tumblr_static_bismillah-thuluth[1]Hadith of Miraaj is that the most outrageous forged hadith which turned the table of DEEN Islam at 180 degree, and converted DEEN Islam into a religion of criminal Mullahs and Imams. (Deen=Divinely prescribed System of life).

A  Fanatic said, how can we say, that Miraaj is a Persian’s forgery because (according to him) Quran also mentions Miraaj. Our answer to that braindead Fanatic was as under:

1- Where is Flying Donkey called Buraq in Quran? It is not in Quran. Zoroastrian Bukhari  and others copied this story in his evil fake hadith book from two Zoroastrian’s Books, Zerdashtnama and Arda Viraf Namak.

2- Where is written in Quran that, that Flying Donkey Buraq used to had face of a pretty woman on which Prophet took ride?

3- Where is in Quran that Prophet went to Jerusalem in Palestine to lead prayers of all Prophets in Aqsa Mosque? All Historians know that no any Masjid Aqsa existed in Jerusalem Palestine in the life time of our beloved Prophet. That Masjid Aqsa which we see today in Jerusalem Palestine was built 60 years after the death of Prophet Mohammad by Omayyad Caliphs. Historians know that during the life time of Last Prophet, neither any mosque Aqsa nor even any Jewish temple existed in Jerusalem. Jewish temple was totally demolished by Roman General Titus in year 70 CE, which means: almost 500 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad The Exalted.“The Romans Destroy the Temple at Jerusalem, 70 AD,” Eyewitness to History. Josephus’ account appears in: Cornfield, Gaalya ed., Josephus, The Jewish War (1982); Duruy, Victor, History of Rome vol. V (1883). Also read http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/jewishtemple.htm

4- In Sura Asra, Quran has used words “Masjad Aqsa”. If you know even the basics of Arabic language, then you must know that meaning of aqsa in Arabic is Remote.
Masjid Aqsa mean REMOTE MOSQUE and at that time no any mosque from Mecca was remoter than some already built Mosques in Medina before the night Journey of Prophet. In fact, Books of Arab historians show that 1400 years ago, from many names, one name of Medina was Masjid-al-Aqsa. References of those books are given in this page. Therefore, verse 17:1 of Sura Asra points toward night Journey of Prophet from Mecca (Masjid-al-Haram) to Medina (Masjid-al-Aqsa). 

5- In Sura Najam, where are the answers of those questions which we have already raised in above-given four points? Where is in Quran, that Prophet has, face to face meeting with Allah? You Jaahils think, Allah is like a man, and he is sitting somewhere in Sky in any remote villa, and Prophet met GOD in that Villa? You are Jamaat-Jahileen the dumbest beasts living under sky. Mullahs and sectarian translators badly twist translations of verses of Sura Asra and Sura Najam, and they add their Kharafaats (fables) in brackets. They play with the BOOK of Allah in order to make their false stories fit-able in Quran.

6- Where is in Quran that Prophet bargained with God like union leader in order to reduce numbers of Prayers from 50 to 5? Where is in Quran, that Prophet met Moses and other Prophets in Miraaj? They were Persians who fabricated hadith of Miraaj in order to blend their 5 Zoroastrian Namaz Rituals in Islam through Zoroastrian Mother of Caliph Harun Rashid “Queen Khaizrun” around/before 787 A.D. She bribed Mullahs and Imams with millions of Gold and Silver coins to shut their mouth and who resisted lost his neck. Hadiths are heap of Persian lies that they forged 300 years after the death of Prophet, and in Quran there is no any Five Namaz rituals at all. Show us units of each Five rituals in Quran? Show us where does COMPLETE AND FULLY DETAILED Quran 16:89 tell you units of each rituals of Shia and Sunni sects, and where does Quran tell you, what to read in Five daily Namaz Rituals, and where did you Jamaat-Jahileen import text of Tashahhud (Atta-Hiyaat) from, and who manufactured Durood Ibrahimi which is read in Atta-hiyaat (Tashahhud) of Five Namaz rituals? That Durood (salawat) never exists in complete and fully detailed Quran 6:114, 12:111, 16:89, 17:12. That Durood Ibrahimi was fabricated by Shiite Dehlmi Moiz Doula of Persia who captured Baghdad, and became Ruler. He is the same Shia thug who first time started Bid’ah of celebration of 10 Moharram, and built fake tomb of Caliph Ali RA in Najaf Iraq. 7- Visit our following page “How were Five Persian Zoroastrian Daily Namaz Rituals blended in Islam in 8th Century”?

