no any base because Abrahamic Deen is only one and that is Islam. Any one who follows any other religion was in no way true follower of Abraham. There are tons of historical evidence that last Prophet of GOD Mohammad(PBUH) did Hajj in Mecca and delivered his last Sermon. If Hajj was due in Baca in Palestine, then for sure last Prophet could have traveled to that place in Palestine. Did Prophet Mohammad ever go for Hajj to Palestine? No. Therefore; argument, of a gang of Pseudo Modern Muslims and hypocrites who claim that Hajj place is not in Mecca but in Palestine, in fact carries no any logical and Rational weight. Hajj is ordained in Quran and that Hajj is to visit Masjid al-Haraam in Mecca Saudi Arabia. All Hajj rites and rituals that has no roots in Quran, are absolutely not part of Hajj like that Black stone, throw stones on invisible Satan and circumnavigation/walk seven circles around Cube etc.  During Hajj, never perform those rites and rituals that has no roots in Quran. In fact, Hajj is just little more than to pay a visit to Masjid al-Haraam. Because, that place is Devotional Center of Islam. Islam is simple but Mullahs has made it complex dogma. In same way, Hajj rite is very simple but Theocratic Mullahs has made this simple rite a very complex rite. Freak Mullahs are doing so from 1200 years in order to sell their theocratic trade-shops and trade tricks.

Following references show: That Baca is just another name of Mecca or Mecca Area.

Barbara Ann Kipfer (2000). Encyclopedic dictionary of archaeology (Illustrated ed.). Springer. p. 342. ISBN 978-0-306-46158-3.

Oliver Leaman (2006). The Qur’an: an encyclopedia (Illustrated, annotated, reprint ed.). Taylor & Francis. p. 337. ISBN 978-0-415-32639-1.

Cyril Glassé & Huston Smith (2003). The new encyclopedia of Islam (Revised, illustrated ed.). Rowman Altamira. p. 302. ISBN 978-0-7591-0190-6.

William E. Phipps (1999). Muhammad and Jesus: a comparison of the prophets and their teachings (Illustrated ed.). Continuum International Publishing Group. p. 85. ISBN 978-0-8264-1207-2.

Alice C. Hunsberger (2000). Nasir Khusraw, the ruby of Badakhshan: a portrait of the Persian poet, traveller and philosopher (Illustrated ed.). I.B.Tauris. p. 174. ISBN 978-1-85043-919-6.

Kees Versteegh (2008). C. H. M. Versteegh; Kees Versteegh, eds. Encyclopedia of Arabic language and linguistics, Volume 4 (Illustrated ed.). Brill. p. 513. ISBN 978-90-04-14476-7.

Daniel C. Peterson (2007). Muhammad, prophet of God. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. pp. 22–25. ISBN 978-0-8028-0754-0.

Philip Khûri Hitti (1973). Capital cities of Arab Islam (Illustrated ed.). University of Minnesota Press. p. 6. ISBN 978-0-8166-0663-4.

Philip Khûri Hitti (1973). Capital cities of Arab Islam (Illustrated ed.). University of Minnesota Press. p. 6. ISBN 978-0-8166-0663-4.Quran in 2:177 blasts rituals by saying “It is not Good deed that you turn your face to East or West; then how Quran then can say “before you were praying Rituals toward Jerusalem and Now pray rituals toward Kaaba? Verse 2:115 again makes further clear, that GOD is not confined in one place.

Quran in no any verse says that you pray Five Namaz rituals facing to Kaaba. Do not read what fanatics always place with in brackets in the translation of Quran. All texts that are placed in brackets in the translation of Quran by bloody criminal sectarian translators, in most cases misguide you. They place these texts in brackets to justify/impose their own unsound believes on reader. It is so simple to realize that Allah has used THE BEST ARABIC in Quran. When Allah have not used brackets, why should one blend his own text in brackets? Leave it as it is. These brackets are one of the main reason to spread false believes of fanatics. One day a friend of us was listening Quran at TV and during translation, we read “O Prophet Knower of the Ghaib”. We interrupted and told, that this is forgery in translation because Allah says in Quran “O Prophet, QUL say that I do not know any Ilm of Ghaaib & if I have known it, I could have used it for many of my own benefits”. When we checked Arabic text of verse, it was confirmed that That Mullah has forged translation when he was saying “O Prophet knower of Ghaaib” because that evil sect which Mullah belonged to, falsely believes that Prophet was knower of Ghaaib [to know events of future].

Jerusalem was Jewish center of their Jewish dogma. Quran says that Muslims should make Majad Al Haraam their center for their all activities regarding the implementation of Divine System of Islam [Salaat & Zakat = Islamic administrative & fiscal Management] & Hajj is relevant to that center of whole world but they have invented false hadiths to throw stones on Satan and many other non-believer Meccan’s customs that they used to practice before Islam. The detail of Hajj that Quran gives is enough and not more than that. All customs of Hajj that are not given in Quran are un-islamic & are not mandatory and are from pre-islamic old Pagan Arabs’s customs.Ignaz Goldziher is considered Father of all Orientalists who did research on Islam. We have studied his works. Clearly, he sounds a Pioneer and the Greatest Researcher on Islam among Orientalists {non-Muslim Researchers (usually with PhD in Islamic Studies) who dedicated their life for Islamic Research}. Much part of his Research shows, Truth but some parts of his research are based on information which he extracted from hadiths. Such kind of information are doubtful because he himself wrote that Hadiths and Sunna reports are not words of Prophet but apocryphal material made up centuries after the death of Prophet. Same was said by Professor J. Schacht (Professor on Islamic Law- Columbia University). Besides, Goldziher was also in Al-Azhar University Egypt, attending Friday Salat, and was also listening Lectures of Egyptian Mullahs of Azhar University. So this thoughts could have also been influenced by Lectures of Mullahs but this is a fact that from past 1200 years; though not all but vast majority of Mullahs and Imams are liars, hypocrites, and deceivers. However, let we read below what Goldziher wrote in his works:

Goldziher also writes in his works, that many regions of Islamic Empire were not aware of 5 daily Rituals for decades after the death of Prophet. That shows: Prophet never prayed 5 Rituals. Soon, we will post here more excerpts from works of Goldziher on this subject; so keep visiting this our page periodically.

Glodziher writes in his book “Muslim Studies” Vol: 02 on page 40/380 “As true Arabs, they the Omayyad paid little attention to Religion either in their own conduct or in that of their subjects. If a man was seen absorbed in devout prayer in a mosque, it was a pretty safe assumption that he was not a follower of the Omayyad dynasty but, for example, an Alid Partisan”. [Note:Alid mean: Shia of those days who were very much attached to Persian Zoroastrians. Also note: Islam is not a religion=theocracy but Deen, which mean: “Divinely Prescribed way of life”. Noble Quran is never a Book of Mullah-Cracy or Imamo-Cracy or Theocracy but is Book of “Divine Sociology”. After forgery of hadith of Miraaj through which five Zoroastrian Rituals were blended in Islam; Mosques (Community Centers/Courts) were turned into Ritual centers]. This Book of Goldziher contains hundreds of references.

He further writes: “In Syria in olden times, it was not generally known that there were five daily Rituals….It is not astonishing that the Arab tribe of Banu Abd-al-Ashhal were unable to find anyone themselves to lead them in Rituals except a Salve of the Tribe, Abu Sufyan. He had probably more feeling for religious observances than the Arabs, who especially in early times, showed little taste for this aspect of their new form of life…..At the time of Al-Hajjaj and Umar-II; people had no idea of the proper times for Rituals, and the most pious Muslims were unsure of the quite elementary rules (of Rituals)“. [Note: Famous Governor of Omayyad “Hajjaj” died 714 A.D., and Umar-II full name Umar Abd-al-Aziz died 720 A.D. Prophet returned to his Lord in year 632 A.D. This mean; People were not aware of Rituals even 90 years after the death of Prophet. This all shows clearly: in life of Prophet, People were absolutely unaware of daily Five Rituals; and that Rituals were injected and canonized in Islam during Abbasid Period around 773 A.D.]

Goldziher writes on page 42/380: “Al-Hajjaj b. Yusuf deals with Anas bin Malik (died 709 A.D.); he rebukes him like a Criminal and threatens to grind him as mill-stones would grind, and to make him a target for arrows. Caliph Yazid-II bin Abd-al-Malik (died 724 A.D.) contemptuously calls the Pious Hasan al-Basri (died 728 A.D.) a “Shaykh Jahil” (mean: An Ignorant Mullah), a doddering old man whom he would like to kill”.

Dan Gibson is a Canadian Geographical Scholar and Archaeologist. He wrote a Book about Early Qibla in Islam. He has tried to prove that Qibla of Muslim was not in Mecca but in Petra (now in Kingdom of Jordan). His book is book of lies because he is never aware how Quran defines Qibla which is not a place to pray ritual facing to it but that mean a Sanctuary and a Center of Preaching Divine Message, say it GHQ (General Headquarter). Dan Gibson also falsely assumed that in time of early Islam, there were Meharb/Niche in Mosques. But fact is: There was no any meharb in old mosques. Many mosques he has listed in his book were rebuilt  later and niche were added in those Mosques during renovation. So without Meharb, how Dan Gibson could know the direction of Qibla being faced for 5 Rituals! In Early Islam, Seems, Gibson is very much influenced by millions of forged hadiths which Mohammad(s) neither left behind not he certified. Six Sunni books of Hadiths and of Shia were fabricated 250 years after the death of Prophet, and that books are a Mountain of fairy tales and folklore. Mosques without facing any specific direction and without Mehrab/Niche were mere Muslim Community Centers. Dan Gibson is also much too ignorant about Quran. He never understood that Quranic Salat is not 5 Zoroastrian Namaz Rituals which were blended in Islam in 8th Century through Forgery of Hadith of Miraaj. So when there were no Rituals; then how could be a Qibla in Petra or Jerusalem to be faced during Rituals! Aqsa Mosque was build 60 years after death of Prophet Mohammad. Verse 17:1 uses word aqsa which mean REMOTE. Quran forbids rituals facing any specific direction in 2:115, 2:142, 2:177 because Quran announces loudly in many verses that God is Omnipresent and wherever you turn your face, there is presence of God 2:115, 2:142, 2:177, 50:16, 57:3-4, 58:7, 24:35, 2:255, 56:83…85, 42:11, 2:186, 6:10. Even some modern Translators of Quran like San Gerran are influenced by big lies of Dan Gibson and they have claimed in their translation too that Masjad-Al-Haraam was not in Mecca but in Petra. Work of Sam Gerrans is again a big lie. Very Strange, that during translation, Sam Gerrans never translated word Salat as 5 Rituals; yet at the end of his work, he followed big lie of Dan Gibson about Qibla for directional Rituals; totally mutually contradictory argument. Work of Sam Gerrans is also highly misleading. After reading our this page and our page about “Quranic Salat” fully; reader will know clearly, what is meaning of Kaaba/Qibla in Quran. Neither Dan Gibson nor Sam Gerran tried to understand what is meaning of Kaaba/Qibla in Quran. Kaaba/Qibla has nothing to do with Directional-Rituals. So question, if Muslims were facing Jerusalem or Petra or Mecca never arises. Quran blasts Rituals in 2:177 and says: Good deed is not to pray Rituals facing Qibla East West but after embracing Islam, Good deed is Philanthropy.

About forgery of Qiblatain, Mahmud Abu Rayyah writes in his book “”Light on the Muhammadan Sunnah or Defense of the Hadith” page 143-146 as under:

Story of the Rock between Umar And Ka’b. After conquest of Ilya and its land during the reign of Umar in Rabi’ al-Thani 16 H., and when Umar entered Bayt al-Maqdis, he summoned Ka’b al-Ahbar (a converted Rabbi but in fact a hidden hypocrite) and said to him: Where do you think better to build the oratory (musalla)? Ka’b said: Beside the rock. Umar said: O Ka’b, by God you have resembled the corrupted creed. In another narration: O son of the Yahoodi woman, the Yahoodi-ism is mingled with you (with your blood). I shall build it at the forefront of the mosque, as to us belong the forefronts of the mosques. Ka’b said: O Amir al-Mu’minin, a prophet foretold of what you did today five hundred years ago. He asked: How is that? He replied: The Romans attacked Banu Israel and buried temple, till you were appointed a ruler, when Allah delegated a prophet over the sweepings who said: O Jerusalem, I have good tidings for you, al-Faruq has come to cleanse you of that which inside you. In another narration: Al-Faruq came to you with obedient soldiers, who will retaliate and take vengeance of your people upon the Romans… etc. Beside other similar superstitions that were fabricated by this impostor and liar.

The rock remained uncovered during caliphate of Umar and Uthman when ruling over the Sham, and also caliphate of Ali though he didn’t rule over it (Sham), continuing till the government of Mu’awiyah, his son and the son of his son. When Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan came to power, with that known sedition that occurred between him and Ibn al-Zubayr, it was him who built the dome over the rock extolling the position of the rock through what he built and the garment he covered it in winter and summer. All this was aimed at encouraging larger number of people to make pilgrimage to Jerusalem (Al-Quds), and abandon their visit to Mecca which at that time was under control of Ibn al-Zubayr,since people usually follow religion of the kings. In this way, people started from that time to venerate and sublimate this rock to an extent unanticipated by Muslims, with some embarking on reporting Yahood’s fabricated traditions in its praise and high status.

To cite an example for this, some have reported from Ka’b al-Ahbar near Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, with the presence of Urwah ibn al-Zubayr, that he said: “Allah said to the rock: You are My lowermost Throne”. Some others have even made compilations on the merits of Bayt al-Maqdis and other regions of the Sham, transmitting many reports from Ahl al-Kitab and those who followed them, upon which the Muslims are not-allowed to establish their religion. Ka’b al-Ahbar was the most vivid example from whom those Yahoodi hadiths were reported, as in the case of the people of Sham. In his Mir’at al-zaman, al-Sibt ibn al-Jawzi writes: People hesitated in regard of the traditions reported by Ka’b al-Ahbar from the Messenger of Allah (S), since he embraced Islam under the hands of alFaruq (Umar), who used to hit him with the pearl saying to him: Let us be far from your Jewishness. Yahood’s Traditions on Excellence of Bayt Al-Maqdis Ka’b said: Allah looked at the earth and said: I am treading a portion of you. Thereat the mountains contended in a race toward Him, and the rock became dilapidated, when He appreciated that conduct on its part and placed His foot on it. He also said: Presentation and reckoning (on Doomsday) will be verily done in Bayt al-Maqdis, and anyone buried in this place no torment will ever befall him. He further said: It (Quds) is only eighteen miles nearer to the heaven, and it is the land of mahshar (gathering) and manshar (resurrection). He again said: The Hour (Doomsday) will never come till when Bayt al-Haram (Ka’bah) visits Bayt alMaqdis, and both of them including their inhabitants will be led toward the paradise.

In another place he said: In the Torah it is written that Allah said to the Rock of Bayt al-Maqdis: You are My lowermost Throne, and from you I ascended to the heaven. From underneath you I stretched out the earth, and whatever flowing down from the tops of mountains passes too from under you. When one dies on you it is as if he has died in the heaven … etc. Also Abu Hurayrah – the disciple of Ka’b al-Ahbar – reported that the Prophet (S) said: All the rivers, clouds, seas and winds are altogether under the Rock of Bayt al-Maqdis. Ka’b again said: Allah, the Glorified and Exalted, said to Bayt al-Maqdis: You are my Garden, Holiness, and choice from among my land. Whoever inhabits you, it verily be out of My mercy, and that who departs you, it is only through a wrath on My part against him. Ka’b said too: In Bayt al-Maqdis the day is like a thousand days, the month is like a thousand months, and the year is like a thousand years. Whoever dies in it, it is as if he has died in the heaven, and when anyone dies around it, it is as if he has died inside it.

Wahb ibn Munabbih (another Pseudo Convert) is reported to have said: People of Bayt al-Maqdis are neighbors of Allah, and Allah’s right is not to torment His neighbors. Whoever is buried in Bayt al-Maqdis will be verily delivered from the trial and distress of the grave. In a hadith, it is said that the party from among his Ummah, standing by the truth, who are never harmed or affected by their opponents till God’s command is revealed to them, are living in Bayt al-Maqdis and its vicinities.

Al-Allamah al-Ustadh Ni’mat Allah al-Saljuqi, the head of Fakhr al-Madaris (Herat) in Afghanistan, in his review of my book Adwa’ ‘ala al-Sunnah al-Muhammadiyyah, in a valuable book he sent to me, says: “Concerning the traditions reported on the merit of Sham, we admit that most of them were only foisted by the Yahood. Of them some are recorded in books stating that whoever begins the new moon for hajj from al-Masjid al-Aqsa, Allah shall verily forgive all his past and latter sins. This narration – though indicating the excellence of al-Masjid al-Aqsa – leads to atheism and negligence in regard of perpetrating guilts, paving the way for debauchery. Among the superstitions that were foisted by the Yahood and recorded in the biography and some exegesis books are the following: Some of the heavens are of silver and some are of olivine; the planets are transfixed in the heavens according to the order stated in the Greek books; the moon is transfixed in the lower heaven, and the planet Mercury is in the second heaven, and so forth till the seventh heaven. And so on the heavens are placed on a vertex of a mountain surrounding the earth called Qaf, and the earth is put on a horn of an ox standing on a whale swimming in water.

All that was due to the scholars’ unawareness and negligence of the untoward consequences of the traditions fabricated and foisted by enemies of religion among the Muslims.” Traditions on Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa The reliable traditions were in the beginning concerned with the merit of al-Masjid al-Haram (Ka’bah) and Masjid al-Rasul (Mosque of the Messenger of Allah), but after building the Rock Dome (Qubbat alSakhrah) several traditions began to be reported on the excellence of al-Masjid al-Aqsa. Abu Hurayrah reported (that the Prophet said): “No pilgrimage should be made but only to three mosques: My mosque, and al-Masjid al-Haram and al-Masjid al-Aqsa.” In another narration, he (S) said: Travel should be made only to three mosques: the Ka’bah, my mosque and Mosque of Ilya (alAqsa)”. Most of Hadiths that we see in hadith books are product of that Pseudo Converts/hypocrites.About the Yahood’s traditions (hadiths) cited in honour of Bayt al-Maqdis and other regions of the Sham (syria), Ibn Taymiyyah said the following. Some have compiled several works on the merits of Bayt al-Maqdis and other places in the Sham, stating in them the reports transmitted from Ahl al-Kitab and from those who followed them, of the kind that no Muslim can take them as a source for religious rules. Ka’b al-Ahbar was the most famous one from whom these Yahood’s fabricated traditions were reported, particularly by people of the Sham. We read in Bukhari: When People of Scripture (ahle Kitaab) relate to you any hadith, you should neither believe or belie them. Since they either tell you lies which you may believe, or tell you the truth which you may belie.”

Following report shows: how Omayyad managed to forge an hadith in name of Zuhri to validate a big lie. Please note: in the time of Prophet Mohammad, neither any Mosque nor any Jewish temple existed in Jerusalem. Masjid aqsa of Jerusalem was built 60 years after the death of Prophet Mohammad by Omayyad Caliphs. Jewish Temple was erased to ground by Romans in 70 A.D. almost 500 years before the birth of Prophet Mohammad. Word aqsa that appears in Quran 17:1 mean REMOTE. Masjid of 17:1 mean “REMOTE Mosque”, and in the life time of Prophet, from mecca, no any mosque was remoter than the mosques of Madina. 17:1 points to night journey of Prophet from Mecca to Madina. Hadith of Miraaj is a blatant forgery of Persian hadith Imams.

Following historical report shows: how Omayyad managed to forge an hadith in name of Zuhri to validate a big lie. Ya`qubi writes in his Tarikh, Omayyad Caliph `Abd al-Malik built Dome of the Rock to divert the Hajj from Makkah to Jerusalem to outdo his rival `Abdullah b. al-Zubayr. He writes:

Abd al-Malik prevented the people of Sham from the hajj and this is because Ibn al-Zubayr was taking the pledge of allegiance from the pilgrims. When Abd al-Malik had found out about this, he prevented them from setting out to Makkah. But the people protested and said: “Do you prevent us from doing the pilgrimage to the Sacred House of Allah while it is a duty from Allah upon us ?” He said: “Here is Ibn Shihabuddin al-Zuhri narrating to you that the Messenger of Allah said: “The caravans should not be set out except for three mosques, the Sacred Mosque, my present Mosque and the Mosque of Jerusalem” [which] stands for the Sacred Mosque for you. And here is the Rock on [which] it is narrated that the Prophet set his foot before ascending to the heavens, it stands for the Ka`bah. Then he built a Dome on the Rock, suspended silk curtains on it and appointed servants for it. And told the people to revolve around it like they revolve around the Ka`bah and so it was during the rule of Bani Umayyah“. (Ahmad b. Abu Ya`qub Ibn Wadih al-Ya`qubi (Ed. M. T. Houtsma), Tarikh, 1883, Volume II, Leiden, p. 311)Goldziher who once also attended Salat Juma in Grand Mosque of Egypt, was a Great Truthful Researcher. His work on hadith literature is unmatchable. After studying his all Research on Islam, we have found him million-time more unbiased, honest, and truthful man than our deceiver Mullahs, Imams and Pseudo Scholars who are deceiving majority of we blindly-following brain-dead sheeple Muslims from 1200 years. In the passage of his Muhammedanische Studien, Goldziher wrote:

When the Umayyad Caliph `Abd al-Malik wished the stop the pilgrimages to Mecca because he was worried lest his rival `Abd Allah b. Zubayr should force the Syrians journeying to the holy places in Hijaz to pay him homage, he had to recourse to the expedient of the doctrine of the vicarious hajj to the Qubbat al-Sakhra in Jerusalem. He decreed that the obligatory circumambulation (tawaf) could take place at the sacred place in Jerusalem with the same validity as that around the Ka`ba ordained in Islamic Law. The pious theologian al-Zuhri was given the task of justifying this politically motivated reform of religious life by making up and spreading a saying traced back to the Prophet, according to which there are three mosques to which people may make pilgrimages: those in Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem(I. Goldziher (Ed. S. M. Stern), Muslim Studies (Muhammedanische Studien), 1971, Volume II, Atherton: New York and Aldine: Chicago, pp. 44-45.) Quran tells us: Masjad-Al-Haram/kaaba is the oldest Center for Divine Preaching; so story of First Qibla in Jerusalem has no any base. It is totally a fabricated story which was forged by hypocrites to twist meaning of Quranic verses 2:142-150. Even Noble Quran debunks this story in another way. When we read Quranic verse 28:37, Prophet Shu’aib told Moses that I can give you my one daughter in Marriage if you serve me for the period of 8 Hajj (Hijaj). Hijij is plural of Hajj. This makes very clear, that Prophet Sahu’aib was aware of Hajj, and Quran makes clear in many other verses that Hajj mean Hajj (Visitation) of Masjid-Al-Haraam in Mecca. Now if Prophet Shu’aib was aware of Hajj; and then how Moses could not be aware of Hajj whom Prophet shu’aib was addressing in Quran verse 28:27!  Majority of Translators are Sectarian Khaa’ins and they twist translation of many verses of Quran. In many have omitted word Hijij from verse 28:27 and has translated just as “8 years” but all Arabs know and all Good readers of whole Quran know that Quran has used in many verses Arabic word “Aam” for year, just like in verse 2:259 Quran has used Arabic words for 100 years, not 100 Hijij but “miata AAam” which mean 100 years. But a few translators has translated verse 28:27 correctly which are as under:

Quran 28:27 He said: Lo! I fain would marry thee to one of these two daughters of mine on condition that thou hirest thyself to me for (the term of) eight pilgrimages. Then if thou completest ten it will be of thine own accord, for I would not make it hard for thee. Allah willing, thou wilt find me of the righteous. (Pickthal).

 He (the father) said, “Behold, I am willing to let you marry one of these two daughters of mine on the understanding that you will remain eight pilgrimages (years) in my service. Then if you make it ten, it will be a grace from you. I do not want to impose any hardship on you. God Willing, you will find me righteous in all my dealings.” (Shabbir Ahmed M.D.)

He said, “I wish to offer one of my two daughters for you to marry, in return for working for me for eight pilgrimages; if you make them ten, it will be voluntary on your part. I do not wish to make this matter too difficult for you. You will find me, GOD willing, righteous.” (Rashad Khalifa).

He said: “That I, I want , that I marry you to one (of) my two daughters, those two, on that you hire to me (yourself for) eight pilgrimages (years), so if you completed ten, so (it) is from at you, and I do not want that I make hardship/difficulty on you, you will find me, if God willed/wanted from the correct/righteous.” (Mohammad Ahmed Samira).

He said, “Surely I would like to marry you to one of these, my two daughters, on (condition) that you hire yourself to me for eight pilgrimages (i.e., years). Yet, in case you perfect (i.e., complete) ten, then it will be of your own accord; (Literally: providing) and in no way would I like to press arduously upon you. You will soon find me, if Allah decides, one of the righteous.” (Muhammad Mahmoud Ghali).

He said: “I wish you to marry one of my two daughters, on condition that you work for me through eight pilgrimage periods; if you complete them to ten, it will be voluntary on your part. I do not wish to make this matter too difficult for you. You will find me, God willing, of the righteous.” [The Monotheist Group] (2013 Edition).

It is very clear that when one person is telling other person; For me, if you will do this and that, then I will pay you 8 Dollar; then both Persons know well: What mean Dollar. Therefore; Shu’aib and Moses both were fully aware about Hajj of Kaaba in Mecca. Also, it is matter of common sense, how God can tell Prophets to Hajj on different places especially when, as per Quran, Kaaba is oldest Abrahamic Sanctuary on Planet, and when all Prophets were Prophets of Islam 3:19, 3:85, 42:13, 3:67. Only those people made their different Kaaba/Qibla from Meccan Kaaba who deviated from paths of Prophets and Scriptures. You can also watch an interesting Video by searching in YouTube “Finding the Mountain of Moses: The Real Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia”.

In the light of Quran 28:27, there is no any doubt that word Bacca which we find in Pslam 84:6 and also in Quran 3:96 is relevant to Hajj, and that Hajj is Hajj in Mecca. All Prophet used to go to Mecca for Hajj. Shu’aib and Moses too (28:27). Kaaba was built much before than Temple of Solomon (later erased by Romans in 70 A.D.) in Jerusalem. So First house to Preach Divine Message was only Kaaba/Masjid-Al-Haraam in Mecca in valley of Becca (3:96). “As they pass through the Baca Valley, they make it a spring of water. Yes, the early rain covers it with blessings (Psalm 84:6)

Fact is: That millions of hadiths were forged during Omayyad and Abbasid Period and later on too. Many of those were forged to achieve political and sectarian gains. It was not difficult to forge a beautiful chain (Isnad) and matan of Hadith. People who hated Persians, has forged even one this Hadith which says: Prophet said: all People in Hell will speak Persian Language. For example: “Qasam listened from Abu Bakar who listed from Aisha who listened from Prophet” appears an excellent chain but Point that Hadithers ignore deliberately is: How you know if in fact Qasam has listened it from Abu Bakar? How you know if in fact Abu Bakar listened from Aisha? How you know that in fact Aisha listened this and that from Exalted Prophet? So our dear: Hadiths are Himalaya of hearsay, rumors and gossip that might contain some truth but also Zillions of tons of lies.

Does fully detailed 6:114 Noble Quran that explains everything for Muslims 12:111, 16:89, 17:12 ordain us:

1- To throw small stones on invisible Satan during Hajj (that has led to death of thousands pilgrims due to stampede? No.
2- To kiss black Stone (Hajar-Aswad) during Hajj? No.
3- Units of Shia and Sunni Rituals? No.
4- Tashahhud of Shia and Sunni Sects? No.
5- Drood Ibrahimi read during Tashahhud? No.
6- Seven time circumambulation around Cube of Ka’aba? No


Does Glorious Quran ordain to make seven rounds around Meccan Cube during Hajj? No. That was practice of pre-Islamic Mushrikeen

We have already discussed in our pages many kinds of historical forgery such as:

1- Eisa Son of Mary, never told Christians that he was GOD or son of GOD but Christian Priests forged this blasphemy and over 2 billion Christians are following this fable blindly not from 1200 years but from 2000 yrs. Why? Because by nature, we humans are sheeple. Humans love blind following as it is easy path than to investigate every thing himself as Quran ordains us. Water flows to easy path. Mullah tells a story to a fanatic in Mosque and that fanatic believes it as it is told, w/o investigating that what Mullah has told is true or false.

2- In 325 AD, Pagan King Constantine blended blasphemy of TRINITY, and from 1775 yrs, Christians are believing it blindly. why? Because we humans are by nature sheeple.

3- Around 770 AD, Persian Zoroastrian Imams, blended Persian Five Namaz into Islam in the time of Haroon Rasheed Abbasi whom mother was a Zoroastrian Irani & was actual ruler. As a result of that, Muslim are praying 5 Irani Namaz from 1200 years blindly. Why? Because we humans are by nature Sheeple.

4- The incidence of Karbala of Hosain bin Ali R.A never happened but Shia has fabricated whole history of Karbala & even blindly following wahabi and sunni believe in this fiction [for proof: Search in Google a free Book: Karbala: Facts or Fiction?

