Micro-level analysis of Verdict of Supreme Court of Pakistan about Asia Bibi Appeal 39-L/2015

Allah Al-Adal has ordained us to be just even if case goes against your kins and parents 4:135

Verdict: Mian Saqib Nisar – Chief Justice.

1- At the beginning of his verdict, CJ has posted following Arabic Kalama which does not exist in Noble Quran, therefore this Kalama has no any relation with Islam. This Kalama was fabricated by hadith followers centuries after the death of Prophet. Please note: Prophet left behind only written Quran and he left behind not a single page of any his hadith, sunna, seera manuscript. That all stuff was forged 250 years after Prophet mostly by defeated Persian Imams in order to disable Quranic laws. Neither Prophet nor any of 4 Guided Caliphs certified even one extra-Quranic Hadith. Because Prophet left only Quran. So Islam=Quran. Full stop. What is in Quran is part of Islam and what is not given in Quran is not part of Islam. An avid reader of whole Quran knows well that Islamic law (Sharia) is valid only from Quran 6:114 and who make Islamic law from extra-Quranic books are declared by Quran in 5:40-48 as Zaalim, Faasiq, and Kaafirs. Therefore; Concerning Islamic law, in this verdict, all extra-Quranic references has no relation with Deen Islam which is finalized only in one Book, and that Book is “Quran”. It is very clear in Quran that meaning of “to obey Allah and Rasool” is nothing else but to follow Only Quran 6:114, 25:30, 10:15, 6:19, 5:44.

2- Quran does not contain any Hadood-Punishment for a Blasphemer. God tells LIVING prophet to exercise patience against blasphemers. However Allah tells in various verses that who insult and mock my Prophets/Rasools will have their seat in Hell. Due to this reason, if Majlis Shoora/Muslim Parliament makes a law of Punishment for a blasphemer; that law will not go against the spirit of Quran. Logically that law can be made in four steps.

a– If Blasphemer is proved guilty in court; court must order to pay penalty with one month Jail
b– If Blasphemer repeats blasphemy; he/she must be sent to jail for 5 years.
c– If he repeats blasphemy, he/she must be sent to jail for life.
dIf blasphemy Claim of plaintiff is proved intentionally forged/fabricated; he/she must be sent to Jail for one year with heavy fine. This will keep those Fanatic-Criminals at bay who forge blasphemy claims with false witnesses against a Person whom they do not like on personal basis. All Christians, Hindu and non-Muslim in this country know that in this Country live 220 Million Muslims; then how one Christian can commit blasphemy? Only a Mad will do so; and on a mad, we cannot apply law. Without any doubt; blasphemy law in this country is being misused by Criminals and Fanatics to revenge their opponents; and to buy false witnesses in this Country is easier than to buy a goat from goat-market; and verdict of Judges depends upon witnesses. Not all judges test at micro level if witness is false or true. False witness-giver must be sent to jail for at least 7 years after finalizing with lie-detector. If Laws does this; Number of False witness-giver will drop sharply.

3- Verse 2:256 and other relevant verses of Quran never allow a Muslim to commit sins freely, but tells a Person that he/she is free to be a Muslim or a Non-Muslim, but when he/she embraces Islam, he/she must abide by Laws of Quran. Just like if you migrate from China to USA; you have to abide by US-Law.

4- Judge has quoted some Poetry of Allama Iqbal RA but Allama Iqbal is not authority on Islamic law. Only made easy 54:40 Quran is Authority on Islamic law. Even Mohammad(s) is not an Authority on Islamic law but is only Quran 6:114, 10:15.

Allama Iqbal was a Great Man, a Great Scholar, Million time better than Ignorant Mullahs but still he was not an angel but a fallible man. He lived in South Asia where the most Ignorant Muslims of planet live. So he also took some color from ignorant Mullahs of South Asia. He has also made some mistakes that clearly contradict Quran; and his some poetry is based on 100% fabricated hadiths. For sure, his such kind of Poetry cannot be accepted by a True Wise Muslim. For example, his following Poetry which Nisar has quoted in his verdict is based on not just 100% but 1000% forged hadith.

Hadith: ‘If not for you (O Muhammad!) I would not have created creation’ = An 100% Forged Hadith.Because Quran is Enough for a Muslim 12:111, 16:89, 17:12; and Quran never tells to depend on other books for Islamic law; so we do not want to paste below following text, but we are posting for the info of Hadith followers who build their faith on this hearsay and gossip called hadiths. Concerning above-mentioned hadith; Hadith-followers must read following Opinion of their own big Mullahs whom they follow: 

Many false and fabricated ahadeeth (narrations) have been narrated that say similar things. For example:

Were it not for you, I would not have created the universe.”

