What was age of Aisha R.A when Last Prophet married her?

Marriage Age of Aisha RA according to Zoroastrian Bukhari, Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64: Narrated ‘Aisha: that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death).

Please note that all reports about 6/9 yrs marriage age was fabricated by Shia of Basra and Koofa Iraq, and Criminal Zoroastrian Persian Imams authors of hadith books have added this slander in their evil books happily. Many Muslims are unaware that vast Majority of teachers of Bukhari were from Kufa and Basra, Iraq, and among those, some his teachers were Shia. For example: a teacher of Bukhari, Fadhl bin Dukain Al-Kufi” was a bitter Sabaite Shia. It is given in “Siyar A’lam Nubala, and “Mezan al-A’tadal” of Dhahabi that Fadhl bin Dukain Al-Kufi was a Shia. Bukhari’s many narrators were Shia. First of all, that all reports of six/nine years Marriage-age story are forged reports; secondly: Almost all narrators of that reports were Shia from Iraqi cities Kufa and Basra. None is from Mecca or Madina. We do not see this forged report in Muwatta of Malik. Books of Bukhari and Muslim, and other four Sunni books, are full of narrations of Shia Fadhal bin Dukain Al-Kufi. Therefore; it will not be unjust to say that Shia and Sunni are two faces of same rusty rotten coin = Sectarianism. Glorious Quran forbids Sects repeatedly 3:103-105, 6:159. A Great Book that every wise Muslim on this planet MUST read is Persian conspiracy against Islam 1– Sufyan bin sa’eed Al-Thori Al-Kufi 2– Sufyan bin Ainia/Uyayna Al-Kufi 3– Ali bin Mas’har Al-Kufi 4– Abu Mu’a-via Al-Freed Al-Kufi 5– Wa’ke’a bin Bakeer Al-Kufi 6– Younas bin Bakeer Al-Kufi 7– Abu Salama Al-Kufi 8– Hammad bin Zaid Al-Kufi 9– Abdah bin Suleman Al-Kufi 10– Hammad bin Salmah Al-Basri 11– Jafar bin Suleman Al-Basri 12– Hammad bin Sa’eed Al-Basri 13– Wa’hab bin Khalid Al-Basri.

Ref: Majority of these 13 Ravies (narrators) was of Shia hypocrites and some other Shia were hidden under taqiya like Hammads. Please refer to following book for reference. Names of that 13 thugs are given in following book at Book-page  47 (in pdf toolbar at page 24/74). Also note: That there were hundreds of other narrators of Zoroastrian Bukhari who were ardent Shia. All Good reader of Islamic history know well that Shia-sect has enmity with First Caliph Abu Bakar RA and his family. And Aisha RA was also from family of Caliph Abu Bakar RA. This report of 6/9 year marriage age was forged deliberately in order to defame Aisha RA: Age_of_Aisha_Pdf

We always talk logically and rationally, so let now, we discuss this subject rationally, too.

Sufyan bin Sa’eed al-Thori Al-Kufi also some time called just Sufyan al-Thori (ath-thouri) is among those narrators whom names can be seen in those reports of Six Sunni Books in which it is said that Prophet at age of 52 married a six year baby. There were some fanatic who labeled him as Amir-ul-MomiNeen of So called hadiths but this their Amir-al-MomiNeen of Hadiths also used to fabricate hadiths thru Tadlis. Meaning of to be Amir-ul-MomiNeen of extra-Quranic hadiths is to be Amir-ul-MomiNeen of gossipy hearsay stories which neither Prophet nor Four guided Caliphs certified . By DNA, Sufyan Saeed was a Shia. Tabari, wrote in “Biographies of the Prophet’s Companions and Their Successors” that at the beginning, Sufyan bin Sa’eed was a Shia but later, after meeting  Ibn ‘Awn, he left Shia-cult.” And Dhahabi has also mentioned his Shia-hood in in his Book “Syer Nubala” which is quoted below: (However, God knows better if he left Shia-ism from heart or not or he concealed himself under Shiite-Taqiya). Abu Ubaydah al-Ajri said he heard Abu Dawood saying that he has no differences with Sufyan except more than 50 hadiths he narrated which were in fact not hadiths but only his own words (mean: he fabricated those more than 50 hadiths). Dhahabi wrote in Mizan-al-Atdal” that he and Sufyan bin Aynayna used to concoct hadith by Tadlis. “Ibn Qutayba and Ib Rasta said: Sufyan Seed Al-Thori was a Shia In “Fehrist, Ibn Nadim wrote: Sufyan Seed Al-Thori was a Zaydi Shia. History books show: He was indeed a Zaydi Shia (Tafsir Sufyan al-Thori, Page 14, published by Dar-al-Kutab al-ilmia, Beirut, Lebanon). Please note: Shiite nakedly abuse and hate Aisha RA, and Caliph Abu Bakar RA. Being a True Dedicated Muslims (no sects), We cannot write here words of that exremely hateful nakedly abusive language which Shia use against them from centuriesAnother narrator of Zoro Bukhari about six/nine year marriage-age story, is Sufyan bin Aynayna. Six Sunni books of Hadiths are full of narrations of Sufyan bin Aynayna. Shia websites show him as a Zaydi Shia. Ibn Nadim in his book “Fehrist” also shows that both, Sufyan Sa’eed Al-Thori (already discussed above), and Sufyan bin Aynayna as Zaydi Shia. There are hadiths narrated by Sufyan bin Aynayna which scholars of “Jarah and Tadil” like Dhahabi has declared fabricated. One such forged hadith will be posted in this page. Here, it is crystal clear that six Sunni books of Hadiths are full of Zaydi Shia narrators. Some time it seems, that Sunni sect is another offshoot of Shia sect. Jafaf Sadiq (a big Shia Imam) was teacher of Abu Hanifa al-Kufi, and Imam Malik. During life time of Abu Hanifa, people even told him that being a Persian, he is ally of Persian Zoroastrians. We also read in Fehrist that Imam Shafi’i was an ARDENT Shia. Mullah Ali Qari writes in his book “Mujahid al-Monafiq Ahmed Ibn Hanbal” that though apparent, Ibn Hanbal was a vanguard of Islam but in truth, he was an hypocrite and a bitter Shia”. So every thing seems mixed-up and ups-down. This is the reason: Sunni books of Hadiths are indeed full of those reports which were narrated by Shiite. For example: Mahdi is a fable of Shia which later infused in books of Sunni sect. We have discussed in depth about the fable of Mahdi at our following page: http://wp.me/p4GOwI-d1 Also we read that in last years of his life, perhaps in 197H, Sufyan bin Aynayna realized that to narrate extra-Quranic hadiths is an offence against Book of Allah Noble Quran 6:114. Therefore; he stopped to narrate any extra-Quranic Hadith. (reference is posted below). But when he stopped to narrate hadiths; Sunni guys spread rumor that he has lost his mental balance, but Dhahahi has rejected this slander against him. In fact, as per Quran 6:114, 5:44, all who make Islamic law (Sharia law) from extra-Quranic books/hadiths are declared by Allah, as Kaafirs. There is also one similar story about Sufyan Sa’eed al-Thori that in last years of his life, he said: I will stick to only Quran now. We read in Book of Professor Aslam Jairapuri at page 68/211, as follow:

“Imam Sufiyan bin A’niyyah (who died in 198 A.H.), used to say: I wish this knowledge (Ahadeeth) had been a basket full of glasses, and had it fallen, breaking into pieces, then at least I would have been rid of its buyers. On one occasion he said, that he who wishes to be enemies with me, may Allah make him Muhaddath. One day he said to a group of Ahadeeth experts that had Hazrat Umar seen us both, he would have whipped us. Like Imam Sh’aba, he too was wary of Muhaddath. To get away from the crowd of seekers of Ahadeeth he went back to his ancestral village, Mael Akhzar, and used to say that had Ahadeeth been good, it would have kept decreasing and not continued to multiply.” (Book: “The Status of Hadeeth in Islam Through the Quranic and Historical Perspective”,  by Ghulam Ahmad Parwez  and Muhammad Aslam Jairajpuri, page 68/211)

“Imam Sufyan Suri (he is Sufyan Sa’eed Al-Thori or Ath-Thori – died in 161 A.H.) used to say with regret, what good is that knowledge in which having spent sixty years, the only wish now is that I should have come out safely and neither had torment nor reward. He once said that if Ahadeeth had been a good thing, then they would not have increased with each passing day”. (Book: “The Status of Hadeeth in Islam Through the Quranic and Historical Perspective”,  by Ghulam Ahmad Parwez  and Muhammad Aslam Jairajpuri, Page 68/211).”.

