
All praise is due to Hayy-ul-Qayyoom the Sustainer of the Universe the Omnipresent and the Omniscient, from whom, all journeys start, and end. Only Hayi Al-Haadi can guide one to right path, and due to stubbornness and arrogance of one, if Al-Haadi leaves him astray, then no one can be his guide, and such an evildoer is destined to blazing fire   

Answering one Self-proclaimed Apostate

 (Under video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DR7_YQ53lfI )

Even during the life time of Prophet Mohammad, there were many Yahoodi, Zoroastrians, and Christians hypocrites who apparently embraced Islam, built even mosques, and became preachers in order to harm Muslims and Islam. Even that hypocrites built their Mosque which is called by Quran “Masjid-Diraar“. GOD informed Prophet Mohammad not to go to that Masjid-Diraar because that Mosque is Mosque of hypocrites. From Yamen, there was one well known person Ka’ab Al-Ahbar a Yahoodi Rabbi who apparently accepted Islam during Rule of 2nd Caliph Umar The Great but history proves fully; that later, he was Ka’ab Al-Ahbar  who masterminded the murder plan of Caliph Umar and used Zoroastrian Persian Feroz Lulu as a tool. Throughout past 1400 years, even during the life time of Prophet, Yahood, Zoroastrian and Church planted many their hypocrites in Islam in order to harm Islam. GOD told Prophet Mohammad about that kinds of all hypocrites in verse 6:112. It seems to us, this apostate of Video “Aiamen/Ismael” is also a Yahoodi who was planted in Islam to harm Islam. All the most outrageous hadiths that today brain-dead hypnotized dumb dummies (we call them Hadithers) follow, were in fact forged by Ka’ab Al-Ahbar and his student Abu Hurairah. According to our in depth analysis and investigation, all Hadith Imams of Shia and Sunni sects like Bukhari, Imam-Muslim, Nasaee, Tirmidhi, Abu-Dawud, Ibn-Majah, Yaqoob Kaleeni of Shia Al-Kaafi, author of Nahj-al-Balagha (forged 383 years after Caliph Ali), Ibn Ishaq who wrote book Sira, Wakidi, Ibn Hisham and Tabari all were planted hypocrites. They all were Kaafirs and hypocrites disguised under Muslim names. Their task was to sell sugar-coated candies of cyanide to blind-followers. Their way: Praise Prophet Mohammad in one report in order to build trust in brain of Reader and then in next report, insult nakedly Prophet Mohammad and Quran. Abdulla Bin Abi was also a notorious Yahoodi hypocrite (apparently Muslim) who created many problems among Muslims. Abdulla bin Sabah was another lethal Yahoodi hypocrite (apparently Muslim) who created split of Shia and Sunni. Two Monabba were also Yahoodi Hypo. LeanedOrNotOldest history book of Islam written 150 years even before Tabari “Dalaa’il min Naboute Syedna Mohammad” by Abdul Jabar tells that it were Sabaite-Shiites of that hypo Abdulla bin Sabah who murdered Hussein bin Ali when he was asleep at home, when he was Governor of Iraq; but Shia has fabricated a long story of Karbala which never happened. Same book of Abdul Jabar also tells that Aisha RA was sister of Caliph Abu Bakar and she was widow of a martyr Saleh bin Saleh Tayaab. She was 48 years old when Companions suggested and requested Prophet Mohammad to marry her (after death of Khadeeja). So age of Aisha was 48 years and age of Prophet was 52 years when their marriage took place. But Zoroastrian Bukhari published fake hadith of her 9 years marriage in his evil book in order to show Prophet as a pedophile. It has been fully confirmed now, that hadith of 9 years marriage was forged by 11 Iraqi Shiites, 9 from Koofa and 2 from Basra Iraq. Please read a Book “Karbla: fact or fiction” authored by Dr. Shabbir Ahmed M.D. It is free download. If you do not find it, please ask us.Quran4_82F16_116That all hypocrites mentioned above were professional forgers. Ibn Ishaq declared Imam-Malik “Dajjal” and Malik declared Ibn Ishaq a “Kaafir”. Shafi and Malik were notorious Sodomites. Both used to have sex with their wives from rectum. Ahmed bin Hanbal apparently was vanguard of Islam but in fact he was an ardent hypocrite (Mojahid-al-Monafak by Mullah Ali Qari). We have given full Proof in our page at link 15 at our main page about these all hypocrites. Being a sensible, mature, honest, logical, and rational reader, Can you expect that when a Dedicated Muslim (not hypocrite like this man of video) fails to understand just one verse of Quran due to his own ignorance and lack of knowledge, he/she will leave Islam? It can never happen with a dedicated Muslim. It could happen only and only with a planted hypocrite. There are hundreds of our Muslim sisters and brothers who engage with us in discussion in order to clarify some points, and once the point was made clear rationally and logically, we were thanked back. Do you not wonder that in past years, we posted hundreds of comments under videos of this man and criticized his false approach to Islam; but he replied not a single comment. What is this! That attitude made this guy suspicious. A Dedicated knowledgeable Muslim will always engage in discussion for clarification. He never. The