This was quoted by al-Shawkani in al-Fawaid al-Majmoo’ah fi’l-Ahadeeth al-Mawdoo’ah (p. 326). He said:

Al-San’ani said: (it is) mawdoo’ (fabricated).

Al-Albani said in al-Silsilah al-Da’eefah (282): (it is) mawdoo’.

Another example is the hadeeth narrated by al-Hakim according to which Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said:

“Allah revealed to ‘Eesa (Jesus, peace be upon him): ‘O ‘Eesa, believe in Muhammad, and tell whoever you meet of your ummah (followers) to believe in him. For were it not for Muhammad, I would not have created Adam, and were it not for Muhammad, I would not have created Paradise and Hell. I created the Throne over the water and it would not settle until I wrote on it, La ilaha ill-Allah Muhammad Rasool Allah (There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah).”

Al-Hakim said: its isnad (chain of narration) is saheeh! But al-Thahabi commented on this and said: I believe it is fabricated and falsely attributed to Sa’eed.

Meaning, Sa’eed ibn Abu ‘Aroobah (one of the narrators of this hadeeth). This hadeeth was narrated from him by ‘Amr ibn Aws al-Ansari, who is the one who is accused of fabricating it. Al-Thahabi mentioned him in al-Meezan where he said: “He produced a munkar (rejected) report,” then he quoted this hadeeth, and said, “I believe that it is mawdoo’ (fabricated).” Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar agreed with him, as it says in al-Lisan.

Al-Albani said in al-Silsilah al-Da’eefah (280): There is no basis for it.” 

Judge Nisar has also quoted incidence of Ilm-ud-Deen who murdered a blasphemer. But an honest Person who have not just read whole Quran but have also understood whole Quran knows very well that actions of Ilm-ud-Deen and Terrorist Mumtaz Qadri were totally wrong as per laws of Quran. Quran in no way ordains to murder a Person except through Court (bil-Haq) for the Pursuit of Justice 17:33, 5:32, 25:68. And of course, Courts in the time of Prophet Mohammad(s) used to give verdict only and only as per laws of Quran because at that time before 722 A.D., bid’ah of Sunna and Hadiths never existed. As a Muslim, if I see, a Person is abusing GOD or any Rasool; maximum I am allowed to do is: To report to Court; and let Court handle that blasphemer. Mumtaz Qadri violated 4:93, and as per 4:93, he is now burning in Hell. Though Prophet Mohammad was last Prophet of Islam; though Jinnah was a Great Man and Allama Iqbal too but no one from them was authority on Islamic Law. Authority on Islamic law is Only and Only Noble Quran 42:10, 6:114 5:44. As per Quran 2:190, even war is permitted only in defense, or to rescue Oppressed People from an Oppressor Ruler/Haakim 4:75. There are many forged hadiths which promote violence and sanction murder but that kind of all hadiths are 100% fabrications. Prophet Mohammad(s) in no way could say some thing which was anti-Quran 6:114, 10:15. This Jaahil judge further writes that “Today Muslims consider Ilm-udeen “Sacha-Ashiq-Rasool”. But he forgot to write “only Jaahil Muslims of South Asia consider so”; not all educated Muslims. We know blasphemer is a bad guy, and blasphemy is big sin but that never mean, any person can become Judge and shoot the blasphemer. Right way is to take blasphemer to Court. We ask this Jaahil Judge: Show us in Quran word “Aashiq and Ishq? It is not there. Word Ishq with Rasool who died 1400 years ago is mere invention of Jaahil Mullahs of South Asia. Ishq is always between a Living Man and a living woman; not between a Muslim and a Dead-Prophet who died 1400 years ago after completing his Great mission which was none but delivery of Quran clearly to people 29:18, 5:99, 3:20, 42:48. Quran in verse 3:31 talks about HUBB with Living Allah (not Rasool) and meaning of HUBB in Arabic is not Ishq but LOVE. There is only and only one way to please Allah and his Rasool on the day of Judgment, and that way is to follow ONLY Quran (in Islam) 25:30, 6:114. Quran in 3:80 says: Who Idolize Prophets are Kaafirs.