Above-mentioned Book is an excellent work; and we suggest you all to read it fully after downloading it from following links. Book in English: https://wp.me/a4GOwI-3yu Book in Urdu: https://wp.me/a4GOwI-3yu Another Narrator for 9 year age marriage story is Hammad bin Zayd bin Dirhm, the freed slave of the family of Jareer bin Haazm al-Jahdami. His Kunya: Abu Ismaeel. His Nickname: al-Azraq. His hometown was al-Basrah. His grandfather was one of Sijistan’s captives (a Persian). His father, Zayd was the slave of Haazm, abu Jareer. When Haazm died, he was manumitted by Haazm’s sons, Yazeed and Jareer. Please note that he was teacher of Sufyyan bin Uyayna; and as mentioned above, Sufyyan bin Uyayna was a Zaidi/Zaydi Shia.

Another Narrator for 9 year age marriage story is Hammad bin Salmah. It is written in “Tahdeeb al-Kamal” of Hafiz Mutaqan Yusuf al-Mazi (died 742H), in volume 07, at page 264 (Publisher: Mu’assa’sa Risala) that Hammad bin Salmah married one woman and had no kids. then he continued to marry, and he married 70 women, but no kids. He was an Hadith Fabricator who fabricated over 10K hadiths. He has narrated many hadiths which are blasphemous lies. Dhahabi wrote: “I heard Abbad bin Shuhayb saying: Hammad didn’t memorize (traditions) and it was said that the traditions were inserted in his books. it was said that ibn Abul Awja’, who was Hammad’s stepson, inserted traditions in his books. Neither Prophet nor Four Caliphs left behind even one hadith; then from where did he bring 10K hadiths! Muslim of Sahih-Muslim objected Bukhari for accepting his narrations.Now let we talk about another narrator given in above list of thirteen as “Abu Mu’avia al-Freed”. We copied this name from English Book of Mr Kandehlvi (may Allah sanctify his soul). But after going to Arabic names of Narrators, we found, he is not Abu Mu’avia al-Freed but is Abu Mu’avia al-Dareer from Kufa. If al-Dareer is not typed clearly, “D-aad” can look like “F-aa”, and “R-aa” can look like “D-aal”. So it can be read by mistake as Al-Freed instead of al-Dareer. We read in Tahdheeb al-Tahdheeb of Ibn Hajar and in “Mezan al-A’tadal of al-Dhahabi” that this guy was also a Shia, a big Shia Supporter. Author of one very well known book on Rijal “Tahdeeb-al-Kamal“, Hafiz Mutaqan Al-Mazi used for work of Abu Muavia, Arabic word “Khabeetha”, which is very bad word. Abu Muavia was also called Mudalis. Who concocts stories, and converts those into hadiths. Ibn Kharash said: for al-A’amash he is thiqa but for all others he is disturbance. He never remembers in a good way. And Hakim of Mustadrak said: Objected Shaykhain due to his affiliation with Shia. After Bukhari and Nasai; now we mention one report of Sahih-Muslim in which marriage of Aisha RA is shown at the age of six/Nine years. Narrators of this report are Abd-bin Hameed, Abd-ar-Razzaq, M’ammar, and Zuhri. First of all, It is quite possible that a Forger fabricated Matan of hadith, and then he forged Chain/Isnad, and added names of narrators who could have never said that Matan of Hadiths. This was the usual way of hadith forgers. For example: Hadith forger can add in chain your name and our name, and can attach any forged story with our names.

However, for the sake of argument, even if we assume that chain was true, then we must know that: many experts of “Jarah and Ta’dil” has labeled Ma’ammar as unreliable, and Zuhri as one hadith-forger who confessed many times that he was forced by Rulers/Princes to forge hadiths. He was Zuhri who forged hadith of two Qibla Qiblatain under pressure of Omayyad Caliphs. Read full proof of confession of Zuhri at the end of our page “Compilation of Quran”. Abd-ar-Razzaq is strongly contested by Shia that he was their man. Even Shia sites place name of Abd-Razzaq in list of Shia narrators. Also Dhahabi has written in “Syer a’laam Nubala” that indeed Abd-ar-Razzaq was a Shia. Proof is posted below.

Also note: In preface, author of Sahih-Muslim “Muslim bin Hajjaj” wrote “Not every thing in my book is Sahih because he has collected those reports which were popular folklore among people”. It is same “Sahih-Muslim” which says: Prophet said: All black dogs are Devil – A Fabricated Joke which is attached to the name of Great Man 68:4 Mohammad(s). Another narrator among above-given thirteen is Hammad bin Sa’eed. Dhahabi wrote in his book “Mezan al-A’tadal” and Ibn Hajar wrote in his Book “Lisan al-Mizan“, that near Bukhari, Hammad bin Sa’eed is Munkar, so is not acceptable. He is weak.Name of Hammad bin Sa’eed is also given in “Du’fa’a-al-Kabir” (Weak narrator) of Aqili Makki.

Another Narrator is Yunas bin Bakeer. Many traditions narrated by him, are that crap which stinks more than dead dogs. He is another Forger from Kufa, Iraq. He was ally and employee of Minister of Bramkid Yahya bin Khalid, and used to forge hadith as per his advice. Ja’far ibn Yahya Barmaki, Jafar al-Barmaki was a Persian vizier of the Arab Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid, succeeding his father in that position. He was a member of the influential Barmakid Zoroastrian family. Some ancestors of Yahya were also Buddhists. Yunas bin Bakeer was beloved narrator of Zoro Bukhari because ancestors of Bukhari were also Zoroastrians. Yunas bin Bakeer narrated many hadiths from Abu Hurairah who took that fabricated hadith from Pseudo Convert Rabbi K’ab al-Ahbar who was king of hadith forgers. All such hadiths are 101% forged lies about Dajjal, Nabi Isa, and stoning a fornicator/Rajm. In short, Younas bin Bakeer was a big Kufi Liar. “Concerning Nine year marriage story, “Qabisa bin Uqaba” is another narrator of Zoro Bukhari. We read in “Tahdeeb al-Tahdeeb” of Ibn Hajar that all hadiths which Qabisa narrated in Bukhari, Muslim, and in other hadith books, were narrated by Qabisa from Sufiyan (a weak narrator/a forger). In Siyar Nubala of Dhahabi we read: a big expert of Hadith Literature Yahya bin Mu’in said: All hadiths which Qabisa has narrated from Sufiyan are not acceptable. He used to narrate hadith from a weak narrator Sufiyan, and Yahya bin mu’in and Abu Khaythmah did not accept his such narrations. Besides; he heard those from Sufiyan when he was a small boy. Narrated by Hanbal from Abu Abd-Allah who said: Qabisa was a lot wrong and was small boy. Qadi/Judge Abd-al-Haq said: I do not hesitate to say that due to many mistakes in narrations of Qabisa, I cannot use those in verdicts.”