8- We post Facts and nothing but Facts. Our Team posts TRUTH and nothing BUT TRUTH. We are more dedicated to Islam than those blindly following Jaahil Fanatics who follow Mullahs and Imams blindly. We say TRUTH because Quran ordains us to say truth always 2:42.(7) -Nicolle, David (1994). Yarmuk AD 636: The Muslim Conquest of Syria. Osprey Publishing.
(8) -Rizwi Faizer (1998). “The Shape of the Holy: Early Islamic Jerusalem”. Rizwi’s Bibliography for Medieval Islam. Archived from the original on 2002-02-10.Please note from above-posted picture that Construction of Aqsa Mosque started Five year after the death of Prophet Mohammad the exalted, and Mosque was completed in 692 CE which mean (692 minus 632) 60 years after the death of Prophet (632 CE). Please also note that this masjid was constructed (mihrab) facing Mecca. Therefore, fabricated story of Two Qibla (Qibla-Tain) that we read in forged Books of Hadiths is nothing but a concocted lie. Later Persians Zoroastrians built there a Mosque with two Mihrabs to validate Qibla-Tain fiction. Hadith of two Qibla was FORGED in order to give new twist to Quranic verse 2:142 which very clearly forbids to have CUBE-Faced Rituals because verse 2:115 tells: God is Omnipresent and wherever you turn your face, is presence of Allah, so you do not need any specific direction or building to pray to God. Then verse 2:142 forbade Muslims to face Cube in Rituals. Finally verse 2:177 blasted all kind of direction-oriented and Cube-Faced Rituals and told: Such Rituals are useless but useful is to have right faith and live as Righteous Philanthropist. At the end of 2:177, verse ordains “Aqama-s-Salat”, and Aqama-s-Salat is never 5 Namaz Rituals but its mean: To stick to Divine Law, establish Divine System, submit to Divine Law. In some other places in Quran, word Salat is also used for dua, blessing, to support some one/back some one, and for meditation but never for any Ritual. There was no any Mihrarb toward Mecca in oldest mosques because Miharb toward Mecca violates Quran 2:115, 2:142, 2:177, 57:4, 50:16. This Bid’ah of Mirabb was added much later in Mosques by hypocrites. God forbade Muslim for Rituals and ordained to take Masjid-al-Haraam as Divine-Center of Islam; as Capital of Islam. Just like Moses was told by God in Quran to take some Houses of Egypt and convert those houses into Qibla to use that houses as Center for preaching Divine Message of Islam. All Prophets preached none but Islam (Quran 3:19, 3:85, 3:67, 3:52). Omayyad Caliphs built that Mosque in Jerusalem in order to diffuse a political problem with the Ruler of Mecca “Abd-Allah bin Zubayr. Detail of that dispute is given in this page. And for political gain, they were Omayyad Caliphs who ordered their Chief Mullah Zuhri to forge Hadith of two Qibla (QiblaTayn). Story of two Qibla (Qiblatyn) is 101% fabricated tale.

Referring to following verses of Quran; Mullahs and Imams have been telling we Muslims from centuries that during Miraaj, Prophet was so close to God as are two bows. But that verses never talk about so called Miraaj but Gabriel’s Quranic wahi being revealed to Prophet. Even this is mentioned in Book of Sunni sect they have labelled it as Sahih-Muslim, which is as under:

Earthquakes tried again and again to demolish this building in order to expose the Fraud which Omayyad Caliphs did with Muslim Ummah.