Never forget to read our following page “What was age of Aisha RA at the time of her marriage

Never forget to read our very popular, unique and rational page “True history of Hadiths and Sunna at:


5- Quran have used nowhere word “Ishq”. Ishq is usually between a Living man and a Living Woman. Concerning Rasool, term Ishq is invention of Jaahil fasaadi Mullahs of South Asia. Quran makes clear in 18:110 that Rasool was a mortal man like all other mortal men, and he was no more that Divine Postman and his duty was only to deliver Quran clearly and go back 29:16, 3:20, 5:99, 42:48. This is why, Rasool left behind no any written manuscript except Quran. Judge has again given references of extra-Quranic hadiths and to do so is Kufar as per Quran 5:44. Mohammad(s) neither left behind nor certified any hadith. In Truth: All extra-Quranic Hadiths are gossip, rumors and mostly Zoroastrian’s and Jewish Folklore. Quran tells us: Rasool used to have the Best level of Sublime Conduct 68:4 but all books of Shia and Sunni sect depict Great Man Mohammad(s) as Pedophile, Aggressor, Rapist, Zaalim and an abnormal mentally sick person. Hadith followers never read all hadith books but we have read each line of that fabricated books. Judge Nisar has copied Cacophony of Ignorant Mullahs, and he writes in this verdict that Prophet Mohammad was superior to other Prophets. This is shear Violence of Quranic verses which tell: Do not make distinction among Prophet 2:136, 3:84. Nowhere Quran tells that Last Prophet of Allah Mohammad(s) was Superior to other Prophets. In Fact Quran makes clear that all prophet has equal honor and status. Quran tells clearly that Mohammad was like other Prophets and he was a mortal man like all other humans 18:110. Quran also tells Mohammad cannot guide any one to Right Path but it is Only Allah who guides 28:56, 72:21. Nowhere Quran tells that Mohammad(s) was Head of Prophets or was superior to other Prophets. That all blasphemous  Anti-Quran material comes from millions of forged hadiths which were neither certified by Prophet nor by 4 guided Caliphs. 

According to Noble Quran 5:40-48, 6:114, very clearly, all who make Islamic law (Sharia Law) from any extra-Quranic Book/source are Zaalim, Faasiq, and Kaafirs. So Firqa Ahle-Hadith and all others sects who make Islamic Law (Sharia law) from extra-Quranic books/sources are 100% Mushrik Kaafirs as per 5:44. This is not our verdict but verdict of GOD which no one can change.

6- Sunni sect has been twisting many verses of Quran from 1200 years in order to advance their some unsound beehives; and same is done by Judge when he quoted Quran 53:1-4. If we read whole Sura Najam (53) and use whole Quran as its background; then it becomes 100% Clear that 53:1-4 point to ONLY Quranic Wahi; and not to any extra-Quranic talks of Prophet Mohammad(s). Then Judge has quoted one so called hadith from Abu Hurairah but all sunni and shia books tell: That Aisha RA and Caliph Umar RA declared Abu Hurairah a Liar, hadith forger, a beggar, and a thief. How can one accept hadiths narrated by such person?

7- In para 5, CJ Nisar has posted wrong traslation of Quran 3:31 “Nisar posted: “O Messenger: Say to people if you keep Allah as FRIEND then follow me” but word Friend never appears in Arabic Text of verse 3:31. Word appear in 3:31 is “Hubb” which mean LOVE. So verse says: O Messenger: Say to people if you LOVE Allah then follow me”. Please note: Verse 3:31 is telling you to LOVE Allah who is living and will never die. Verse 3:31 never tells you to LOVE Rasool. And Quran makes clear in many verses that to Obey Allah and his Rasool mean to follow Quran only 6:114, 5:44. And not fabricated extra-Quranic Sunna and Hadiths which Prophet and 4 Guided Caliphs never certified.

8- Judge has again quoted Quran 4:65. This verse talks about LIVING Prophet as Judge but Allah has ordained Living Prophet in 6:114, 10:15; Judge only as per Quran (not as per fabricated hadiths and sunna Prophet never left behind nor he certified). To disobey Living Rasool mean to disobey Judgment of Rasool which he have given as per Quran 6:114.