5-Persian Zoroastrian Imams forged hadith of Miraaj in order to blend 5 Irani Namaz into Islam and that fake hadith tells that Prophet took a ride on a donkey Buraq [that donkey has face of a very pretty woman] and went to Masjad Aqsa [Al-Qudas Jerusalem] to lead Namaz prayer of all Prophets. But all historians know that neither Masjad-Aqsa nor any Jewish temple ever existed in Jerusalem in the time of Prophet. Romans made Jerusalem around Year first AD ground Zero. Al-Aqsa building was built many years after the death of Prophet Muhammad PBUH by Omayyad Caliphs. But majority of blindly following Muslims are believing in this fake story from 1200 years. why? Because we humans are by nature sheeple. One generation follows next generation blindly despite Quran tells us “Never believe in any matter unless you make its full inquiry to realize if it is true or false.”6-When Namaz itself is forged then how can be there Masjad Qiblatain to pray Five Namaz Rituals? That building was/is far out side the city and was a Jewish Pakooda that was modified by Irani Zoroastrians in the time of Abbasid to support their fake hadiths of Miraaj and to support fake hadith of Zoroastrian Bukhari that Muslims used to pray towards Jerusalem and then Allah ordered them to pray toward Kaaba. These evil Zoroastrian was so clever pro criminals that they not just blended 5 Irani Namaz in Islam but also to show, that it is Islamic, they forged countless hadiths about rituals such as flan Sihabi was praying so and so, prophet said so and so about namaz. Even they physically made that Jewish Pakooda a Mosque to show that Muslims were praying rituals Namaz to Jerusalem & then to Kaaba. But even a very clever thief sometime by mistake could leave at least one sign of his personal print at the location of theft which is later used to catch that thief by police and forensic experts. These Zoroastrian Persian Imams forged Hadith of Miraaj very skillfully as they were pro criminals [read detail of point in this page] but they forgot that during time of Prophet, Masjad Aqsa was not existing. It was bulit from scratch many years after the death of Prophet. This is another conspiracy of Persian Zoroastrians. The city of Jerusalem and its all temples were completely destroyed by Roman Emperor Titus in year 70 A.D. That mean It was destroyed about 500 years before the birth of Last Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Now reader can use his sense that when in the time of Prophet, no any temple existed in Jerusalem then the story that Jews & also Muslims used to take direction of Their Temple in Jerusalem during Ritual-prayers is nothing but an historic forgery. Masjad Aqsa was built after many years after the death of Prophet. This also confirms that hadith of Miraaj was forged only in order to blend  Five Namaz rituals of Persian Zoroastrians into Islam by Persian Imams. Read full detail “How Hadith of Miraaj was forged” in point# 10 of this page. Search in Google this text and read: “Siege of Jerusalem (70) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia”

Good readers of Quran know well that Quran provides witness that even in the time of Prophet there were tons of Monafiks/Hypocrites in Madina and Mecca and these Monafiks used to have built even their own mosques too from where they used to spread evil. Allah had informed Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] from his knowledge not to go in such kind of mosques of Monaafiks. That so called Masjid Qiblatain comes under that category for sure – a conspiracy of monafiks. Any Masjad [mosque] is local parliament of Muslims where Muslims used to gather to discuss problems of Muslim society especially on Friday and used to discuss, how to solve them. Masjad was not place to pray Five Zoroastrian Namaz Ritual until 770 AD when Persians blended their 5 rituals in Islam through forged hadith of Miraaj & invented terms of Drood, Namaz, Hadith and sunna.

Earthquakes tried again and again to demolish this building in order to expose the Fraud which Omayyad Caliphs did with Muslim Ummah.

“In 746, the al-Aqsa Mosque was damaged in an earthquake, four years before as-Saffah overthrew the Umayyads and established the Abbasid Caliphate. The second Abbasid caliph Abu Ja’far al-Mansur declared his intent to repair the mosque in 753, and he had the gold and silver plaques that covered the gates of the mosque removed and turned into dinars and dirhams to finance the reconstruction which ended in 771. A second earthquake damaged most of al-Mansur’s repairs, excluding those made in the southern portion in 774. In 780, His successor Muhammad al-Mahdi had it rebuilt, but curtailed its length and increased its breadth. Al-Mahdi’s renovation is the first known to have written records describing it. In 985, Jerusalem-born Arab geographer al-Muqaddasi recorded that the renovated mosque had “fifteen naves and fifteen gates”. The doors of the Saladin Minbar, early 1900s. The minbar was built on Nur al-Din’s orders, but installed by Saladin”. In 1033, there was another earthquake, severely damaging the mosque. The Fatimid caliph Ali az-Zahir rebuilt and completely renovated the mosque between 1034 and 1036. The number of naves was drastically reduced from 15 to seven. Az-Zahir built the four arcades of the central hall and aisle, which presently serve as the foundation of the mosque. The central aisle was double the width of the other aisles and had a large gable roof upon which the dome—made of wood—was constructed. Persian geographer, Nasir Khusraw describes the Aqsa Mosque during a visit in 1047: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Aqsa_Mosque.

WhatIsSalatOfQuranFWhen you are flying in plane, how will you pray 5 Persian Namaz Rituals facing Kaaba? Allah is present every where [Quran]. In order to talk to Allah Jalla Aala, you are not in need of any direction as HU covers all directions and Allah Jalla Aala is near to you than even your neck vein [Quran]. All Easts [Mashray-qaan] and wests [Maghray-bain] are of Allah. When Allah is nearer to you than even your neck vein then why Prophet was in need of to take ride on a funny donkey Buraq and to fly to any remote part where Allah lives? Why Eisa son Mary then need to fly alive to meet Allah in any remote part of this universe where Allah Lives? Why you need to take any direction during Quranic Prayers [not rituals] when Allah is present in all directions every where? If you are a wise, then just these two lines are enough to teach you truth and to shun falsehood. But no any treatment for a stubborn brainwashed idiot fanatic.

Hell, Paradise, Allah, spirits[original person] of died people are not far from you but are in fact near to you than your shirt but that all are in another REALM called spiritual Realm. One can only enter in that REALM permanently if one dies or temporarily with the permission of Allah during sleep or during deep coma or during Wajad when a pure Muslim enter in. Otherwise there is Barzakh [a barrier] between you and that Spiritual Realm. And your Naats and droods do not reach to dead person/human Prophet after Barzakh. But Allah does not dies & is Live and listens & see all things.

Note that from 750-1258 AD, Persian Zoroastrians were practical Rulers of Islamic Empire in the time of Pro-Irani Abbasid Caliphs. Mother, Bramakka Tutor, Prime Minister Imams wives all of Abbasi Caliph Haroon Rasheed and Mamoon Rasheed were Zoroastrian [Fire-shippers] Iranis. They defaced Islam deliberately during 750-1258 AD to take revenge from Islam, because it was Islam that crushed their Zoroastrian Irani Super power in year 636 AD in the battle field of Qadsia. 

What was/is actual role of Masjid or Masajid (wrongly said in English Mosque) in Islam?

The word Masjid comes from word Sajda or sajood. Majority of Muslims being told from 1250 years that its Sajda mean to prosterate that is further explained as “to place forehead on ground”.

But our majority does not know that in the time of Abbasid Rule all their ministers, consultants & even their Prime Minsters were Zoroastrians or Sabaite Shia from Iran. At that time they waged all out ideological war against Pure Islam (As militarily they were already defeated by Arabs). In first step, they killed all Important Muslim personality like Umar & Uthman, Ali , Hassan & Hussain one by one from hideouts +++. In the 2nd stage of their conspiracy, they removed Omayyad GOV with the evil support of Zoroastrian Abu Muslim Kharasani and brought Abbasid on thrown. In 3rd stage, they fabricated 2.3 millions hadiths so that Muslims should not consult Quran but their fabricated Hadiths. Next step was to do changes in Quran but they failed as they realized, millions Muslim has memorized Quran and this fraud will not work. But they thought, let do some thing that will force next generations of Arabs and Muslim to understand Quran in way they like. Therefore, the first Arabic Dictionary was made up by a team of Persian/Iranis in the time of Abbasid Caliphs. They changed the meanings of over 85000 terms of Quran, though The Arabic text of Quran remained safe as it was. For example they told people the meaning of “Aqimu-Salaat” is to pray 5 Irani-Parsi prayers called Namaz. In same way they translated the word “Sajda” as to prostrate with forehead on ground. People are following the meanings of Persian dictionary from 1250 years blindly. When our scholars do Ph.D in Islam. In fact they do their Ph.D’s in “Persian Brand of Number 02 Islam.

Now we go to Quranic verse 55:6:

وَالنَّجْمُ وَالشَّجَرُ يَسْجُدَانِ

Our Mullahs translate it as: “The plants and trees prostrate (Do Sajda) before Him (Allah)”

Now we ask reader, have you ever seen any Tree and star prostrating on their foreheads on ground to Allah? For sure, you will say – NO.

Our dears: The meaning of Sajda is “to obey divine laws”. The meaning of Masjid is “the place where implementations of Divine laws are discussed”.

So the true translation of verse 55:6 will be: the plants and the trees submit to His designs;, orAnd the stemless plants and the trees humbly submit (to His will); or”The stars and the trees all adore Him (and follow His Laws)”.

Please refer to this site to read comparative translation of Noble Quran at:


Also some useful discussion on this subject is at: Islamicity

Therefore. Masjad does not mean a Place where people place their foreheads on Ground. In fact Masjid in the time of Prophet and 4 Guided Caliphs was a Parliamnent house of Muslims where all  the matters of Umma were discussed, implemented and followed up as per commandments of Quran, For example just like what is in following verse of Quran:

(Noble Quran 2:177) (One obvious result of sectarianism is their pre-occupation with rituals. This is because each sect leaves the Book aside and makes its own set of dogmas they call religion). No wonder, they forget that)

“Righteousness and exponential development of personality is not in that you turn your faces to the East and the West but righteous is he who has conviction in Allah and the Last Day and the Angels and the Book and the Prophets. And he gives his wealth that he loves in reverence of Him, to: Family and relatives, Orphans, Widows, Those left helpless in the society, Those whose hard-earned income fails to meet their basic needs, Those whose running businesses have stalled, The ones who have lost their jobs, Whose life has stalled for any reason, The disabled, The needy wayfarer, son of the street, the homeless, the one who travels to you for assistance, Those who ask for help, and Those whose necks are burdened with any kind of bondage, oppression, crushing debts and extreme hardship of labor. They (the truly righteous) strive to establish the Divine System, and set up the Just Economic Order. They are true to their promises whenever they make a promise. They remain steadfast in physical or emotional distress and in times of peril. It is they that have proved to be practically true, and it is they, they that indeed journey through life in Blissful honor and security” (also refer to verses 2:3 & 3:92) thank_hayiAllah Jalla Aala says in Quranic verse 29:45, that “behold Slaat restrains [humans] from loathsome deeds and from all that runs counter to reason”; but why still Muslims commit evils?

اتْلُ مَا أُوحِيَ إِلَيْكَ مِنَ الْكِتَابِ وَأَقِمِ الصَّلَاةَ إِنَّ الصَّلَاةَ تَنْهَى عَنِ

الْفَحْشَاء وَالْمُنكَرِ وَلَذِكْرُ اللَّهِ أَكْبَرُ وَاللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ مَا تَصْنَعُونَ

Quran verse 29:45: (O Prophet) convey to people all that is revealed to you of the Book, and establish the Divine System. For, verily, establishment of the Divine System will shut off lewdness, stinginess and behavior contrary to the Divine Values. This is so, because Allah’s Law is the Greatest Law that can give you eminence. And (O People) Allah knows whatever you contrive on your own.

Also ref to verses (21:10), (21:24), (23:70), (43:43-44), (70:21-27) – ‘Fahasha’ includes miserliness and ‘Munkar’ is all behavior that goes against Divine Values given in the Qur’an).

Because meanings of “Akimo Salaat” does not mean to perform 5 daily rituals prayers called Namaz but its meaning is to Establish Divine Law in Society. Therefore, the Divine System will shut off lewdness, stinginess and behavior contrary to the Divine Values.


Glossary – Some Terminology of Noble Quran

As we mentioned above that in 7th Century, Arabs bulldozed two superpowers of that time Romans and Persian Zoroastrian Empire. Persian felt deep humiliation after Muslims finished their Millennia Empire. Arabs were simple great soldiers and were not experienced in conspiracies but Persians had millennia experience of such kind of plays and evils from Centuries. After their humiliating defeat in the hands of Muslim Generals, they planned to take revenge from Muslims. They realized, they were unable to defeat Muslims in battle field, so they planned conspiracies to harm Islam in ideological field. They knew well that whole Power that Muslim draw is from Quran. So they tried to change and corrupt text of Quran but were badly failed, as Allah has protected Quran 15:9 through Huffaaz (A Hafiz=Who memorizes whole Quran). If all the records and books of whole world are thrown in Oceans; It is Book of Quran that will be right back within an hour. Just bring One Hafiz and Print whole Quran. Hafiz though apparently seems a human but in fact is a mobile Quran. Allah has protected his Last Book in such a way that there is NO ANY WAY to change the Quranic text or that any kind of change will be immediately caught by Huffaz.

So when Persian failed to change Quranic text, During Abbasid Period from 750-1258 A.D they prepared Pseudo Imams like Bukhari, ImamMuslim, Abu Daud, Niasaee, Tirmzi, Ibne Maja & Shiite’s Yaqoob Kileeni. Note they all were Persians, no one from Arab Land.  Bukhara at that time was under jurisdiction of Persian Empire and Bukhari was also a Persian Zoroastrian disguised under Taqiya. Quran says, Prophet was with best Conduct but Book of Bukhari depicts him the worst person on planet But majority of brainless Mushrik Hadithers kiss ass of Bukhari even without reading his all forged hadiths. A Great Thinker  & Scholar of Islam “Shaykh Abaid-Allah Sindhi writes “I feel shame to teach Book of Bukhari to neo-Muslims”. Duty of that all Persian liar Pseudo-Imams was to fabricate Matans of Hadiths and to forge Chains of Narrations. The reputed Iranian historians has also admitted that our Imams collected nothing but forged all hadiths and their Chains of Narrations from scratch. Target was to disable Quran; so that Ignorant Muslims will place Quran aside and will start to follow their fabricated Books.

Some Important Points about above-posted Picture.

1– In the life time of Prophet Mohammad(s) neither any Jewish temple nor any Masjid-Aqsa existed in Jerusalem Palestine. Jewish temple was erased to ground by Romans about 500 years before the birth of Last Prophet of Islam “Mohammad(s)”. Masjid Aqsa that we see in Jerusalem Palestine today was built 60 years after the death of Prophet Mohammad(s) by Omayyad Caliphs. Meaning of Arabic Word “aqsa” which appears in Quran 17:1 is “remote”; in 17:1 Masjid aqsa mean “remote mosque”.

2– Therefore; story of QiblaTain (Two Qibla) is blatant forgery. Quran nowhere mentions any Qibla in Jerusalem Palestine. Quran tells: Abrahamic Masjid-Al-Haraam in Mecca is the oldest Center for Preaching Divine Message.

3– Pre-Islamic Arabs were split into different dogmas. One their group was also doing their own brand of Hajj and was praying their own brand of Rituals facing Cube/Kaaba.

4– After landing of Noble Quran, Quran declared VERY Clearly in verse 2:115 that wherever direction you turn your face, there is presence of GOD. Mean, God is Omnipresent, Therefore; facing Cube is not needed. Verse 24:35, 57:4, 58:7, 50:16 further confirm Omnipresence of God.

5– In Quran 2:142 God forbade Muslims to face Cube in Rituals, and said: People who say: Why GOD has forbade us from Facing Cube, are Fools.

6Because every nation used to have one their GHQ (General Head Quarter) to Preach their Religious Message; So Muslims of Prophet Mohammad’s time were also in need of such GHQ. Allah told in 2:143-150 to Muslims, to take Masjid al-Haraam as GHQ of Islam to preach Divine Message of Islam which has been finalized in Quran. No any word of Rituals or even Salat appears in that all verses from 2:142 to 2:150. Ritual-Lover Sectarian Translators twist translation of many verses of Quran in order to reconcile their some unsound beliefs with Quranic verses. They add their own comments in brackets in translation to mislead reader. In 2:142-2:150 no any word of Namaz/Rituals or even Salat appears but you will see: translators will add their own words like Prayers/Rituals in that verses. They twist/misinterpret two words of that verses “fawalli wajhaka”. This word is used in Quran in different verses as To Turn Face Physically to any specific direction or to Turn your attention to specific Place or specific non-material subject. For example: in Verse 3:20 it is said: “I turn my face to Allah”. Now is God any Building? No. Here meaning is: I summit to Allah, I concentrate on God. Verse 22:11 says: When good thing comes to people from God, they are happy but when any trial comes to man, he turns his face away. Now, is such man turning away his face from any Building? No. Verse 10:105, 30:30, 30:43 say: Set your face toward Deen Islam. Now, is Deen-Islam any building? No. Deen Islam is Divine Message, not a building. For sure, its mean concentrate  on Deen Islam or submit to Deen Islam. In verse 6:79, it is said:  have set my face, firmly and truly, towards God. Now, is God any building? No. Verse 7:29 says: set your faces at every masjid and invoke Allah. Verse 31:22 says “And whoever submits his face to Allah”. Now, is God any building? No. Meaning of verse 31:22 will be: who submit to Divine Commandments of Allah. It is just like: When an hungry person was asked: What is answer of 2+3? He answered 5 Breads. His hunger controlled his Psyche. In same way: Psyche of Ritual-Lover Sectarian Translators is being controlled by 5 Parsi Rituals which were blended in Islam in 8th Century through forgery of Hadith of Flying Donkey Buraq, In which Hadithers showed: Prophet Mohammad took ride on a flying donkey to meet God in any remote part of Sky to receive 50 and then 5 Rituals. If that 5 Parsi Rituals were part of Islam, God could give their detail and units of each Ritual in Quran without asking Prophet that you come to me on a Flying Donkey (Story copied from two Zoroastrian Books Arda Viraf and Zerdashtnama). Quran fully explains itself. Now Purpose of Qibla is clearly mentioned in verse 11:70 where God told Prophet Moses to take some houses in Egypt and turn those houses into Qibla to preach Divine Message. Does it mean: God told Moses and followers of Moses to start to Face that Qibla in Rituals, despite the fact, that Qibla was comprised mere some normal Egyptian houses? Never. Therefore; words ““fawalli wajhaka” used in 2:142 to 2:150 mean concentrate on Masjad-Al-Haraam, Take Masjid Al-Haram as GHQ to preach Divine Message.

7For the sake of argument, even if we assume: words “fawalli wajhaka” in verses 2:143-150 are saying: Physically Turn face to Masjid-al-Haram; then where is word Ritual or Namaz or even Salat in that verses? Where does Quran tell: There are 4 Fard Units for Dhuhar, 4 in Asar, 3 in Maghrab, 4 in Isha and 2 in Fajar plus tons of Sunna units? Where does Quran tell to read Tashahhud in Atta-Hiyaat and where does Quran tell to read Drood Ibrahimi in Tashahhud? Nowhere. Now hadithers speak a Big lie; they say: Prophet told them for that Units of all Rituals. This is lie because Prophet was bound to follow only Quran 6:114, Prophet left not a single page of Hadith and Sunna. All Hadith books show about 11 types of different Tashahhud. Did Prophet tell hadithers 11 different conflicting versions of Tashahhud? In fact Tashahhud was forged by Shia Rulers; and Drood Ibrahimi was forged by a Shia Persian ruler of Baghadad Moiz Doula of Buyid Dynasty. If Prophet had prayed 5 Rituals: Then every his companion must had known: Which one is Middle Prayer but we find different version of hadiths which say: Fajar is middle prayer, other says: Dhuhar is middle Prayer, yet another report says: Middle Prayer starts just after sunrise etc. Quran tells: Duty of Rasool is no more than to deliver Quran clearly 29:18, 5:99, 42:48, 3:20. This is the reason, Prophet left behind no any Tafsir hadith or Sunna manuscript. Quran says: Messenger cannot guide any one to Right Path but only Allah Guides 72:21, 28:56. Now just ponder and use your reason, that how a person could guide Hadithers about units and methods of 5 Rituals, when he was unable to guide any one to right path as per Quran 72:21, 28:56 and was bound to follow only Quran 6:114, 10:15, 6:19, 25:30, 50:45, 16:116! Prophet Certified no Hadith. Even after Prophet, 4 Guided Caliphs certified no any report of Hadiths and Sunna. In fact 4 Caliphs burned and banned all hadiths. You can read tons of proof at our this page “True History of Hadith and Sunnah, at:  http://wp.me/p4GOwI-6e If we assume that meanings of “fawalli wajhaka” in 2:143-150 to pray rituals facing Kaaba; then it contradicts Quran 2:177 and 2:115 which tell: Rituals are not a Good deed; and God is Omnipresent, so God is independent of any directional attributes. Verse 2:115, and 2:177, 58:7, 54:7, 50:16 speak very very very loudly and very very very clearly that a) God is always with you wherever you may be b) God has no directional attributes because God is Omnipresent, so you do not need to face Kaaba in Rituals. c) Verse 2:177 tells: Rituals are useless but useful is to be a Muslim and then live as Philanthropist. And we all Muslims know: There is no any contradiction in Quran. Reader must learn that practically, Islamic empire was totally hijacked by Persian Zoroastrians and Shiites during Abbasid Period 750-1258 A.D for 508 years. Five Centuries is not a short Period. In that 508 years, Zoroastrians and Shiites distorted completely faith of majority of Muslims. As a Result, from past 1200 years, majority of Muslims are following fake Persian-Brand of Islam. Due to that, Allah is dropping  curse upon Muslims everywhere. Just see at whole planet, everywhere Muslims are being beaten, killed and crushed. Because they left the Pure Deen of Allah which has been finalized in Quran and started to follow fabricated Hadith Books of Persians that they forged 250-400 years after the death of our beloved Prophet Mohammad The Exalted.Persians did not stop just at forgery of Millions of Hadiths but During Abbasid Period when Irani Zoroastrian was actual rulers, they were not Arabs but Persian Zoroastrians who made first dictionary of Quranic / Arabic Terms & in that dictionary, they changed the meaning of thousands of Quranic Terms. Same dictionary was being taught in whole Empire. Even Arab students were learning from that dictionary. This is the reason, that after 750 A.D, the most ignorant people for the understanding of Quran are Arabs. Because the Glasses they used over their eyes were/are made of Irani Zoroastrians. Later our Ibleesian Mullahs and Imams has been following that Persian made Terminology from 1200 years, even today. What is result then? Today in 2014 we are about 2.09 Billion Muslims. Not less than 1.5 Billion from them follow fake-Islam that was made-up by Persian Zoroastrians during Abbasid Period.

We have posted below some original Terminologyof some Terms of Noble Quran that are taken from roots of Arabic language, and so has no influence of Persian-brand Counterfeited Islam & counterfeited Terminology. At the time of landing of Quran, there was tons of Pure Arabic literature. If you read Arabic literature/poetry of that time, it will provide you with a great help to understand terms of Quran in their real true sense.

We hope, following will help the reader to become familiar with some important actual terminology frequently used in the Qur’an,

Deen = The System of Life = The Divinely Prescribed Way of Life = In a loose sense, ‘religion’, a ritualistic Way of Life = Any system of life = ‘Religion’ even with a capital R may scarcely come close in meaning to the term Deen.

Salaat= To follow closely, like a runners-up (Musalli) follows the winning horse (Saabiq) = To follow Divine Commands closely. trueislamisthis Aqimussallat= Establish the System that facilitates the following of Divine Commands.

Zakaat = The Just Economic Order where everyone works according to one’s capacity and is compensated according to the needs. People spend on others or give to the Central Authority (Islamic government) whatever is surplus (2:219). And they do so whenever they earn any income (6:141). The System of Zakaat is managed by the Central Authority that ensures the development of the individuals and the society. The 2.5 percent annual mandatory charity is a non-Qur’anic concept that trivializes the comprehensive Qur’anic System of Zakaat.

Sadaqaat = Charity or alms is meant only for the interim period whenever and wherever the Divinely Prescribed System of Life is not yet in place.

• Allah wa Rasool= For Central Authority, the Qur’an uses the terms Allah and Rasool (3:32, 4:59). After the exalted Messenger, it is obligatory upon the believers to elect their leadership through a consultative process in a manner suitable for the times.

• Tilawah= Reciting and studying with reflection.

Awliya = Protecting friends = Allies = Masters.

• Maula = The True Master = Lord Supreme. The extremely common practice of calling a religious leader as Maulana (Our Master) is a frank, deplorable form of Shirk (associating others with God). But the clergy take pride in it! Many verses in the Qur’an tell us that there is no Maulana but God (2:286, 9:51, 10:30, 34:31). It is amazing to note that the Muslim clergy write Maulana with their names, and with their own hands.

• ‘Ibadah = Obeying God by serving His creation, Worship? – Applies in the sense of ‘worship’ to idols only. wordsalatinsomeverseifIsraaf = Wasting resources or one’s own ‘self’ = Crossing limits = Moving away from moderation = Committing excesses in any aspect of life including Religion = Defying Moral Values given in the Qur’an = Using intoxicants that waste the human ‘self’.

• Ma’siah = Rebelling against God and the rightly guided Central Authority = Disobeying the law = Disruptive behavior = Disobeying the Word of God and the Messenger as embodied in the Qur’an.

Ifk= Backbiting = Evil scheming = Defaming = Undue criticism = Fault finding = Slander = Presenting the ’heard’ as ’seen’ = Alarmist behavior.

• Zann = False assumptions about people = Condemnation without investigation = Slander = Falling for superstitions = Belittling the truth = Following conjecture = Staying out of touch with reality.
• Jurm = Stealing the fruit of others’ labor = Violating human rights = Being guilty of living subhuman life = Witnessing for falsehood = Depriving others from their rights = Devouring others’ possessions = Not giving share where it is due.

• Takabbur = False pride = Arrogance = Self-glorification = Holding others in contempt = Refusing to learn and unlearn = Insisting on blind following = Refusing to admit fault = Being forward before the Divine message = Mocking the truth = Deeming to ‘know it all’ = Considering material goods higher than moral virtue. • Ghill = Harboring malice in the heart = Failing to forgive people = Looking forward to take revenge = Plotting to hurt physically, financially or emotionally = Being hateful = Opposition for the sake of opposition = Incriminating others for personal grudge.

• Ghadhab= Anger. Letting loose virulent emotions = Succumbing to desires = Yelling at people = Intimidating the weak = Losing self-control = Impulsive attitude.

• Bukhl= Stinginess = Hoarding = Withholding own wealth and person from serving humanity = Apathy toward the needy = Being greedy.

Laghw = Wasting precious time = Idle talk = Meaningless assemblies = Conspiring = Senseless play and pastime.

• Sadd= Barring oneself or others from the path of God = Putting forward human thoughts above the Divine revelation = Hindering immigration from the domain of evil = Antagonizing the Word of God = Presenting falsehood as truth = Misleading people with conjecture = Hindering the way to the Divinely ordained System of Life.

• Jadal = Disputation = Argument for the sake of argument = Opposing Divine revelation = Confusing human thought = Confounding the truth with rhetoric.

• Jinn = Something hidden, rarely seen. So, after using Tasreef, Al-Jinn = The nomads. Jannah from the same root means a garden hidden in foliage. When the Jinns or nomads move to dwell in towns and become civilized, they are referred to as Ins.

Ins = Urbanites = Humans including the nomads.

• Faasiqoon (singular, Faasiq) = Those who drift away = Who slip out of discipline = Those who cross the bounds of what is right = Fruit whose seed slips out = One who transgresses Divine laws and thus becomes vulnerable to desire and extrinsic challenge.

Fisq= Drifting away from the commands or from discipline = ‘Sin’ = Disregarding moral values.

• Zanb= Tail = Trailing behind = ‘Sin’.

• Sharr= Harming others or one’s own self. Hurting the good potential in others. Injuring people by any means. Harming the society. Bad conduct = ‘Evil’ = ‘Sin’.

• Sayyeh= Harming others = Disrupting people’s lives = Treating them unfairly = Destabilizing the lives of others = Failing to fulfill their rights = Injustice = Iniquity = Deceiving in business or other dealings = Falling short in discharging duties = Favoritism = ‘Sin’.

‘Amal Su= Any action that disrupts the lives of others = ‘Sin’

• ‘Amal Saaleh= An act of social welfare = Helping others = Increasing the societal potential = Fulfilling needs = ‘Good work’.

Saalehaat= Actions that increase the capabilities of a person or the society = Setting things right = Helping others.

• Saaliheen= The righteous ones = Those who actualize their own ‘self’ = Who increase human potential = Who set things right = They help others = Create balance in the society = Fulfill others’ needs = The capable = Those of admirable faculties = Healthy.

• Birr= Works that lead to exponential growth of the ‘self’ = Creating room for advancement of all = ‘Good’. xvii

• Abraar= Those who create room for others = Those who create opportunities for others to make progress.

• Khair= A deed or act that endows a person and others with true inner happiness = ‘Good’.

• Hasanah = Creating balance = Any benevolent action = ‘Good’.

• Muhsineen = Doers of good = Benefactors of humanity = Those who create balance in the society.

Tasbeeh from Sabah = Swim with long strides = Strive hard = Apply oneself to a mission = The non-Qur’anic ‘Rosary beads’.

• Nafs= ‘Self’ = ’I’, ‘Ego’, ‘Personality’, ‘I-amness’, ‘Me’.

• Imaan = Belief = Conviction = Acceptance = Acknowledgement = Embracing the truth.

• Haraj = Difficulty = Burden = Doubt = Hardship = Blame = Tightness in chest.