This also proves, all Hadiths in Bukhari and Muslim about 9 year age Marriage, are blatant forgeriesQabisa lived in era of Mamun Rashid when hadith forgery was at peak. Majority of that narrators were liars and forgers; and the Greatest Forgers were Imams who compiled that books of hadiths 250 years after the death of Prophet in order to distort Islam; and to defame Great man Mohammad(s) 68:4 through their forged ridiculous stories. Fool Fanatic who think that reports stuffed in hadith books are authentic/Sahih are the greatest brain-dead donkeys of Universe. Quranic verse 7:179 indeed addresses this kind of sheepish-donkeys:

We read in well known book “Tahdeeb al-Kamal” of Hafiz Mutaqan Al-Mazi, in Juz 28 at page 308, that Ma’mmar bin Rashid used to narrate also from Hamaam bin Munnibah. However, many critics in Jarah and Tadil say: Rabbi K’ab Al-Ahbar, Rabbi Wehb bin Munnibah, and Hamaam bin Munnibah were Pseudo convert-hypocrites, and they forged countless hadiths & Tafsir-stories too. Abu Hurairah used to spread their fabrications among people. Never miss to read our page “Biography of Abu Hurairah”.Please also note: To declare a Narrator Truthful or a Liar is also subjective. Many narrators which are declared Truthful, could be in fact Liars and forgers. Following Picture explains this point fully: But it is pity that over 97% blindly following Muslims and Impostor so called Muslim scholars / Mullahs insist that this fabrication is Correct because it is in Bukhari. They believe that Zoroastrian hypocrite Bukhari was an infallible superman and no any mistake and error could be in his evil book. They place Bukhari’s evil book as authentic as Book of Allah Jalla Aala Glorious Quran. Bukhari fabricated his Book 250 years after the death of Prophet with fake matans and fake Isnad in order to harm Islam, to create sects and to bypass Quranic laws. Reader can see at you-tube many Muslim fanatic youtubers and impostor Mullahs with even Doctoral Degrees who spend hours in their videos to tell people that 9 yrs marriage report in Evil book of Bukhari is Sahee/Correct and according to them Prophet at the age of 53 did sex with 9 year Girl. They offer you many lame excuses for this, for example, Arab is hot land, girl become there adult at 9 yrs age [a big lie]. In order to cover up one lie of Bukhari, our freak Mullahs has been telling billions of lies from 1200 yrs. Just ask any Mullah that are you agreed to marry your 9 year daughter with a man of 52 years age?  Not even one Mullah will agree.A person sent us this information “The town Bukhari was from Bukhara, and it was a Jewish town, they were called Yahudiyoni Bukhorī, look it up”. Please note “Bukhari” belonged to that town. When we investigated, what that person has said, was found true. You can read further on this subject in following links:


So, now we can understand, why is book of Bukhari full of Israʼiliyyat. Tons of stories which we find in Books of Sunni and Shia sects were in fact copied from Jewish Talmud and corrupted Bible.

Like, Roman Tentmaker Saul later called Paul, who invented dogma of Christianity, belonged to Tarsus (now in Turkey). During the life of Paul, Tarsus was GHQ (General Headquarter) of Pagan cult Mithraism. This is the reason: Pauline Christianity is heavily influenced by Mithraism. Morse (1999) lists 23 similarities between Mithraism and Christianity. Reader is suggested to read this small but very good free pdf book on “Mithraism and Christianity”. This book contains 45 pages only.All stories in Bukhari and Muslim, and in other hadith books about nine year age marriage end up at the name of Hisham bin Arwa who was also teacher of Imam Malik. in Madni life-period. Hisham bin Arwa lived in Madina and took debt from Omayyad Government to marry her daughter. But soon after that, Abbasid overthrew Omayyad GOV, and circumstances were changed. Now Hisham bin Arwa left Madina and went to Iraq. He requested Abbasid Caliph Mansur to help him for, to payback the debt he had taken during Omayyad GOV but he was not helped as he wished, instead he was insulted. At that time Hisham bin Arwa was over 71 years age, and his memory and health was very poor.

Due to this reason, almost all Experts of Jarah and Tadil say: all narrations which came from Iraq in the name of Hisham bin Arwa must not be accepted. And all narration of nine year marriage age which are connected with the name of Hisham bin Arwa are narrated by Iraqi’s from two Iraqi cities, Kufa and Basra. Besides; almost all narrators of that nine year age-marriage story are Shia who hate Aisha RA and Abu Bakar RA. When Hisham bin Arwa was living in Madina; he used to say: “If you receive 1000 hadiths/narrations from Iraq; throw 990 away, and suspect the remainder 10”. Imam Malik who was among top students of Hisham bin Arwa has concocted a Book called Mowatta. We do not see any clue of nine year age-marriage story in Mowatta. Because that reports about 9 year age marriage are narrated mostly by Shia narrators, therefore; there is highly probability that Hisham bin Arwa could have never said such reports but Shia gang who forged these hadiths just added name of Hisham bin Arwa in Chain/Isnaad (like story of Ahmed bin Hanbal and Yayha bin Ma’in when they attended Salat Juma in a Mosque). We read from Dhahabi’s “Syer al-A’lam al-Nubala” in Part 6, at page 34-47, Publisher: Mu’assasa Risala, Tahqiq by Shu’aib Arnot; as under:

TRUTH: Oldest/Earliest historical sources of Islam show that Aisha RA was in fact sister of Abu Bakkar & was wife of martyr Saleh bin Saleh Ataib. Saleh was martyred in a battle & companions requested Prophet to marry her. So he married her when she was 48 yr old & age of Prophet was ~52 yr & he was w/o any wife frm 3 yr since the death of Khadija R.A. This is truth & all other stories we find in fabricated hadith books of Persians are forged by criminal sabaite shia and Zoroastrians but majority of our brainless clerics believe in the forged stories of Majoosi Irani imams of 9 yr age. These Irani Zoroastrian Imams have also fabricated many other reports in their hadith books about wives of prophet such as Maria from Alexandra Egypt. All crusaders and Atheists always launch theirs slanders on Prophet which are based on these forged hadiths of Bukhari and others. But the most trustworthy witness is witness of Allah; and Allah has witnessed in Noble Quran that Prophet Mohammad  THE EXALTED used to have the BEST CONDUCT. And a person with such high conduct at age of 52 can never have sex with 9 years girl, So a wise person must never believe in slanders of enemies of Islam & fabricated stories of Persian Zoroastrian hadith Imams but in witness of Allah.4c9XjjjReference: Read at page 151 at: True History and False Beliefs. This free Book can be read/downloaded at following link:


During a debate at you-tube, following was our response to a Hater English Lady who was badly abusing Islam & Last Prophet of GOD. She was placing slander of pedophilia on the greatest man; & that her slander was based  on fabricated hadith of Zoroastrian Bukhari which is already quoted at the beginning of this page.Picture1

Never miss to read our page “True history of Hadiths and Sunna, at: http://wp.me/p4GOwI-6e

Satan & are misguiding Muslims, as  is Church misguiding Christians from 2000 year & Talmudic Rabbis are deceiving Jews. It is not all fault of you mad hater woman but founding fathers of these slanders against Islam, Quran & Last Prophet are Persian Zoroastrian Imams of hadith Books who fabricated millions of lies 250-400 years after the death of last Prophet & later labelled all these lies as Hadiths (Sayings of Prophet) of Prophet. God in Quran witnessed that Prophet Mohammad was with the BEST MORAL & CONDUCT; then how such a great man will marry a 6 or 9 year girl at the age of 53 years & provide fuel to Islamic Haters to launch slander of pedophilia against him? Yes, not Quran but It was Chief of Criminals Zoroastrian Bukhari and other Persian Parsi Hadith Imams of defeated Persia who fabricated slanders against the Best Man Mohammad the Exalted that he married at age of 53 years 9 year girl. So It was no one but Criminal Bukhari who placed slander on Last Prophet for pedophilia.

But our Mullahs and Imams follow these fabricated Hadith Books of Persian Imams blindly & place Quran aside who tells, that Prophet Mohammad was a person with BEST MORAL AND BEST ethics.

When we dive deep, we know, that all the 11 narrators of 9 years marriage story of Aisha RA were Shia infidels, 9 from Koofa city of Iraq and 2 from Basra city of Iraq. Ask us for their names, If you want. And all know, that shia infidels abuse Aisha RA and his Dad Abu Bakar RA from 1200 years.