“In 746, the al-Aqsa Mosque was damaged in an earthquake, four years before as-Saffah overthrew the Umayyads and established the Abbasid Caliphate. The second Abbasid caliph Abu Ja’far al-Mansur declared his intent to repair the mosque in 753, and he had the gold and silver plaques that covered the gates of the mosque removed and turned into dinars and dirhams to finance the reconstruction which ended in 771. A second earthquake damaged most of al-Mansur’s repairs, excluding those made in the southern portion in 774. In 780, His successor Muhammad al-Mahdi had it rebuilt, but curtailed its length and increased its breadth. Al-Mahdi’s renovation is the first known to have written records describing it. In 985, Jerusalem-born Arab geographer al-Muqaddasi recorded that the renovated mosque had “fifteen naves and fifteen gates”. The doors of the Saladin Minbar, early 1900s. The minbar was built on Nur al-Din’s orders, but installed by Saladin”. In 1033, there was another earthquake, severely damaging the mosque. The Fatimid caliph Ali az-Zahir rebuilt and completely renovated the mosque between 1034 and 1036. The number of naves was drastically reduced from 15 to seven. Az-Zahir built the four arcades of the central hall and aisle, which presently serve as the foundation of the mosque. The central aisle was double the width of the other aisles and had a large gable roof upon which the dome—made of wood—was constructed. Persian geographer, Nasir Khusraw describes the Aqsa Mosque during a visit in 1047: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Aqsa_Mosque.Please note in following picture Ihraam of Persons. They kept their right Shoulder, naked.

It appears; God sent King Nebuchadnezzar (Bakht Nasar) to punish those Israelite, who after the death of Prophet Solomon, deviated from Right Path; and God sent Genghis Khan (a Staunch Monotheist) to punish people of that time who were plunged in Sins; and God sent Abu Tahir Al-Jannabi to punish those who were plunged in shirk. Bible too says: Nebuchadnezzar was an Agent of God to punish Sinners. First line of Genghis Khan’s law “Yassa” was “It is ordered to believe that there is only One God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, who alone gives life and death, riches and poverty as please him – Who has over everything an absolute Power”. Genghis Khan also said: he is sent by God to Punish Sinners; and when Abu Tahir returned Broken Black-Stone after 23 years; that Broken Stone was thrown in a Mosque of Kufa Iraq bound in a Cloth. When Cloth was opened; there was a letter with it. On that letter, it was written: We took that black stone under a command, and returned it now under a command.

Note: If you wish to download following pdf files; then copy the address to your notepad, and change extension from pd_ to pdf, and then post in the address bar of your browser, and enter. Now pdf will start to downoad. In following lines We have changed file extension from pdf to pd_ because if we keep extension as pdf, then this wordpress page opens pdf files within this page without demand, and that delays loading of this page.

This is complete Authentic-Copy of Tawasin but this copy is in French but relevant verses are in Arabic:

This is abridged translation of Tawasin in Arabic:

This is abridged translation of Tawasin in English:

One thing is clear about real Mystics: though, neither their authored-books nor were they free of oversights but for sure, they realized the truth much better than Brahmans, Rabbis, Magi, Priests, Pseudo PhD Scholars, Mullahs and Imams. 100% Truth is Only in Last testament of God “Glorious Quran” which is Truth of all Truths.

How to raise forefinger during Tashahhud of Zoro-brand Namaz Rituals?

Please note that it is forbidden to chant any other name bedside name of Allah Jalla Aala in Masjid 72:18. But Persians Zoroastrian hadith imams forged non-Quranic texts of Tashahhud (Atta-Hiyaat) and also Drood Ibrahimi (some say Salat Ibrahimi) and that both texts are read in Zoroastrian-Brand Namaz Rituals in Masajid (Mosques). Because that texts are not from One GOD but from sectarian hypocrites; this is the reason, neither Pseudo Hadith Imams nor Pseudo Fiqa Imams agree on any one point, like they never agreed on, which one is Middle Ritual in their concocted books.

During Rituals in Tashahhud, they raise forefinger but they are not agreed, how to raise that finger: Please read below:

1– The Hanafi cult says that the finger should be raised when saying “Laa (no)” in the phrase “Ash-hadu an laa ilaaha ill-Allaah (I bear witness that there is no god except Allaah)” and it should be lowered when saying, “ill-Allaah (except Allaah).”

2– The Satanic Shafi cult says that it should be raised when saying “ill-Allaah.”

3- The Maaliki cult says that it should be moved right and left until one finishes the prayer.

4– The Hanbali cult says that one should point with the finger when saying the name of Allaah, without moving it. Besides; Quran again and gain ordains not to create Tafarraka firqa sects split and Division in One Deen Islam (42:13, 3:105, 6:159) but that 4 imams including fifth Shia Imam Jafar Sadiq divided one Deen Islam into 5 Deens and invited curse of Allah that is dropping on that sects from centuries. That sects are always fighting each other from Centuries. Allah named believers only Muslim in Quran 22:78 and it is great to be only a Muslim w/o any sects Tafarraka Firka.