Kufr = Denial or rejection of the truth = Concealing the truth = Ingratitude = Choosing to live in the darkness of ignorance = Hiding or covering something = Closing eyes to the light of truth = Stubborn denial of the truth = Concealing the truth = knowingly oppose the truth = Uncritical adherence to ancestral views = Trying to be with the majority without discernment.

• Kafir= One given to Kufr = One who adamantly denies or opposes the truth = commonly translated as ‘infidel’ = Derivatively and positively, a farmer who hides the seed under the soil (57:20). Therefore, Kufr or Kafir does not apply to the unaware, anyone to whom the message has not been conveyed or reached.

• Mushrik = Idolater = Pagan = Anyone who ascribes divinity to other than the One True God = Who associates partners with Him = Who prefers man made tenets = Who worships idols in any form such as statues, own desire, forces in Nature, any of God’s creation = One who uncritically follows what others do = A blind follower = One who considers men as authorities instead of the Divine revelation = Anyone who makes lists of Halaal (permissible) and Haraam (forbidden) from outside the Qur’an = One who believes in clergy against the Divine revelation = Who adores saints, political or religious leaders in lieu of God = Who bows or prostrates physically or mentally before any creation = Who promotes themes, dogmas and tenets contrary to the Qur’an.

• Shirk = The act of being a Mushrik = Associating others with God = Accepting human authorities parallel to Divine revelation = Sectarianism = Idol worship in any form = Being content with manmade systems = Worshiping graves, saints, ancestors or one’s own desire = Blind following or accepting religious information without discernment = Failing to use the Divine Word as the Criterion.

• Taqwa= Seeking to journey through life in security = Protect oneself from disintegration of the personality = Journeying in security = Being careful = Getting empowered against evil = Avoid overstepping the laws = Exercising caution = Preserving the ‘self’ against deterioration = Good conduct = Building character = Live a life upright = Fear the consequences of violating Divine Commands = Observing = Being mindful of the Creator = Remaining conscious of the Divinely ordained Values = Taking precaution = Being watchful against error.

• Muttaqeen = Those who walk on a secure path = Those who seek to journey through life in security = Those who live a life upright = Those watchful against error = The observant.

• Mukazzibeen = Rejecters of the truth = Those who verbally accept but practically deny the truth = Those who deny the truth = Who live by conjecture instead of the unalterable Divine laws.

• Zulm = Replace good with evil = Relegating the truth = Transgression = Oppression = Violation of human rights = Injustice = Wrongdoing = Displacing something from its rightful place = Oppression = Hurting others or one’s own ‘self’ = Doing wrong to God’s creatures and environment = Enslaving bodies and minds.

Zaalimeen, Zaalimoon = Oppressors = Those who hurt themselves or others = Who displace something from its rightful place = Who relegate the truth = Violators of human rights = Those who prefer to live in the darkness of ignorance = Unjust = Commonly translated as wrongdoers. xviii

Aadam = Adam = Man. His wife = Woman. Udma = Ability to live together as a community. Aadam from Udma thus, indicates humankind. The word ‘Eve’ or Hawwa is not mentioned in the Qur’an. She is described with dignity as Mer‘a-til-Aadam = Adam’s Zaujah = Wife, Consort, Mate
of Adam = Mrs. Adam.

• Sajdah = Prostration = Complete submission = Willful obedience = Utter humility = Adoration = Utmost commitment to Divine cause = Humbling one’s own self. • Rukoo’ (Bowing) and Sajdah (Prostration) are not confined to the ritualistic physical motions. They convey a more sublime message of being humble and submitting to God’s commands.

• Khauf= Fear from without. Huzn = Intrinsic depression or grief = Unhappiness = Regret.

• Khushoo’ = Being humbly compliant = Sincerely committed = Being devoted to a noble cause.

• Sabr= Patience = Facing adversity with courage = Steadfastness = Resolve = Perseverance in
hardship as well as ease.

• A’raaf= The Heights = Heights of intellect = Stature of those endowed with faculty of discernment = The high degrees of those who are better able to distinguish between right and wrong. Singular,
‘Urf = The most elevated part of anything = Easily discernible.

• Shi’ra= Sha’oor = Intellect. Shi’ra is also the Arabic name of the brightest star Sirius in the constellation Canis Major. It was widely worshiped in ancient Middle East. (53:49)

• Shafa’ah= Stand up as witness to the truth = Intercession = Clearing a falsehood assigned to
someone = Defending the truthful.

• Shukr = Thankfulness = Gratitude in word and action = Bring Divine bounties to the most fruitful use = Efforts becoming fruitful = Sharing one’s wealth and resources with fellow humans = Opposite of Kufr (ingratitude) when the context demands it.

• Hudan = Hidayah = Guidance = Right guidance = A lighted road = Journey with prominent landmarks = A sincere gift = A high rock of identification in the sea = Lighthouse = A fixed sign in the desert.

• Zall= Shade.

• Ghamam= Clouds. Shade of grace = Being shaded with clouds in the desert is a blessing,
therefore, grace.

• Manna-wus-Salwa= God’s sustenance that reaches all members of the community equitably. Literally, it also means delicious fruit (Manna) and fowl or quail meat (Salwa).

• Tayyab= Decent and clean = Of one’s liking = Not forbidden in the Qur’an = Good for mind and body = Pleasant.

• Rijz = Weak, shaky legs = Loss of determination and resolve = Losing individual and collective strength = Becoming lazy = Replacing action with word.

• Rijs= Unclean = Disapproved = Contaminated = Foul = A barrier to moral development.

• ‘Asa = Staff = Force = Conviction = Support = A united community holding on to a mission as the five fingers hold on to a cane.

• Yateem = Orphan = Who is left alone in the society = Lonely = Without immediate family = Helpless = Derivatively, a widow.

• Miskeen= The needy poor = One with no means to earn livelihood = The disabled = One whose life has stalled for any reason = Jobless = Bankrupt of finances = One whose running business has stalled. xix

• Ibn-is-Sabeel = The needy wayfarer, son of the street, the homeless, the one who travels for assistance, one who seeks asylum against persecution.

• La’nah = Curse = Deprivation of God’s grace = God’s rejection = Condemnation = Losing citizenship of the Islamic State = To be downgraded = Abasement = Lasting humiliation

• Qat’a yadd = Cutting off the ability. For the so-called cutting of hand, please see 12:31. Yadd = Hand = Ability = Power.

• Ithm = Any action that depletes individual or communal energy = Actions that deplete individual and collective potential = Harming human lives = Lewd behavior = Discouraging productive work = Causing fear or grief by any means = Indulgence in pursuit of pleasure.

• ‘Udwaan and its derivatives = Wedge = Creating distance between hearts = Discord = Crossing the bounds of law = Committing excesses = Deeds beyond decency = Transgressing moral values. Creating wedges of discord between people = Causing dissension = Spreading disorder and corruption = Promoting racial, sectarian and nationalistic hatred.

‘Adu and its derivatives= Enemy = Wedge = Opponent = Causing remoteness = Divider = Bearer of grudge.

• Duniya= This world = Immediate gains = Short term benefits = Short-sightedness = Disregarding the Law of Cause and Effect = Forsaking the Future.

• Aakhirah= Hereafter = Life to come = Eternity = Long term = Far-sightedness = Future = Logical outcome = Tomorrow as built on today.

• ‘Uqba= The Life to come = Ultimate destination = The End = Hereafter.

• Maseer= Destination = Journey’s end = Homecoming.

• Ghadhab = Opposite of blessing = Bitter consequences of misdeeds = Logical results of defying Divine laws = Physical and mental destitution for defying God = Suffering loss = Incorrectly translated as anger or wrath in relation to God.

• Ya ayyuhallazeena aamanu is generally, but inaccurately, translated as “O You who believe!”,“O Believers!”, “O You of faith! O faithfuls!” etc. Firstly, aamanu is a verb. Secondly, attaining belief must be an act consciously undertaken after due reflection and with free will. ‘Passive’ faith such as claiming to be a ‘believer by birth’ has no merit in the Sight of God. See 4:136, 12:108. Also, choosing to believe in truth is a great blessing of God. So, my rendition: O You who have chosen to be graced with belief!

• Qadeer or Qaadir= The Law-Giver = Supreme Controller = Able to do all things = Powerful = Almighty = One Who sets due measure for all things and events.

• Shayi = Thing = Derived meaning, event.

• Qaul = Utterance = Thought = Assertion = Tenet = Attitude = Expression.

• Hubb = Love = Full support = Having a common mission. Loving the Almighty = Following His commands = Loving His creation = Benefiting others. God’s love = His blessings in both lives.

• Ghafarah = Helmet and armor = Protection = Preservation against deterioration = Forgiveness.

Wakeel= Advocate, guardian, warder, warden, defender, custodian, responsible for the outcome.

• ‘Ilm= Knowledge = Science.

• Yasha in reference to God = Through His laws = Common mistranslation, ‘as He pleases’.

• Bahl= To leave alone = Let someone hold on to his views = Let others do as they will = Erroneous, but common non-Qur’anic term from Bahl, Mubahila = A contest of mutual cursing!

• Taair= Omen = Destiny = Registration of deeds = Fleet-footed horse = Bird. xx

• ’Azaab= Torment = Chastisement = Punishment = Suffering, as a natural consequence of transgressions according to the Law of Cause and Effect.

• Ma’roof= Virtue = Kindness = All that is good = Declared Ma’roof by the Qur’an.

• Munkar= Vice = Evil = All that is wrong = Declared Munkar by the Qur’an.

• Shuhada = Witnesses = Those who uphold the truth even with their lives and those slain in the cause of God = Commonly translated as martyrs.

• Azwaaj = Spouses, Zaujah is wife and Zauj means husband.

• Hoor = Houri = Modest, intelligent companions, male or female. Unfortunately, this word has been almost invariably translated as ‘gorgeous women with big eyes’. Hoor applies to men and women both. The male gender is Ahwar and the female is Hawra. Again, Hoor = Men and women of vision who are modest and delightful companions.

Khiyaam= Blessed shady environment, instead of the literal ’tents or pavilions’.

• Shaqq and derivatives = To split = Fall apart = Schism = Fall into disputes = Opposition = Oppose one another = Splitting of personality = Break apart the unity = Enmity.

• Haml= Pregnancy = Accept = Bear = Interestingly also the opposite meaning: Betraying the trust (33:72).

• Haraam= The above can compare well with Haraam = Forbidden = And the opposite, Sacred. A good example in English is the word CLIP meaning cutting as well as joining.

• Halaal= Permissible.

• Jibt = Baseless mysteries, magic, future-telling, astrology, clairvoyance, evil eye, good and bad omens, ‘occult’ sciences, amulets, interpretation of dreams and prophecies (except by a Prophet), palm-reading, soothsaying, superstitions of all kind, demon or jinn-possession of people, exorcism, blowing verses and senseless words on people or in food and drink, counting names on rosaries.

• Taaghoot= Those who, in rebellion to the One True God, claim to have Divine powers or try to portray themselves as His representatives, Sufis, mystics, deceptive priesthood, clergy, tyrants = Those who try to play god.

• Tagha = Rebellion. Idols of stones cannot rebel, therefore, they cannot be Taaghoot.

• Bayyinaat= Clear evidences.

• Lillah= For God = For the sake of God = In the cause of God = Belonging to God = Being subservient to Him = Working to fulfill the Divine Plan.

• Saabir = Steadfast = Persevering = Determined = Patient in ease and adversity.

• Qisaas = The duty of tracing an offender for just recompense.

• Baheema-tul-An’aam = The herbivorous cattle = Plant-eating quadrupeds = Livestock.

• Azlaam = Divining arrows = The conjecture of foretelling the future = Raffle = Lottery = Clairvoyance = Dividing things or time for one another through randomly picking up slips of paper.

• Fasaad= Bloody crimes = Spreading corruption in the land = Creating disorder.

• Waseelah = Seeking earnestly = Applying the mind and heart to reach a noble goal. Zikr = Reflection = Remembrance = Observation = Reminder = Commemoration = Raise in degrees = Celebrate = Magnify = Give eminence = Taking to heart = Keeping in mind.


 Chapter 6 from Matthew of Codex Sinaiticus of 4th Century (Read below what Isa/Jesus said – it is just for info)

6:1 But take heed that you do not your righteousness before men, to be seen by them: other wise you have no reward with your Father who is in the heavens.

2 When therefore thou wouldst do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues, and in the streets, that they may be glorified by men. Verily I say to you: They have their reward in full.

3 But when thou doest a charitable deed, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand does;

4 that thy charitable deed may be in secret; and thy Father who sees in secret will reward thee.

5 And when you pray, you shall not be as the hypocrites; for they love to pray standing in the synagogues (this is Masjid of Yahood), and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Verily I say to you: They have their reward in full. (Note: here meaning of “reward in full” mean, they will have punishment for their hypocrisy in full).

6 But thou, when thou prayest, go into thy closet; and having closed thy door, pray to thy Father who is in secret; and thy Father who sees in secret will reward thee.

7 But when you pray, use not vain repetitions as the heathens; for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

8 Be not therefore like them; for your Father knows what things you have need of before you ask him.

9 In this way therefore pray you: Our Father who art in the heavens: hallowed be thy name.

10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done as in heaven also on earth.

11 Give us this day our needful bread.

12 And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors;

13 and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

14 For if you forgive men their offenses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you;

15 but if you for give not men, neither will your Father forgive your offenses.

16 And when you fast, be not as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance; for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear to men to fast. Verily I say to you, They have their reward in full.

17 But do thou, when fasting, anoint thy head, and wash thy face,

18 that thou appear not to men to fast, but to thy Father who is in secret; and thy Father who sees in secret will reward thee.

19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures on the earth, where moth and rust consume, and where thieves break through and steal;

20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes, and where thieves do not break through nor steal.

21 For where thy treasure is, there will thy heart be also.

22 The lamp of the body is the eye. If thy eye be simple thy whole body shall be full of light;

23 but if thy eye be evil thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If then the light that is in thee is darkness, how great that darkness.

24 No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other or he will hold to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon.

25 For this reason I say to you: Be not anxious for your life what you shall eat, nor for your body what you shall put on. Is not the life more than the food, and the body than the clothing?

26 Look at the birds of heaven, that they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into granaries; and yet your heavenly Father feeds them: are you not much better than they?

27 But which of you, by being anxious, can add one cubit to his age?

28 And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they toil not, nor do they spin.

29 But I say to you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed as one of these.

30 Now if God so clothes the herb of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?

31 Then, be not anxious, saying: What shall we eat, or what shall we drink, or with what shall we be clothed?

32 For after all these things do the Gentiles seek; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these.

33 But seek first his kingdom and righteousness, and all these shall be given you in addition.

34 Be not therefore anxious for the morrow; for the morrow shall be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own evil. How you can establish-Salat?

Allah says: his Quran is complete and fully detailed, and it explains EVERY THING that is needed in Islam 16:89. . So If Map of India or map of Saudi Arabia is not given in Quran, then that mean, Maps of India and Saudi Arabia are not part of Divine System of Islam (DEEN) (but of Geography). If Quran does not tell you, with which hand you should drink water; that’s mean, Quran has left this option to you. Aqimu-Salat is to Establish-System of Salat in a Muslim Society; and Components of a System are laws, rules regulation, ethics and moral codes. When you follow all laws codes ethics morality, and regulations of Divine system that has been finalized in Quran, that mean, you are supporting System of Salat. Meditation upon Allah in all awaken conditions when one is working lying-down walking standing is just a small part of System of Salat and meditation(be mindful about Allah) is not rituals. This is why, we do not find any unit of any Shia Sunni ritual in Complete and fully detailed Quran. For example, When you promise and do not break promise, you are following system of Salat, when GOV beats 100 stripes to a Zani, that mean, GOV is establishing system of Salat. When GOV beat 80 stripes to that evildoer who placed a slander on a chaste lady, that’s mean, GOV is establishing system of Salat. If Islamic Authority (GOV) provides you with justice as per Divine laws of Quran, then that’s mean, GOV is following system of Salat. If you are teaching your kids Arabic with intention that they will understand book of Allah, then you have taken a forward step toward success of system of Salat. If GOV follows law of requital (Qisas), that’s mean, GOV is following System of Salat. If GOV is arresting terrorists, robbers and dacoits and crucifying them as per 5:33, then GOV is establishing system of Salat. If Islamic Courts follow divorces laws exactly as per rules of Quran, (not from fabricated Sunna and hadiths and Mullahs and Imams) then that courts are following system of Salat. In case of attack, if your GOV is defending Muslim State, then GOV is following system Salat. For complete establishment of System of Salat, please read Noble Quran. For example, it verse 22:41, if you match “POWER” with Rituals, it never matches at all. 99% Translations of Quran are twisted. Quran22_41When you provide help and services to your parents, family, relatives, and other needy and poor HUMANS, that’s mean you are establishing System of Salat 2:177. Also note, that verse 2:177 forbids rituals and ordains a Muslim “Philanthropy”. A True Muslim is in fact a “Philanthropist” 2:177. When on Friday, Muslims gather in Mosque after doing Wadu (Quran 5:6) and discuss problems and solutions of Muslim community in the light of Divine Laws of Quran, that’s mean, they all are following System of Salat and they are OBEYING Allah. Meaning of Ya’bo.doon is not to worship, as Mullahs are deceiving we blindly following Muslims from 1200 years. Ya’bo’doon has roots in Ibada>>Abeed and Abeed mean “Slave”. Does a slave worship his owner(Malik) or he obeys his orders? Of course, Slave obeys his orders. We all are (ABAD-Abeed) Slaves of Allah & Prophets were too Abeed of Allah. So duty of Prophets was and our duty is to obey orders of Allah. Word “worship” is relevant only to Pagan’s idol-worship or Zoroastrian worship for Fire. When you are implementing on the laws of BOOK of Allah, You are establishing system of Salat. Salat>>Mosalli is that horse who is in second position in Horse-race, and runs so closely to Number-1 horse (Sabiq) that its ears, brush with Sala (Back) of Sabiq(leading Horse). So a Muslim A Mosalli must follow closely all commandments of Quran and that is Salaat. If you like, You can meditate upon Allah at morning, at night, in day, any time: Remember, Quran is not book of theocracy and rituals but of Divine Sociology 2:213, 2:177, 6:114.


After blending Five Zoroastrian rituals in Islam through forged hadith of Miraaj, these Professional forgers such as Bukhari and others, forged many many nonsensical hadiths like following one in order to further reinforce their Rituals-forgery.

Mushrik Hadith followers who abandon Book of Allah and follow millions of concocted hadiths, in fact, never read all hadith books in their whole life but we have read that all hadith books including Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Nasaei, Ibn Majah, Abu Dawud, Tabarani, Daraqutni, Bayhaqi, Al-Hakim of Mustadrak, Darimi, Kanz al-Ummal, Shia’s al-Kafi, Nahj-al-Balagha, Tasirs of Razi, Jalalyn, Ibn Hajar, Baghawi, Qartabi, Tabari, Ibn Kathir, Zamakhshari and many more. Honestly and Sincerely, we have found that all books huge Pile of gossip, folklore and fabricated tales. That books could contain some truth but that trace of truth is dumped under Zillions of tons garbage. That trace of truth is like a needle in an Ocean, and it is very difficult to find a needle in Ocean. Even one demigod of Hadithers, Daraqutni (whom Book is also full of lies) said: To find True hadith is like to find one white hair on the body of ox that rest has all black hairs. This also confirms, regardless if they lived even in 8th century; authors of above-mentioned books were either hypocrites or they were brain dead Jaahils. Contents of their books prove the ignorance, Jahalat and stupidities of that all oldies who seem more ignorant than even vile Mullahs of today. I.e. Some hadiths narrated with name of Ibn Abbas stink more than dead dogs. Either some one forged that lies and used name of Ibn Abbas or if that kind of hadiths were really narrated by Ibn Abbad then we do not have good words for him. But fact is: thousands hadiths that these books contain, were forged by Pseudo-Converts who came to Islam from Zoroastrian-Persia and from People of Books. They forged tons of lies and connected that lies with the names of Ibn Abbas, Anas, Abu Zar , Khudri, Ibn Umar and with many others Sahaba (companions). We have read with multiple evidence that Caliph Umar RA burned all hadiths and placed ban on hadiths. Then how Umar RA could narrate hadiths? But we see in above-given books many hadiths in the name of Umar RA. For sure, some one forged those, and connected that all fabricated lies with name of Caliph Umar. Same is the case of Caliph Ali and Abu Bakar. Both told people to erase hadiths, but again we see in hadith books many hadiths narrated by Abu Bakar and Ali.

WordNamazOriginIf you tell: Pauline Christians, that Jesus neither claimed he was a literal son of God nor he ever claimed he himself was God; Christians will reject your even this 100% true claim because dogma they are following from almost 1900 years now has become an integral part of their DNA. In same way, from past ~1250 years Muslim-Majority is following many practices and beliefs which are neither part of Deen Islam nor that non-Quranic practices and beliefs were followed by Prophet Mohammad and Four Caliphs, but when you tell Muslims this truth: They will also reject your claim because that malpractices and their some false beliefs now has become part of their DNA. Its one example is 5 daily Namaz Rituals which were blended in Islam in 8th century through forgery of Hadith of Flying Donkey called Buraq – Miraj. Because Mohammad(s) left behind only Quran, and left behind no any extra-Quranic manuscript, therefore; we can know truth only from Quran; and in Quran, there is no any trace of Shia and Sunni Rituals and Units of their 5 rituals, and Movement methods of rituals, and what to read in different position of 5 Rituals, and text of Tashahhud. All material of 5 Rituals is not relevant to Quran. Fatiha is in Glorious Quran but Quran never tells: God sent Fatiha to read it in 5 daily Namaz Rituals. God sent Sura Ibrahim in Quran but Quran never tells: Pick just two verses of Sura Ibrahim and blend in Shia-made Tashahhud of 5 Namaz. That all Crime is committed by Hadith forger Imams. Quran makes very clear that meaning of Raku and Sajood is never to place forehead on ground but is to accept Divine Law and then humble to that Divine law in daily life 22:18, 55:6. Quran also tells: Rituals are not a Good deed 2:177 but Good deed is Philanthropy (Khidmat-al-Khalq=Services to humanity). That all makes Clear. Prophet never prayed that five Parsi Rituals. Secular historical studies also show so, and it appears also from an excellent Thesis of one University Student that Mohammad(s) never prayed 5 Rituals but Muslims copied habits of 5 Rituals from Pre-Islamic Pagan Arabs and from Zoroastrians much after Mohammad. That Paper, and secular records show: Even after death of Prophet, for many decades, majority of Muslims used to have no any clue about 5 daily Namaz Rituals.Following is record from one the most recognized historians of First Century. Though in historical records, not every thing is 100% authentic but even if not all, but most of following text appears sound and credible to us. After reading following text, reader is requested to compare character of Essene (Hawaari’yoon of Quarn 3:52) with the character of followers of Paul that we call Christians. In following text (relevant to Essence) Important lines are highlighted with Red font and blue font color shows comments of Team Factszz:

The Essene; although Judeans by ancestry, they are even more mutually affectionate than the others. Whereas these men shun the pleasures as vice, they consider self-control and not succumbing to the passions virtue. And although there is among them a disdain for marriage, adopting the children of outsiders while they are still malleable enough for the lessons they regard them as family and instill in them their principles of character: without doing away with marriage or the succession resulting from it, they nevertheless protect themselves from the wanton ways of women, having been persuaded that none of them preserves her faithfulness to one man. There is also a different order of Essene. Though agreeing with the others about regimen and customs and legal matters, it has separated in its opinion about marriage. For they hold that those who do not marry cut off the greatest part of life, the succession, and more: if all were to think the same way, the line would very quickly die out.

Since [they are] despisers of wealth—their communal stock is astonishing—, one cannot find a person among them who has more in terms of possessions. For by a law, those coming into the school must yield up their funds to the order, with the result that in all [their ranks] neither the humiliation of poverty nor the superiority of wealth is detectable, but the assets of each one have been mixed in together, as if they were brothers, to create one fund for all. They consider olive oil a stain, and should anyone be accidentally smeared with it he scrubs his body, for they make it a point of honor to remain hard and dry, and to wear white always. Hand-elected are the curators of the communal affairs, and indivisible are they, each and every one, [in pursuing] their functions to the advantage of all.

No one city is theirs, but they settle amply in each. And for those school-members who arrive from elsewhere, all that the community has is laid out for them in the same way as if they were their own things, and they go in and stay with those they have never even seen before as if they were the most intimate friends. For this reason they make trips without carrying any baggage at all—though armed on account of the bandits. In each city a steward of the order appointed specially for the visitors is designated quartermaster for clothing and the other amenities. Dress and also deportment of body: like children being educated with fear. They replace neither clothes nor footwear until the old set is ripped all over or worn through with age. Among themselves, they neither shop for nor sell anything; but each one, after giving the things that he has to the one in need, takes in exchange anything useful that the other has. And even without this reciprocal giving, the transfer to them [of goods] from whomever they wish is unimpeded.

Toward the Deity (God), at least: pious observances uniquely [expressed]. Before the sun rises, they utter nothing of the mundane things, but only certain ancestral prayers (seems Dua/Adore God) to him, as if begging him (Clearly it seems Dua) to come up. After these things, they are dismissed by the curators to the various crafts that they have each come to know, and after they have worked strenuously until the fifth hour they are again assembled in one area, where they belt on linen covers and wash their bodies in frigid water (mean normal cold water refer to Quran 5:6). After this purification they gather in a private hall, into which none of those who hold different views may enter: now pure themselves, they approach the dining room as if it were some [kind of] sanctuary. After they have seated themselves in silence, the baker serves the loaves in order, whereas the cook serves each person one dish of one food. The priest (seems Dua) offers a prayer before the food, and it is forbidden to taste anything before the prayer; when he has had his breakfast he offers another concluding prayer (Dua like thanking GOD, you have granted us Rizk). While starting and also while finishing, then, they honor God as the sponsor of life (Sustainer). At that, laying aside their clothes as if they were holy, they apply themselves to their labors again until evening. They dine in a similar way: when they have returned, they sit down with the visitors, if any happen to be present with them, and neither yelling nor disorder pollutes the house at any time, but they yield conversation to one another in order. And to those from outside, the silence of those inside appears as a kind of shiver-inducing mystery. The reason for this is their continuous sobriety and the rationing of food and drink among them—to the point of fullness.

As for other areas: although there is nothing that they do without the curators’ having ordered it, these two things are matters of personal prerogative among them: [rendering] assistance and mercy. For helping those who are worthy, whenever they might need it, and also extending food to those who are in want are indeed left up to the individual (Please refer to Quran 2:177); but in the case of the relatives, such distribution is not allowed to be done without [permission from] the managers. Conc anger, just controllers; as for temper, able to contain it; of fidelity, masters; of peace, servants. And whereas everything spoken by them is more forceful than an oath, swearing itself they avoid, considering it worse than the false oath; for they declare to be already degraded one who is unworthy of belief without God. They are extraordinarily keen about the compositions of the ancients, selecting especially those [oriented] toward the benefit of soul and body. On the basis of these and for the treatment of diseases, roots, apotropaic materials, and the special properties of stones are investigated.

To those who are eager for their school, the entry-way is not a direct one, but they prescribe a regimen for the person who remains outside for a year, giving him a little hatchet as well as the aforementioned waist-covering and white clothing (Hawari’yoon f Quran 3:52). Whenever he should give proof of his self-control during this period, he approaches nearer to the regimen and indeed shares in the purer waters for purification, though he is not yet received into the functions of communal life. For after this demonstration of endurance, the character is tested for two further years, and after he has thus been shown worthy he is reckoned into the group. Before he may touch the communal food, however, he swears dreadful oaths to them: first, that he will observe piety toward the deity; then, that he will maintain just actions toward humanity; that he will harm no one, whether by his own deliberation or under order;that he will hate the unjust and contend together with the just; that he will always maintain faithfulness to all, especially to those in control, for without God it does not fall to anyone to hold office, and that, should he hold office, he will never abuse his authority—outshining his subordinates, whether by dress or by some form of extravagant appearance; always to love the truth and expose the liars (Refer to Quran 2:42); that he will keep his hands pure from theft and his soul from unholy gain; that he will neither conceal anything from the school-members nor disclose anything of theirs to others, even if one should apply force to the point of death. In addition to these, he swears that he will impart the precepts to no one otherwise than as he received them, that he will keep away from banditry, and that he will preserve intact their school’s books and the names of the angels. With such oaths as these they completely secure those who join them.

Those they have convicted of sufficiently serious errors they expel from the order. And the one who has been reckoned out often perishes by a most pitiable fate. For, constrained by the oaths and customs, he is unable to partake of food from others. Eating grass and in hunger, his body wastes away and perishes. That is why they have actually shown mercy and taken back many in their final gasps, regarding as sufficient for their errors this ordeal to the point of death.