We cannot just blame the haters who made movies against Islam such as innocence of Muslims because all material that these haters has used in their evil movies comes from Forged Hadith Books of Persian Zoroastrian Imams, the book “Seera” of Jewish biographer Ibne Ishaque, and fake history book of Majoosi hypocrite Tabari. But our bloody fool Mullah love Ibne Is’haque, Tabari & Satanic Books of Hadiths. 2nd Fiqa Imam Malik declared Ibne Is’haque a Kaafir. BukhariTimeLineAge of Aisha RA was 48 year

Oldest History Book of Islam “Dala’ail min Nabouwat-e- SyedeNa Mohammad PBUH” by Abdul Jabar, written 150 years even before Majoosi Tabari, says, that Aisha RA was widow of a Martyr Saleh bin Saleh Ataib. After the death of First wife Khadeeja RA, Prophet did not marry for three years. Companions of Prophet requested Prophet to Mary Aisha RA who was 48 years old and was widow of martyr Saleh bin Saleh Ataib. At that time age of Prophet was 52 years. So Prophet agreed for this marriage. One of the main reasons was also to support an honorable widow. Ask us for reference if u need it.

What is Truth, it is:

1- Whole Islam is finalized in last testament of GOD “Quran” that is final edition of all scriptures & is successor and superseder of Torah and Bible. When Last Prophet died, he left behind only WRITTEN Quran by scribes and left behind no any even his one hadith in written form. In fact Prophet forbade to write any of his hadith except revelations of GOD of Quran. This ban continued by 4 Guided Caliphs too. So what is in Quran is Islam &  what is not in Quran is not part of Islam.

2- In year 636 A.D there were 2 superpowers on planet, Romans & Persian Zoroastrians. Legend Muslim Generals like Khalid bin Waleed bulldozed these both superpowers in 636 A.D with gap of just 6 months between both.

3- Persians felt deep humiliation for their defeat, as they lost their Millennia Empire in the hands of Muslims in the battle field of Qadsia, and Walaja, in which their almost whole Army was slaughtered by Muslim Soldiers.

4- After defeat, Persian Zoroastrians made plan, to join Muslims in order to harm them to take revenge from Islam. *For this purpose they prepared Pseudo Zoroastrian Imams like Bukhari, ImamMuslim, AbuDaud, Ibne Maja, Nisaae, Tirmzi & Yaqoob Kilani of Shia Al-Kafi. All Persian, no one Arab. They gave them duty to forge Matan and Chains of millions of Hadiths against Islam during Abbasid Period 750-1258 A.D. Their Books are full of Crap & one crap in that Books is to prove the BEST MAN Mohammad the exalted as pedophilia by forging 9 year marriage story. They also attacked Protected Quran by saying that a Part of Quran has been eaten by Goat (Criminal Ibne Maja). They forged hadith of Miraaj in order to blend 5 daily Namaz Rituals of Zoroastrians into Islam around 773 A.D. For this purpose, they utilized Queen Khaizran who was Zoroastrian Mother of Caliph Harun Rasheed Abbasi. In this way, they turned the table of Islam at 180 degree and converted DEEN of Islam into Satanic Religion of Mullahs and Imams. Deen mean Divine System of life. This is why we do not see any units any details of 5 Namaz Prayers in Complete and dully detailed Quran. Salaat of Quran is never 5 Rituals. We have discussed this point in detail at our main page & url of our main-page is given at the end of this page.Quran33_32_33PlusFullNote

5- Three hundred years, after the death of Prophet, Persian Zoroastrians started all-out Ideological war against Islam by forging over 4 million hadiths. In which they placed countless slanders on Islam & Quran and Prophet. They fabricated mutually conflicting stories of compilation of Quran to discredit Quran. For example, Quran which is Islamic law, says, during Mensuration, do not sleep with lady but Evil Bukhari tells you, Prophet slept. Had Prophet gone against commandments of Quran? Out of Question. Quran says, on the last day, all Good and bad deeds will be weighed and who has more good deeds, will go to paradise & other to Hell. But Zoroastrian Bukhari says, who say only La Ilaha ILL-Allah will go to paradise even if he commits millions murders daily. Quran says, for marriage, see three things. Must be adult, Must be able to sign commercial agreement, and must be able to earn at Job. But Evil Bukhari says, Prophet at age 53 years, married 6 or 9 year Girl. Had Prophet violated Laws of Quran? Out of Question. Besides; reader must note that Zoroastrian Bukhari has not insulted just Aisha R.A & defamed Last Prophet by this fabricated lie of 6 or 9 years marriage story but Bukhari has also insulted all ladies of Universe. Dear reader: Do not forget and our and your mothers are/were also ladies and Mother of all Prophets were also ladies. Let we read below, what this Fire-shipper Bukhari says about woman but before quoting Bukhari we want to highlight the truth which is:

Last Prophet said in Last Sermon: O men: Take care of Women. They have right upon you and you have right upon them. Fear Allah in the matters of Women. They are your life partners.

Second-Last Prophet of Islam Isa PBUH said: O man! After GOD the most respectable near you is your mother.

Quran clearly respects and protect woman more than man. Quran ordains to beat 80 stripes to that evildoer who places slander on a chaste lady. During dispute between Wife and Husband, in Court, Quran ordains man to say: “Be Curse(La’nat) of Allah upon me if I am a liar” 24:7 but Quran ordains Lady to say: Be Allah Angry(Ghadab. Curse is not used for lady) upon me me if I am a liar, mean if my husband’s claim against me is true 24:9″. An intelligent truth seeker can judge here up to what extent Noble Quran is subtle and precise in using words in verses. Quran has avoided word La’anat for lady here. This is why Nabi Isa said. Respect woman as she is Divine Temple & the most precious ornament of universe.

Now we See what Criminal Bukhari says about Woman:A woman, an ass and a dog disrupt the prayer, but something like the back of a saddle guards against that. (Sahih Muslim, Book 004, Number 1034)So this another Zoroastrian Pseudo hadith imam has equated Woman to ASS & Dog. Curse of Allah is already dropping on those Mushriks who follow this crap of Persians. 

Do not forget to read many more fabricated hadiths against woman by these Criminal Zoroastrian hypocrite Persian Imams at the end of this page.

6- Message to Jews and Christians:

Brothers & Sisters, U all are Muslims of past whom Satan has sent astray. When U come back to Islam, U are not convert but revert, as U are coming back to your own original home. If U love Moses, then follow path of Moses because path of Moses was none but Islam. If U really love Jesus, then follow path of Jesus because path of Jesus was none but Islam. One GOD has only one path, that was preached by all prophets even Moses and Jesus and that is Islam.

It was not Moses but Talmudic Rabbis who converted name of a tribe JUDA into Judaism 1500 years after death of Moses. It was NEVER EVER Jesus but Mithraist Paul who manufactured the biggest dogmatic fiction of mankind history and named it Christianity, loaded with blasphemies of son-ship and Trinity.

It is our sincere advice to all Christian and Jew bothers and sisters, that return to ur original Home Islam. We in that home are standing at threshold waiting for you with open arms carrying rings of flowers for you to welcome you. Come back please. Brothers & sisters come back to ur own home, home of Moses and home of Jesus. Enough is Enough, Centuries are gone, now come back.MajorityAndTruthBelow are some fabricated Hadiths of Persian Zoroastrian Imams that insult & degrade woman. That lies were forged 250-400 years after the death of last Prophet; and at the beginning of each lie Persian Zoroastrian Imams attached “Qaala Rasool-Allah” mean “Prophet Said” & labeled that forged lies as Hadith of Prophet. Hadith Matans were forged and chains of narrations were forged too skillfully >>>> but to know big truth, do not forget to read following great Islamic page. True history of #Hadith. A MUST reading for all Muslims; & Non-Muslims who R interested in Theology.

Allah’s Apostle said, “If at all there is bad omen, it is in the horse, the woman, and the house.” (Sahih, Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 32). Note: Quran respects lady more than man

The Prophet said, “After me I have not left any affliction more harmful to men than women.” (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 33)  – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89Allah’s Apostle said, “The woman is like a rib; if you try to straighten her, she will break. So if you want to get benefit from her, do so while she still has some crookedness.” (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 113) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89. These Zoroastrian took these stories from corrupted bibles.