Story of QiblaTain is a Fabricated tale

All historical evidence shows and all Sunni Mullahs including Saudi Salafi Mullahs agree upon this point, that during the life of Prophet, and four Guided Caliphs, there was no any Mehrab in Mosques toward Mecca. This innovation Bida was created in the era of Omayyad Caliphs. This was also said by one of the Biggest demigods of Hadithers “Albani”.

But on the contrary, these same Mullahs will tell you a great lie that in the life time of Prophet, there was a Mosque with Two Mehrabs (Masjid QiblaTain), because (according to that Hadithers), one Mehrab of that mosque was opining toward Jerusalem and other Mehrab was pointing to Meccan Cube Kaaba. Truth is: This Story of Qiblatain was forged also in the era of Omayyad Caliphs. In the life of Prophet and four Guided Caliphs; Mosques used to have neither any Mehrab toward Meccan Cube nor toward Jerusalem. Please note: Masjid Aqsa which we see today in Jerusalem was built by Omayyad 60 years after the death of Prophet. And Jewish Temple in Jerusalem was demolished by Romans in year 70 A.D. which mean about 500 years before the birth of Great Man 68:4 Mohammad(s). This mean; during the life of Prophet, neither any Masjid nor any Jewish temple existed in Palestinian City Jerusalem; so what two Qibla?. In the era of Prophet, among many names, one name of Medina was “Masjid-Aqsa”. So, Quranic verse 17:1 talks about Prophet’s Hijra from Mecca to Medina. For further references and detail, read our page about Quranic Salat, at: http://wp.me/p4GOwI-6v

Read about Zoroastrian Book “Arda Viraf” at this link: Arda Viraf

Sectarian translators twist many verses of Quran in order to validate their some false beliefs. In same way, they do not translate word Qibla of verse 2:177 (as given in above-posted Picture). Roots of word Qibla are Q-B-L, and in above posted, picture of 2:177 that ROOT is used. When Pure Root is used, you cannot translate to any other word but only meaning of Basic Root. Verse 2:177 very clearly says: Your Rituals facing Qibla are useless (because God is Omnipresent 50:16, 57:4, 2:115). Do not miss to read our following page:

God is Omnipresent

See below fictitious flying donkey Boraaq with face of pretty woman. See  how Persian Zoroastrian hypocrite Imams has ridiculed Prophet Mohammad, about whom, Allah has witnessed in Quran that he used to have the highest level of Conduct. Besides; Mosque shown in following picture never existed in the time of Prophet. When Mecca was under control of Zubair RA and Omayyad had no control over Qibla; they, then, made that Mosque in Jerusalem, so that,  people should visit this mosque in addition to Qibla in Mecca. They also fabricated many hadiths of First Qibla of Muslims. MajorityAndTruthQuran6_116-117_MajorityVSTruth

CarRacingChurchVsMullahsFFollowing Picture shows you face of True DEEN Islam that was perfected upon last Prophet Mohammad the exalted, and has been finalized in Noble Quran. Islam is Deen and not religion. Deen mean “Divinely prescribed System of life”. Components of a System are Laws, rules and regulations; and not countless brands of Clergy-made Rituals & innovations.Islam_Deen_Not_ReligionFollowing Picture shows you face of Counterfeited Religion of Mullahs and Imams which was invented by Criminal Shafi   


Meaning of Sunnah is “a way of“, and that could be Good Sunnah=Good way, and also could be Bad Sunnah=Bad way. Nowhere Glorious Quran tells even in one verse to follow Sunnah of Mohammad PUBH. Oswat-Hasna of someone mean: good ethical codes one follows. Neither Prophet nor even four guided caliphs left behind even one extra-Quranic report of his Sunnah and Hadith. We will discuss these point in detail, below:

All, so called extra-Quranic reports of Sunnah are derived from so called extra-Quranic Hadiths. In other words, so called Sunnah reports are daughters of so called extra-Quranic Hadiths. But if all extra-Quranic Hadiths are mere fabricated tales; then their byproduct so called Sunnah is also fabricated stock. And Truth is: neither Prophet nor even four guided Caliphs left behind even one page of any extra-Quranic Hadith, nor they certified any extra-Quranic Hadith. Therefore; rationally, logically, and legally, we cannot classify even one extra-Quranic Hadith as authentic report. That all Extra-Quranic Hadiths and their byproduct “Sunnah” are based on mere hearsay fairy tales like A heard from B, he heard from C, he heard from D … XYZ; and fictitious fabricated hearsay-chains of that stories are spread over 250 years; but fact: is people do not remember a verbally-told story even for a week. Only a Fool will build his faith on such kind of fairy tales and hocus pocus. Quran never tells even in one verse to follow Sunnah of Mohammad PBUH. Quran does use word “Sunnah” in some verses but that word “Sunnah (a Way)” is used in Good terms and also in bad terms. Quran uses this word as “Sunnah of Allah”, but in other verses, Quran also uses words like “Sunnah of already passed away bad People”.Noble Quran is a big book and, throughout Quran, we do not find even one verse which ordains we Muslim to follow Sunnah of Prophet Mohammad PBUH. Then where did that term of Sunnah of Muhammad PBUH come from? Fact is: even before the birth of Prophet Mohammad PBUH, terms Sunnah and Ahle-Baiyt were used by Arabs. They used to say: they follow Sunnah of their Ancestors which Quran has blasted in 2:170. After completing his great mission which was only delivery of Quran, Prophet Mohammad PBUH returned to his Lord in year 632 A.D. Imam Ghazali wrote, and Professor of Islamic law of Columbia University J. Schacht also wrote: up to year 722 A.D. Muslim Jurists were using only Quran. They never used any kind of extra-Quranic Sunnah and Hadiths. It was year 722 A.D. when fabrication of Sunnah and Hadiths of Prophet were started. According to Professor Schacht, before year 722 A.D., Jurists (Fiqih) used to say: any Jurisprudence derived from extra-Quranic sources is erroneous. This again confirms that word “Sunnah of Rasool” is an Innovation, a Bid’a which entered in Islam after year 722 A.D.However; Quran talks about Oswat Hasna of Prophet Ibrahim PBUH and Oswat Hasna of Prophet Mohammad PBUH. But question is: Did Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Mohammad leave for us any manuscript of their Oswat Hasna along with Quran? Answer is: No. Never. Not alt all. They did not leave such thing behind because their Oswat hasna was replica of Quranic Ethical Codes. That mean: their Authentic Oswat Hasna exists only within Quran. For example: When Quranic verses 60:4, 60:6 talk about Oswat Hasna of Prophet Ibrahim; in same verse, then Quran also tells: what was that Oswat hasna, in following words “Abraham and those with him said to their people: “We are clear of you and of whatever ye worship besides Allah. we have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever,- unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone”. In the same way, we read in over 50 books this reliable report that when a Person asked Mother of believers Aisha RA: How did you find Akhlaaq (Conduct) of Rasool? Pointing to Quranic verse 68:4, she replied: Quran is Akhlaaq of Rasool. In Arabic she said:In Fact, Quranic verse 4:26 tells: that from within Quran, God guides you through the Way (Sunnan) of righteous people who are passed away. So, authentic Sunnah of previous people exists only within Quran. Quran 4:26 “It is Allah’s Will to make things clear to you, guide you to the noble ways (Sunnan) of those before you, and turn to you in mercy. For Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.“ Therefore; all extra-Quranic Sunnah, Hadiths etc are mere Bid’a invented by Sectarian Imams and Mullahs. And that Bid’a have no any relation to Deen Islam which have been finalized in Quran.

Quran tells in verses 29:18, 5:99, 3:20, 42:48, 39:41, 18:110, 28:56, 72:21, 2:272 that Prophet was mere a Divine Postman, and his Only duty was to deliver Quran Clearly. Quran also tells us: That Rasool could not guide anyone to Right Path but only Allah guides people 29:18, 5:99, 3:20, 42:48, 39:41, 18:110, 28:56, 72:21, 2:272. Now point is: If Rasool could not guide anyone to Right Path, then how could he guide Sunni and Shia through his Sunnah and Hadiths which he never left behind? Truth is: because Rasool was mere any Agency of Allah 29:18, 5:99, 3:20, 42:48, therefore;

Authentic Hadith of Allah 39:23 = Authentic Hadith of Rasool 69:40 = Only Quran 6:114.