Now with respect to trials, [they are] just and extremely precise: they render judgment after having assembled no fewer than a hundred, and something that has been determined by them is non-negotiable. There is a great reverence among them for—next to God—the name of the lawgiver, and if anyone insults him he is punished by death. They make it point of honor to submit to the elders and to a majority. So if ten were seated together, one person would not speak if the nine were unwilling. They guard against spitting into [their] middles or to the right side and against applying themselves to labors on the seventh days, even more than all other Judeans (Zoroastrian Hadith Imams allow Hadithers to spit even during Non-Quranic Five Zoro-Rituals): for not only do they prepare their own food one day before, so that they might not kindle a fire on that day, but they do not even dare to transport a container—or go to relieve themselves. On the other days they dig a hole of a foot’s depth with a trowel—this is what that small hatchet given by them to the neophytes is for—and wrapping their cloak around them completely, so as not to outrage the rays of God, they relieve themselves into it [the hole]. After that, they haul back the excavated earth into the hole. (When they do this, they pick out for themselves the more deserted spots.) Even though the secretion of excrement is certainly a natural function, it is customary to wash themselves off after it as if they have become polluted. (As no modern toilets existed in those days and no any method could be better, clean and hygienic than the method they adopted)

They are divided into four classes, according to their duration in the training, and the later-joiners are so inferior to the earlier-joiners that if they should touch them, the latter wash themselves off as if they have mingled with a foreigner. [They are] long-lived, most of them passing 100 years—as a result, it seems to me at least, of the simplicity of their regimen and their orderliness. Despisers of terrors, triumphing over agonies by their wills, considering death—if it arrives with glory—better than deathlessness. The war against the Romans proved their souls in every way: during it, while being twisted and also bent, burned and also broken, and passing through all the torture-chamber instruments, with the aim that they might insult the lawgiver or eat something not customary, they did not put up with suffering either one: not once gratifying those who were tormenting [them], or crying.But smiling in their agonies and making fun of those who were inflicting the tortures,they would cheerfully dismiss their souls, [knowing] that they would get them back again.

For the view has become tenaciously held among them that whereas our bodies are perishable and their matter impermanent, our souls endure forever, deathless: they get entangled, having emanated from the most refined ether, as if drawn down by a certain charm into the prisons that are bodies. 155 But when they are released from the restraints of the flesh, as if freed from a long period of slavery, then they rejoice and are carried upwards in suspension. pulses of the bad are impeded by anxiety, as they expect that even if they escape detection while living, after their demise they will be subject to deathless retribution. Team Factszz thanks to author of following page which is source of above-given text :


Reader is suggested to ready our this page: God is Omnipresent, at:

As we have already mentioned in our pages that after Church, Hadithers are the Greatest twisters and forgers under sky. They not only badly tamper translation of many verses of Quran but also they tamper translations of their all those hadiths which prohibit hadiths. And these brain-dead idiots do not feel any shame while they do that tampering. For example: One forged Hadith 0066 of Zoroastrian Forger Abu Dawud says: That “Prophet said: Water of that WELL is still clean and pure, and is still good for Ablution/Wudu, even if in that WELL are floating dead dogs, garbage, and bloody menstruation Shreds of Woman”. Now a person with an honest mind can easily judge: Prophet Mohammad could not say this kind of hadith, and a sensible person he will say: This hadith is 100% Fabricated. Please know: all authors of Six Sunni hadith Books were from Persia. Persian’s millennia empire was dismantled by Muslims 7th century. In fact that 6 Persian Hadith Imams were defeated Zoroastrian hypocrites hidden under Muslim names, and they forged their six books to harm Islam and to defame Great Man 68:4 Prophet Mohammad. Once, during a debate when we asked one Woman Doctor of Malaysia to answer us about that above-given “dead-dogs” hadith of Zoroastrian Forger Abu Dawud; We were expecting, she will tell us: This is forged report but we were flabbergasted when she the educated-dumb-Ignorant started to defend that Crap of Abu Dawud, and she answered us that Prophet never mean Water of that WELL but Prophet meant “H2O” and atoms of Hydrogen and Oxygen are Clean. Totally idiotic and nonsensical answer. So in other words, she was telling us that Prophet was also a Professor in Chemistry in any university 1400 years ago. We caught our head with both hands and blocked that shameless and Conscienceless ignorant brain-dead doctor. These guys have no shame at all. Other example: In one Report, Zoroastrian Hadith forger Bukhari says: Wahi of Quran used to come to Prophet only when he used to wear Thob of his wife Aisha RA. Now even a 5th grader in Arabic School knows that Thob is long shirt of Arabic Woman. That shirt starts from neck and ends at feet. But if you go to sites of Hadithers, they will translate word Thob as either Blanket or Bed. Hadithers are shameless beasts. Another Example: Quran is also mother of Arabic Grammar because First Book of Grammar was written down much after landing of Quran. In Quran, word “Yubashar” is used for Sex between Husband and Wife. Now in order to place we Muslims on the path of Satan; Bukhari and all other Zoro Persian Hadith Imams has added one fabricated report in their books. That report says: Prophet used to do “Yubashar” with wife even during fasting and even when his wife was menstruating (menses). AstaghFirAllah. Now, a Person with basic commonsense can realize that this report is forged because Quran forbids sex during fasting and during menstruation, and therefore; Prophet in no way could violate Laws of Quran, as he was BOUND to follow Law of Quran 6:114, 10:15. But again, hadithers are beasts without any shame and conscience. Instead of saying: This report is forged: They defend that forged report by tampering the translation of word “Yubasher” and translating it as “Fondling or mere touching”. We have many more similar examples but let we come to the actual point now. Pre-Islamic Pagan Arabs were praying Ritual facing and Prostrating toward Kaaba/Cube which is made of bricks and mortar. God clarified in 2:115 that such facing to Cube is not required because God is Omnipresent. In verse 2:142, GOD sent strong Command and forbade Muslims to face CUBE, but in order to twist 2:142, hypocrites fabricated a long story of two Qibla. They forged the story of “God forbade Muslims to face Masjid Aqsa of Jerusalem”. We have already discussed this point in detail in this page, that in life of Prophet, neither any Jewish Temple nor any Masjid Aqsa existed in Jerusalem Palestine. Masjid Aqsa that we see today in Palestine was built by Omayyad 60 years after the death of Prophet. Meaning of word aqsa which appears in verse Quran 17:1 is REMOTE, Remote-Mosque. Truth is: Nowhere Quran even used word of QiblaTain or Palestine or Jerusalem; no clue at all. These Hadithers forged lie of QiblaTain, and then tampered translation of all relevant verses of Quran. During translation of verses especially verses 2:140-150, these sectarian translator place in brackets their own words. Some time they add their own words in translation directly which are not mentioned in Arabic text of verses. It is 100% Tampering. God forbade to face Qibla in 2:115 (and forbade Ritual facing Cube in 2:177) and also told in 2:142 that People who says “Why God has forbade us facing Cube” are fools. In next verse 2:143, God says about past, that in past, we did not forbade facing Qibla, only in order to test People who follows Rasool and who do not. No any word Palestine or Jerusalem or first Qibla are used in verse 2:143 and in verse 2:140-150, but translators add these words in translations to advance their non-Quranic Ritualistic agenda. In verse 2:143, words “wama jaAAalna alqiblata allatee kunta AAalayha” is used, and word “wama jaAAalna” of verse 2:143 is also used in some other verses of Quran. In verse 6:107, word “wama jaAAalna” is translated by translators as “We have not made three”. In verse 21:8, word is “wama jaAAalna” is translated by translators as “We did not”. In verse 21:34, word is “wama jaAAalna” is translated by translators as “we did not”. Therefore in 2:143, exact translation of words ““wama jaAAalna alqiblata allatee kunta AAalayha” will be:and We did not make that which you would have to be the qiblah” as is translated by Shakir. Word “Qibla” mentioned  in this verse 2:143 is pointing to none but Meccan Cube; because no any Jewish temple or Masjid Aqsa existed in Palestine in life of Prophet. Masjid Aqsa in Palestine was built by Omayyad 60 years after the death of Prophet. Meaning of word “aqsa” which appears in 17:1 is REMOTE, which mean Remote Mosque. In 2:143 word “Kunta=Used to” is in past tense, as facing Meccan /Cube/Qibla was forbidden in 2:115, 2:142 already. We do not see any Arabic word in verse 2:143 which translates as Palestine or Jerusalem or First-Qibla.  But as we have mentioned already: Ritual-lover tamper translations.desdIslam_Deen_Not_Religion

Please Click here in order to read Laws of of  Noble Quran relevant to above-posted diagram

frjufsIslam a Challenge to ReligionReligionOfMullahquran2_177pluspicritualOldest available historical records show that Mehraab of Masjid that is directed toward Ka’ba of Mecca City, used to be at the beginning, not Directional-Mehraab but a small non-directional niche  in wall of Masjid to place Oil-Lamp. Later with time that Niche was transformed to Big Directional-Mehraab which, in size,  is hundreds time bigger than size of niche.

Story of QiblaTain is a Fabricated tale

All historical evidence shows and all Sunni Mullahs including Saudi Salafi Mullahs agree upon this point, that during the life of Prophet, and four Guided Caliphs, there was no any Mehrab in Mosques toward Mecca. This innovation Bida’a was created in the era of Omayyad Caliphs. This was also said by one of the Biggest demigods of Hadithers “Albani”.

But on the contrary, these same Mullahs will tell you a great lie that in the life time of Prophet, there was a Mosque with Two Mehrabs (Masjid QiblaTain), because (according to that Hadithers), one Mehrab of that mosque was opining toward Jerusalem and other Mehrab was pointing to Meccan Cube Kaaba. Truth is: This Story of Qiblatain was forged also in the era of Omayyad Caliphs. In the life of Prophet and four Guided Caliphs; Mosques used to have neither any Mehrab toward Meccan Cube nor toward Jerusalem. Please note: Masjid Aqsa which we see today in Jerusalem was built by Omayyad 60 years after the death of Prophet. And Jewish Temple in Jerusalem was demolished by Romans in year 70 A.D. which mean about 500 years before the birth of Great Man 68:4 Mohammad(s). This mean; during the life of Prophet, neither any Masjid nor any Jewish temple existed in Palestinian City Jerusalem; so what two Qibla?. In the era of Prophet, among many names, one name of Medina was “Masjid-Aqsa”. So, Quranic verse 17:1 talks about Prophet’s Hijra from Mecca to Medina.  

Reader is suggested to ready our this page: God is Omnipresent, at: https://factszz.wordpress.com/2017/05/10/god-is-omnipresent/Please note: Above posted reports are mentioned in all Tafsir Books and in many other Hadith Books of Hadithers. For example in Sunan al-Kubra of Bayhaqi under chapter of Salat, that above given reports are described in many forms which show: As per Quran 2:115, there is no any Direction-Oriented Rituals in Islam. Following Report leads us to following conclusion:

Reader is suggested to ready our this page: God is Omnipresent, at:
https://factszz.wordpress.com/2017/05/10/god-is-omnipresent/Professor Robert Hillenbrand was educated at the universities of Cambridge and Oxford (D.Phil. 1974); he has been teaching at the Department of Fine Art, University of Edinburgh, since 1971 and was awarded a chair of Islamic art in 1989. He writes: It was Prophet Muhammad’s house at Medina from which the mosque developed in its crucial formative stage, and it is therefore sensible to examine this building in some detail. The house was demolished within a century of its erection to make room for the Mosque of the Prophet (Nabwi Mosque), intended by the Omayyad caliph Walid I to be one of the principal sanctuaries of Islam. The characteristics of the original building are, however, preserved in the numerous accounts of the Prophet’s life, and the details of the structure given in these sources agree tolerably well. It was roughly square; measuring some 56 by 53 meters, and by far its most prominent feature was the great empty courtyard, which took up well over 80 per cent of the surface area. Thus both austerity and ample open space were embedded into mosque design from the very beginning. On the south side was a double row of columns, eighteen to a row, with a roof of mud. Along the southern flank of the east side was a row of nine huts that housed Prophet Muhammad; this was the sole concession to domesticity. The vast courtyard sufficed to proclaim the essentially public nature of the building. It quickly became the nerve center of the burgeoning Muslim community, where Ibadat was conducted, public announcements made, meetings held, parades reviewed, cases tried, the treasury housed, and councils of war convened. Like the religion of which it quickly became a potent symbol, it encompassed both the spiritual and secular domain. Later mosques in theory maintained this dual allegiance, and the lack of formal urban institutions in the Muslim world, with a corresponding lack of certain types of formal public buildings such as town halls or law courts, put a premium on this double role.

Thus by a natural process it became the community center of the new faith. The simplest architecture, right down to a single unadorned room, sufficed for such oratories, though it was not rare for splendidly embellished masjids to be erected at the behest of some wealthy patron. No Muslim community was without a masjid, even if it was no more than a small space set aside in some larger building. In towns it was common practice for each individual quarter to have its own masjid, and yet other masjids were built specifically for members of a certain tribe, sect, profession, or other exclusively defined community. Finally, the growing popularity of joint foundations from the tenth century on meant that masjids were built in association with a wide range of buildings whose prime emphasis was secular, such as caravansaries, mausoleums, and palaces, as well as buildings with an overtly religious significance, such as ribats, castle-like structures that housed warriors for the faith, and madrasas, or Koranic schools. This association of the masjid with secondary places of Ibadat ensured that the physical form of the masjid would become more and more varied. Normal Masjid, and Jami. The jami (Jamia Masjid) was an altogether more ambitious kind of building, which was entirely in keeping with its much grander function. The religious obligation imposed on every adult Muslim, male and female, to meet on every Friday for the salat, or public service, created a need for a building conceived on a much larger scale than the masjid. The very word jami, which derives from the Arabic root “to assemble,” recalls and perpetuates this crucial function of the building. It had to accommodate thousands instead of scores or a couple of hundred. It had in addition a public role, with undertones of symbol and propaganda perforce denied to the masjid.

It was in some sense a showpiece for the faith and often for the person, dynasty, or area most closely associated with it. Not surprisingly, the crucial experiments in the evolution of ‘he mosque as well as the first realizations of it, have been reserved for the jami. The Western term “cathedral mosque,” though obviously a solecism, is thus an appropriate transference of ideas. The building of a jami was no more to be undertaken lightly than was that of a cathedral. Indeed until the tenth century the express approval of the caliph was required before a jami could be erected, and for centuries only one such building per city was permitted. Gradually, however, the population pressure in the major cities forced a relaxation of this-rule. Certain types of jami, especially in the early centuries of Islam, did develop certain distinctive features not encountered in masjids, though it must be emphasized that these features represent only minor modifications to the basic schema of open courtyard and covered sanctuary common to both masjid and jami. Their introduction is of key importance to the history of the mosque, for it heralds an influx of foreign ideas, techniques, and materials that decisively transformed the primitive Arabian simplicity of the mosque. Henceforward mosque architecture evolved against a backdrop of Classical, Byzantine, and Persian influences.

As a result, from the later Omayyad period on the physical form of the mosque was unmistakably rooted, at least in part, in the millennial traditions of the Near East and the Mediterranean world. The masjid in its original form was well able to do without these addenda, but there is no doubt that their incorporation into mosque design substantially enriched the whole subsequent development of the genre. These new features added to Masjid were five in number: the mihrab, the minbar, the maqsura, the raised gabled transept, and the dome over the mihrab bay. Not all of them were to be of equal importance, nor were all to be encountered often in the same building. In the context of the present general discussion it is less their individual evolution than the motive behind their introduction that is relevant. Their origins are unmistakably Classical, filtered and in some measure distorted through the medium of Byzantine art. Significantly this latter connection is both religious and secular, whereas in Classical art proper it was the secular milieu in which these features were most at home. Their final incarnation in a Muslim religious building is therefore simply the logical fulfillment of a process begun many centuries before. The readiness with which Islam adopted these five features, and the natural way in which they acquired a liturgical raison d’etre, speaks volumes for the powers of assimilation possessed by the new religion.

The choice of these particular alien features is interesting on other grounds too. The mihrab is perhaps the clearest case of all. The deeply recessed actuated niche could hold a cult statue in a Greco-Roman temple or the emperor in person in a late-antique palace. Writ large, it contained the altar of a Christian church; correspondingly reduced in size, it did duty as a mihrab. Once “invented,” the mihrab was so obviously a signal success as a symbol and as the cynosure of worship that its future was assured. The various types of mihrab that were ultimately developed-flat, concave, or recessed so as to form a separate chamber-are so varied as to demand a study beyond the scope of this account. The minbar never attained the nearly universal popularity of the mihrab in Islamic architecture. To begin with, its function is much more specifically concentrated in the Friday salat and thus in the jami, whereas the mihrab quickly became an essential component of even the humblest masjid and is frequently to be found also in madrasas, mausoleums, caravansaries, and other kinds of buildings. The obvious analogy to the minbar in Christian practice is of course the pulpit, and in fact the closest known prototype to the minbar is the ambo, the lectern and pulpit found in early medieval churches as well as the bishop’s throne in Byzantine ones. Coptic churches in particular had ambos with the same striking simplicity of form found in minbars: a primitively stepped right-angled triangle set against a wall.Finally, what of the dome over the mihrab? Roman architecture had decisively established the honorific character of the dome by giving it pride of place in palatial architecture. It is no accident that the greatest of all Roman religious edifices, the Pantheon, makes the dome its focal point. These lofty associations did not prevent the Romans from using :he dome in humbler contexts, but a pattern had been set and was confirmed in Byzantine architecture by the large-scale use of the dome in churches and monasteries. It was therefore a natural transition to employ it in mosques, and incidentally in key locations within Islamic palaces.

Perhaps the most strikingly Islamic of them is the minaret. Like the mihrab, the minaret was a somewhat late arrival in Islamic architecture, not called into being by any strict liturgical imperative. Two distinct origins have been proposed for the minaret, and it is quite possible that both theories have a solid foundation of fact. Both derive strong support from etymological arguments. According to one hypothesis, the form derives from the towers of Syrian churches, which served as campaniles. The fact that a popular early term for minaret was sauma’a (monk’s cell) strengthens this supposition. Even today the minarets of the Maghrib, which alone in the Islamic world have continuously preserved the form of these early minarets in Syria, are known by this name. Given the central role of Syria in the formation of Islamic architecture, it might well be concluded that church towers are the best parallel, both functionally and geographically, for the minaret in the initial stages of its development. The second theory turns on the standard word used for minaret in Islam: manara and its variants. The word means “place of fire” or “place of light,” and while this could be taken in a purely metaphorical way—i.e., a tower spreading the light of Islam—it is surely more straightforward to assume that some reference to a signal tower is intended. In that case the obvious parallel would be the great lighthouse at Alexandria, the Pharos, which was still functioning at the time of the Arab conquest. The distinctive stepped silhouette of that Wonder of the World does in fact recur in some minarets, such as that of the Great Mosque at Kairouan, but it is far from certain whether any such minarets were built in the crucial first century of Islam. The custom of putting lights in minarets is, however, recorded in Persia and elsewhere in the medieval Islamic world, not only for purposes of signaling— for example, in the desert or on the seashore—but also to celebrate the ‘ids or other special occasions.

The minaret experienced a remarkably varied formal development over the centuries. Square minarets remained the norm in the Maghrib; Egypt developed multistory minarets, each with a different elevation and ground plan; Iraq and Persia preferred tall cylindrical brick minarets, often on an octagonal or flanged plinth, whereas those of Ottoman Turkey were slender, pencil-shaped, and girdled with tiers of balconies. In ninth-century Iraq an aberrant type based on ancient Meso-potamian ziggurats, of cylindrical form with an external spiral ramp, enjoyed a brief vogue. In Saharan Africa the minaret took the form of a pylon, and examples with external staircases were also popular there and on the Persian Gulf. Predictably, minarets in the Far East and Southeast Asia were free adaptations of the pagoda. Virtually throughout the Islamic world it was the practice to give the minaret lavish applied ornamentation, whether of brick, tile, stone, or other materials.

There can be little doubt that the determining factor in the evolution of the mosque as a whole was Arab influence. Here the example of Prophet Muhammad’s house was of paramount importance. It is worth noting that even this structure involved some degree of modification before it could serve as a mosque, since worship was not its original function; small wonder then that many early mosques, like that at Damascus, were conversions of existing though usually religious buildings and thereby exploited the ready-made sanctity of the site.”

Ancient Mosques face neither Jerusalem nor Mecca. facing nothing. Read: P. Crone & M. Cook, Hagarism: The Making Of The Islamic World, 1977, Cambridge University Press, pp. 23-24. “According to archaeological research carried out by Creswell and Fehervari on ancient mosques in the Middle East, two floor-plans from two Umayyad mosques in Iraq, one built by the governor Hajjaj in Wasit (noted by Creswell as, “the oldest mosque in Islam of which remains have come down to us” – Creswell 1989:41), and the other attributed to roughly the same period near Baghdad, which do not face Mecca, but are oriented too far north (Creswell 1969:137ff & 1989:40; Fehervari 1961:89; Crone-Cook 1977:23,173). The Wasit mosque is off by 33 degrees, and the Baghdad mosque is off by 30 degrees.” Please note: in the time of Prophet Mohammad, neither any Mosque nor any Jewish temple existed in Jerusalem. Masjid aqsa of Jerusalem was built 60 years after the death of Prophet Mohammad by Omayyad Caliphs. Jewish Temple was erased to ground by Romans in 70 A.D. almost 500 years before the birth of Prophet Mohammad. Word aqsa that appears in Quran 17:1 mean REMOTE. Masjid of 17:1 mean “REMOTE Mosque”, and in the life time of Prophet, from mecca, no any mosque was remoter than the mosques of Madina. 17:1 points to night journey of Prophet from Mecca to Madina. Hadith of Miraaj is a blatant forgery of Persian hadith Imams. In fact Mosque’s Mehrab was invented in late 8th century when Zoroastrian Mother of Caliph Haroon Rashid blended Five Zoroastrian Namaz Rituals in Islam. That innovations was imposed on people by Queen the Mother of Caliph Harun Rashid by forging hadith of Miraj in order to give some kind of validity to 5 Non-Quran Rituals. Bukhari and other Persian hadith Imams were employees of Queen. Later people started to practice rituals facing Mecca. To support this forgery, Persian Hadiths imams forged thousands more hadiths about Rituals to hide the forgery of 5 imported Rituals. To kiss black stone, to throw small stones on invisible Satan during Hajj and to pray Rituals facing building of Ka’ba are also Pre-Islamic practices of Arabs. All rites of Hajj that are not given in Quran, are Pre-Islamic rites of Arabs and that non-Quranic rites has no any relation with Deen Islam.We all know through Quran that Torah and Bible(Injeel) are also Books of God for past times but that all books are now heavily corrupted but still some truth remains in those books. We are not saying to you to follow that OUT-DATED corrupted Books but just for your info we post below some material from that books:

Then Jonah prayed to the Lord his God from the stomach of the fish (Jonah 2:1). Note: Now fish was moving in all directions, so clearly prayer of Jonah (Younas) was not to specific direction. Seems it was a Dua Prayer. This remnant truth of Gospel is further carried forward by last testament of God Noble Quran in verse 21:87 “AND [remember] him of the great fish when he (Jonah) went off in wrath, thinking that We had no power over him! But then heeded out in the deep darkness [of his distress]: “There is no deity save Thee! Limitless art Thou in Thy glory! Verily, I have done wrong!” Also see Quran 37:139-148Note:Here Jonah has dua-prayer. He was never praying conflicting Azans and Rituals of Sunni and Shia sects facing Jerusalem or Mecca.Matthew in chapter 6:6 recorded, Jesus said: “But when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you. . Note: This for sure a Dua Prayer and Meditation. Jesus is not mentioning any direction of Prayers toward Jerusalem nor telling how to pray like Qayaam Raku Tashahhud etc. Matthew 6:6 is the sixth verse of the sixth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament and is part of the Sermon on the Mount. This verse continues the discussion on the proper procedure for praying; that is, not to do it in public, but to do it in private.

We further read in Matthew chap 6: Prophet Isa said: “And when you pray, do not imitate the hypocrites: they love to say their prayers standing up in the synagogues (Jewish Temple) and at the street corners for people to see them. In truth I tell you, they have had their reward. But when you pray, go to your private room, shut yourself in, and so pray to your Father who is in that secret place, and your Father who sees all that is done in secret will reward you. In your prayers do not babble as the gentiles do, for they think that by using many words they will make themselves heard. Do not be like them; your Father knows what you need before you ask him.”

Please note: Nobel Quran tells: All Prophets were Prophets of Islam 42:13: 3:19, 3:85, 3:67, 3:52, and a person cannot be a Muslim unless he believes in all Prophets and also believes that all Original Scriptures were Books from God 4:1361– Quranic verse 2:115 makes clear, that Allah is everywhere, so direction-Oriented Rituals are not important

2– Verse 2:177 again tells: Direction-Oriented Ritual are useless and are not Good Deed but Good Deed is Philanthropy.

3Now just squeeze your mind that verse 2:144 is revealed after verse 2:115 and before 2:177, Then how verse 2:144 can tell that you pray rituals toward K’aba? It cannot be because in this way, verse 2:144 will contradict verses 2:115 and 2:177 at 180 degree but we all know that in Quran, there is no any contradictions.

4– Truth is: That 2:115 told, Qibla-Faced Rituals has no importance in Islam because Allah is everywhere. Taking point of 2:115 further forward, Quran 2:142 forbade turning to Qibla in Mecca for rituals, and 2:142 has also declared those, fools, who said: Why our (Pre-Islamic) Qibla-Oriented-Rituals has been forbidden, because Allah is everywhere. Please note that in last part of verse 2:142, Quran has repeated verse 2:115 in part again to emphasize/recall what was said already in 2:115.

5– But because Each religion has always a Center. So after the Qibla-Oriented Pre-Islamic Rituals were forbidden in 2:115 and 2:142, Prophet and Muslims started to think, what is our center now. Then verse 2:144 told: Take Masjad-Al-Haram as Center of Islam. But nowhere verse 2:144 uses any concept of Rituals or word Salat (Hadither translate it as Ritual) in 2:144. Because brains of our Translators are already preconditioned with Direction-Oriented Rituals from Centuries, so they badly twist translation of many verses of Quran including 2:144 by adding their own person words in brackets while translating 2:144. It is beauty of Quran that Quran fully explains itself. Quranic verse 10:87 makes clear the actual meaning by word “Qibla”. In verse 10:87, God told Prophet Moses and his brother Harun to take some Houses (not one house but houses) and turn those houses into Qiblaz (we have used word Qiblaz as plural of Qibla). But can one have many Qiblaz for direction-oriented Ritual Prayers? No ways. So it is Crystal Clear from verse 10:87 that meaning of Qibla is not a place to face for Rituals but is Devotional Center. When GOD told Moses and Harun in 10:87 to turn some HOUSES into Qibla, that clearly mean, turn those houses into Devotional Centers to spread Divine Law (aqimu-Salat) from that Centers. 6– Nowhere in any verse, Quran mentions that Muslims were praying Ritual toward Jerusalem. This is a blatant forged lie that comes from countless concocted hadiths which were in fact forged by Pseudo-Converts to Islam came from Yahood-o-Nasaara (People of Book). Master inventors of such kind of forgeries was Pseudo Convert Rabbi K’ab Al-Ahbar. Neither any Masjid Aqsa nor any Jewish Main Temple existed in Jerusalem in the life time of Exalted Prophet Mohammad. Masjid Aqsa in Jerusalem was built 60 years after the death of Last Prophet, Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him) by Omayyad Caliphs. We have already mentioned in this page somewhere, what was purpose behind building that Mosque in Jerusalem. All historian know that Main Jewish Temple was erased to ground by Romans in year 70 A.D., which mean about 500 years before the birth of Last Prophet of God. Meaning of Arabic word” aqsa” used in Noble Quran 17:1 is “Remote”. Masjid aqsa” mentioned in Quran 17:1 is “Remote Mosque”. And in life time of Prophet Mohammad(s), no any mosque on this planet was remoter from Mecca than the Masaajid of Madina City. Night journey mentioned in Sura 17 is pointing toward night Journey of Prophet from Mecca to Madina. Ridiculous Hadith of Miraaj that says: Prophet took ride on a flying donkey and headed all prophets in Ritual-Prayer in Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem is a crude forgery concocted by demented minds. Zoroastrian Hadith Imams copied this fable of Miraaj from two Zoroastrian books “Zerdashtnama” and “Arda Viraf”. Detail is already given in this page somewhere. Quran in 2:177, 2:115 makes clear that your  rituals facing Qibla are useless but useful is to have right faith and to live as Philanthropist.

Salat_VersesMany brothers and sisters who visited this page, have asked us to explain the verses of Noble Quran that contain word of “Salat”. Following first-two links show translation of Quran that is done under the light of that Arabic literature which existed during the landing of Quran 1400 years ago. Please open that two links and read the translation of any verse that contains word “Salat. In other links, word “Salat is further explained. Therefore; we suggest reader, spare time, and go through all links that are given below in order to have full concept and understanding of word “Salat”. All links are safe, so trust us and do not worry at all. Thank you.

1-How Quran explains itself?  http://is.gd/ZBElOU

2- Exposition of Quran at this link

When Quran tells us about “Aqimu-Salat (to Establish Divine System); Our translators translate it as “5 Daily Zoroastrian Rituals” that has no any unit or detail in Quran. And Quran is complete, fully detailed and it explains every thing that is needed in Islam 16:89

Islamic empire was hijacked by Persian Zoroastrians for 508 years under Abbasid Rule from 750-1258 A.D. Almost all Ministers, tutors and consultants of Abbasid were Zoroastrians. Even their wives and mothers were Zoroastrians. For example, mother of Caliph Harun Rashid “Khaizroon” was a Zoroastrian who blended Five Zoroastrian rituals in Islam in 8th century. Abbasid (by DNA) were half-Muslim and half Zoroastrians. All distortion in Islam came in their Period.