The Prophet said, “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should not hurt (trouble) his neighbor. And I advise you to take care of the women, for they are created from a rib and the most crooked portion of the rib is its upper part; if you try to straighten it, it will break, and if you leave it, it will remain crooked, so I urge you to take care of the women.” (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 114).  A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89. These Zoroastrian took these stories from corrupted bibles.

The Prophet said, “A woman should not fast (optional fasts) except with her husband’s permission if he is at home (staying with her).” (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 120) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89.

The Prophet said, “If a man Invites his wife to sleep with him and she refuses to come to him, then the angels send their curses on her till morning.” (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 121) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89.The Prophet said, “If a woman spends the night deserting her husband’s bed (does not sleep with him), then the angels send their curses on her till she comes back (to her husband).” (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 122) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89.

The Prophet said, “I looked at Paradise and saw that the majority of its residents were the poor; and I looked at the (Hell) Fire and saw that the majority of its residents were women.” (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 126) – A shameful Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89. Abu_DardaThe Prophet disliked that one should go to one’s family at night (on returning from a journey). (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 170) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89.

The Prophet said, “If you enter (your town) at night (after coming from a journey), do not enter upon your family till the woman whose husband was absent (from the house) shaves her pubic hair and the woman with unkempt hair, combs her hair” Allah’s Apostle further said, “(O Jabir!) Seek to have offspring, seek to have offspring!” (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 173) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89.HadithAndAliThe Prophet said, “Isn’t the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?” The women said, “Yes.” He said, “This is because of the deficiency of a woman’s mind.” (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 48, Number 826) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89. Quran says that 2nd woman is to remind the She-witness (if she forgets), as Ladies are very busy in children,

The Prophet said: “I was shown the Hell-fire and that the majority of its dwellers were women who were ungrateful.” It was asked, “Do they disbelieve in Allah?” (or are they ungrateful to Allah?) He replied, “They are ungrateful to their husbands and are ungrateful for the favors and the good (charitable deeds) done to them. If you have always been good (benevolent) to one of them and then she sees something in you (not of her liking), she will say, ‘I have never received any good from you.” (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 28) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89. Lie is forged to subjugate woman.BonfireOnce Allah’s Apostle went out to the Musalla (to offer the prayer) o ‘Id-al-Adha or Al-Fitr prayer. Then he passed by the women and said, “O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (women).” They asked, “Why is it so, O Allah’s Apostle ?” He replied, “You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you.” The women asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?” He said, “Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?” They replied in the affirmative. He said, “This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn’t it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?” The women replied in the affirmative. He said, “This is the deficiency in her religion.” (Sahih Bukhari Vol1 Book 6 #301) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89. These Criminals Persian Parsi Imams were running hate campaign against Quran and Islam by twisting the facts

Rifa’a divorced his wife whereupon ‘AbdurRahman bin Az-Zubair Al-Qurazi married her. ‘Aisha said that the lady (came), wearing a green veil (and complained to her (Aisha) of her husband and showed her a green spot on her skin caused by beating). It was the habit of ladies to support each other, so when Allah’s Apostle came, ‘Aisha said, “I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women. Look! Her skin is greener than her clothes!” …… Allah’s Apostle said, to her, “If that is your intention, then know that it is unlawful for you to remarry Rifa’a unless Abdur-Rahman has had sexual intercourse with you.”……. (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 72, Number 715) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114.QarzaA wife must not seek divorce from her husband without a serious cause. If she does, she will not enter paradise. If she can prove her case, she will be awarded decree only if she returns all that her husband had bestowed on her as an entitlement or outright gift. A woman who seeks Khula, cannot expect settlement! (Ibn-e-Majah, vol. 1, page 571) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114.

Woman has a religious duty to produce the maximum number of children;:” The Prophet said “Getting married is my basic doctrine. Who so does not follow my example, is not my follower. Marry, so that I can claim preference over other communities (Jews and Christians) owing to commanding a greater number of followers.” (Ibn-e-Majah, Vol. 1, page 518 and 523, SUNAN) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114. This same bloody Ibne Maja says Quran is eaten by Goat. Allah says: He is protector of Quran 15:9

“If women comply with your commands, do not molest them listen carefully, they have a right over you that you take care of their food and wear.” (Ibn-e-Majh, Vol. 1, p 519) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114. They have tried to make woman slave here.Namaz_Forgery3Read full detail at: Who, When, & How Non-Quranic 5 daily Zoroastrian rituals were blended in Islam?

“If I were to order someone to prostrate before other than God, I would have commanded woman to prostrate before her husband. If a husband tells his wife to keep carrying a load of stones from that red mountain to that black mountain, she must obey him whole heartedly. “(Ibn-e-Majah, Vol. 1, ch. 592, p 520) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114. Contradicts premises of Noble Quran. Again it is tried to make woman slave

The Prophet said: “When wife vexes her husband, then houris of paradise utter curses on her saying, ‘may God destroy you because he is with you only for a short time; he will shortly leave you to come to us.’ (Ibn-e-Majah, Vol. 1, p 560) – A shameful Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114.

” ….. women had become bold with their men, and so the Prophet authorized beating them. As a result seventy women, during one evening, gathered at the residence of the Prophet to complain ruefully against their husbands, who they thought, were not good people.” (Ibn-e-Majah, Vol. 1, p 553) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114. Quran only punishes Fahisha prone to whoredom . Target here is to defame prophet & to prove supremacy of man over woman.FraudMachineofShafiThe Prophet said: “When a woman dies, if her husband was pleased with her, she goes to paradise. (Mishkat_al-Masabih, Vol. 2, p 102) –A Shameful Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114.

The Prophet said: “On the Day of Judgement, a husband shall not be questioned for beating his wife.” (Mishkat_al-Masabih, Vol. 2, p 105) – A shameful Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114.

The Prophet said: “When a man calls his wife to bed and she refuses and he is angered, then angels keep cursing her all night…. even the Master of Sky (God) is annoyed with her until husband is reconciled with her.” (Mishkat_al-Masabih, Vol. 2, p 100) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114.

The Prophet said, “A woman’s evidence carries half the weight of that of a man…. it is owing to lack of wisdom on their part. However, they are also injurious to the dignity of faith and cannot be allowed to say prayer during the period of menstruation or observe fasting.” (Mishkat_al-Masabih, Vol. 1, p 19) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114. Quran says, 2nd woman is just to remind the lady who will provide witness.

 The Prophet said, “Beware of women because the calamity that the Israelite suffered was caused by women.” (Mishkat_al-Masabih, Vol. 2, p 70) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114.AbuHuraira1The Prophet said, “Misfortune is a part of womanhood, residence and horse.” (Mishkat_al-Masabih, Vol. 2, p 70) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114.

The Prophet said: “No woman should perform a marriage ceremony of another woman or her own because such a woman is the true seducer.” (Mishkat, Vol. 2, p 78) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114, 2:213, 5:44

If a woman refuses to come to bed when invited by her husband, she becomes a target of the curses of angels. Exactly the same happens if she deserts her husband’s bed. (Bokhari, Vol. 7, p 93) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114, 2:213, 5:44

A woman in many ways is deprived of the possession of her own body. Even her milk belongs to her husband. (Bokhari, Vol. 7, p 27) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114, 2:213, 5:44DeenANDReligion1Quran68_4“Again, if a man is in a mood to have sexual intercourse, the wife must come immediately even if she is baking bread at a communal oven (Tirmzi, Vol. 1, p 428) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114, 2:213, 5:44 – These sex hungry bastrd Persian Parsi imams

The Prophet declared from the pulpit at Hajj, a wife must not spend anything belonging to her husband without his permission, and this prohibition equally applied to buying foodstuff. (Tirmzi, Vol. 1, p 265) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114, 2:213, 5:44

The Prophet unintentionally looked at a woman and was aroused. He went home and had intercourse with Zainab (one of his pretty wives). He said, “Woman faces you as Devil. If you are affected by her charm, have intercourse with your wife because she has the same thing as the woman who affected you.” (Tirmzi, Vol. 1, p 428) – A shameful Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114, 2:213, 5:44 IslamISeasyThe Prophet said, “Woman has been created from a rib which is twisted. If you try to straighten it, you will break it. It is desirable to make the best use of it as it is.” (Tirmzi, Vol. 1, p 440) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114, 2:213, 5:44. Story copied from corrupted bibles

Prophet said, ”The woman whose husband remains happy at night, and every night, she will be admitted into paradise.” (Tirmzi, Vol. 1, p 4 28) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114, 2:213, 5:44. Quran says, deeds of whole life will be weighed for paradise and hell but these Persian Zoroastrian Imams tell you many shortcuts to enter in paradise.