9- Judge has mentioned a fabricated dogma of Hadith followers in Para 6, which says: Rasool is NAMOONA-Hayaat for Muslims. But nowhere Quran tells that Namoona-Hayaat mean to follow fabricated hadiths and Sunna which Prophet never left behind. Hadither followers twist verse 59:7 and 33:21: Hadither translate 59:7 as “What Rasool Gives you, take it” but when we read whole Sura 59; and 59:7 along with 59:6, we can know that verse is telling Muslims: What portion of SPOIL of WAR Rasool give you, take it and do not dispute. 59:7 has no any relation with fabricated books of hadiths and Sunna. Muslims of South Asia are the most Ignorant Muslims (in fact not Muslims but are Mohammedans) living on this planet. And judges there also belong to same stock. Verse 33:21 uses word Aswat-al-Husna which is confined to battle of Trench only which mean to follow bravery and patience of Rasool in battle of Trench. Quran also uses word Aswat-al-Husna of Prophet Ibrahim. But question is: Did Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Mohammad leave for we Muslims any Manuscript of their Aswat-al-Husna? Never. It is Quran that also contains Aswat-al-Husna of Ibrahim and Mohammad. So when you follow laws codes and ethics of Quran, you are following Aswat-al-Husna of Ibrahim and Mohammad but in Islam, when you follow extra-Quranic Fabricated Sunna and Forged Hadiths; you are following Satan Iblis and you are committing Shirk and Kuffar as per 6:114, 5:40-48. Judge has quoted Quranic verse 7:203 which makes clear to follow Rasool is to follow Only Quran. 
In next Para, Judge Nisar has posted translation of Verse 33:21 but that translation is NOT of verse 33:21. He has made mistake. Then judge has posted some verses about Prophet Mohammad which are about LIVING Prophet Mohammad. Then Judge Quotes Qurtabi but Authority in Islam is Quran; not Qurtabi. Then Judge quotes verses 9:61-62 which are about LIVING Prophet. Then Judge quotes Ibn Tamayya but authority in Islam is Quran; not Ibn Tamayya. Judge has beautifully quoted verse 5:32. Highly Disruptive and improper Words and references of Nsar’s verdict clearly shows: He was never  fit for the Position of CJP.

To sum up:

Verdict of Justice Nisar and Justice Khosa about Aasia Bibi sounds truthful. Part written by Justice Khosa is indeed a beautiful Master Piece of wisdom. We congratulate both Judges for giving such a Truthful verdict; But following points to be noted too:

A– Many judges in lower courts are fanatics and unjust who declared death penalty for innocent Aasia Bibi. Judiciary must be cleansed from this kind of biased Judges.

B– Moulvi Mullahs and Pseudo Moulnaaaz must be banned to deliver any Fatwa. They are Gangs of Jaahils and a party of Satan.

CAll Private Madaaris of Sectarian Mullahs must be banned; and Quran must be taught only in Government Schools/Colleges and Universities. All Fabricated Books of hadiths and sunna must be banned.

D– Quran forbids sects in many verses. So all sects must be banned. Allah has named us ONLY Muslim in Quran 22:78.

EAll Private Mosques of Mullahs must be demolished and GOV must make Grand Beautiful Mosques in each Town. Khateeb of Masjid must be an GOV employee under Ouqaaf ministry. No private Mullahs or Khateeb must be allowed to deliver sermon or preaching to Public in any gathering.

FA Political Question: Why did Nisar disclose this already kept-Mahfooz verdict right at the time when PM Imran Khan was going to visit China? Despite Nisar knew well: Such a Truthful Verdict can ignite Jaahil Mullahs and their Ignorant Followers. PM Imran khan must investigate this matter in depth; and punish severely the culprit who deliberately tried to flop his China-Visit. Nisar kept first verdict of Panama case MAHFOOZ for about two months. Then why he could not keep Verdict of Asia-Bibi also MAHFOOZ until China-Visit of PM Imran Khan is over? Even a 5th grader in School can understand that he did so to create havoc/headache for GOV of Honest PM Imran Khan. He is doing Namak-Halaali of his Boss who raised him from a third class Lahori Wakeel to the post of CJP. According to a confirmed reliable Media report; ISI told CJP through his channels not to disclose verdict of Asia-Bibi at the time when PM is going to visit China but this stubborn man did not listen even ISI, and pleased his Previous Boss MNS. (Ch Ghulam Hussein). Now Fanatics are burning Public Property and closing all roads. All the loss in Billions must be recovered from one Person Nisar who disclosed this verdict DELIBERATELY on that time when Interior Minister who is also PM, were ready to go to China for State-Visit. According to our honest and unbiased Opinon, Nisar’s this act at incorrect time is much bigger crime than the act of Terrorism. He must be tried under Article 6 and under act of Terrorism on charge of destroying Public property in billions. A Correct and True Verdict was disclosed on VERY WRONG time deliberately to Harm the Public Property. It is 1000% Treason against State.

F- All Mullah who bark against Army, PM and SC Judges must be hanged Publicly under article 6 within Month. To not punish such kind of criminals is to abet crime. 

Mafia/Mafias alway plant their Stooges in all departments of State. Such Mafias buy a small calf at early stage. When that calf become buffalo/Cow; then that Mafias milk the Cow/Buffalo. When Stooges of Mafia which they plant at early stage in all department reaches to Top Post by continuous UNJUST promotions; then Mafias use their Planted Stooges for their benefits. 

We end this page with one tweet of some one which is addressing Honest PM Imran Khan 

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Micro-level analysis of Verdict of Supreme Court of Pakistan about Asia Bibi Appeal 39-L/2015