When you follow Quran, you are obeying “Allah and Rasool”. When you follow Quran, you are also following Oswat Hasna of all Good People of past, Prophet Mohammad and  Prophet Ibrahim. Because Allah says: his Quran explains everything for Islam 12:111, 16:89, 17:12. 6:114, 25:33, 18:54, therefore; all what is not given in Quran is absolutely not part of Deen Islam.

A mouse click on following picture will take you to our another page which contains all click-able links which are showed in following table. 
Fabricated Context-stories (Asbab-Nazool) which enemies of Quran and Heretical Sunni/Shia sects have attached to the verses of Quran. Truth is: Extra-Quranic material such as Fabricated Books of Hadiths, Concocted Sunnah, Gossipy Tafsirs (exegesis), and stories of Context (Asbab-e-Nazool) are the Greatest Conspiracy against Noble Quran, hatched by defeated Zoroastrians, Zanadqa, hypocrites, and other enemies of Islam

At the very beginning, here is one important question: Did Prophet and four Caliphs leave behind any written manuscripts of so called Hadiths, Sunnah, Tafsirs and Stories of Contexts (Asbab-e-Nazool) along with written Quran? Answer is No, Never. If that all stuff was required to understand Quran, then at least four Caliphs were supposed to compile this kind of extra-Quranic manuscripts? But did they? No. If that all extra-Quranic stuff was part of Deen Islam, then at least four caliphs were supposed to compile this kind of extra-Quranic manuscripts but did they? No. Therefore; it becomes crystal clear that this all extra-Quranic material was neither needed to understand Quran nor that extra-Quranic material is part of Deen Islam.

On the Contrary; we have tons of well-known references which show that Prophet forbade people to write down anything from him except Quran. Prophet also told people: who have already written down from me any extra-Quranic material, he must destroy it. After death of Prophet, First Caliph Abu Bakr RA told Muslims “La Tuhadithu”, which mean do not narrated any hadith from Prophet. He told Muslims: decide your all matters according to Quran. Caliph Umar RA ordered all Muslims to submit to him all notes of written Hadiths which they possessed. People obeyed the order and submitted all such material to Caliphs Umar RA, thinking: that probably, he wants to compile a Master-Copy of Hadiths. But do you know, what did Umar RA do? He burned all those hadiths in an open Field, and told people: these hadiths are like Jewish Mishnah which sent Yahood astray. Mishnah is now part of Talmud. Caliph Umar RA wrote letters to all City Governors ordering them to erase all hadiths. Caliph Umar RA warned two Supersonic Hadith-Mongering Machines “Abu Hurairah” and “Rabbi K’ab-al-Ahbar” (a Pseudo convert to Islam) to stop narrations of hadiths or you will be punished. It is recorded that Abu Hurairah said: he could not narrate any hadith during era of Caliph Umar RA because he was afraid: Umar RA could break his head. But there were three Companions of Prophet who were still narrating hadiths to People. It is documented in all Famous books that Caliph Umar RA called those three companions (Sahaaba) of Prophet, and asked them “What are those Hadiths of Prophet which you guys are narrating to people?” Then Caliph Umar placed them under house arrest for life. They were released only after the martyrdom of Caliph Umar RA. Does it not show you clearly that Hadiths-Spreading was a Punishable Crime and so is even today? Caliph Uthman RA walked on the footsteps of Abu Bakar RA and Umar RA

O Man: Factszz never talks without references and proof. You can read Original-Book Scanned references of all points which we have just mentioned above, in our this page “True History of Hadiths and Sunnah” at: http://wp.me/p4GOwI-6e