The Prophet said that he had not left for man any calamity which could hurt him except woman. (Tirmzi, Vol. 2, p 286) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114, 2:213, 5:44

HadithsInsultWomanPicA woman is not a believer if she undertakes a journey which may last three days or longer, unless she is accompanied by her husband, son, father or brother. ( Tirmzi, p 431) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114, 2:213, 5:44

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: A woman, an ass and a dog disrupt the prayer, but something like the back of a saddle guards against that. (Sahih Muslim, Book 004, Number 1034) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114, 2:213, 5:44

‘Urwa b. Zubair reported: ‘A’isha asked: What disrupts the prayer? We said: The woman and the ass. Upon this she remarked: Is the woman an ugly animal? I lay in front of the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) like the bier of a corpse and he said prayer.(Sahih Muslim, Book 004, Number 1037) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114, 2:213, 5:44

The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: A man will not be asked as to why he beat his wife. (Abu Dawood, Book 11, Number 2142) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114, 2:213, 5:44HadithsLies01The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: If one of you marries a woman or buys a slave, he should say: “O Allah, I ask Thee for the good in her, and in the disposition Thou hast given her; I take refuge in Thee from the evil in her, and in the disposition Thou hast given her.” When he buys a camel, he should take hold of the top of its hump and say the same kind of thing. (Abu Dawood, Book 11, Number 2155) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114, 2:213, 5:44

A man came to the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) and said: I have found a woman of rank and beauty, but she does not give birth to children. Should I marry her? He said: No. He came again to him, but he prohibited him. He came to him third time, and he (the Prophet) said: Marry women who are loving and very prolific, for I shall outnumber the peoples (People of other religions) by you. (Abu Dawood, Book 11, Number 2045) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114, 2:213, 5:44

Mu’awiyah asked: Apostle of Allah, what is the right of the wife of one of us over him? He replied: That you should give her food when you eat, clothe her when you clothe yourself, do not strike her on the face, do not revile her or separate yourself from her except in the house. (Abu Dawood, Book 11, Number 2137) – A Fabricated lie. We do not see this in complete and fully detailed Quran 16:89; 10:15, 6:114, 2:213, 5:44

Fabricated Context-stories (Asbab-Nazool) which enemies of Quran and Heretical Sunni/Shia sects have attached to the verses of Quran. Truth is: Extra-Quranic material such as Fabricated Books of Hadiths, Concocted Sunnah, Gossipy Tafsirs (exegesis), and stories of Context (Asbab-e-Nazool) are the Greatest Conspiracy against Noble Quran, hatched by defeated Zoroastrians, Zanadqa, hypocrites, and other enemies of Islam

At the very beginning, here is one important question: Did Prophet and four Caliphs leave behind any written manuscripts of so called Hadiths, Sunnah, Tafsirs and Stories of Contexts (Asbab-e-Nazool) along with written Quran? Answer is No, Never. If that all stuff was required to understand Quran, then at least four Caliphs were supposed to compile this kind of extra-Quranic manuscripts? But did they? No. If that all extra-Quranic stuff was part of Deen Islam, then at least four caliphs were supposed to compile this kind of extra-Quranic manuscripts but did they? No. Therefore; it becomes crystal clear that this all extra-Quranic material was neither needed to understand Quran nor that extra-Quranic material is part of Deen Islam.

On the Contrary; we have tons of well-known references which show that Prophet forbade people to write down anything from him except Quran. Prophet also told people: who have already written down from me any extra-Quranic material, he must destroy it. After death of Prophet, First Caliph Abu Bakr RA told Muslims “La Tuhadithu”, which mean do not narrated any hadith from Prophet. He told Muslims: decide your all matters according to Quran. Caliph Umar RA ordered all Muslims to submit to him all notes of written Hadiths which they possessed. People obeyed the order and submitted all such material to Caliphs Umar RA, thinking: that probably, he wants to compile a Master-Copy of Hadiths. But do you know, what did Umar RA do? He burned all those hadiths in an open Field, and told people: these hadiths are like Jewish Mishnah which sent Yahood astray. Mishnah is now part of Talmud. Caliph Umar RA wrote letters to all City Governors ordering them to erase all hadiths. Caliph Umar RA warned two Supersonic Hadith-Mongering Machines “Abu Hurairah” and “Rabbi K’ab-al-Ahbar” (a Pseudo convert to Islam) to stop narrations of hadiths or you will be punished. It is recorded that Abu Hurairah said: he could not narrate any hadith during era of Caliph Umar RA because he was afraid: Umar RA could break his head. But there were three Companions of Prophet who were still narrating hadiths to People. It is documented in all Famous books that Caliph Umar RA called those three companions (Sahaaba) of Prophet, and asked them “What are those Hadiths of Prophet which you guys are narrating to people?” Then Caliph Umar placed them under house arrest for life. They were released only after the martyrdom of Caliph Umar RA. Does it not show you clearly that Hadiths-Spreading was a Punishable Crime and so is even today? Caliph Uthman RA walked on the footsteps of Abu Bakar RA and Umar RA

O Man: Factszz never talks without references and proof. You can read Original-Book Scanned references of all points which we have just mentioned above, in our this page “True History of Hadiths and Sunnah” at: http://wp.me/p4GOwI-6e

How did Muslims understand Quran in the life of Prophet and four Caliphs without the existence of books of Tafsirs, Hadiths, and Contexts? Answer is: they understood Quran only by Quran because Quran fully explains itself, which mean: Quran does its own Tafsir (exegesis) through its own internal built-in Tasreef and its own built-in dictionary. And this is Only the Correct way to understand Quran correctly. Also, logically and rationally; Infallible Book of Infallible God cannot be explained through Fallible Books of Fallible men. In order to write Tafsir of Quran, a Person must have more knowledge than Author of Quran, or at least level of his knowledge/Intellect must be same as of Author of Quran. Now, we all know: Author of Quran is One God. Then, is there any Mofassar (exegesis writer) who have more knowledge than God? No way. In Quran 75:19, God says about Quran that “It is for Us to explain it”.  And Quran indeed does its own Tafseer through its own Tasreef 6:114, 25:33, 18:54. This mean: all Quranic verses are interconnected like brain neurons. And in this way, verses explain each other in multifaceted forms. For example: when we read Surah Baqara (Cow) of Quran, we see two terms, Muslim, and Momin. New reader of Quran might pause a while and think; Oh: then what is difference between these two terms? But when reader proceeds further and reaches to Surah Mominoon; he reads there full definition of “Momin,” and in short, it becomes clear that if a Muslim is equated to an Engineer, then a Muslim-Momin is like a Professional Engineer who really practically applies all laws and ethical codes of Book of God in his temp earthy life. Quran explains itself very beautifully.