1200 years ago, first dictionary of Quran from Arabic to Persian then from Persian to Urdu and English was made up, not by Arabs, but by Zoroastrians during Abbasid Period. They tried but failed to change text of Quran, because just one Hafiz could challenge any change 15:9. So now they changed meaning of thousands of Terms of Quran in the Satanic dictionary they introduced. Our all Schools and Universities are following that terms which were translated by Zoroastrian Persians from past 1200 years. This is why, higher the degree in Islamic theology one has, the bigger ignorant he is. Why? Because, their curricula in Ph.D is based on fake Persian dictionary invented 1200 years ago and is based on millions of fabricated Hadiths. So a farmer who never went to school will have much less distorted brain about Islam than our Ph.D Mullahs who read lies, preach lies, and stuck to lies their whole life. In order to understand real meanings of Quranic terms, one must study Arabic literature in depth that existed at the time, when Quran was landing through wahi.

Besides, in order to disable Quran, Zoroastrians hired a Government Employee a Mullah known as Imam Shafi who invented Satanic innovations of Hadith and Sunna, so that, Persians now could forge million of fabricated hadiths in the name of Prophet. But they faced another dilemma, that many forged hadiths contradicted Quran. So to overcome this hurdle, Zoroastrians told Imam Shafi to invent evil of ABROGATION. Now any forged hadith that contradicted Quran, they declared, that relevant verse of Quran, has been abrogated. Please note that all the authors of six canonized hadith books labeled as Sihe Sitta were from Zoroastrian Persia the employees of Zoroastrians ministers. They all the six were hypocrites. Read our page on this subject linked at our Main Page.

Please Read English translation of all verses of Quran in which word Salat is used at: http://is.gd/ZBElOU

This above-given translation is done in the light of Querashi-Dialect and the Arabic literature that existed when Quran was landing.

Also read our full page on Five Rituals at:

Also read: Abrogation The greatest lie against Noble Quran. Please click on following picture to enlarge it.

Important_Callout2SheraziAndMullahDebateMullah’s email to Akhtar Sherazi:

You (Sherazi) insist on the Quran and reject the Sunnah (Practice) of the holy prophet of Islam. You have cited many verses signifying the Quran as the only source of the Islamic laws and teachings. No body denies this truth. But I am trying to say that The Quranic verses need interpretation and practice. Suppose the Quran says “offer prayers”. How can we pray? Should we invent some exercise of standing and sitting? We have to pray as the holy prophet prayed. As I earlier mentioned that the Quran is an ideology and the prophet is its’ picture by practice. We can not change the basics of the Quran but we can interpret them in the light of modern sciences and needs of time. Hence, we can say that the basic source of law is the Quran and the prophet practiced it. There are basic laws in the Quran and we can make new laws and regulations in the light of Ijtehad. The Quran and the Sunnah are complementary to each other.

Akhtar Sherazi answers Mullah as under:

Firstly, I would like to clarify that the Quran does not instruct Muslims to ‘offer prayers’. I do not know how Mohammad was praying because I was not over there but I do know one thing with confidence from the Quran that Mohammad was completely unaware of present kind of Zoroastrians five Namaz and Jews prayers. How Mohammad could give his nation the present form of prayers which is the main cause of the bloodshed in the mosques and disintegration in the Muslim society? This worship has destroyed the unity of the Muslims. Do you think Mohammad could give his nation dissimilar rituals of worshiping which is the main cause of hatred and disintegration among the Muslims on account of following reasons?

a- Efferent Nimaz or prayers for Shiah and Sunni.

b- Different Aazan [call for pray] for Sunni and Shiah.

c- Different kind of wadoo for Sunni and Shiah

The below are some logical questions, about Nimaz. Would you please ask your learned Shiah and Sunni Imams to provide me answers of my apprehensions? [Condensed from my book titled “Administrative and the Economic system of the Quran.]”

Allah authoritatively declares through various verses; the Qur’an presents the code dealing with the practical life of humans, making it easy for them to manage their normal, daily routines. However, if a person asks the Islamic priests, the command for practicing five daily prayers does not exist in the last revelation, they, immediately, come out with their typical response, “One cannot find everything in the Qur’an. For this particular subject, one has to consult Ahadith and Sunnah”. Don’t you think, this weird and bizarre statement coming from you, the priesthood, is not a deceptive answer, a derogatory declaration, and defiance against Allah’s proclamation, when Allah proclaims, “We have revealed the complete code of life for the entire humanity 16:89?2015-04-30_1837371. If one further argues that, in the case of inheritance, Allah went into the details of shares for each family member, and used fractions like 1/2 and 1/6th to guide the people. Why then, there is not even a single passing reference about the prayers and supplications or for that matter Dua in the last revelation of Allah? If these are so important and provide the only ladder to the coveted Junnah [paradise], then why Allah does not mention even minor details of daily prayers in the Qur’an. Would you please like to answer that query?

2. Allah has provided clear information about the month of fasting in the Qur’an; then why, the same Allah, ignores the important topic, pertaining to the ritual of Sallat? Do you have a rejoinder for that one?

3. Why the Qur’an does not specify timings for prayers? Who created these and why? Would you like to comment on that?

4. If the Iranian Nimaz or supplication is an essential element of Al-Deen Islam, then why the names of five daily prayers: Fajar, Zohar, Asar, Mugrab and Isha are non-existent in Allah’s final Book? If these are non-existent in the Qur’an, then where from did these originate, and who was the originator? How do you view that important topic?

5. Why the Qur’an is completely silent about the number of the component rakats [modules] of various prayers such as Sunnat, Fard, Nafal, Vitar, and Traveh? Where did these come from, and who were the perpetrators of such blasphemy? Do you have any answer?

6. Why does the Quran not identify the verses suitable for recitation in each rakat of every prayer? What do you say about that?

7. Atta-Hyatt, an essential component to be recited before the completion of each module of prayer, consisting of two Rakats, is not available in the Qur’an. Who wrote and introduced this Arabic passage for the Nimaz, [prayer] and how did they dare to equate this human insertion with the text of Allah? Come out with your response!

8. Where does the Qur’an mention that recitation of Surah Al-Fatiah is compulsory in every Rakat of each Nimaz? How do you look at that aspect of Iranian Nimaz?

9. If one points out, ‘well the Farad modules of all prayers are for Allah, and the Sunnat component is for Mohammad,’ the Muslim priests would gladly agree. Now, here a question pops up; the companions of Mohammad, during his lifetime, used to perform Farad for Allah, but what did they used to do during Sunnat? It seems ridiculous for the last Messenger to declare his personal prayer. Did he use to sit in front of his praying companions, while they performed the ritual in his name? Conversely, it means during Farad they bowed down to Allah, but during the performance of Sunnat, they doubled over in front of Mohammad. It is evident that along with worshiping Allah, they offered adulation to Mohammad by executing his Sunnat, but it could have never happened, as it would tantamount to challenging Allah’s unique and exclusive position within the universe. Therefore, the Sunnat prayer constitutes an antithesis of Allah’s declaration of solitary existence [Towheed]. Would you like to contradict the above statement?

10. The term Allah-o-Akhabar is a repetitive and essential constituent of all prayers, but why it does not appear anywhere in the Qur’an? Have you ever thought about that?

11. All Muslim sects claim that Sallat or prayers, without Qayyam, Rakooh and Sajood, are incomplete, but all of them execute funeral prayers [supplication not recommended by the Qur’an] without those essential elements, Rakooh and Sajood. Is it possible, Allah could come up with such contradictory commands? How do you explain that paradox?

12. The Shi’ah begin their Wadu or ablution from the feet, in contrast to the Sunni, who begin with the face first. Can Allah issue such stupid and inconsistent commands? Do you agree or go the other way?

13. The followers of Khalifa Arashad confirm [Moslem. Org. edited by Edip Yuksel], one can pray naked, in one’s own privacy. It may be all right to do so in a nudist club, where all members are naked in an exclusively secluded spot. Would it be all right to visit such a sexy environment for supplication? Would you condemn the command of Khalifa Arashad or go there for the fun?

14. Is it possible to identify even a single verse of the Qur’an, which issues specific command on the subject of funeral prayers? Come out with your rejoinder, if you have any!

15. Which verse or, verses of the Qur’an provide details about Eid-ul- Fitar prayer? Please tell the Ummah if you know!

16. Does the Qur’an mention Eid-ul-Dahha prayer in any verse, and where is it written for the Muslims to follow the Sunnah of Abraham, pertaining to the sacrificial lamb?

17. Does the Qur’an instruct the Sunni Muslims to celebrate the festival of Eid-e-Meellaad-un- Nabi, through any verse? What do you say about that?

18. Sahih Bukhari presents separate Darood-o-Salam, for the Sunni sect! The question arises; from where did he get anecdotal eulogies for the last Messenger of Allah, and who authorized such extreme variations among various Muslim sects? Do you have any information about that topic?

19. Aazan and Ata-Hayyat, two fundamental ingredients of Sallat lack authentication of the Qur’an. Undoubtedly, all these practices are time wasting rituals, which can never be an integral part of the dynamic charter of rights and obligations the Qur’an presents to the entire humanity. In addition, every sect, including Shi’ah, Sunni, Isamali, Wahabi, and the followers of Khalifa Arshad of the USA, have basic differences in their way of praying, contradicting the Qur’an’s claim; this book is free of conflicts. How would you react to that factual statement?

20. Shi’ah has different Aazan (prayer call) as compared to their Sunni counterparts. Can you identify, which one is in line with Allah’s commandments?

21. The word Sallat has appeared 67 times in the Qur’an and at most spots; it is followed by the term Zakkat. This in simple term means, administration and fiscal management of an Islamic state.The Islamic priesthood has made a blatant violation of the Arabic lexicon and syntax, by translating Sallat into an Iranian word Nimaz. The five prayers per day is a figment of some demented mind’s imagination or, had been a deliberate attempt to derail the dynamic program of government formation, under the charter of the Qur’an. This twisted introduction into the divine social order has destroyed the effectiveness of Allah’s constitution, given to the human beings for having a successful, prosperous, and secure way of life, in this world. Sunni, Wahabi and Shi’ah pray five times a day, while the followers of Agha Khan and those of Ballagh-ul-Quran establishment in Pakistan opt for three prayers a day. Both of the latter sects claim; three times supplication is better than five times, as it saves valuable time, and constitutes a straight passage to heaven. Would you please comment on this terminal issue from the viewpoint of the Qur’an?

22. Iqam, Ruku, and Sajjdah are integral constituents of all prayers except the funeral. The following Duas are recited in all prayers on daily basis:

* Before starting the prayer, the worshipper has to say in the mute mode, ‘Auzu billahi- minash-shayta nirrajeem’ [I seek refuge in Allah from Shaytian (devil), the evicted one].

* In the starting Rakat, the following Dua is recited:

Subbhanak Allahumma wa bihamdika wa tabarakasmuka wa taala jadduka wa la ilaha ghayruk [Glory to you, O Allah! And praised be the blessed name of our forefathers.

* Saying Ameen loud during the prayers of Fajar and Isha is considered essential.

Note: Jews and Christians also do the same drill with Ameen in their prayers.

* The following bunched up Addyyah [plural of Dua] are conspicuously absent from the Qur’an:

Subhana Rabbi Al-Azeem [during Kneeling]; Subhan Kallah huma wa Bihamdika [during Iqaam]; Sami Allah Huleman Hamdah [reverting to Iqam] and Rabbana wa alakal hamd [a rejoinder at Iqam]; Subhana rabbi yallala [recital during Sajjdah]

Do you happen to know, who invented these fake expressions, resembling the text of the Qur’an, and why? Do you acknowledge, writing any material resembling that of the last revelation is an unpardonable criminal offense?

23. According to the Muslim faith, the five daily prayers were awarded to Mohammad, because of the incident of his Ascension, Allah knows where. As per the Ahadith on the subject, Mohammad became a kind of yo-yo between Allah and Moses, because Moses was calling the shots in opposition to Allah, and he sent Mohammad back to Him about ten times to get the final tally of the fasting days and number of prayers. Here the question arises; the earlier Messengers of Allah used the same term Sallat, but did not get the command of Nimaz; how do you explain that discrepancy? Furthermore, they never received any invitation to visit Allah’s abode, wherever it is. Why did Allah maintain such an enormous discrimination, between Mohammad, and the previous Messengers? This is not fair because their nations were saved from the stipulation of Sallat ritual, which, indeed, is nothing but Iranian Nimaz. What logical answer you can come up with for that ridiculous account?

24. According to the crap Iranian ‘literature’ based upon Ahadith and Sunnah, Mohammad, before soaring towards Allah’s abode through deep space, without even a space suit, led the prayer attended by all previous Messengers of Allah, except Jesus, who was resting at the fourth level of heaven. Isn’t a glaring discrepancy existing here? How could Mohammad lead any prayer before having tête-à-tête with Allah? The command of prayers had yet to be given to him. If it was not the regular, run of the mill, prayer, what kind of supplication was it? Don’t you think all this silliness about prayers is simply mind-blowing?

25. All nouns in the verses of Surah Al-Fatihah are in the plural form. Recitation of this Surah in a group supplication [Ba Jamat] makes sense, as more than one person are doing the recitation But when an individual supplicant recites the same seven verses, he is not praying at all, but performing a mockery of the Arabic syntax. What would you say about that?

26. According to the Quran, all previous Messengers of Allah including Moses, Abraham, Jesus, Ishmael, Lot, Isaac, Zachariah and Shuaib had used the term Sallat in the verses, 10: 87; 14:40; 19:31; 19:55; 21:73; 3:39; 11:87. Do you think they should also have got involved with this ridiculous business of praying? Why did Allah let them go scot-free and did not order them to do some supplication?

27. The Muslims are performing the rituals of prayers and Hajj, besides scores of others for the last twelve centuries, but as an Ummah, they are facing worsening situation day by day. At the biggest Muslim congregation of Hajj, they do all kinds of supplications, and offer Dua, but what is the result? ‘Nothing at all, besides a big fat zilch.’ Allah does not listen to them, because they are violating the code of the Qur’an by performing ceremonials, which the last revelation strictly forbids. Can you propound any theory, about the failure and ineffectivess of Sallat, over the centuries?

28. Do the following terms not constitute Shirk, in the opinion of Muslim clergy [offense against Allah’s code]?

* The Quran from Allah and Ahadith from Mohammad

* Farz Rakats for Allah and Sunnat for Mohammad

* Allah’s Qur’an requires terribly twisted Iranian fabrications in the form of Ahadith and other ‘junk literature’ for understanding its verses.

29. Following are the major differences between the Muslims of 21st century and those existing in the time of Mohammad and his companions:

* They were winners in all lifestyles, whereas, we are the loser in every field of human endeavor.

* They neither believed in any Dua nor performed any supplications, whereas we are very ritualistic, performing worthless actions in the name of Muslim religion.’

*They were one nation and had one form of government, based upon the charter of the Quran; whereas, we are torn apart into numerous nations, sects and factions, suffering from continuous infighting. What do you say about that?

However, in the opinion of the authors, they were wonderful people, had the real knowledge of the book, and possessed the following attributes:

* Allah pronounces in the Quran; all Muslims are one family. [49:10]

The buddies, who are making collective effort for the establishment of a peaceful society, in accordance with the constitution of the Quran, are like brothers to one another.’

* The Quran commands all Muslims to be the members of only one party, which Allah calls Hiz-ba-llah. [58:22]2015-04-30_184755* All Muslims Muslimah are one Ummah working for the world peace, known as Ummat-tum-Muslimah 2:1282015-04-30_185223* Muslims are One Millat and the Qur’an identifies it as Millat-a-Abraham, the follower of Abraham’s chosen way of life. [16:123]2015-04-30_185627* Muslims are one people, and the Qur’an identifies this nation as Qoumim-Mo’mineen [an establishment of unified nations working for international peace and justice]. 9:142015-04-30_190444* There is only one charter for the entire humanity and Allah distinguishes it as Al-Deen-ul-Islam. [3:19]2015-04-30_190846The Muslim Ummah stands geographically divided into 57 independent nations, because of a large variety of supplications and Addiyah. Then in each country, there exist substantial number of religious sects and factions like Shi’h, Sunni, Ahamdi,whabai, Hanfi, shaafai, Maalki, Qaadri, Chishti, Naqshbandi, Suharwardi, and Agha Khani, besides many others. To top it all off, there are all kinds of political parties. Do you have any clue, how all Muslims of the world can join hands to become one nation, live in one country, and have one party, Hizbullah?

30. The Quran says that ‘Allah has no collaborators, associates, or assistants attached to the formulation of his command, controls, and set of laws; However, the Muslims defy that divine ordinance and are repeatedly committing the following Shirks:

* Holding on fast to some of Allah’s rules, but simultaneously, adopting and obeying artificial and legislated regulations.

* Abiding by the charter of the Qur’an to a certain extent, but at the same time following the Ahadith and Sunnah, which did not exist in the time of Mohammad and his brilliant associates.

* This is the decree of the Qur’an, and this is the diktat of Islamic Fiqah [artificial jurisdiction]; Muslim Ummah has to obey both, and commit Shirk.

* This is the code of the Qur’an, and these are the orders of saints or dictum of the Aimmah. Muslim Ummah has to adopt both and commit Shirk. All sects have different kinds of Sallat, and divers Addiyah. Does it not constitute an ugly sacrilege or, Shirk?

31. According to the verse 18:26, there are no shareholders of Allah in His exclusive sovereign hold.2015-04-30_191417‘There no partners or associates in His infinite realm, and in the creation of His absolute code.’

According to the above Jurisdiction of Allah, and His unbounded authority of creating commandments, is it not forbidden to change any of those, or to add on fabricated Addiyah and supplications to His charter? The supplication modules identified with terms like, Farz, Nafal, Wittar, Sunnat, Tarvee and many more, are non-existent in the Quran, and there are neither general, nor specific directives for their practice. Similarly, worlds apart Sunnah, Ahadith, Traditions, and Fiqa believed by different sects, created by the alleged Iranian Aimmah, and maintained by the Islamic priesthood is an act of outright rebellion against the charter of the Qur’an. The Muslim clergy, as a whole, is the pole bearer of Muhsrikeen! Have you any doubt about that?

32. If you take the literal meaning of the term2015-04-30_191839 ‘bow down in prayer with those who bow down, then according to Islamic priesthood your supplication without Iqam and Sajjdah is incomplete. In addition, if you take the meaning of the term2015-04-30_191901to recite or to offer prayer then according to the decree of the Qur’an, your supplication must be without Iqam and Sajjdah. However, this verse does not carry any command for Iqam and Sajjdah, and if you do not perform Iqam and Sajjdah, then your supplication is in direct clash with the Iranian Nimaz. Moreover, where is it mentioned in the entire Quran to recite during Ruku[bowing], phrases

like ‘Allah-ho-Akabar’, ‘Subhana Rabbi-al-Azheem,’‘Subhanak-Allahuma –wa- bihamdik Allahummaghfir-lee,’ etc.?

Taking the term Iqam-ut-Sallat, and using it as a ritual to pray fives times a day, is like ridiculing Allah, the Quran, and Mohammed. It is shear injustice to Arabic language and literature. Do you seem to have any answer for that?

33. Actually, Allah wants you to learn and discuss the laws of the Qur’an during these meetings (of Sallat), enabling you to establish the system accordingly. The verse 62:2 provides the details of the activities that Mohammad carried out during the assemblies of Sallat.2015-04-30_192006We have sent Our Messenger to you for this purpose. He talks at length and explains the details of this Divine Order to you in his meetings. He teaches you various articles and sections of this Charter, and educates you about the Justice system of the Qur’an, along with management of Islamic government, based on reasoning and wisdom, provided by the Quraan. The purpose of his speeches is to provide you the detailed information about of the development program for the nourishment and benefit of you all, along with that of entire humanity. Certainly, you did not have any knowledge about this program before, as you did not receive any revelation prior to this one.’

The above verse clearly exhibits; leading prayers, five times a day, was not the purpose of sending Mohammad to this world. His assignment was much more imperative, as compare to conducting that mundane ritual. He was here to teach his people the constitution of the Qur’an, and establish a government with their help. To achieve that objective, he regularly conducted meetings of Sallat, almost on daily basis, to train them as quickly as possible. Does it all make any sense to you? Alternatively, are you still stuck up with the Iranian Nimaz?

34. The verse 2:115 pinpoints the fact, there is no need to face a particular direction or towards Ka’bah to please Allah, because he is anywhere and everywhere simultaneously.2015-04-30_192219‘The code of Allah is neither restricted to a particular direction nor confined to a specific place. You will find His laws working simultaneously both in the east and the west, and these originate with the One, Who transcends the limitations of time and space. Therefore, you the companions of Mohammad, who are striving hard for the establishment of a peaceful society, whenever or wherever you will start your struggle, you shall find all paths ultimately lead to Him. Certainly, this statement comes from Allah, who is vastness personified, coupled with infinite knowledge, and wisdom.’

Since facing the Ka’bah during the five sessions of Zoroastrian supplications [a ritual lacking Qur’an’s endorsement] is not mandatory; why the Muslims keep on worshiping with their faces turned towards the Ka’bah?

35. The phony literature comprising Ahadith and Sunnah states, the only way of remembering God is to do five sessions of prayers everyday. In addition, every new supplication deletes the sins committed during the time lapse of last and the current prayer.

Whereas, the Quran declares, properly enforcing laws of Allah gives you a break from all sorts of rituals and keeps you away from the commission of sins. [7:205]2015-04-30_192248‘Always enforce laws of Allah; obey those with humility, of your own free will, and with all your heart

36. Shah Walli Ullah writes in his book entitled, ‘Hujja-tullah- Albalagha,’ in the beginning there were only three praying sessions per day, but latter on these were extended to five. Who was responsible for this increment, when, where, and why?

37. The literature comprising Ahadith and Sunnah emphatically claims, ‘If one does the supplication only once at the time of Hajj or during the month of fasting, one shall get blessings or reward equivalent to millions of prayers.’

The Quran, however, presents an entirely different viewpoint, which is as under: [99:7-8]2015-04-30_192316‘If one works equivalent to a speck of dust for the freedom, prosperity, and wellbeing of humanity, one shall observe the effect of one’s efforts.’

The Quran again challenges that kind of mythical faith in the verse 99:82015-04-30_192829‘If one acts in an evil, unjust and wicked manner against the society, equivalent to a speck of dust, one ways.one shall face physical and mental distress, as a result of one’s corrupt ways.

According to the literature comprising of Ahadith and Sunnah, doing five sessions of praying per day, bestows reward equal to millions of time upon the practitioner, without making any other effort. This kind of utopian philosophy inculcates indolence among nations, drastically conflicting with the tenets of the Quran, which declares time and again; every one would be rewarded according to the efforts one puts in. [53:39]2015-04-30_192857‘In that society, one works to the best of one’s ability [giving one’s best shot, as per American slang] and is rewarded in accordance with the efforts made.’

38. Where does the Qur’an insist upon the need of an Imam [male or female] leading collective supplications?

39. During each collective prayer, for who does an Imam recite verses of the Quran? If it is for the listening pleasure of the bunch he leads, it is all right, but in fact, he is making a worthless effort, as there is a 99.99% chance that the people standing behind him do not understand even a single word of the text, he utters at the top of his voice.

However, if the recital is meant for Allah, then again it tantamount to a futile effort, because Allah revealed the constitution of the Quran [Surah Al-Fatiha] for the humans to implement in the form of a government, and not read out loud during the ritual created by the wicked Iranian Aimmah. All democratic nations of the world form governments based on their written or even presidential [English] constitutions. However, Muslims constitute the only obtuse nation of the world, which recites its charter quadrillions [or may be more] of times, the world over, every day, during a synthetic ritual, not even authorized by the Qur’an. Is it not the height of irrationality?

40. The Quran issues clear directives to humans, ‘Every Sallat program should always be commenced on the appointed time, and wound up within the period allotted for that activty. [4:103]2015-04-30_194335The routine translation of the above verse, attempted by the alleged exponents of the Qur’an, is as follows:

‘The prayer should be performed at the appointed time!’
The above translation raises the following question, even in the mind of a person of average intelligence:

Where is it mentioned in the Qur’an; if a Muslim misses one prayer then same can be performed later on in the form of a Qaza or late supplication. However, the concept of delayed action, with reference to praying, directly clashes with the principle enunciated above. No relaxation appears in the form of a conditional clause.

Furthermore, if Aazan [call for prayer] is an integral part of each prayer, then why Allah did not provide its final text composition to Mohammad, when he went visiting Allah on his first and final space voyage?

41. Islamic priesthood keeps on issuing edicts off and on against vocal and even instrumental musical performances, because as per their viewpoint it is prohibited by Allah. However, the Shi’ah Azan in the morning uses typical notes of Raga Bhairoun that is why its melancholy tone touches the hearts of listeners. The rest of Shi’ah Sunni Aazans are musically very close to Ragni Bhiraveen. How can the Muslim clergy totally isolate music, when it is interwoven with every recital of the Qur’an, and follows a particular rhythm?

42. The Sunnis pray with right forearm folded over the left, with the right hand holding on to left wrist, just over the the abdomen, slightly below the ribcage. However, Shi’ah prefer to leave their arms straight down by their sides, while in the state if Iqama.

Are you of the view that Mohammad left two ways of praying, as his legacy? Was he responsible for dividing Ummah into two distinct sects during his lifetime? Do you think he arrived in the world to leave a heritage of weak and strong Ahaidth so that Muslims should always be at odd with each other?

43. The Shia’hs during Sajjadh [when brow hits the ground] place their foreheads over a small clay tablet, known as Turba [made in Najaf, Iraq], whereas Sunnis rub theirs against the mat. The question pops up, did Allah or Mohammad direct any one to indulge in such actions? In case, the answer is no, then who did introduce such ritualistic actions in the first place and why?

44. In the Shi’ah Aazan, the name of Ali, the alleged son-in-law of Mohammad, is also called out. What was the need of that infusion, and who ordered that? In fact, this is an act of hero-worshiping, which the jealous Shi’ahs introduced to weaken the hold of Mohammad on Aazan. However, both names do not make much of a difference in the status of Aazan, because it is redundant to begin with. In accordance with mathematical expression that proves 0+0=0.

45. Sunni mosques have domes, whereas Shi’ah Imam Barghs are often decorated with the fictitious portraits of Ali and at times that of Hussain. A question pop s up here, is this order coming down from Allah, or is the command of Mohammad, and if it is none of the two, then why are they keep on constructing the mosques or Imam Bargahs for venerating humans along with Allah?

However, Allah warns Sunni and Shi’ah sects; personality cult is forbidden in the mosques. [72:18]2015-04-30_194419‘Mosque belong to Allah and no person should ever be associated with Him [Ali or Hussein] in those places.’

46. Shi’ah’s Aazan or Aadan [call for prayer] differs from that of Sunni’s with respect to the following minor details:
* Shi’ahs include the following additional information about Ali, who is dead since fourteen centuries, and constitute the worst personality cult which the Sunnis omit: 2015-04-30_194444* Only Shi’ahs, adds the phrase2015-04-30_194504 in their prayer call, where as Sunnis leave it out of their Aazan.

* Sunnis put forth the testimonial2015-04-30_194519 once only, in their Aazan, whereas the Shi’ahs calls it out twice.

47.The Sunnis have an outstanding edict for centuries, whoever shall add the name of Ali in Aazan, shall turn into an infidel.

Here a simple question pops up, was this the purpose of appointing Mohammad as a Messenger in the world? Did he ever testify to the effect, both Sunni and Shi’ah are right in this regards? Luckily, the sectarian curse had not surfaced in his time, and he enjoyed a relatively tranquil period. Mohammad accomplished his assignment of showing humans the kind of government that could be built by applying the constitution of the Qur’an, along with establishing a compatible fiscal system. He did his job in the best possible manner and passed on to the next abode. The sect mongering profiteers came on to the scene much later. How could Mohammad deliver such an ambiguous and conflicting message in the presence of the Qur’an about which Allah has claimed that the commandments of this document are free of all kinds of paradoxes and conflicting views. [4:82]2015-04-30_194543‘Don’t they contemplate about the Qur’an? If it had been from another source, besides Allah, they would have pinpointed many inconsistencies therein.’

48. No one out of the entire Muslims Ummah knows, whom do they offer greetings with Assalam-u-Alaikum wa Rehmatullah, during the final act of their prayers. First they address the air with Assalam-u-Alaikum wa Rehmatullah by turning their faces on the right side and then repeat the same salutation on the left. This is a real absurd end part of the Iranian ritual Nimaz. Some are of the opinion that this salutation is just for Allah. In that case, what is the need of turning the entire head first to right and and then to left, because Allah is not a vector quantity, or suffers from directional limitation. He is everywhere; greetings could be expressed easily by keeping the face forward. There is another view also; this social activity is meant for the angels occupying right
and left smoulders of every individual. The question arises, what they have got to do with the Nimaz ritual a person performs. Moreover, this greeting must be responded, but that never happens, as no Muslim has ever heard them saying Wa Alaikum Assalam. Like the entire Nimaz, the closing of this ritual is just absurd.

49. Islamic priesthood raises a serious objection. If Sallat is merely the establishment of an administration, based on the system, devised by the Qur’an, then, why Zakat is mentioned separately? Does Zakat not fall under Sallat, as part of the system? What is the need to identify it separately, in the same sentence?

The answer is very simple. Under the establishment of the Qur’an, there are no taxes; people work hard utilizing their education, training, skill, and experience to earn a living. However, every one of them voluntarily hands over that part of the earnings to the system, which is over and above one’s personal and family needs. The government utilizes funds generated this way to work in accordance with its policy. That is why along wit administration, economic system is given equal importance.