How did Muslims understand Quran in the life of Prophet and four Caliphs without the existence of books of Tafsirs, Hadiths, and Contexts? Answer is: they understood Quran only by Quran because Quran fully explains itself, which mean: Quran does its own Tafsir (exegesis) through its own internal built-in Tasreef and its own built-in dictionary. And this is Only the Correct way to understand Quran correctly. Also, logically and rationally; Infallible Book of Infallible God cannot be explained through Fallible Books of Fallible men. In order to write Tafsir of Quran, a Person must have more knowledge than Author of Quran, or at least level of his knowledge/Intellect must be same as of Author of Quran. Now, we all know: Author of Quran is One God. Then, is there any Mofassar (exegesis writer) who have more knowledge than God? No way. In Quran 75:19, God says about Quran that “It is for Us to explain it”.  And Quran indeed does its own Tafseer through its own Tasreef 6:114, 25:33, 18:54. This mean: all Quranic verses are interconnected like brain neurons. And in this way, verses explain each other in multifaceted forms. For example: when we read Surah Baqara (Cow) of Quran, we see two terms, Muslim, and Momin. New reader of Quran might pause a while and think; Oh: then what is difference between these two terms? But when reader proceeds further and reaches to Surah Mominoon; he reads there full definition of “Momin,” and in short, it becomes clear that if a Muslim is equated to an Engineer, then a Muslim-Momin is like a Professional Engineer who really practically applies all laws and ethical codes of Book of God in his temp earthy life. Quran explains itself very beautifully.

At the beginning of 7th Century there were two superpowers, Romans, and Zoroastrian Sassanid Empire of Persia. Bother Superpowers were defeated by Muslim-Generals. Millennia old Zoroastrian Empire was totally collapsed. Now because Zoroastrians could not face Muslims in battlefield, therefor; they started to destroy faith of Muslims in Ideological field. Defeated Persians got full chance for Revenge after year 750 CE when Abbasid with the support of Persian Zoroastrian, revolted against Omayyad Caliphs, and finally built their Abbasid Empire in year 750 CE. Abbasid were Pro-Persian and Pro-Zoroastrians. Tutors of their Children, and almost all Ministers in the era of Abbasid Caliph Haroon Rashid were Persian Zoroastrians from Bramka dynasty/ancestry. Even wives of some Abbasid Caliphs and Princes were Persian Zoroastrians. So, now Iron was hot enough to beat and bend. Zoroastrians Ministers tried to change Arabic Text of Quran but badly failed because there were thousands and thousands Huffaaz out there, and they could catch even if one word of Quran is changed. God has put these Huffaaz as a Check on Quranic Text. Say: In fact Huffaaz are Divine Guards of Quran 15:9, 17:88, 41:42. If all Books and Computer archives are thrown into Ocean; Quran will be right back within hours. Just bring One Hafiz, and print whole, exactly same Quran which was being recited by Prophet Mohammad PBUH 1400 years ago. Hafiz is that Person who memorizes whole Quran cover to cover. Plural of Hafiz is Huffaaz or Huffaz.

Now when Enemies of Islam failed to change Quran, they came with several other conspiracies to change the Translation of Quran by attaching different concocted stories of Hadiths, Sunnah Tafsirs and Contexts (Asbab-Nazool) to each verse of Quran. As said above: that kind of extra-Quranic manuscripts never existed in the era of Prophet and Four Caliphs. Their purpose to attach such stories with each verse of Quran was in fact: to superimpose that Stories upon verses of Quran, so that: Reader of Quran may have already a built-in Story in his mind, and then he will understand Quran not through Quran’s own internal Tasreef but through that concocted stories of Hadiths, Tafsirs and Asbab-Nazool (contexts). For example: when these hypocrites planned to blend Stoning/Rajam Punishment of Jewish Talmud in Islam, they invented many hadiths in which it was shown that Prophet Mohammad PBUH was ordering to carry out non-Quranic punishment of Rajam (stoning). From such many ridiculous stories, we read one comic story in the book of Zoro forger Bukhari:“Narrated `Amr bin Maimun: During the pre-lslamic period of ignorance I saw a she-monkey surrounded by a number of monkeys. They were all stoning it, because it had committed illegal sexual intercourse. I too, stoned it along with them. Now in school, even a 5th grader boy can judge that this is a moronic Joke, a comedy, despicable forgery. Bukhari was applying his concocted Rajam law even to monkeys. Please note: regardless if a person is married or unmarried; for illegal sex (sex without wedlock), Quranic punishment is 100 lashes. Nowhere Quran tells to apply Rajam. With Quranic verse 11:114, these hypocrites and heretical Sunni sect have attached another ridiculous story of Context (Asbab-e-Nazool) which is given in Tirmidhi 3114, as: one man kissed a woman illegally, and in order to forgive sin of that Idiot Kisser; God sent down verse 11:114 in which God ordered all Muslims to pray two Namaz Rituals at sunset and at morning in order to forgive sin of that sexy Kisser. Can you believe in such kind of ridiculous concocted fables if you have a healthy brain! And same concocted comic story is also given in book of Zoro hadith forger Bukhari, number 4687, at: https://sunnah.com/bukhari/65/209