At the beginning of 7th Century there were two superpowers, Romans, and Zoroastrian Sassanid Empire of Persia. Bother Superpowers were defeated by Muslim-Generals. Millennia old Zoroastrian Empire was totally collapsed. Now because Zoroastrians could not face Muslims in battlefield, therefor; they started to destroy faith of Muslims in Ideological field. Defeated Persians got full chance for Revenge after year 750 CE when Abbasid with the support of Persian Zoroastrian, revolted against Omayyad Caliphs, and finally built their Abbasid Empire in year 750 CE. Abbasid were Pro-Persian and Pro-Zoroastrians. Tutors of their Children, and almost all Ministers in the era of Abbasid Caliph Haroon Rashid were Persian Zoroastrians from Bramka dynasty/ancestry. Even wives of some Abbasid Caliphs and Princes were Persian Zoroastrians. So, now Iron was hot enough to beat and bend. Zoroastrians Ministers tried to change Arabic Text of Quran but badly failed because there were thousands and thousands Huffaaz out there, and they could catch even if one word of Quran is changed. God has put these Huffaaz as a Check on Quranic Text. Say: In fact Huffaaz are Divine Guards of Quran 15:9, 17:88, 41:42. If all Books and Computer archives are thrown into Ocean; Quran will be right back within hours. Just bring One Hafiz, and print whole, exactly same Quran which was being recited by Prophet Mohammad PBUH 1400 years ago. Hafiz is that Person who memorizes whole Quran cover to cover. Plural of Hafiz is Huffaaz or Huffaz.

Now when Enemies of Islam failed to change Quran, they came with several other conspiracies to change the Translation of Quran by attaching different concocted stories of Hadiths, Sunnah Tafsirs and Contexts (Asbab-Nazool) to each verse of Quran. As said above: that kind of extra-Quranic manuscripts never existed in the era of Prophet and Four Caliphs. Their purpose to attach such stories with each verse of Quran was in fact: to superimpose that Stories upon verses of Quran, so that: Reader of Quran may have already a built-in Story in his mind, and then he will understand Quran not through Quran’s own internal Tasreef but through that concocted stories of Hadiths, Tafsirs and Asbab-Nazool (contexts). For example: when these hypocrites planned to blend Stoning/Rajam Punishment of Jewish Talmud in Islam, they invented many hadiths in which it was shown that Prophet Mohammad PBUH was ordering to carry out non-Quranic punishment of Rajam (stoning). From such many ridiculous stories, we read one comic story in the book of Zoro forger Bukhari:“Narrated `Amr bin Maimun: During the pre-lslamic period of ignorance I saw a she-monkey surrounded by a number of monkeys. They were all stoning it, because it had committed illegal sexual intercourse. I too, stoned it along with them. Now in school, even a 5th grader boy can judge that this is a moronic Joke, a comedy, despicable forgery. Bukhari was applying his concocted Rajam law even to monkeys. Please note: regardless if a person is married or unmarried; for illegal sex (sex without wedlock), Quranic punishment is 100 lashes. Nowhere Quran tells to apply Rajam. With Quranic verse 11:114, these hypocrites and heretical Sunni sect have attached another ridiculous story of Context (Asbab-e-Nazool) which is given in Tirmidhi 3114, as: one man kissed a woman illegally, and in order to forgive sin of that Idiot Kisser; God sent down verse 11:114 in which God ordered all Muslims to pray two Namaz Rituals at sunset and at morning in order to forgive sin of that sexy Kisser. Can you believe in such kind of ridiculous concocted fables if you have a healthy brain! And same concocted comic story is also given in book of Zoro hadith forger Bukhari, number 4687, at: https://sunnah.com/bukhari/65/209

These Enemies of Allah and Quran also invented another lie against Quran which they named “Abrogation”. Through this lie, they tried to make Quran a Scribbling-Pad of a Poet. Through this lie of Abrogation, they started to declare any verse of Quran “Abrogated”. When their Fabricated stories of Hadiths started to contradict Quranic Laws; they started to say that relevant verse is Abrogated. Besides; when these Ignoramus Sectarian Heretical Sunni and Shia Mullahs/Imams of past failed to reconcile verses of Quran, mutually; the easiest way they found was: to declare relevant verse of Quran “Abrogated”. But truth is: in order to understand Quran correctly, there is one Golden Rule, which is: whole Quran must be considered as background context of every verse of Quran because in Quran, verses are interconnected like brain neurons, and in this way: verses explain each other in multifaceted forms. When we take whole Quran as background context of Quran, and we read verse 2:106 along with verses 2:105, 5:48, it becomes Crystal Clear that due to, being the Final Edition of all Scriptures, Quran is abrogating previous corrupted Scriptures, and is abrogating their outdated laws. Quran never abrogates its own verses. Kindly read our page “Abrogation – the Greatest lie against Quran” at: http://wp.me/p4GOwI-Y

Heretical Sunni and Shia sects are being badly misled by these Fabricated Hadiths, Fake Stories of Contexts (Shan-e-Nazool) and concocted stories of Tafsirs from 1200 years to such a degree that from 1200 years, these Shia and Sunni heretical Mullahs and Imams are failed to understand Quran correctly. They failed to understand Quran correctly because instead of understanding Quran through Quran’s own in-built Tafsreef, they always superimpose Fabricated Hadiths, Fake Stories of Contexts (Shan-e-Nazool) and concocted stories of Tafsirs upon verses of Noble Quran.For example: these Mullahs are totally failed to understand; meat of which animal is Halal or Haram in Quran. They have different sectarian Fiqah (Jurisprudence) which they have derived mostly from those fabricated books which we have mentioned above. And what is the Result? One Sect says: meat of Rabbit is Halal (legal), but other sect says, it is Haram (illegal). Even J. Ghamidi type Pseudo Scholars say: All grass eating animals are Halal (legal to eat). This is the Climax of Ignorance and stupidity of these Pseudo Mullahs and folly Imams. If we take words of this Pseudo Scholar Ghamidi, then, because Donkey, Horse, two-ton heavy hippopotamus, and three-ton heavy Elephant also eat grass; so, according this Pseudo Mullah; meat of Donkey, Horse, two-ton heavy hippopotamus, and three-ton heavy Elephant is also halal! But according to Noble Quran, meat of these all five grass eating animals Donkey, Horse, Rabbit, Elephant and hippopotamus is as Haram as is Haram flesh of Swine. This mental-blindness is not confined to Ghamidi only but also to all those over 100 ignoramus sectarian Sunni and Shia translators who have translated verse 5:1 wrongly as “All grazing beasts of the flock are permitted to you“. This is 101% wrong translation. This mean: according to all over 100 translators of Quran; meat of Donkey, Horse, Rabbit, Elephant and hippopotamus is Halal! This is the foulest idiocy propounded by these Ignorant Sectarian Psychopaths. This all happened to them because they superimpose Mullahs-Made Extra-Quranic books upon verses of Quran, and they never pondered on Quran through Quran’s own Tasreef. But even after 1200 years, they are not ready to accept the Truth. Iblis has made them dumb by hijacking their brains 38:82-83. Noble Quran is so beautiful book that it has made clear this whole big subject of “Halal and Haram meat” of animals just in Two Words. After understanding that two-words, you can learn easily that on whole planet, which grass eating animal is Halal, and which is not Halal. In order to read detail, please visit our page “Which meat is Haram and which meat is Halal according to Noble Quran” at: http://wp.me/p4GOwI-NiMany of you have already heard nonsensical cacophony of Islamophobic bigots, haters, and of some Atheists, in which they scream, that Quran has copied material from Torah, Bible and Zoroastrianism. This kind of dumb Idiots do not know even basics of Comparative Religion nor have they ever read and understood whole Quran with an honest unbiased mind. Truth is: final protected edition of all Scriptures “Quran” is the Truth of all truths. Fact is: from Adam to last prophet, Mohammad; God sent many prophets to different nations, and God bestowed upon them Divine Books/Scriptures, so that, people of that era should live according to law and ethical codes of that Scripture. So, it is clear, that Author of all Genuine Real Scriptures is same One God. When an author, publishes his new edition (next scripture), He always carries forward some material from previous editions to his new edition but author also drops that material which is outdated. Therefore; if Scriptures have some common passages, that is quite normal, and question of plagiarism never arises. Quran tells that Torah, Injeel (given to Jesus). and Psalm were also books of God. Quran also indicates indirectly in verse 22:17 that Zoroaster was also a Prophet of God who taught monotheism. Therefore, if we see commonality among some laws/codes of Quran, Zoroastrian Books, Torah and Christian’s books; that is not surprising at all because author of all Scriptures is one God.