However, the Qur’an also endorses this viewpoint. A couple of verses given below shall further clarify the concept of zakah:

* In the modern terms, Aatuz-Zakah”2015-04-30_194613 means; the Islamic government does not take Zakah, from the people but gives out Zakah in the form of necessary amenities of life like, housing, health care, education, and security to its citizens, in order to let them move forward in all possible fields of human activity.

The term Aatuz-Zakah2015-04-30_194613is a complementary part of the term Sallat. Th Qur’an has frequently repeated the complete expression ‘Wa-Aqeemus-Salata-wa-Atuz-Zakah’2015-04-30_194640 to instill the fiscal concept of the economic system of the Qur’an, which is equally important, in hearts and minds of the people.

* However, the expression ‘Atu-Zakata’2015-04-30_194613 does not mean distribution of 2.5% Zakah, calculated on yearly savings of the people, among the have-nots of the society, as charity. There is also no truth in the common myth; the people should calculate 2.5% Zakah on their total yearly income.

This is end of 49 questions that are raised by Akhtar Sherazi.

Please note that above-posted forged hadith tells that five daily rituals were given to Prophet during Miraaj (night Journey) but following forged hadith tells you that another two rituals came after a man kissed a woman illegally. What a shame! How shameless and conscienceless dumb hadithers follow this crap that Persian pseudo Imams forged 250-400 years after the death of Prophet, and attached that all lies with the name of prophet by adding in front of each lie “Qaala Rasool-Allah”.KissingBroughtRitualsF

UrinatingTowardQiblaFDuring Miraaj, Prophet received 50 Rituals per day but later reduced to 5 rituals per day

Narrated Ibn Mas’ud: that a man unlawfully kissed a woman. So he came to the Prophet to ask him about its atonement. So (the following) Ayah was revealed: And perform the Salat, at the two ends of the day and in some hours of the night (11:114). The man said: “Is this for me O Messenger of Allah?” He said: “For you and for whoever does that among my Ummah.” (Tirmidhi).
Read similar more crap at:


Rituals are forbidden at sunrise and sunset (Same as Zoroastrians).

Hasten to perform prayer on a cloudy day, for whoever misses the ‘Asr prayer, all his good deeds will be in vain.

We used to speak to each other during the prayer, saying whatever was necessary, at the time of the Messenger of Allah, until this verse was revealed: Guard strictly As-Salawat especially the middle Prayer (i.e. the best prayer- ‘Asr).

Yahya related to me from Malik from Da’ud ibn al-Husayn that Ibn Yarbu al-Makhzumi said, “I heard Zayd ibn Thabit say, ‘The middle prayer is the prayer of dhuhr.(other Hadiths say: Middle prayer (Wusta is of Asar).

“The middle prayer is the prayer of subh (morning).” (Muwatta Malik)

Allah’s Messenger said: “Salatul-Wusta (Middle Prayer) is the Asr prayer.”

Prophet prayed just after sun arise and that was Salat Wusta Middle Prayer (Nasai)

The Prophet performed Salat towards his she-camel (instead of Qibla).

The Apostle of Allah used to say prayer towards his camel. Ibn Numair said: The Apostle of Allah said prayer towards the camel. (But Hadithers pray toward Qibla. After reading this hadith, all dumb hadithers must buy camels and pray toward camel.)

Anas said, (now-a-days) Rituals are not same as they were (practiced) at the time of the Prophet.

Satan steals your Rituals if you look on sides

For non-obligatory prayers, Prophet used not to face Qibla. Used to pary any side

The prayer of a person in congregation is twenty-seven times in excess to the prayer said alone.

Prayer in congregation is equivalent to twenty-five prayers (offered alone).

Praying in a jungle alone is equal to 50 prayers

Pray at sheep resting-places and do not pray in camels resting-places

The women and the donkeys would pass in front of the staff during prayer

The Prophet said: Saying Tasbih applies to men during prayer and clapping applies to women.

Burn those persons who absent themselves from Jumu’a prayer in their houses

During those days in Madina, the practice of Adhan (call for Rituals) had not been introduced yet. Some people suggested the use of a bell like the Christians, others proposed a trumpet like the horn used by the Jews.

They were bowing during Ritual of Al-Fajr.” (So is that something unusual?)

The Prophet would open his Salat with (Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim).”

Allah’s Messenger, Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman opened the Salat with (Al-Hamdu-lillahi rabbil-alamin).

Dinner has priority over rituals. Ignore Rituals and take Dinner first.

The Prophet said: Prayer should not be postponed for taking meals nor for any other thing.

The martyrs of Uhud were not washed, and they were buried with their blood. No prayer was offered over them.


The Prophet recited the supplication for a month (in prayer) and then gave it up.

I saw the Messenger of Allah performing prayer in his sandals.

I asked Anas (bin Malik), “Did the Prophet use to offer the prayers with his shoes on?” He said, “Yes.”

Stop (looking towards the sky during the prayer); otherwise their eyesight would be taken away.

There are many fabricated hadiths that say: If Donkey and Woman pass in front of praying Person, Prayers is severed but this forged reports says: Donkey does not sever prayers if passed in from of a praying Person. So in other hadiths, Woman is equated to Donkey, so she has equal status with donkey but as per this hadith, woman is made worse even than donkey. Woman breaks Prayers but donkey does not. So sad. Our sympathy with all women indeed, not just lip service.

Yahya related to me from Malik that he had heard that Ali ibn Abi Talib said, “Things that pass in front of a man praying do not break his prayer.” (Muwatta)

Rituals are better for you than red camels: (What an excellent comparison! Prayers compared with Red Camels.]

Do not offer prayer in places where the camels lie down. These are the places of Satan.

The prayer is severed by a black dog and a woman (Ibn Majah)

Do not pray near Camels because Satan live there. Pray at resting places of sheep because that are blessed places.

After prayers, Prophet used to spit and then rubbed it off with his left shoe (Sahih-Muslim – in fact forged Crap)

Sun’s heat at noon is from the exhalation of Hell-fire, so delay the prayer till it is cool (Sahih-Muslim)

We complained to the Messenger of Allah for saying prayer on the intensely heated (ground or sand), but he paid no heed to our complaint (Sahih-Muslim)

Prophet prayed facing Khaibar (strong hold of Jews in those days).

Do not intend to observe prayer at the time of the rising of the sun nor at its setting, for it rises between the horns of Satan (Sahih-Muslim)

he Prophet (p.b.u.h) used to make the two rak`at before the Fajr prayer so light that I would wonder whether he recited Al-Fatiha (or not) (Bukhari).

Messenger of Allah said: “When you are in Prayers, then do not spit on your right, but behind you or toward your left, or under your left foot.” (Tirmidhi)

The prayer is severed by a woman, a dog and a donkey.”

It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that: The Messenger of Allah said: Prayer is not severed by cat. “Cats do not invalidate the prayer, because they are one of the things that are useful in the house.” (Note:So it is clear here that Cat in home is much better than women of house. Women are equivalent to donkey, Ass, black dog, Pig, Jew and Magian (in other hadiths that you can see in this page)

Urwa b. Zubair reported: Aisha asked: What disrupts the prayer? We said: The woman and the ass. Upon this she remarked: Is the woman an ugly animal? I lay in front of the Messenger of Allah like the bier of a corpse and he said prayer.(Sahih-Muslim)

We saw the Messenger of Allah performing prayer wearing sandals and leather slippers. (Note: So never pray with out sandals and slippers)

When Satan hears the call to prayer, he turns back and breaks the wind (means farts loadly) (Sahih-Muslim)

Prophet used to pray 50 Rituals per day at the beining and then he reduced to 5 per day. Abu Dawud (Note: 50 prayer mean, praying whole day and doing nothing else)

Ibn Abbas said: Prophet used to snore always during sleep. One day, we awakened him for Rituals and he prayed Rituals with out doing Wadhu (Ablution).

Zoroastrian hypocrite Bukhari in following hadith-Crap tells, that If you violate all Quranic laws, do Zina fornication, but just pray ritual; your all sins are deleted. Only a brain-bent mad idiot will beleive in such kind of Crap that tends to smash whole judicial system of Quran>21:47. These Zoroastrian Pseudo Imams forged such kind of incentives to tell Muslims the importance of Zoroastrain 5 Namaz Rituals. Their other target was to encourage Muslims for crimes. Verse 2:177 tells clearly that Rituals are not even any kind of good deed but good deed is Philanthropy.

Important point is: If Prophet and Sahaba (companions of prophet) had really prayed Five Namaz Rituals daily; then it was supposed to be like SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) and there was no any chance of Dispute in that SOP of Five Rituals. If those Rituals were once every year, we could assume that People forgot practice, so they had some disputes but fact is: Hadithers claim, that these Five Rituals were prayed five times daily. However, we can see in all Books of Sectarian Hadithers that their Imams and Mullahs have tons and tons countless disputes about the technicalities of that Five Rituals. This confirms: Five daily Namaz Rituals were never prevalent during life of Prophet and Four Guided Caliphs. Those Rituals started after forgery of Hadith of Flying Donkey Buraq during Abbasid Period 750-1258 A.D. During those 508 years, defeated Zoroastrian Imams made everything Up-Down, and Down-Up. Five hundred years mean Five Centuries; more than enough time to distort the things. Besides; Arabs in those days were mere Brave Honest Soldiers. They never learned Conspiracies like Persian Zoroastrians had learned who were Professional conspirators and forgers as their Sassanian Empire last for a millennia.

Ibn Khuzaymah (837-923 CE) is considered one of the Greatest Demigods of Sunni Sect. Some consider him even bigger Demigod than Bukhari and Muslim. He tells in following so called Hadith: How did five daily Namaz Rituals start? Then he tells in that so called Hadith that Source of that Five Namaz Rituals is Flying Donkey Buraq who took Prophet to any remote part of Sky, where Prophet received Five Daily Namaz Rituals from. But we can rationally prove, not just 100% but 1000% that Story of Flying Donkey Buraq is a blatant Forgery, and Persian Zoroastrian Hadith Imams copied this Story of Buraq from two Zoroastrian Books “Arda Viraf” and “Zerdashtnama”. This makes crystal clear, how were five Zoroastrian Namaz blended in Islam. Quranic Salat has no any relation with these Zoroastrian Five Namaz Rituals.

Seems, during the life of Prophet, there was a Strong Gang of hypocrites, and this is also confirmed in Quranic some verses. That Gang of hypocrites later became so strong that in the beginning of 8th century they hijacked whole Islamic theology. Then in order to renew pre-Quranic practices of Arab Pagans, they, blended Five Zoroastrian Namaz rituals in Islam through Forgery of Flying Donkey Buraq. Later, in order to reinforce that Forgery of Five Buraqi-Namaz, they forged thousands of additional Hadiths about Five Namaz to further strengthen it. If we read all Chapters of “Salat” which are given in all so called hadith books; you will read this kind of so called Hadiths: Trust us: We never post lies. We have taken following material direct from Books of Sectarian Hadithers. We read following so called hadiths from Mukhtaar al-mukhtaar min al-musnad aan-nabi of Ibn Khuzaymah and from other books:

1- It was flying Donkey Buraq that brought Five Namaz Rituals for us. God gave 50 Rituals but later God reduced those Rituals to only Five Rituals. (Bukhari, Muslim, Mukhtaar al-mukhtaar min al-musnad aan-nabi of Ibn Khuzaymah and others)

2- Then we read in Bukhari and Muslim in many other books exactly this report “Narrated by the mother of believers Aisha RA: Allah enjoined the prayer when He enjoined it, it was two rak`at only (in every prayer) both when in residence or on journey. Then the prayers offered on journey remained the same, but (the rak`at of) the prayers for non-travelers were increased”.

3- Then we read: God made Mandatory (Fard) to pray 4 Units at Home only (not in Masjid), and during Journey only two Units/Rakats, and in fear, just one Unit! (Ibn Khuzayma, Bukhari and Muslim and many others)

4-  Then we read, there were only two Units in Namaz, then were only Four Namaz without Namaz of Maghrab, then one Namaz was increased to pray at home and other at Fajar, and Maghrab. Ibn Abbas said: there are Four Namaz at residence and much other conflicting gossip (Ibn Khuzaymah).

5- When one man kissed a Woman illegally, God sent two Namaz Rituals of Fajar and Maghrab to forgive sin of that bloody Kisser (all so called hadith books).

6- “One day we prayed Rituals, not facing Kaaba, and we asked Prophet: what did he think? Meanwhile Quranic verse 2:115 was sent down to Prophet by God which states: Wherever you turn your face, there is presence of God” (Suyuti, Tabarani) . Note: This so called hadith clearly tells: One is not in need of to face Kaaba during his Namaz because Presence of God is everywhere (Omnipresence).

7- We read in Sahih Muslim that Prophet used to pray toward her she-camel (Not Kaaba). In other report of same book: Face of Prophet was toward Jewish Stronghold city “Khaibar” while Prophet was praying on a Donkey. (Sajada?, Raku? on Doneky?)

8- Salat Wusta– Middle Namaz Ritual: Prophet and Sahaba used to pray five rituals daily; then everyone must have known clearly which one is Middle Prayer but Imams of Hadiths books tells conflicting stories. And this clearly shows: Five Rituals were innovated much after the death of Prophet. In one report of Imam Malaks’s Muwatta, it is written that Middle prayer is of Dhuhr. In same book, in another report, it is written, Middle Prayer is of Subh, mean Fajar. In Tirmidhi, it is Asar. In Nasaae, it is written, Middle prayer comes just after sunrise. Which one is this Ritual? Report Number 411 from Abi Dawud shows: Wusta is Namaz of Dhuhr

9- A Person who prays Namaz Ritual before Sunrise (Qabal Taluh-ash-Shams) and before sunset (Qabala GharoobeHa); God will never put him in Hell (Ibn Khuzayma, Masnad Ibn Hanbal, Sahih Muslim and many others). Note: This report tells indirectly that other three Namaz are useless.

10- Bedouins are making problem. They call Namaz of Maghrab as Namaz of Isha (Ibn Khuzayma, Sahih-Muslim and many others).

11- Prophet prayed toward Quds/Jerusalem for 16 or 17 months (iBn Khuzaymah).

12- In Namaz, Prophet was reading verse of BismAllah before reciting Fatiha. But in same book, there are reports which Tell: Prophet was not reciting BisMillah before reciting Fatiha. (Ibn Khuzaymah). Now we request all rational minds to think: If Prophet and his Companions had prayed Five Namaz daily; then, every Person must have known: If Prophet was reciting Bismillah or not, and there must be Zero chance to dispute this point. That kind of all mutually contradictory so called hadiths fully prove that Five Namaz are innovation (Bid’a) of later times. No need to recite BismAllah before starting Fatiha in Namaz Rituals (Tirmidhi 244). The Prophet would open his Salat with “Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim” (Tirmidhi 245).
13- After reading long hearsay-chain, it is written: Masrooq narrated from Aisha RA: she said: During Journey and at residence, only two Rakat of Namaz were made Fard (Mandatory), but when Prophet migrated to City Medina, then at residence, 2 units was increased to 4 Units; and Namaz Ritual of Fajar was abandoned due to the reason because in that Namaz long recitation of Quran is done. And Namaz Ritual of Maghrab was also abandoned due to the reason that because those are Watar of day (Ibn Khuzaymah hadith #305)-  {O reader: Are you reading these all Jokes of those who invented that Rituals?}14- A person did Zina and came to Prophet to receive Punishment (in Quran is 100 Lashes). Prophet asked him: Before coming to me: Have you done Wudu (Ablution)? he said: Yes: Then Prophet said: Your Sin has been forgiven (Ibn Khuzaymah 311) – Note by Factszz: Here you can see clearly, how did these Zoroastrian Hypocrite Hadith Imams try to promote Zina among Muslims. They are giving message in this Fabricated Hadith; that go ahead, and do Zina, and after Zina, just do Wudu, and your sins will be forgiven. This Fabricated hadith is also mentioned in Sahih-Muslim and in many other Books. If still someone doubts that these Hadith Imams were not hypocrites, then such person is worse than that Cattle which is mentioned in Quran 7:179. Quran’s Hadood Punishments are: For a Thief: Cut his hand, for a slander Monger: 80 lashes, for a Zani (illegal Sex): 100 lashes, and for Robbery, Terrorism, Rape and massive corruption, verse 5:33 ordains Crucifixion. This kind of wording of so called hadith Books show: that, man was talking about Zina. But for the sake of argument, we do not see in Noble Quran, if just Wudu expiates any Hadood punishment. Bukhari and Muslim also write: a Man who killed 100 people was succeeded to invade paradise; despite In Noble Quran, murder is a heinous Crime and Quran tells: Who killed one Person, it is like, he killed whole humanity. Quran tells: Curse of God will drop on Killer in this world, and hell is waiting him after his death. Also many Sunni hadiths say: no matter how many tons of Crimes you have committed, still you can invade paradise by just giving one date in charity or just reciting Sunni’s forged Kalama before death. These fabricated hadiths contradict Divine Judicial System at 180 degree.15- An Hypocrite (Monafiq) prays Namaz Rituals at that time when Sun reaches between two horns of Satan (Ibn Khuzaymah 333). Prophet used to pray Namaz with Shoes (Bukhari 386)

16- When Muslims migrated from Mecca to Medina, no one used to announce Azan/Adhan to call people for rituals. One day, when discussion was going on among Muslims, someone suggested, why should not we call people in the same way Christian call them by Naqoos (Bell); another one suggested, why should not we call people for Rituals like Yahood call their people by Qarn (horn). Then Umar RA said: Why do not you guys appoint a Person who will give call for Ritual Prayers? Then Prophet told Bilal: Get up and announce Adhan for Namaz Rituals (Sahih Ib Khuzaymah 361). In other reports, it is written some people came to prophet and told him their dreams about text of Adhan, and Prophet accepted that text of Dreams.

Note by Team Factszz: Because after inventing Five Namaz, now Zoroastrian Imams were in need of to invent any brand of Call of Ritual Prayer. So they fabricated this kind of many Hadiths to validate Adhan/Azan). This Fabricated Hadith is also given in Bukhari and Muslim and in almost all other Concocted Books of so called hadiths. If you understand Arabic, then read yourself those moronic fabricated stories which tell how for rituals, Azan/Adhan was evolved. That is totally laughing stock. Some, reports are so ridiculous that Professor Azami who have compiled this book has truncated many reports from this Book, in fact he has removed some its volumes/Juz too. These reports tell: Prophet was searching People to suggest him text of Azan. When Satan hears Azan, he farts heavily and escapes 36 miles away from Mosque. lol. Seems, Satan eats tons of Lentils (Adas) daily. These Jaahil Pseudo Imams thought, Satan has a body like Humans. This Funny Report is also mentioned in Bukhari and Muslim and in many other so called Books of Hadiths (363).

17- Namaz rituals were changed three times (Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah 384). There are many reports in this Book which Sectarian book compilers/translators have truncated away deliberately. Its reason is: that truncated portions could expose Lies of Ritualists. There are many report which show Chain but complete Matan is deleted/truncated away

18 – We read in so called Hadith books that at time of Sahoor (time when people eat before Azan of Fajar during month of Ramadan); that Prophet said: If Son of Umm-e-Maktoom announces Azan/Adhan of Fajar, you can keep eating during Azan but if Bilal announces Azan, then stop eating immediately. So when Woman were still eating and wanted to complete their meal, they used to tell Bilal: delay Azan until they complete their meal. (Sahih Khuzaymah 404). Note by Factszz: So it is like: If one Passenger is late; delay whole flight until that Passenger comes in.

19 – Tashahhud (non-Quranic text of Atta-Hiyaat). There are over 11 different versions of Tashahhud in so called books of hadiths. Why was prophet in need of to tells Sunni and Shia so many brands of Tashahhud? At the end of Namaz Rituals, Hadithers turn their face one Right Side and then left side, and say: Aslamo Alaikum Wa Rahmat-Allah. We read in Shaih Ibn Khuzaymah, that Slam, just on one side is enough. In same book, other reports tell; to omit slam on both sides is Sunnah. Question arises: If Prophet really prayed five rituals daily, then this kind of conflicts must have not appeared.20- If a pig, donkey, woman, dog or ass passes in front of praying person, his Namaz Ritual become Void but if a cat passes, Rituals is still valid. So these Zoroastrian Hadith Forgers have placed Pig, Woman, Dog, and Ass in the same the category. In Book Sahih Khuzaymah, name of chapter 301 is: “Forbidden are Donkey, Woman, and Black-Dog to pass in front of a praying Person hadith # 831”. Its mean, Dogs of all other colors have privilege to pass in front of Praying Person.  (Sahih Khuzaymah 830, Bukhari and Muslim, and all other books of Hadithers). In Sahih Khuzaymah 833 it is written: Donkey is permitted to pass in front of praying Person. It is written in Bukhari and Muslim: Bad omen is in House, Woman, and Horse. Book of Shia “Nahj-al-Blagha goes ahead of Bukhari, and declares woman “Scorpion”. However Bukhari says in his one report: it is permitted to kill scorpions. So what? But if you read and understand Glorious Quran at micro-level, you will realize: Quran respects, honors, and protects chaste woman more than man.

21- Water of that Well is still clean and fit for Wudu (ablution) in which thrown garbage, dead dogs, and menstruation shreds of women are floating (Abu Dawud 066). Note by Factszz: O man: these Hadith Forgers were 101% hypocrites and enemy of Islam and Muslims. Zoroastrian Forger Bukhari also tells: Drink disgusting Toxic Urine of Camel Piss like Coca-Cola and  in fact all Jaahil heretical Sunni infidels are drinking that Piss from 1200 years.

22- During life of Prophet, while Praying Rituals, people were permitted to do gossip with each other for their business but later this permission was withdrawn Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah 856, 857, 8:58. While you are praying, stop any Person passing in your front but if that Person still passes, then he is a Devil 883.

23- During praying Namaz Rituals in Mosque, praying person is permitted to spit his Phlegm on left side or to spit under his left foot (Shahih Ibn Khuzaymah 874). Same is written in Bukhari and Muslim and in other Sectarian’s so called hadith books. In report 879 of Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah, these Hadith forgers are saying: that Prophet was doing same, during Rituals. In Report 881 it is said: Praying Person should not spit in his front because in Front is God. (Factszz: But Quran tells us in 2:115, wherever you turn, there is presence of God).

24- During Rituals, Praying person must try to stop Yawning because Yawning is from Satan (Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah 920). Sneezing is from God but Yawning is from Satan. Person must try to stop Yawning and should not say “Ha” otherwise; Satan will laugh within his belly 921. If Husband is angry from his wife; Namaz Rituals of Wife is not accepted 940.

25- Does the man who lifts his head ahead of the Imam (from prostration) not fear that Allah may change his head into the head of an ass? (Sahih-Muslim 427 a). Another Report: Does the man who lifts his head before the Imam not fear that Allah may change his face into that of an ass? (427 b). The people who lift their eyes towards the sky in Prayer should avoid it or they would lose their eyesight (428). People should avoid lifting their eyes towards the sky while supplicating in prayer, otherwise their eyes would be snatched away (429). In rituals: The best rows for men are the first rows, and the worst ones the last ones 440 a.

26- Chapters of Prayers in Bukhari and Muslim contain no any detail about that Five Namaz. That chapters are full of irrelevant gossipy stories. Allah’s Messenger said: “Salat in congregation is twenty-seven degrees more virtuous than a man’s Salat alone.”. In same Book, in another report: Allah’s Messenger said: “Indeed a man’s Salat in the congregation is increased by twenty five rewards over his Salat alone.” (Tirmidhi). “Prophet said: I was about to order my boys to collect bundles of firewood, then order Salat to be held, then burn (the homes) of the people who did not attend the Salat.”(Tirmidhi).

27- Allah’s Messenger said: “When a man performs Salat, and there is nothing in front of him like the post of a saddle, or a camel saddle, then his Salat is severed by (passing of) a black dog, a woman, and a donkey.” It was said to Abu Dharr: “What is the problem with the black dog rather than the red or white one?” He said: “O my nephew! I asked Allah’s Messenger just as you have asked me. He said: ‘The black dog is a Shaitan (devil).'” [Tirmidhi 338]. Same is given in so called Sahih Muslim. Allah’s Messenger said: “Perform Salat in sheep pens but do not perform Salat in the camels’ resting area.”Trimidhi 348. “The Prophet performed Salat towards his she-camel, or his mount, and he would perform Salat while on his mount, whichever direction it was facing.” (Tirmidhi 352). Allah’s Messenger (S) performed Salat wearing his sandals (Tirmidhi 400). “The Prophet (S) would perform the Qunut in the Subh and Maghrib prayers.” (Tirmidhi 401). “I said to my father: ‘O my father! You offered Salat behind Allah’s Messenger (S), Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali bin Abi Talib here in Al-Kufah for about five years. Did they say the Qunut?’ He said: ‘It is a newly invented matter my son.” (Tirmidhi 402). After age of 10 years, if you child does not pray 5 Namaz; then you must beat him (Tirmidhi 407)

Note: Please note, in this fabricated hadith, woman is equated to black dog and donkey. Also note: This forged report tells: Only black dog breaks Prayer. That mean: Dogs of other colors do not break Namaz Rituals. Also note: this Fabricated hadith tells: all black dogs are Devil. Question: does this fabricated comic tale agree with commonsense and reason? Could great man 68:4 Prophet Mohammad PBUH say this kind of Reports? Never.

28- Allah’s Messenger (S) said: “When one of you prays the two Rak’ah of Fajr then let him lay down on his right (side).” (Tirmidhi 420). I said: ‘O Messenger of Allah! I did not perform the two Rak’ah (before) Fajr.’ He said: ‘Then there is no harm” (422). “Allah’s Messenger (S) said: “Whoever did not pray the two Rak’ah (before) Fajr then let him pray them after the sun has risen.” (Tirmidhi 423). Now read this report fabricated by Shia sect “Allah’s Messenger (S) said: “The most virtuous fasting after the month of Ramadan is that of Allah’s month of Al-Muharram (Tirmidhi 438). “The Prophet (S) would pray thirteen Rak’ah at night. (Tirmidhi 442). “The Prophet (S) would pray nine Rak’ah in the night.” (Tirmidhi 443).29- The intensity of heat comes from the bubbling over of the Hell ; so when the heat is violent, offer (the Zuhr) prayer when it becomes cooler. (Abi Dawud 401, 402). During battle of trench, Prophet said: May God fill the Houses and Graves of unbelievers with Fire as they stopped us to pray Namaz-Wusta. (Abi Dawud 409). Report Number 411 from Abi Dawud shows: Wusta is Namaz of Dhuhr. Person who prayed just one Rakat of Fajar and On Rakat of Asar, he has completed his Namaz of Fajar and Asar “Abu Hurairah reported the Messenger of Allah as saying: If anyone says a rak’ah of the ‘Asr prayer before sunset, he has observed (the ‘Asr prayer), and if anyone performs a rak’ah of the Fajr prayer, he has observed (the Fajr prayer)”.(Abi Dawud 412). Note: If just one Rakat has done the Job, then who will pray Four Rakat of Asar and two Rakat of Fajar? During Namaz Rituals, do not lift your head before Imam lifts his head from prostration otherwise your head and face might convert into head and face of a Donkey (Abi Dawud 623)

What is difference between a Muslim & a Mohammedan? Great Read

A reader asked following interesting question which is shown at the bottom of this page too.

Asalam Alaykum, please i want to satisfy my self with the way of performing salat. this surah of quran [al-Fath 48:29] the quoted ayah talk about black spot on the face. is it indicate that the prophet himself used to pray? thank you in advance”. And our answer to that question was this: Wa Alaikum-Salam: Thank you for your excellent feedback. Biggest mistake that many readers of Quran make is, when they take one verse or a few verses in Isolation; that can grossly mislead them. Quran cannot be understood correctly unless we understand WHOLE Quran, only by Quran as Quran explains itself fully. It means, never try to understand Quran through Clergy and man-made sources such as Hadiths Sunna Sira Tafsirs Contexts Fiqa Nazools. Because when that man-made material is already in brain of reader, it will influence the mind of “Reader of Quran” in wrong direction. The root of your Question is in word “min athari alssujood” of verse 48:29. Its mean, in order to understand this verse 48:29 correctly, we as an honest reader of Quran must investigate about the meaning of “Sajadah” or “Sujood” in Quran. If we look at 55:6: This verse says: even Trees and Stars do Sujood. Now just ponder: What is shape of Stars? Have stars any kind of Head and forehead? Even if they have any kind of head and forehead, then in which Mosque they all come down to earth and place their forehead on Ground? It is very clear here that meaning of Sujood in 55:6 can NEVER BE to place forehead on Ground. It can be only and only “Stars submit to Divine laws or Even Stars bow to Divine Law. In another verse of Quran (discussed already in this page), we read that even Mountains do Sujood. But have you ever seen Biggest Mountain Himalaya walking by-foot to any nearby Indian and Pakistani Mosque to place forehead on ground for physical prostration? This again confirms that meaning of Sajadah or Sujood here can NEVER be to place forehead on ground but to bow to Divine Law. You have told: word “black spot on the face” is mentioned in this verse but this is not correct. Linguistically, no any word “Black spot” appears in this relevant verse. Sectarian translators always twist translations in order to make fit-able in their some unsound beliefs. In Arabic Black mean “Aswad”. But do you see any word Aswad in this verse? No. We do not say that whole Quranic-translation of Dr. Mohammad Asad Ph.D is Correct but his translation is Comparatively better than others: Some times his commentary is interesting. His comments about YOUR POINT of verse 48:29 is interesting too, and is self-explanatory. We have posted it below because we think, it runs along with the spirit of Quran as one whole Book: This is just info for you.