These Enemies of Allah and Quran also invented another lie against Quran which they named “Abrogation”. Through this lie, they tried to make Quran a Scribbling-Pad of a Poet. Through this lie of Abrogation, they started to declare any verse of Quran “Abrogated”. When their Fabricated stories of Hadiths started to contradict Quranic Laws; they started to say that relevant verse is Abrogated. Besides; when these Ignoramus Sectarian Heretical Sunni and Shia Mullahs/Imams of past failed to reconcile verses of Quran, mutually; the easiest way they found was: to declare relevant verse of Quran “Abrogated”. But truth is: in order to understand Quran correctly, there is one Golden Rule, which is: whole Quran must be considered as background context of every verse of Quran because in Quran, verses are interconnected like brain neurons, and in this way: verses explain each other in multifaceted forms. When we take whole Quran as background context of Quran, and we read verse 2:106 along with verses 2:105, 5:48, it becomes Crystal Clear that due to, being the Final Edition of all Scriptures, Quran is abrogating previous corrupted Scriptures, and is abrogating their outdated laws. Quran never abrogates its own verses. Kindly read our page “Abrogation – the Greatest lie against Quran” at: http://wp.me/p4GOwI-Y

Heretical Sunni and Shia sects are being badly misled by these Fabricated Hadiths, Fake Stories of Contexts (Shan-e-Nazool) and concocted stories of Tafsirs from 1200 years to such a degree that from 1200 years, these Shia and Sunni heretical Mullahs and Imams are failed to understand Quran correctly. They failed to understand Quran correctly because instead of understanding Quran through Quran’s own in-built Tafsreef, they always superimpose Fabricated Hadiths, Fake Stories of Contexts (Shan-e-Nazool) and concocted stories of Tafsirs upon verses of Noble Quran.For example: these Mullahs are totally failed to understand; meat of which animal is Halal or Haram in Quran. They have different sectarian Fiqah (Jurisprudence) which they have derived mostly from those fabricated books which we have mentioned above. And what is the Result? One Sect says: meat of Rabbit is Halal (legal), but other sect says, it is Haram (illegal). Even J. Ghamidi type Pseudo Scholars say: All grass eating animals are Halal (legal to eat). This is the Climax of Ignorance and stupidity of these Pseudo Mullahs and folly Imams. If we take words of this Pseudo Scholar Ghamidi, then, because Donkey, Horse, two-ton heavy hippopotamus, and three-ton heavy Elephant also eat grass; so, according this Pseudo Mullah; meat of Donkey, Horse, two-ton heavy hippopotamus, and three-ton heavy Elephant is also halal! But according to Noble Quran, meat of these all five grass eating animals Donkey, Horse, Rabbit, Elephant and hippopotamus is as Haram as is Haram flesh of Swine. This mental-blindness is not confined to Ghamidi only but also to all those over 100 ignoramus sectarian Sunni and Shia translators who have translated verse 5:1 wrongly as “All grazing beasts of the flock are permitted to you“. This is 101% wrong translation. This mean: according to all over 100 translators of Quran; meat of Donkey, Horse, Rabbit, Elephant and hippopotamus is Halal! This is the foulest idiocy propounded by these Ignorant Sectarian Psychopaths. This all happened to them because they superimpose Mullahs-Made Extra-Quranic books upon verses of Quran, and they never pondered on Quran through Quran’s own Tasreef. But even after 1200 years, they are not ready to accept the Truth. Iblis has made them dumb by hijacking their brains 38:82-83. Noble Quran is so beautiful book that it has made clear this whole big subject of “Halal and Haram meat” of animals just in Two Words. After understanding that two-words, you can learn easily that on whole planet, which grass eating animal is Halal, and which is not Halal. In order to read detail, please visit our page “Which meat is Haram and which meat is Halal according to Noble Quran” at: http://wp.me/p4GOwI-Ni

Only one ficticious Hadith of Miraaj turned the table of Deen Islam at 180 degree & converted DEEN into Satanic Religion of Mullahs and Imams