He is God who told Zoroaster, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad to teach followers that there only one God, there are angels; there is Paradise and Hell, there is day of Judgment, people must not break promise; they must not commit adultery, should give charity, should be honest and should not tell lies, tell people that God is Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent, tell them that God is Creator of life, God is source of all goodness and happiness, — and if God has placed same codes in his last Book, Quran; then, how can these Islamophobic Bigots and haters can say that Mohammad had copied from Zoroastrians, Jews and Christians! Does it make any sense? Not at all. He is God who commanded Zoroaster, and he is God who commanded last Prophet Mohammad through Quran, and he is God who commanded Moses through Torah, and He is God who commanded Jesus through Injeel (not through anonymous books called Mark Matthew Luke and John). So, in all cases, Author of these all codes and commandments is God. Therefore, where is Plagiarism, O Hater!        

However, when we talk on this subject; we must be cautious, because after Prophet Zoroaster, his teachings were corrupted. This is why, not all Zoroastrian practices are endorsed by Quran but Quran has endorsed only some those practices which were really taught by Prophet Zoroaster. In the same way, Quran only endorses some those teachings of Torah, Psalm, and Injeel which existed in uncorrupted Scriptures. This is why, God has called Quran Muhayman in verse 5:48 which means: a Book that superseded all previous scriptures, and also that means: a Supervisor over all, and a Corrector over all. God has also called Quran “Al-Furqan” which means: a Criterion between True and False. By using that Criterion, one can Judge degree of Truth and Corruption in Torah, Injeel and Avesta which exist today. Any passage of these previous books which is endorsed by Quran is the Real Passage of those previous Scriptures. And any passage of those old books which contradicts Quranic laws and codes is either outdated or a result of tampering. For example: during Hajj, Quran has permitted round of Safa Marwa but Quran has neither mentioned kissing of black stone nor have ordained we Muslims to walk seven rounds around Kaaba. Because Safa and Marwa rite is real Abrahamic rite of Hajj, so is included in Islamic Hajj but Quran has dropped rites of kissing black-stone and walking seven rounds around Kaaba because such rites were part of Hajj of Pre-Quranic Meccan Pagans (mushrikeen). If you discuss this point with Sunni and Shia sects, they will tell you that kissing black stone is Sunnah. They are big liars because Prophet, four Caliphs and all Companions of prophet left behind no any manuscript of Sunnah and Hadiths. They left only Quran. So, all books of Sunnah and Hadiths are fabricated books which have to do nothing with that Islam which has been finalized in Quran. Meaning of “Obey Allah and Rasool” is: to follow that Divine Book which God delivered to we people through his last Prophet, and name of that Book is Quran only 6:119, 6:114, 10:15. After landing of Quran, any rite, ritual or Islamic law (Sharia law) which does not have roots in Quran , is not part of Islam.

Being the final edition of all Scriptures, Quran has carried forward almost all dietary laws of Original Torah but Quran has never said that God created man in his own image as we see in Genesis of today. But Quran says: nothing is like God. So, it is clear here, that, that verse of Genesis which tells that God created man in his own image is 100% Fabricated. You see, how does Quran correct all previous scriptures. Quran tells that Jesus was no more than a Prophet of God 5:75 but Four Hadiths Books of Christians Mark, Matthew, Luke and John show that Jesus was god and also son of god. These verses of those four hadith books of Christians 100% contradict Quranic laws; therefore, it is clear that such verses of Gospels are fabricated. On the Contrary, these gospels tell that Jesus was very much alive even after the incident of Cross, and he made over 10 meetings with disciples even after the incidence of Cross, and he ate bread and fish with disciples to show them that he is human Jesus; not Soul/Spirit of Jesus. This clearly shows that Jesus did not die on the Cross, and same is told by Quran that Jesus did not die on the Cross in 4:157. Please note: verse 4:157 never denies nailing of Jesus on the Cross but verse 4:157 denies crucifixion of Jesus because according to definition of Crucifixion, death on the Cross is binding condition of punishment which is called Crucifixion. If a person is removed from the Cross before his death; then that person is not Crucified. For full in-depth discussion on this subject, please read our page at: https://wp.me/p4GOwI-rN

Also note that Torah never commanded Jews to pray three rituals daily. Those rituals were created in Judaism by Jewish Council of Rabbis “Sanhedrin”. It is important to note that Prophet Zoroaster forbade his follower from Ritualism. Prophet Zoroaster also never told his followers to pray five Namaz Rituals daily but these five Rituals were injected among Zoroastrians by one false Prophet “Hakeem Mani” and Magi, much later. And then Sunni and Shia sects copied these Five Zoroastrian Namaz rituals, and in order to legalize those Five Namaz Rituals in Islam, Pseudo Hadith Imams forged Hadith of Flying Horse – Buraq. Quranic Salat is not any kind of Ritual. In order to learn, what is Quranic Salat, please read our this page. http://wp.me/p4GOwI-6v

Before entering in Religious meetings, according to God’s commandments, it was teaching of Zoroaster to do wudhu, and wash body if required. Same True Practice of Prophet Zoroaster is endorsed by Quran, and Quran also tells to do wudhu and washing if required before attending any Ijtamah of Salat like weekly meeting of Salat on Friday. If Zoroastrians of today worship Fire; then that practice cannot be from Prophet Zoroaster because Quran forbids such practices. Prophet Zoroaster talked about Hell and Paradise, and Quran has endorsed it. Which means: that is told by God that there is Hell and Paradise. Zoroastrians of today say that there will be a Chinvat Bridge upon which all people will pass from this world to next world after death but Quran does not endorse this story; which means: that story of Chinvat Bridge might have been concocted. Please note, Prophet Mohammad and his all companions left behind only Quran. All books of Hadiths are Fabrications. Authors of those Fabricated Books have copied tons of fables from Talmud, Corrupted Gospels, and Corrupted Books of Zoroastrians. All those Rituals in which Person places his forehead on ground toward any city or Cube cannot be part of any Scripture because all scriptures including Quran make clear that God is Omnipresent which means: All directions belong to God, and God is not confined in any one Cube or any one City.

According to Quran 3:19, 3:85, one God has only one True Path which was preached by all Prophets, and name of that path is “Islam”. According to Quran, Moses and Jesus were also Prophets of Islam. All Original Scriptures were Scriptures of Islam, which have been superseding each other with time. Being the Final edition of all Scriptures, Quran carries forward all those laws of previous scriptures which are not outdated. Quran has also abrogated some laws of previous scriptures which are outdated 2:105-106. Quran also updates Divine law. Therefore; after consigning all previous scriptures to oblivion, Quran has superseded all previous scriptures 5:48. So, after landing of Quran, all humans are bound to follow only that Divine law which has been finalized in Quran.

In addition to 2:105-106, 5:48; verses 28:52…28:54 also show us: that after landing of Quran, “people of Book” are bound to believe in Quran and follow it.

Quran 28:52…28:54 “As for those unto whom We have vouchsafed revelation aforetimethey [are bound to] believe in this one (Quran).” and whenever it is [clearly] conveyed unto them, they [are bound to] profess, “We have come to believe in it, for, behold, it is the truth from our Sustainer – and, verily, even before this, we were Muslims. These it is that shall receive a twofold reward for having been patient in adversity, and having repelled evil with good, and having spent on others out of what We provided for them as sustenance.”

Note: According to Quran, all Prophets were Prophets of Islam and all their True Followers were named by God “Muslims” 22:78, 42:13, 2:133, 3:19, 3:67, 3:85, 3:52. When a Non-Muslim reverts to Islam, in most cases he/she might face opposition and harsh behavior from his non-Muslim family and society. Therefore; in lieu of that hardship, Allah Jalla Aala has kept for them Double Reward. When we read 2:105-106, 5:48 and 28:52…28:54, it becomes crystal clear that being final edition of all scriptures, Quran has superseded all previous scriptures, and after landing of Quran, all humans are bound to follow only that Divine law which has been finalized in Quran.HadithsAreLiesSTAR1Quran12_111And16_89F

And we end this page with following Quranic Du’a:

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What was age of Aisha R.A when Last Prophet married her? It was 48 year and she was Widow of Martyr Salih bin Salih Taiab