The infinitive noun sujud (“prostration”) stands here for the innermost consummation of faith, while its “trace” signifies the spiritual reflection of that faith in the believer’s manner of life and even in his outward aspect. Since the “face” is the most expressive part of man’s personality, it is often used in the Qur’an in the sense of one’s “whole being”.(Quran Ref: 48:29 )”

Also note that in verse 48:29, word “wujoohihim” is used which mean never Forehead but “their faces”. But you know, people who perform regularly Five Zoroastrian Namaz Rituals, they could have black mark (you seems influenced by this) on their foreheads. But Quran has not used word forehead. If it was about mark on forehead, then for sure Allah Jalla Aala, who does not have shortage of words, could have used word “jabeen” which appears in verse 37:103 for Ismael. In Arabic, “Jabeen” mean forehead. Fact is: as it appears in comments of Dr. Asad too, that People who love GOD and are always mindful about GOD and follow his laws sincerely and are Philanthropists 2:177; naturally have different face from other people who has forgotten God. For example: Many times when we met our friends and relatives after long time, we listened one person was whispering “Look noor at the face (Wujhe) of this man”. That kind of light and serenity on the faces of sincere servants of GOD come when they love GOD, bow to his laws and are mindful about GOD in all awaken condition until sleep takes control over them. To be mindful does not mean necessarily to move tongue all the time or use Masbaha or Misbaha which means prayer beads or rosary, all the times. You could be busy in your work but still could be mindful about God. And “mindfulness about God is that Cement which holds all bricks of your “building of Piety”. It is very very important. Every breath that comes in and out without his mindfulness is a Kaafir-Breath.

Noble Quran 3:191 [and] who remember God when they stand, and when they sit, and when they lie down to sleep, and [thus] reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth: “O our Sustainer! Thou hast not created [aught of] this without meaning and purpose. Limitless art Thou in Thy glory! Keep us safe, then, from suffering through fire!

In fact meaning of word “seemahum fee wujoohihim” mean “Special distinctive appearance of their faces”. Words “seemahum fee wujoohihim” of 48:29 are translated by following translators as under.

By “The Clear Quran, Dr. Mustafa Khattab” has translated as “The sign ˹of brightness can be seen˺ on their faces”.

By “[The Monotheist Group] (2011 Edition) “Their distinction is in their faces”.

By Taqi Usmani “their distinguishing feature is on their faces”.

By Dr. Shabbir Ahmed M.D.” “Their signs (of belief) are on their faces, the effects of adoration”

By “Allama G A Perwaiz”. The inner peace and real happiness that they obtain as a result of this are apparent from their faces (83:24).

Here verse 83:24 is one kind of exposition of words “seemahum fee wujoohihim ” of 48:29:

Quranic verse 83:24 “TaAArifu fee wujoohihim nadrata alnnaAAeemi” 83:24 Upon their faces thou wilt see the brightness of bliss.

There is another interesting point in verse 48:29 which is “and their description is in Enjeel too”. Now Enjeel came to Jesus and there is tons of evidence, that Jesus was strictly against Rituals. Relevant text and Reference about this point is already given in this page. You have to find out. Then how Jesus could forbid Rituals if that Rituals were ordained in Enjeel? That’s mean: No any Ritual was ordained in Enjeel. And Brightness on the faces of True followers of Enjeels were due to their bowing to laws of Enjeel and mindfulness of God. Historical record show: That the True Muslim followers of Jesus were Essene (Quran call them Hawariyoon in 3:52). The most reliable historical records of time of Jesus show: Essene never prayed Rituals but Dua and Meditation. They were hard workers and Philanthropists 2:177 and they were so dedicated Muslims that during Revolt against Romans; Roman tortured Essene beyond limits. They broke their limbs and burned their bodies but Essene during that all tortures, were laughing on Romans and spitting on their faces till last breath.

Clearly, Translations of not all, but almost all sectarian translators who have used word “Mark on faces” is influenced by the Black marks of those people who pray Five Zoroastrian Namaz Rituals daily and got marks on foreheads. So in order to validate that their fantasy, they have used word “Mark” in translations but in fact meaning of words “”seemahum fee wujoohihim” mean “the distinctive appearance of their faces”. Because Rituals are built-in in the psyche of almost all translators, so they bend translation to satisfy their already built-in Psyche. Majority of translators also twist many others verses of Quran in order to reconcile translations with their some unsound beliefs. If you read our pages about life of Jesus or Jesus in Quran, you will know: how many verses has been twisted by these translators, deliberately.

Other points: Prophet was Bound to follow Only Quran 6:114, 10:15, 6:19, 5:44. Prophet cannot guide any one to right path 28:56, 72:21, then how could he guide Sunni and Shia about the units of Rituals, text of Tashahud and Drood Ibrahimi that all never exist in Quran? Prophet left behind no any written manuscript except Quran. Also note that as per Sunni Hadith books (all forged gossip), there are 11 different versions of text of Mullah-Made Tashahud (that 11 versions are already given in this page). Shia has their own version of Call of prayers and Tashahud. Now just ponder; Could Prophet give Sunnis and Shia over a dozen brands of different text of Tashahud? Moreover; non-Quranic Drood Ibrahimi (Jaahil Arabs of today say it: Salat Ibrahimi) was forged by Buyid Persian Shia Ruler Moiz Doula when he was Ruler of Baghadad. That all clearly shows that 5 Namaz Rituals that were forged through fabricated hadith of Miraaj are like an internal combustion engine which was assembled using a few genuine but most of fake-spare parts/components. Also know: majority of Muslims especially in South Asia name that Five Rituals not Salat but “Namaz”. Word Namaz is not from Arabic nor it exists in Quran. Word Namaz is a Persian word which is also called by Persian Zoroastrians as Namaz or Gah or Bandagi which mean 5 Zoroastrian Namaz=Rituals.

Now let test this point under logic and Rationality:
1- Quran a Big book was delivered to Prophet by Wahi, then why text of Adhans of Shia and Sunni; and Units of Rituals of Shia and Sunnis were not given to Prophet along with Quranic wahi? What was Problem?
2- If Prophet could receive whole Quran by Wahi, then why he was in need of to took ride on a flying Donkey Boraq (not in Quran) to meet GOD in any remote villa in Sky to receive 5 Rituals through fabricated hadith of Miraaj?
3- Quran tells in 2:255, 2:115, 58:7, 50:16 that GOD is everywhere (Omnipresent) and his throne is extended to whole universe (2:255) and GOD is closer to Person than his neck-Vein 50:16 and GOD is present in every meeting of Humans 58:7 then why Prophet was in need of to take ride on that fabricated funny flying Donkey of Zoro Bukhari to receive 5 Rituals?
4- GOD is everywhere, so in which direction you will Physically bow to him? Do not forget 2:177 tells: Directional Rituals facing Qiba in Mekka are useless but useful is Philanthropy.
5- When GOD is closer to you than your neck-vein (50:16) in fact sitting inside you; then how will you physically Prostate him, Toward USA or RUSSIA or MEKKA or Vatican? Do you think, GOD is sitting only in that specific places? If you are extraordinary enthusiastic, then you can do maximum what “whirling dervishes” of Rumi do. We all see these whirling dervishes in TV and in sufi symposiums but majority of us never investigate, why theses dervishes whirl around Y-AXIS center of their own body? They do so because they know: Temple of God is in every human 50:16. So they just do circumambulation around that actual real temple but when Mansur Hallaj said so centuries ago; our silly Mullahs gave a Fatwa of Kuffar against him, and managed to hange him.

From your comments also it appear: you have not read our this page fully. So please spare time and read this page fully w/o skipping any line. And we also remind you, Cave Hira where Prophet was Meditating when Wahi started to come.

This unique page with lengthy, exhaustive, and complex discussion, was published by our Team at precise microscopic level to respond those Jaahil Mushrik Kaafir Hadithers (5:44, 6:114, 10:15) who always say that they follow millions of fabricated hadiths because according to that ignorant brain-washed and hypnotized sycophants; Complete and fully detailed Quran does not tell them units of Shia and Sunni Rituals. After completely readying this page with honest and unbiased mind, we hope, Wise and Honest reader will realize now, why there is no any units of Shia and Sunni Rituals in fully detailed Quran. Because Islam is Deen, and not Theocracy; and Rituals are clergy-made part of Theocracy, and not of Deen Islam. Quran does not contain Rituals because that Rituals are NOT PART OF ISLAM. It is simple: if map of Brazil is not given in Quran, that mean, this map is not part of Deen Islam but of geography. If Quran does not tell you, with which hand, left or right, you should drink water; that’s mean, Quran has left this option to you, as Quran does not want to usurp your even very basic right. All what is given in Quran is Islam; and any rite, ritual or Islamic law (some say sharia law) that has no roots in complete and fully detailed Quran, is ABSOLUTELY not part of Islam. Quran has made clear what is Halal (legal) and what is Haram (illegal). Muslims Ruler/Shoora can make millions of Laws in the light of Quranic ethics and injunctions about Halal and Haram (16:116).

Allah has given you a Great gift and that is brain with intelligence. Use it properly 8:22, 7:179. Quran makes very clear that sole task given to Messenger was no more than to deliver Quran clearly 29:18, 5:99, 42:48, 3:20. Quran tells us: Messenger cannot guide any one to right path but it is Allah who guides 28:56, 72:21. So how Messenger could guide Shia and Sunni sects about conflicting contradictory Azans and different style and units of Rituals? It is crystal clear in Quran that to obey Messenger mean to obey Allah but Quran also tells, obedience of Allah and his Messenger is confined to, in the following of Quran only 6:114, 10:15, 6:19, 47:2, 5:44 because Messengers were NEVER Partners of God but they were mere Agency of God. Quran has its own built-in dictionary and its own built-in Tafsir (exegesis) 25:33, therefore; Quran is standalone book and is absolutely not in need of any external theological source or book or personality like millions of fabricated hadiths Sunna Sira Tafsirs Contexts Fiqa Shan-e-Nazool books and vile Mullahs and freak Imams. Quran is made easy 54:17. Quran explains every thing for Muslims 12:111, 16:89, 17:12, therefore; what is not given in Quran is absolutely not part of Islam. This is why, exalted Prophet left behind only written Quran. Did he leave behind any written hadith, sunnaH, sira, contexts, fiqa, tafsir, and shan-el-Nazool book? No No and Big No. Most of hadiths were forged by Pseudo-converts to Islam who came from Zoroastrian-Persia and from people of book. There are thousands hadiths that contradict Quranic laws at 180 degree. Quran tells: Do not do this and that but fabricated hadiths tells you, opposite. To see detail of that contradictions of forged hadiths, please visit our page “some hadiths that will drag you to paradise even before your death”. Also never miss to read our page “True history of Hadiths” linked at our main page.  Deen = Divinely Prescribed Way of Life = Divine System for life.

Ibn Asakir (1105-1176 A.D.) reported that a zindiq was brought once to al-Rashid who gave his orders to behead him, Then he (zindiq) said: O Amir al-Mu’minin, are n’t you aware of four thousand hadiths I fabricated, in which I forbid what is lawful (halal) and deem lawful what is forbidden (in the Qur’an).Reader is suggested to ready our this page: God is Omnipresent, at: https://factszz.wordpress.com/2017/05/10/god-is-omnipresent/ 

And we end this page with following two beautiful dua of Noble Quran:

Allah says: His Quran is complete, fully detailed, and it explains everything that is needed in Islam 16:89, 12:111; then why no any unit and method of five daily Namaz Rituals in Quran?


42 thoughts on “Allah says: His Quran is complete, fully detailed, and it explains everything that is needed in Islam 16:89, 12:111; then why no any unit and method of five daily Namaz Rituals in Quran?

  1. Humans are not only physical bodies but besides physical bodies humans have soul, substance responsible for life phenomenon, substance wherein the actions done by them are stored. Soul within the humans could be perceived by existence of the Ego ( I within every human being ), innate knowledge of the Creator ( Descartes ) and most importantly a very well defined book of innate moral law ( Thomas Aquinas & Kant ) and the latter is with only humans as the species. The only task of all prophets was to convey the eternity of the soul and to warn humans that their afterlife will depend upon whether they adopted the book of innate moral law, which has been authored & inscribed by the Creator in their souls, or not. Once the book of innate moral law is opened ( this could be done by only original, genuine & philanthropist philosophers ) the basic & fundamental principle of this book is that humans should live peacefully & justice should prevail in all human societies. Humans are living like everything other than humans because they do not know the purpose of life as religions have been corrupted and this basic message was not conveyed. Read the book ‘Natural World Order & The Islamic Thought’ for details free at http://www.slideshare.net/mohammadshafiqkhan1/natural-world-order-the-islamic-thought

    • Thank you for your input.
      Quranic verse 2:213 and 2:177 cover major-part of your comments. Verse 2:213 tells that at the beginning, humans were a small community but when that community started to expand, frequency of disputes among people increased. Therefore; GOD sent Messengers with Divine Books to settle dispute among people and to tell people that there no no deity but One Allah. All Messengers preached same message of Islam 42:13. All Messengers were Muslims and their all true followers were Muslims. All Scriptures were scriptures of Islam. Islam is not religion but Deen which mean Divinely prescribed way of life. All theocratic religions are concocted by Clergy. Noble Quran is not a book of theocracy but Divine sociology that ordains peace and justice and mindfulness of GOD in all awaken conditions.

      Just to be a good person or good philanthropist is not enough unless one has correct faith. Sura Ibrahim in Quran makes clear that even the good deeds of infidels will blow like ash in wind storm, and it will be of no use.

      Original immortal person is not the body of flesh and bones but the Spirit/Soul. Body is just like a horse on which person rides to go through test of life. Upon death, mortal body is buried and original person goes back to source; where he/she is told, how did he/she perform during test on earth. During life on earth, continuously an holographic movie of all actions of person is recorded in his soul. After death, that movie is shown to person as witness for his actions 21:47. After death, memory goes with Person because during life time on earth, memory of person is never storied in his head but in Soul. Brain just borrows memory from soul and uses it.

      Islam the sole one true path of one GOD sets 5 mandatory beliefs for a Muslim.
      Believe in::

      5-Day of Judgement

      Any human who believes in above-Five; and lives a righteous life of Philanthropist 2:177 and remains mindful about GOD in all awaken conditions and follows all ethics, codes and laws of final testament of GOD “Quran”, is the person who is wise, and successful in test of life on this earth.

  2. Right Islam is philanthropy but how to establish a philanthropic society should be also the primary concern of Qur’an & Islam. There is a very well defined socio-political structure prescribed in the Qur’an, the primary objective of which is to establish a philanthropic society wherein the laws defined by God are enacted & enforced, and this socio-political structure has been conceived, for the first time in Islamic history, on the basis of political philosophy, human history & Qur’an in the book ‘Natural World Order & The Islamic Thought’ which everybody could read free at http://www.slideshare.net/mohammadshafiqkhan1/natural-world-order-the-islamic-thought.
    Besides the book discusses how Qur’an helps us to realize the Self. Truth has to be very simple so that it could be understood by all people irrespective of their intelligence, educational qualifications, social & financial status etc and as such no new prophets & preachers are required. The corruptions of so-called religious scholars, personal bias of philosophers & science has kept us away from realization of the Truth.
    Realization of Self is the greatest enlightenment ( Nirvana ) and once we realize the Self all the mysteries open up which includes purpose of human life and purpose of creation of the universe etc.
    Realization of Self through critical thinking & analysis of human thought process absolves us of the frustration of apparent purposelessness of life. Qur’an & thorough philosophical analysis leads to the fact that humans are not only physical bodies but besides physical bodies humans have soul, substance responsible for life phenomenon ( the interaction of this substance with the physical body gives rise to natural instincts within a species/humans ), substance wherein the actions done by them are stored. Soul within the humans could be perceived by existence of the Ego ( Self the “I” within every human being ), innate knowledge of the Creator ( Descartes ) and most importantly a very well defined book of innate moral law ( Thomas Aquinas & Kant ) and the latter is with only humans as the species. The only task of all prophets was to convey the eternity of the soul and to warn humans that their afterlife will depend upon whether they adopted the book of innate moral law, which has been authored & inscribed by the Creator in their souls, or not. Once the book of innate moral law is opened ( this could be done by only original, genuine & philanthropist philosophers ) the basic & fundamental principle of this book is that humans should live peacefully & justice should prevail in all human societies. Humans are living like everything other than humans because they do not know the purpose of life as religions have been corrupted and this basic message was not conveyed.
    Worshiping God is only to remind ourselves that there is Creator who has created & is sustaining us and we are answerable for actions of lifetime before Him.

  3. faridh says:

    So whats your advice to ME, I am a sunni Muslim who agrees with what you have posted here, I converted to islam last year, I only know the english Language and Few Surah’s in of the Quran. I dont know the Arabic Language so i have to Keep Reading Englsih Tanslations.

    • In order to reach to truth, hard labor is required and that also include intensive study. We suggest you to spare a week or more and read following page and all linked pages on this page, fully without skipping any line:


      Concerning your point about Translations, please read this short page:


      If you read that all material with full presence and concentration without skipping any line; we are sure, finally you will reach to that point where you will be able to see the apex of truth. Page mentioned above can answer your all questions even if you have a million Questions. However, during study, take notes for points and that points can be discussed with our team later. But only that points will be discussed that are not already given in our pages. Unfortunately, there is no any short-cut through which one can realize, what is true and what is not. We have been studying and doing research on these matters from over 30 years without any respite. So we hope, you will be able to invest a few weeks time to study all that material. Know that Allah has named us only Muslim in 22:78 and Quran forbids sects. It is great just to be a Muslim and only Muslim. No sects.

      Try to learn Arabic. If we can learn French German Russian and English, then why not Arabic too. There is no any excuse. Beside, It is VERY IMPORTANT to note that Quran is standalone fully detailed book and it has its own built-in dictionary. So Quran fully explains itself. Never use any external theological source to understand Quran or you will not understand Quran correctly even in 1000 years. Understand Quran only by Quran. One verse is explained in many other verses of other chapters in multifaceted forms. Prophet left behind not a single paper except written Quran. Hadith Sunna Tafsirs exegesis contexts and fiqa are made by Men and are full of fabrications and lies. Never use those. Read our page that tells difference between a Muslim and a Mohammedan. Try to be a Muslim and not a Mushrik-Mohammedan

  4. Qadir says:

    Do you mean Mohammad ﷺ was a messenger just to recite the verses of the Quran, and after this, nothing else to show practically?
    I think it could be done by sending a book on the mountain and a caller (angel) may call out saying, a book (Qur’an) is on the mountain follow it.
    It was a waste of sending a messenger whose job was nothing except reciting the verses of the Qur’an to people.
    May Allah (SWT) guide you.

    • Quran 17:94-95 “And nothing prevented men from believing when the guidance came to them, except that they said: “Has Allah sent a man as (His) Messenger?” Say: “If there were on the earth, angels walking about in peace and security, We should certainly have sent down for them from the heaven an angel as a Messenger.”

      O ignorant Fanatic:
      Allah is not bound to consult brainless cattle like you or Amazon about Delivery-Method before delivering BOOKS to People. Allah Jalla Aala knows what is the best way. You are suggesting Allah to throw Quran on mountain instead of giving it to Prophet Mohammad. Water comes in your home through pipe-line. Messengers were no more than than Pipeline/Divine Postmen. Quran makes very clear in many verses that “Duty of Messenger is NO MORE THAN to deliver BOOK clearly 29:18”. That kind of verses are repeated many times in Quran but you have read only verse 33:66. So; will you impostor not listen what Allah has said? Quran also makes clear that Prophet Mohammad could not guide any one but it is Allah who guides 28:56. So, when Prophet Mohammad could not guide any one; then how would he guide you Kuffaar-Hadithers about your fabricated Zoroastrian 5 Namaz rituals and its units, and forged hadith and Sunna? Did Prophet Mohammad tell Shia and Sunni different Azan and different methods of Namaz? Will he? Does it make any sense? Verse 10:15 makes Clear, that Prophet was BOUND to follow ONLY AND ONLY what is in Quran.

      Quran 3:20 (O Messenger)….behold, thy duty is no more than to deliver the message: for God sees all that is in [the hearts of] His creatures

      Get educated by reading our following page:

      How to Obey Prophet after his death?

  5. Qadir says:

    (33:66) On that Day when their faces shall be turned around in the Fire, they will say: “Would that we had obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger.”

    • To obey Allah, and to obey Prophet mean to obey the laws ethics and codes of DIVINE Book that Prophet delivered 47:2, 6:114, 25:30, 10:15, 29:18, 3:80.
      You seem among those millions of ignorant fanatics who never read whole Quran and pick just one verse and start to preach Quran. Quran cannot be understood in this way. In order to understand Quran, when you read one verse, at the same time your sight must be on all other verses of Quran. Why? Because Verses in Quran are interconnected with each other and explain each other. To pick one verse 33:66 will never tell you what is point of Quran. In 33:66 obedience of Allah and LIVING Rasool is ordained but you have never read in Quran, how to obey Living Rasool? Does Quran 33:66 tell you that you should obey Rasool by following hadith and Sunna books that Hypocrites will forge 250-500 years after the death of Prophet? NO. Quran makes very clear in 47:2, 10:15, 6:114, 5:44, 50:45 and in many other verses that to obey Prophet mean to follow Divine BOOK he has delivered. So If one follows Quran, he follows, both Allah and Messenger 39:23, 69:40 because Messengers were mere Agency of Allah. Mission of Allah and Messengers was same that was to deliver Divine BOOK to people Clearly. Verse 33:66 will in fact take you Mushrik Hadithers in HELL because you hadithers place Fabricated Man-Made Books of Hadith and Sunna beside Book of Allah. And who does so is a Kaafir 5:44 and you know, what will be the place of Kaafirs after their death!.

      You brainless Hadithers think that Allah and Prophet has different mosques like Shia and Sunni sect have. You think, name of Masjid of Allah is Quran, and Name of Masjid of Rasool is Hadith and Sunna in which he never stepped-in nor he certified any kind of such material. Truth that does not enter in your locked brain is; that Masjid of Allah and Prophet is same because mission of both Allah and Prophet was same, to deliver Divine Book which has its own built-in dictionary and so it fully explains itself and is absolutely not in need of any external theological source such as forged hadiths forged sunna Tafsir Contexts Nazool-stories, Mullahs Imams and pseudo Scholars. Quran is made Easy and Simple 54:17 that does not need any man-made interpretation.

      “Mars Cement Ltd” produces cement(Quran) and their Agency supplies to people same cement(Quran) that is produced by “Mars Cement Ltd”. It is not, that Agency will start to sell its own-made cement (hadith and Sunna). Messengers were mere agency of Allah.
      Did Prophet leave behind any manuscript of Hadiths and Sunna? NO
      Did Caliph Abu Bakar compile or ordered to compile any Book of Hadiths? NO
      Did Caliph Umar Khattab compile or ordered to compile any Book of Hadiths? NO
      Did Caliph Uthman compile or ordered to compile any Book of Hadiths? NO
      Did Caliph Ali compile or ordered to compile any Book of Hadiths? NO
      Then who permitted Persian Zoroastrians Imams to forge millions of lies and attach that lies to the name of Prophet 250-500 years after his death? Truth is; that Hadith and Sunna books are the biggest Persian conspiracy against Islam.
      In fact Prophet and 4 Caliphs burned and banned all hadiths. For proof, read our page “True History of Hadiths”

  6. Arslan says:

    As you say that physical prostration is not in the Quran and that the meaning of sajda is ‘to obey divine law’. Then why did Allah said in his Quran in sura sajda verse 37 that [don’t prostrate to the sun nor the moon……………………..] I want an explanation of this verse.

    • Thank you brother Arslan: We think you mean 41:37 Sura Fussilat. Our many friends post comments without reading our pages fully. Fully mean without skipping any line. The point you have raised is already discussed in this page in multifaceted forms. We said nowhere that meaning of Sajada is not prostration but we said that meaning of Sajada is not only Prostration but also to bow to, to adore, submit to, to follow Divine laws; and we have supported this point in this page by many verses of Book of Allah. For the sake of Argument, even if you Prostrate, that never validates Five non-Quranic Zoroastrian Rituals. Read also about meditation in this page.

      Quran tells that Allah is closer to person than his neck-vein and wherever you turn your face, is presence of Allah. That clearly shows that Allah is Omniscient and Omnipresent. Take as concept of a Sphere that has no circumferential limits. In sphere are 360 degrees. So Sphere is direction-less. Therefore; if you want to prostrate him by placing forehead on ground, which direction will you take? Your physical prostration cannot be confined to a certain degree of circular Sphere because sphere is directionless. Allah is everywhere and his throne is extended to all spaces (Ayt-ul-Kursi). You have rationality and logic to place your forehead at ground to a specific direction, only and only, if Allah Jalla Aala lives in a confined place such as any Five Star Villa in heavens (AstaghFirAllah). But Quran tells, Allah is Omnipresent, HU is everywhere and anywhere. Try to digest this point if you can. If you digest it; you might realize the truth.

      Read verse 41:37 carefully. In this verse after Sajada to Allah, word “Ta’bo’doon” is also used at end. It is beauty of Noble Quran that it explains itself. In this verse, word “Ta’bo’doom” confirms the meaning of “Sajada to Allah” which is Ibada>Ibadat>Ma’bood>Ya’bo’doon>
      Ta’bo’doon>Abad>Abeed=Slave. And a Slave OBEYS ORDERS of his Lord. Therefore verse 41:37 is:

      Quran 41:37 “And of His signs are the night and day and the sun and moon. Do not adore/bow to the sun or to the moon, but obey (Ta’bo’doon) Allah , who created them, if it should be Him that you obey (Ta’bo’doon).” — To obey Allah and Rasool means to obey and follow Divine Laws given in BOOK of Allah 10:15, 6;114, 39:23, 69:40, 47:2, 28:56, 3:80, 3:20.

      Dr. Shabbir Ahmed M.D translated verse 41:37 as:

      “(Divine Laws help you journey through life in great balance as you see in the Nature). Now among His Signs are the night and the day as well as the sun and the moon. Adore neither the sun nor the moon, but adore Allah Who created them, if it is Him you wish to serve.” (His this translation ranked Number 1 by Al-Azhar University).

      One of the greatest Thinkers and scholars (expert in Ancient Arabic literature) of Quran in 1400 years history, Allama Ghulam Perwaiz translated verse 41:37 as under:

      “(Quran 41:37) If you want to understand the way life is blessed and balanced by obeying the divine laws, just take a look at the cosmic bodies. Ponder how night and day appear one after the other according to an unalterable law; and how the sun and the moon revolve according to a fixed law. (You will observe that there is no disorder in the universal system. This is the result of obeying the divine law.)

      This example also makes it clear that the moon and the sun do not have any intrinsic power. There is no basis for human beings to start considering them to be deities and start bowing to them. (This will simply be superstition.) Both the sun and the moon have been created by the Almighty and they obey only His laws. You also should obey only God’s laws.

  7. ARSLAN says:

    I have digested the point and have realised the truth.Thank you team factszz for your opinion.factszz.wordpress.com will always be a gold-mine for sincere truth seekers and a true website that upholds the Quran.I have a question that are there Arab scholars who think that Quran is complete and is no need of any hadiths? as the best learner of the Quran are the Arabs.

    • Thank you for your kind words. Brother: Up to 722 A.D., only Quran was the BOOK of Muslims & there was no any legality of man-made Books like hadith, Sunna, Tafsirs, contexts, fiqa and Nazools. Quran is simple and made-easy book 54:17 and in fact is not in need of any Mullah, Imam and Pseudo Scholars. We see that all Kharafaat like hadith, Sunna, Tafsirs, contexts, fiqa and Nazools originating from Abbasid Period from 750-1258 A.D. After 722 A.D. in fact Arabs became the most ignorant Muslims on Planet in Islamic Theology. Even today Saudi Arabia follows a Quranic translation which is of two Pakistani men Mohson Khan and Hilali Khan. Our team has compared over 50 translations of Quran with Original Arabic text of Noble Quran, and we found translation of Mohson and Hilali one of the most twisted and corrupted translations. During Abbasid period, there was full hold of Persian Zoroastrian Bramka Family on government. When innovations of Hadith and Sunna were being forged, Arab Mu’tazila Scholars opposed that all innovations but were pressed down by Pro-Persian Abbasid Caliphs. It was not Arabs but Persians who first time translated Quranic terms into Persian as per their own wish. Later even Arab students followed that all Persian’s forged crap in Universities and even today after 1200 years, what our faculties of Theology in University are teaching to students, is same that crap which was forged during Abbasid Period when real Incharge were Persian Zoroastrians. This is why, even today our Ph.D in Islamic Theology is in fact much more ignorant even than a farmer who never went to school. They are got educated from forged curricula, and later whole their life, they preach to blindly following people same lies that they learned during their Ph.D classes. They are educated-Ignorant regardless if they achieved their Ph.D from Universities of Madina Mekka Islamabad Malaysia or Turkey. All are taught Persian’s made counterfeited version of Islam in Islamic universities. Same meat of Donkey is being recycled in Meat grinding Machine from past 1200 years, and we expect, that one day donkey-meat will change into Cow-Meat. It will never, unless we Muslims go back to True Real Islam that existed before 722 A.D., when we Muslims were united under ONE BOOK of Allah and we defeated two superpowers of that time, Zoroastrians and Romans in same year 636 A.D., with gap of mere six months for each.

      All our sisters and bothers including you can judge level of Scholar-Ship of so called top Arab Scholars as under:

      The Greatest Fatwa (Religious Ruling) given by Top Saudi Scholar

      One of the greatest names of the Islamic world of the 20th century , the Chief Saudi Cleric, Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Baaz, issued a Fatwa in 1970:

      “Whoever believes that the Earth moves around the Sun, or that man has landed on the moon is an ardent Kaafir. Furthermore, anyone doubting his infidelity would be a greater Kaafir and his wife would be automatically divorced from him. It would be haram to marry into his family, drink water in his house, pray behind him, or to attend his funeral prayer.” (The Criminals of Islam, by Dr. Shabbir Ahmed M.D.)

      Amusingly, this is a prototype of the kind of Fatawa dispensed by our Mullahs rendering Kaafir whoever won’t heed them. Fact is; that after South-Asian Mullahs; presently, Arabs of Saudi Arabia are the most ignorant Muslims living on this planet.

      Attention: Worshipers of Imam Ibne Kathir

      The earth is resting on the horns of a great bull. When he shakes his head he brings earthquakes. (Ibne Kathir 2:29, 50:1).

      Then Ibne Kathir changes his mind: The earth is resting on a fish. The fish is resting on water, water on the Mount Safa in Makkah, Safa on an angel, the angel on a rock, the rock on air. When the fish moves, it causes earthquakes.
      (Imam Ibne Kathir, Tafseer part I pg 76)
      Note: Noble Quran forbids blind-Following

  8. Alik says:

    Discussing such a divine subject, you are using the word “Crap” for hadiths so many times, this is not acceptable. I don`t believe in hadiths, because they are a disgrace to Quran and Islam and its Prophet, but still that Crap word looks very ugly and unacceptable when used next to an Aya from Quran alongside with the name of God on the same page.
    My question is, If there is no prayers in Quran, then why God orders us to make a wudu, to wash our hands, face, etc, before prayers.

    • Thank you for your comments: You have objected on word crap. But when Book of Parsi hypo Abu Dawud tells that water is still clean and pure in which dead dogs and menstruation shreds of woman are floating; then is this crap are not? Can a Great Man (Quran 68:4) like Prophet Mohammad say this kind of words? No. If Zoroastrian Bukhari tells that Woman is Evil. And all Prophets of GOD and all Humans are born from woman. So is that Crap or not? If Ibn Majah tells you: Suns rises from two horns of Satan; then is this crap or not? Please note that word Khanzir (Swine) is also used in Noble Quran within its sacred verses. Will you now raise objection on GOD that O GOD why you have used word Khanzir in sacred books? Therefore; Dear: Your objection carries no any logical and rational weight. Be a Realist instead of being an emotional fanatic.

      You have also asked: That why Quran has told us to do Wudu then? Habibi: Quran has never used word Wudu. Quran uses word “faighsiloo” WASH. If you want to go to Masjid on Friday in Salat meeting (Ijtama Salat); it is mandatory to wash yourself as is ordained in Quran 5:6. Quran nowhere tells in 5:6, that washing is for to pray 5 Non-Quranic rituals, the rituals which never exists in Glorious Quran. If Salat of Friday was a ritual then GOD could have told you, how to pray that Rituals and how many units you should pray if you are shia; and how many units, if you are sunni; and if you are a Wahabi, then should you raise your hands on every Takbir or not (Rafa-Yadaiyn); and should you recite non-Quranic word Ameen at the end of Fatiha loudly or silently. And Omnipresent GOD could have also told you if in non-Quranic forged text of Tasha’had (Atta-Hiyaat a Shia Forgery), you should raise your index finger or not, and should you raise that finger according to Hanfis, Malkis, Shafis or Hanbalis. Because that your four lovely imams (Please read Quran 9:31) preach you their own brand of Islam that never exists in Made-Easy, Standalone, Self-Explanatory, fully detailed Quran (54:17, 12:111, 16:89, 17:12, 25:33, 25:30). If that were Rituals, then GOD the Omniscient, for sure, could have told Shia (Shiite) to use name of already died Caliph Ali in their Adhan, and Sunnis to use the name of died Prophet Mohammad in Adhan (crude violation of Quran 72:18, 3:80, 2:136, 2:285, 3:84). Shia declare Sunnis Kaafir and Sunnis declare Shia Kaafirs. Two sub-sects of Sunni-Sect of South Asia “Deobandi and Brailvi declare each other Kaafirs. Did Allah command us to split in countless evil sects (6:159, 3:103-105, 42:13)? Your this point of Wadu is discussed in detail in this page but for sure you have skipped that. Many readers who want to catch the bird of truth by short-cuts, usually skip lines or even full paras during reading and then they raise same Question which has already been fully discussed in same page. Last part of your question proves 100% that you have posted this question without reading this page fully. Fully mean: Do not skip any word.

      We humbly request all readers, not to post any Question under our pages unless you have read and understood each and every word of relevant page. Otherwise, we have to repeat same topic again and again in comments, and that wastes our tons of time. This is why; when our team assesses that Questioner has posted question without reading page fully; we simply delete the question.

  9. Before posting your comments, it was better if you had searched dates of death of all that Imams you have mentioned. They all lived and died during Abbasid Period. Abbasid Period is from 750-1258 A.D. Malik presented his book Mowatta but Abbasid Caliph Mansoor did not canonize it. Abu Hanifa also lived in Abbasid Period. Shafi was an employee of Abbasid, Ibn Hanbal was flogged by Abbasid. Abu Hanifa lived 17 years in era of Abbasid and Imam Malik lived for 45 years in the era of Abbasid. Almost all corruption among faith of we Muslims came during Abbasid Period because Abbasid had half DNA of Arab Muslims and Half DNA of Zoroastrians. Their wives and even mothers were Persian Zoroastrians. Their Tutors Teachers and Ministers even Chief Minister was Zoroastrian from Bramaka Family. In fact Islamic empire was practically under Zoroastrian Rule during 508 years of Abbasid Rule. They were much more worldly kings than Muslims. Apart from this all discussion, duty of Prophet was to follow only Quran 6:114, 10:15. Prophet cannot guide any one to right path 28:56, 72:21, then how Prophet could guide Shia and Sunni for mutually conflicting and contradictory methods of Rituals and Azans. If Salat was Ritual, for sure Allah Al-Haq had told us units of Salat and detailed method of Salat. As this page has discussed in depth that Salat is never Ritual. In the time of Prophet, when Sahaba used to meet Living Prophet: They used to say: O Prophet be Salam on you. But even after death, Shia lobby manufactured whole text of Atta-Hiyaat and blended in 5 Rituals. Drood Ibrahimi read in Atta-Hiyaat (Tasha’had) was forged by Buyid Shia Ruler Moiz Doula and blended in Rituals

  10. IDD says:

    Asalam Alaykum, please i want to satisfy my self with the way of performing salat. this surah of quran [al-Fath 48:29] the quoted ayah talk about black spot on the face. is it indicate that the prophet himself used to pray? thank you in advance

    • Wa Alaikum-Salam: Thank you for your excellent feedback. Biggest mistake that many readers of Quran make is, when they take one verse or a few verses in Isolation; that can grossly mislead them. Quran cannot be understood correctly unless we understand WHOLE Quran, only by Quran as Quran explains itself fully. It means, never try to understand Quran through Clergy and man-made sources such as Hadiths Sunna Sira Tafsirs Contexts Fiqa Nazools. Because when that man-made material is already in brain of reader, it will influence the mind of “Reader of Quran” in wrong direction. The root of your Question is in word “min athari alssujood” of verse 48:29. Its mean, in order to understand this verse 48:29 correctly, we as an honest reader of Quran must investigate about the meaning of “Sajadah” or “Sujood” in Quran. If we look at 55:6: This verse says: even Trees and Stars do Sujood. Now just ponder: What is shape of Stars? Have stars any kind of Head and forehead? Even if they have any kind of head and forehead, then in which Mosque they all come down to earth and place their forehead on Ground? It is very clear here that meaning of Sujood in 55:6 can NEVER BE to place forehead on Ground. It can be only and only “Stars submit to Divine laws or Even Stars bow to Divine Law. In another verse of Quran (discussed already in this page), we read that even Mountains do Sujood. But have you ever seen Biggest Mountain Himalaya walking by-foot to any nearby Indian and Pakistani Mosque to place forehead on ground for physical prostration? This again confirms that meaning of Sajadah or Sujood here can NEVER be to place forehead on ground but to bow to Divine Law. You have told: word “black spot on the face” is mentioned in this verse but this is not correct. Linguistically, no any word “Black spot” appears in this relevant verse. Sectarian translators always twist translations in order to make fit-able in their some unsound beliefs. In Arabic Black mean “Aswad”. But do you see any word Aswad in this verse? No. We do not say that whole Quranic-translation of Dr. Mohammad Asad Ph.D is Correct but his translation is Comparatively better than others: Some times his commentary is interesting. His comments about YOUR POINT of verse 48:29 is interesting too, and is self-explanatory. We have posted it below because we think, it runs along with the spirit of Quran as one whole Book: This is just info for you.

      “The infinitive noun sujud (“prostration”) stands here for the innermost consummation of faith, while its “trace” signifies the spiritual reflection of that faith in the believer’s manner of life and even in his outward aspect. Since the “face” is the most expressive part of man’s personality, it is often used in the Qur’an in the sense of one’s “whole being”.(Quran Ref: 48:29 )”

      Also note that in verse 48:29, word “wujoohihim” is used which mean never Forehead but “their faces”. But you know, people who perform regularly Five Zoroastrian Namaz Rituals, they could have black mark (you seems influenced by this) on their foreheads. But Quran has not used word forehead. If it was about mark on forehead, then for sure Allah Jalla Aala, who does not have shortage of words, could have used word “jabeen” which appears in verse 37:103 for Ismael. In Arabic, “Jabeen” mean forehead. Fact is: as it appears in comments of Dr. Asad too, that People who love GOD and are always mindful about GOD and follow his laws sincerely and are Philanthropists 2:177; naturally have different face from other people who has forgotten God. For example: Many times when we met our friends and relatives after long time, we listened one person was whispering “Look noor at the face (Wujhe) of this man”. That kind of light and serenity on the faces of sincere servants of GOD come when they love GOD, bow to his laws and are mindful about GOD in all awaken condition until sleep takes control over them. To be mindful does not mean necessarily to move tongue all the time or use Masbaha or Misbaha which means prayer beads or rosary, all the times. You could be busy in your work but still could be mindful about God. And “mindfulness about God is that Cement which holds all bricks of your “building of Piety”. It is very very important. Every breath that comes in and out without his mindfulness is a Kaafir-Breath.

      Noble Quran 3:191 [and] who remember God when they stand, and when they sit, and when they lie down to sleep, and [thus] reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth: “O our Sustainer! Thou hast not created [aught of] this without meaning and purpose. Limitless art Thou in Thy glory! Keep us safe, then, from suffering through fire!

      In fact meaning of word “seemahum fee wujoohihim” mean “Special distinctive appearance of their faces”. Words “seemahum fee wujoohihim” of 48:29 are translated by following translators as under.

      By “The Clear Quran, Dr. Mustafa Khattab” has translated as “The sign ˹of brightness can be seen˺ on their faces”.

      By “[The Monotheist Group] (2011 Edition) “Their distinction is in their faces”.

      By Taqi Usmani “their distinguishing feature is on their faces”.

      By Dr. Shabbir Ahmed M.D.” “Their signs (of belief) are on their faces, the effects of adoration”

      By “Allama G A Perwaiz”. The inner peace and real happiness that they obtain as a result of this are apparent from their faces (83:24).

      Here verse 83:24 is one kind of exposition of words “seemahum fee wujoohihim ” of 48:29:

      Quranic verse 83:24 “TaAArifu fee wujoohihim nadrata alnnaAAeemi” 83:24 Upon their faces thou wilt see the brightness of bliss.

      There is another interesting point in verse 48:29 which is “and their description is in Enjeel too”. Now Enjeel came to Jesus and there is tons of evidence, that Jesus was strictly against Rituals. Relevant text and Reference about this point is already given in this page. You have to find out. Then how Jesus could forbid Rituals if that Rituals were ordained in Enjeel? That’s mean: No any Ritual was ordained in Enjeel. And Brightness on the faces of True followers of Enjeels were due to their bowing to laws of Enjeel and mindfulness of God. Historical record show: That the True Muslim followers of Jesus were Essene (Quran call them Hawariyoon in 3:52). The most reliable historical records of time of Jesus show: Essene never prayed Rituals but Dua and Meditation. They were hard workers and Philanthropists 2:177 and they were so dedicated Muslims that during Revolt against Romans; Roman tortured Essene beyond limits. They broke their limbs and burned their bodies but Essene during that all tortures, were laughing on Romans and spitting on their faces till last breath.

      Clearly, Translations of not all, but almost all sectarian translators who have used word “Mark on faces” is influenced by the Black marks of those people who pray Five Zoroastrian Namaz Rituals daily and got marks on foreheads. So in order to validate that their fantasy, they have used word “Mark” in translations but in fact meaning of words “”seemahum fee wujoohihim” mean “the distinctive appearance of their faces”. Because Rituals are built-in in the psyche of almost all translators, so they bend translation to satisfy their already built-in Psyche. Majority of translators also twist many others verses of Quran in order to reconcile translations with their some unsound beliefs. If you read our pages about life of Jesus or Jesus in Quran, you will know: how many verses has been twisted by these translators, deliberately.

      Other points: Prophet was Bound to follow Only Quran 6:114, 10:15, 6:19, 5:44. Prophet cannot guide any one to right path 28:56, 72:21, then how could he guide Sunni and Shia about the units of Rituals, text of Tashahud and Drood Ibrahimi that all never exist in Quran? Prophet left behind no any written manuscript except Quran. Also note that as per Sunni Hadith books (all forged gossip), there are 11 different versions of text of Mullah-Made Tashahud (that 11 versions are already given in this page). Shia has their own version of Call of prayers and Tashahud. Now just ponder; Could Prophet give Sunnis and Shia over a dozen brands of different text of Tashahud? Moreover; non-Quranic Drood Ibrahimi (Jaahil Arabs of today say it: Salat Ibrahimi) was forged by Buyid Persian Shia Ruler Moiz Doula when he was Ruler of Baghadad. That all clearly shows that 5 Namaz Rituals that were forged through fabricated hadith of Miraaj are like an internal combustion engine which was assembled using a few genuine but most of fake-spare parts/components. Also know: majority of Muslims especially in South Asia name that Five Rituals not Salat but “Namaz”. Word Namaz is not from Arabic nor it exists in Quran. Word Namaz is a Persian word which is also called by Persian Zoroastrians as Namaz or Gah or Bandagi which mean 5 Zoroastrian Namaz=Rituals.

      Now let test this point under logic and Rationality:
      1- Quran a Big book was delivered to Prophet by Wahi, then why text of Adhans of Shia and Sunni; and Units of Rituals of Shia and Sunnis were not given to Prophet along with Quranic wahi? What was Problem?
      2- If Prophet could receive whole Quran by Wahi, then why he was in need of to took ride on a flying Donkey Boraq (not in Quran) to meet GOD in any remote villa in Sky to receive 5 Rituals through fabricated hadith of Miraaj?
      3- Quran tells in 2:255, 2:115, 58:7, 50:16 that GOD is everywhere (Omnipresent) and his throne is extended to whole universe (2:255) and GOD is closer to Person than his neck-Vein 50:16 and GOD is present in every meeting of Humans 58:7 then why Prophet was in need of to take ride on that fabricated funny flying Donkey of Zoro Bukhari to receive 5 Rituals?
      4- GOD is everywhere, so in which direction you will Physically bow to him? Do not forget 2:177 tells: Directional Rituals facing Qiba in Mekka are useless but useful is Philanthropy.
      5- When GOD is closer to you than your neck-vein (50:16) in fact sitting inside you; then how will you physically Prostate him, Toward USA or RUSSIA or MEKKA or Vatican? Do you think, GOD is sitting only in that specific places? If you are extraordinary enthusiastic, then you can do maximum what “whirling dervishes” of Rumi do. We all see these whirling dervishes in TV and in sufi symposiums but majority of us never investigate, why theses dervishes whirl around Y-AXIS center of their own body? They do so because they know: Temple of God is in every human 50:16. So they just do circumambulation around that actual real temple but when Mansur Hallaj said so centuries ago; our silly Mullahs gave a Fatwa of Kuffar against him, and managed to hange him.

      From your comments also it appear: you have not read our this page fully. So please spare time and read this page fully w/o skipping any line. And we also remind you, Cave Hira where Prophet was Meditating when Wahi started to come.

      • Ahmad says:

        Answer by Team Factszz:
        After reading your comments we can notice your utter ignorance. You seem to us a typical Jaahil, blind-follower of Silly Mullahs and Satanic Imams who are misleading Muslims from 1200 years. What is in Quran is Islam and what is not in Quran is not Islam. A Muslim is absolutely not in need of to know about Prophet Mohammad PBUH and his Sahaba (Companions) more than what is given in Quran. Duty of Prophet was to deliver only Quran and not to explain Quran 29:18, 5:99, 42:48, 3:20, 10:15, 6:114. Because Quran is self-explanatory. Allah has used Tasreef in Quran 18:54; so verses explain each other in multifaceted forms. This is why, neither Prophet nor any Sahaba (companions) left behind any Book of Hadiths and Sunan except Quran. First time, concocted Stories of Bukhari were surfaced 250 years after Prophet, & Bukhari as Hard book was compiled first time by Ibn Hajar Asqalani around 1400 A.D., which mean ~800 years after Prophet. And that book is full of fabricated tales. We have read all hadith books of Shia and Sunni sects and that books are so big pile of lies; that, that pile is higher than Mount-everest of Himalaya. Companions and Prophet left behind only One Book and that is Quran, so Islam=Quran full Stop. Quran explains Every LAW that is required by Muslims 12:111, 16:89, 17:12. Quran is Book of Divine Law, and not Book of Harry Potter Stories. Prophet and all Companions used only Quran. Because Quran tells in 5:44 that all who make Islamic law from any extra-Quranic Book/source are Kaafirs. In 6:114 and 10:15, Allah told Prophet to follow only what is in Quran. And Prophet could not disobey order of his Lord. Prophet left behind no book except Quran. Quran as Hard book was present in hands of Prophet. For Proof: Read our Page about “Compilation of Quran”. Persian Hadiths imams forged many lies that Quran was compiled by Hafsa or was compiled by Uthman or was compiled by Abu Bakkar. Their conflicting reports are enough to prove that hadith imams were liars and gossip mongers. They made such stories in order to discredit Quran.

  11. Important Note: We answer only those questions which are rational and logical, and have not already been answered in this page by us. All nonsensical questions/comments posted by ignorant fanatics will be deleted instantly. Many brain-dead fanatics post their nonsensical rants here even without reading this page fully. Such insane idiots are instantly blocked by our Team. If your question is not answered by our team, then thats mean, either answer of your question has already been discussed within our this page, or your question was nonsensical-rant, so it was deleted.

  12. Thank you for your comments: From your comments. this is clear that you have not read this page fully or have skipped big chunk of this page. So we could end our answer here just by suggesting you, please read and also understand this page fully. But because you have contacted Dr. Abdu Samad (Senior Member of our team) so, we will try to answer your points that you have raised.

    Call for Salah: We suggest you to read those paras of this page where we have discussed, how non-Quranic Call of Rituals was evolved. When Quran does not give us detail about certain subject, that mean, detail was not required for that subject. It was not difficult for Allah to mention also one line of Text of Call of Payers of Sunni Sect and in other line call of prayer of Shia sect. But Allah has not given text of call of Salat in Quran, which mean it is optional to you what way you apply. i.e Quran does not tell how to bury dead with detail like depth of Grave, shape of Grave, direction of grave etc. That mean, detail are not required. Muslims are free to bury in any way. For inheritance, detail is given because it was necessary.

    Meeting and social gathering: Now Billions of Non-Muslims do meetings and organize social gathering. Do they take guidance from Book of Bukhari or from Quran? No. So God has given you brain and use it for such occasions. Your question are in fact not relevant to the core of this page which is: That Salat is not 5 Rituals. You have raised those points which have no significance and are non-issues. If Muslim Gov decides to make One or more centers in one city, they can take any step. Because Quran does not restrict you on this point. Muslim Ruler/shoora can fix time for such meetings and even Quran told 1400 years ago, Commercial contracts should be written down during an agreement. So if it is necessary, minutes can be recorded. Quran never forbids us for doing so. Quran gives you free choice.

    Cave Hira: Quran does not forbid you to read Bukhari, history or book of Harry Potter but Quran forbids you to make Islamic law from any extra-Quranic Book. We also post many hadiths and historical records in our pages for general info of reader but we never told Reader to make Islamic law from that extra-Quranic info/sources. History tells that Prophet used to meditate in Cave Hira. Let you and we both reject this historical report of Cave Hira for the moment. But does this rejection prove: Prophet was praying 5 Zoroastrian Namaz Rituals? No. If you will try to prove it from hadith books, then we will reject that books too because Prophet never certified any hadith book and all such books were concocted 250 years after Prophet and actual status of that books is not more than Crude historical crap written mostly by Yahood and Zoro hypocrites. So your point of Cave Hira is totally non-issue. We gave general info about Buddha and Jesus from historical records but let even if we reject that records; does it prove that Prophet was praying 5 Zoroastrian Rituals? No. Again your point is totally irrelevant to the core of subject. Your comments show, you have understood, that meaning of Salat is ONLY meditation. But we never said so. Salat is a System and in that system, mediation is its small but important part. Many Quranic verses depict Zikr/remembrance of God and that is meditation. Concerning methods, you can have any method. Go to Mosque and adore name of Hayi or sit in any silent corner of your house and meditate. There are countless methods of meditating upon GOD,. You can chose any one. if there was a specific method, for sure, Quran could have told you. You have repeated your argument that if God has given detail of inheritance then why not also detail for A B C D?

    If Allah has not given detail of B, that mean detail was not required. Just like forged hadiths tell you a complex method of Ghusal, do that and do this but Quran does not give you detail of Ghusal because it was not necessary. Just enter in bath-room and take Ghusal and come out. Should you expect, that Quran should also tell you which brand of Soap you have to use and what must be the temperature of water during Ghussal and how many liter water you can use for Ghusal? No. use your brain. There are billions non-Muslims who do Ghusal without reading book of Bukhari. Quran has not given detail of units of Sunni and Shia Rituals because Salat is not ritual. If Salat was a Ritual; God could have told us, how Shia should pray Rituals and how Sunnis should pray rituals. Quran 2:177 forbids you any kind of Rituals and 2:115, 58:7, 57:4, 50:16 further support stand of 2:177. 2:177 says: Rituals are useless but useful is to have Right faith and live as a Philanthropist. You have missed to read role of Masjid in Islam in our this page. Please read it again. Salat Juma is made Fard in Quran and that is salat meeting to address different issues of Community along with adoration of God. No any ritual is mentioned for Juma. Your repeated argument in your comments that because God has given detail of Inheritance, therefore; God should give you detail of “how to cook Chicken” too, is nonsensical argument. God gives detail where it is required and where it is not required, HU does not. We have already given example of Grave and burying method above. You can adore God in Masjid and also in silent corner of your house but you cannot make a community meeting in your House daily (not convenient), however you can have such meetings in Masjid. And we again suggest you to read this page fully w/o skipping any line. Your comments on non-issues show; after reading a small part of this page, you have jumped to conclusion

  13. Pingback: Vv imp link. Click Menu – QuranistAjm

    • Question you have posted, has already been discussed in depth in this page. Because you have asked a question without reading this page fully, So you do not deserve to be replied. People who have no time to read our work fully, has also no right to post questions here. As a policy, we answer only those rational and logical no-nonsense questions which are already not answered within our pages. People who say: We do not have time to read our pages fully, must have no right to ask a question. Such people are not sincere truth-seekers but they need info through short-cuts, and answer in short-cuts might be misleading sometimes. And we do not have time to repeat same point again and again and again- Thanks you. Allah Ma’ak

    • Your comments prove, you have posted your comments without reading this page fully because question you have posted is fully answered in this page in multifaceted forms. Why you want to make some thing Part of Islam which God has not made part of Islam?

      • —–
        fadexotixz: Your comments show: You have posted your comments without reading this page fully. Read the page fully before posting your comments

  14. Salam…
    I have read your site and try to understand but my English is not so do u have your site in Urdu or any one from Pakistan or India guide us.
    I try even google translator but it shows many means so as u said that understand as u mean it I stop and asking for u your Help because its a Sensitive Issue.

    Hope u read and help to guide me and other Muslims who cant understand English perfectly.

    • We are aware of your concern but sorry, for the time being we do not have enough time to translate our all work (exceeds 1000 book pages) into Urdu but say InshaAllah – In future

  15. I recently found this information on this site enlightening and the same time shocking to find such blatant lies found in hadiths. I have read about 2 of 10 of the contents here and Inshaa Allah, i will continue to read more.

    This information is very overwhelming for me especially when you spent your whole life praying, fasting and paying zakat only to find out that I have been doing it wrong.

    So, how do we offer prayers then and how should we pray? I sometime pray Tahajjud. How do we ask for help from Allah (SWT) in time of distress and misfortune?

    • Brother: you have raised some questions at the end of your message but we have already discussed answers of your questions in this page fully in depth. This shows: you have not read this page fully. Like many other readers, you could have read a few para and then jumped to your questions. This our page answers all questions about Salat. Besides, we never told anyone not to fast. Fasting in Ramadan is made mandatory by Allah. We must follow it. Latest research from non-Muslim Western Universities shows: fasting regenerates whole Immune system of your body. So at the end of Ramadan, your body is brand new and ready to fight all kind of bad viruses for next 12 months. We request you not just read but also understand this page fully. Do not skip any line. Thanks

  16. Yes, I know brother that you didn’t tell not to fast. I forget to mention that what I meant that I have doing fasting wrong my whole life is when in one of the video you mentioned that The Holy Quran said to about timing for breaking fast in regard to thin thread visible in the horizon. And to break fast it would be at the time of Isha prayer which would be a night time not during magrib time.

    I have read again some of your pages and you provided some website and pdf links in image. It is not hyperlink format.

    If I may ask, why not use an independent domain without the name wordpress in it?
    I can contribute some financial help for you to take a domain and hosting. We can take domain from —–
    I can buy for you for 3 years contract. It would cost around 225 Euro including domain name. This much I can offer as I am unemployed and inshaa Allah when I have a job, I can assist you more.
    I tried to look up domain like deen.com , onepath.com. divineway.com, divinepath.com, realislam.com, divinewayoflife.com but all are taken.

    I am thinking to translates all your works into another languages like in Indonesian and Bangali. And also in many more language That’s my plan in the future Inshaa Allah. Of course this need money to get some professional to translate those pages in which I will try to fund in the future.

    • Thank you brother. May Allah reward you for your good intentions and Grant you more Rizk. Our many Muslims do not realize that Islam is very simple but our Mullahs and Imams has made Islam a complex difficult dogma (especially for converts/reverts). Fasting is so simple in Quran. Dawn to Dusk. Refrain from eating and drinking from Dawn to Dusk. Dawn time can easily be detected, and and sunset time is known by everyone. Besides; Quran forbids sex when person is fasting. If a Person is unable to fast. he can manage feed hungry or spend money on him, and if Person is healthy but he missed fast due to long journey or as a result of temporarily Sickness, he can fast for missing days after Ramadan. This is all the fasting. But Mullahs will tell you, which Dua to read before fasting and after fasting, and break fast with date or Zam Zam etc and many other things which are not part of Islam. In same way, Hajj is a little more than to pay visit to Masjid al-Haraam. Quran never ordains any Rituals in Hajj nor ordains to throw stones on freak Satan nor it says to kiss black stone or make 7 circles around Cube of Cement and bricks. That all are rites of Pre-Islamic Arabs. Many People do not know that Arabs used to pray Rituals facing Kaaba and used to do Hajj even before landing of Quran. But we Muslims must follow only those rites which Quran orders us, and not of pre-Islamic Arabs. Islam is simple and we should keep it simple. Prophet was BOUND to follow from within Quran 6:114, 10:15, 6:19, 50:45. All what we have published on-line so far exceeds 1000 book-pages at wordpress. To buy another domain is not an issue but main issue is security. You know: We have tons of fanatics always among we Muslims who will be ready even to take your life if you differ with them a little. Due to that Security Problem, Our team cannot do many things which we wish to do. If you can manage to translate these pages, it will be indeed a great help. However we keep updating our all pages frequently and that could be an hurdle for translation.

  17. I just realised now that the picture of flying donkey with female face here is strikingly similar to Persian winged bull. Just type ” persian winged bull ” or ” Lamassu “.
    In wikipedia, it ‘s mentioned a Lamassu is an Assyrian protective deity, often depicted as having a human head, the body of a bull or a lion, and bird wings. In some writings, it is portrayed to represent a female deity.

    • Dear Alex: we have read your comments, and have found in your comments nothing except totally useless babbling of a fool who has been badly infected by a Dangerous virus which is called “Mullah”. Your comments show that you have posted your nonsensical rants and cacophony even without reading and understanding our this page FULLY because all the points which you have mentioned are already answered in this page rationally in multifaceted forms. We answer only those no-nonsense RATIONAL questions which are already not answered in our this page. We do not waste our time with morons. Have a Good day.

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