biggest mistake that most of Quranic-Readers make, is: that they try to understand Quran by man-made theological sources and they try to understand a few verses in isolation and also they do not understand correctly Quranic verse 3:7 (verses that are Foundation of Book and verses that are allegorical). Only the correct way to understand Quran is: when you are reading any one verse, AT THE SAME TIME, your brain-eyesight must be on all other verses of Quran too because verses are interconnected and each verse is explained in multifaceted forms in all chapters of Quran. Standalone Quran fully explains itself, as it has its own built-in dictionary. Quran is absolutely not in need of any external theological source. In above-posted pictured example: word “Qad Khalat” of verse 3:144 is fully explained by Quran through its own buit-in dictionary. Please note that Mullahs, Imams and pseudo scholars who try to understand Quran through fabricated hadiths, Sunna, Sira, Tafsirs (exgesis), Fiqa, contexts, and Shan-e-Nazools are disputing this word from 1200 years. But it is beauty of Quran that it clarifies a point in minutes. You will never understand Quran correctly even in 100 years unless you stop to understand Quran through Man-manufactured material like fabricated hadiths, Sunna, Sira, Tafsirs (exegesis), Fiqa, contexts, and Shan-e-Nazools. Please, understand Quran only by Quran, as above-posted picture shows: We posted following comments under video of this self-proclaimed apostate but he deleted our following comments under his video. So are posting that comments below:Qutan4_136_137_138Peace be upon you Mr Ismael or Mr Aaiman: We will try to post our comments in a language that should not hurt you, however. So if we make mistake; we apologize in advance. Your Problem is like majority of blindly following Hindus Buddhists Jews Christians and Muslims. There is two brands of Islam that one might face. One is the True Islam the sole one true path of one GOD 3:19, 3:85, 3:52, 3:67 which started from Adam, perfected on Prophet Mohammad, and has been finalized in Quran. Other brand is Counterfeited Islam that is manufactured by evil Mullahs and freak fake Hadith Imams, and Pseudo scholars. Just to learn Arabic and then to be well versed in Arabic language, never gives one license of True Scholarship. Abu Jahal and Abu Lahab were native Arabs but they followed path of Satan. JalalynCallOutInstead of understanding Quran by Quran only, You self-proclaimed apostate tried to understand Quran through Books of Hypocrites. Will an hypocrite love Quran, Islam and Prophet Mohammad 68:4? Never. You have quoted in your videos many time from “Tafsir Al-Jalalayn” (Tafsir=exegesis) which was written by two hypocrites 827 years after the death of Prophet Mohammad (632-1459=827). Did GOD tell you the brain-dead self-proclaimed apostate to understand Quran through that evil book? Never. Did Prophet Mohammad certify that book? No. Do you know that both Authors of that Tafsir Exegesis Jalalayn “Jalal al-Din-Al-Mahalli and Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti” were followers of Imam Shafi, and Sodomite Imam Shafi was the Greatest Satan of our 1400 years Islamic history. He was Paul of Islam. Roman Mithraic Paul converted Teachings of Jesus into Christianity which is duplicate copy of Mithraism; and he was Criminal sodomite Shafi who converted Deen Islam into Counterfeited Religion of silly and vile Mullahs and Imams. Deen mean “Divinely prescribed way of life”. He was Shafi who created the Greatest lie of Abrogation against Quran, despite the crystal clear fact: Quran abrogates corrupted bible in 2:105-106, and never its own verses. He was Shafi who used to have sex with his wife from rectum and during debates he always defended his this evil act of Nation of Prophet Lot. He was the Iblis Shafi who invented and blended terms of Hadith and Sunna in Islam by misinterpreting verse 53:3 of Quran by ignoring all other verses of Sura Najam that surround verse 53:3. That verse clearly is relevant only and Only to Quranic wahi/revelations; and never to any fabricated hadith and sunna. Before this Satan, that terms of Hadith and Sunna were illegal in Islam.There is tons of evidence that Prophet and 4 Caliphs burned and banned all hadiths. Read our page “True history of hadiths”. He was Shafi who was proved as one Sabaite hypocrite Shia and was dragged to the court of Abbasid to listen verdict of Hanging but by many lies and tricks, he got free. He was Shafi who later became an employee of Abbasid Gov and Abbasid were 1/2 Muslim and 1/2 Zoroastrians. Tutors of Abbasid Children were Zoroastrians, their almost all Ministers were Zoroastrians from Bramaka family. Their Chief Minister was also a Zoroastrian, even the mother of the most powerful Abbasid Caliph Haroon Rasheed “Khaizran” was a Zoroastrian. Do you know that all garbage of hadiths books were manufactured during Abbasid Period in order to manipulate Quranic laws, to split Muslims into countless sects and to place all we blindly following Muslims on the path of Iblis. Read:

How Imam Shafi (Paul of Islam) derailed Muslim-Majority 1200 yrs ago? https://factszz.wordpress.com/2015/01/04/how-paul-of-islam-imam-shafii-deceived-true-followers-of-prophet-muhammad/ Like many people, you were also dropped in that Pit which Evil Mullahs has dug 1200 years ago in the time of Greatest-Satan Imam Shafi. You are another victim of Mullahs and of your utter ignorance. We know you from the date you converted to Islam. And we also know that from very beginning, you followed the False brand of Islam of Mullahs that has no relation with the Islam that is Sole One True Path of One GOD, Path of Jesus Moses Noah, Mohammad and all. In past we many times, commented under your videos to alarm you that what you are following is not True Islam but being an arrogant you always ignored us.You have tried to explain Book of Allah through the stinky blurred glasses of Azhar University (Gang of Ignorant Mullah Teachers), Ibn Kathir a Stupid Jahil Mullah of Past and through Hadith Books that were never certified by Mohammad nor by any of four guided Caliphs. That all hadiths Books were forged 250-800 years after the death of Mohammad by Persian Imams (disguised Zoroastrian hypocrites). Persian Zoroastrian Empire was defeated by Muslims in 7th Century. Now in order to take revenge of their defeat, Persians were unable to face Muslims in battle field, So they prepared Pseudo hadith Imams who forged Millions of lies with false chains of Narrations during 750-1258 A.D. (508 years) and later labeled that lies as Hadiths of Mohammad, But Truth is: That Mohammad left behind no any Book of Sira Sunna and Hadith: When you will understand Quran not by only Quran but through Man-made Books of Hadiths Sunna and Sira, then not only you but many will go astray and has gone astray already. One example is yours. You must had realized following Truth that you did not: IslamOnlyPathofGOD

Miracles of Quran (A Must Reading) http://www.harunyahya.com/list/type/62/name/Miracles-of-the-Quran Who Wrote the Quran? By Dr. Shabbir M.D. http://drshabbir.com/library/WHO%20WROTE%20THE%20QURAN.pdf

Who wrote the Bible? By Dr, Robert Beckford Ph.D An Academician Top Bible Scholar (if this video is banned in your Christian country under influence of Church, then please use any proxy to view this very important about one hour long video.) https://youtu.be/SCXlFWBcxBo

ImportantNano1– Islam is Only one True Path of one GOD 3:19, 3:85, 3:67. 3:52. All Messengers incl Jesus and Moses were Prophets of Islam. Original Scriptures Psalm Torah Bible (injeel) and Quran all are Scriptures of Islam. Not Jesus but Paul and Constantine made Dogma of Christianity. Nasaraa of Quran are not Christians of Paul. GooglePlusCoverFactszz012– Quran is final updated edition of all Scriptures and It supersedes all of those 5:48, 2:105-106, as it carries forward also remnant Truth of all previous scriptures. So when you follow Quran, you follow all scriptures in fact. 3– Islam mean to follow ONLY and ONLY One BOOK for Islamic-Law and that Book is Quran 5:44, 6:114, 10:15, 50:45, 6:19. Any one who make Divine laws from any other Book except Book of GOD has been declared as Kaafir in Quran 5:444– Islam mean to follow Divine BOOK that Allah sent to people through his Messenger; and never Messenger in Person nor any other Book nor any other Personality like Mullah Imams and Pseudo Scholars. Quran is made Easy 54:17. Quran has its own built-in dictionary and Standalone fully detailed Quran explains itself. Many verses of different chapters are interconnected and explain itself. Quran explains every thing for a Muslim 16:89, 17:12, 12:111, So what is not in Quran is not part of Islam. Prophet Mohammad left behind only Quran and no any other Book. To follow any other Book FOR ISLAMIC LAW, is a Kuffar 5:44

5– Islam is to follow Divine BOOK that Mohammad delivered and not Mohammad in Person. Despite that, you must had realized that GOD do not choose bad people for Prophet-hood, It is matter of common sense. Most Truthful witness is witness of GOD, and GOD has witnessed in 68:4 that Mohammad was a Great Man. After this witness, you are not in need of any other fabricated false witness of Jew Hypo Ibn Ishaq, Zoroastrian Hypo Hadith Imams, and Majoosi Tabari. 6– Quran cannot be understood correctly unless you stop to use any other external theological man-made-source or Human Personality. Understand Quran only by Quran. You cannot understand Quran by taking just one or a few verses out from Quran, and then explain that verse in isolation as YOU HAVE DONE in past and in this VIDEO too. That kind of moronic approach is dangerous and can mislead, so you are mislead too. When you take one verse of Quran, AT THE SAME TIME your eyesight must be on all verses of Quran because verses are interconnected and explain each other in multifaceted forms. 7 If you have a Million Questions, We will answer your every question not like freak Mullahs but with Sense Logic and Rationality. You are suggested to read our main Page at factszz dot wordpress dot com . Contents of that page exceed 1000-Book-Pages. In order to understand whole Material, you might need weeks. After Reading our all material, If any question arises in your head, please post your question under our pages in comments-area, or ask us through email factszz AT gmail dot com. We are not telling, you should follow Islam or not. It is up to you (2:256, 10:99). Because only you will be answerable to GOD after death for your actions, not we. But we want to tell you the Truth and want to Prove 100 Percent that you are mislead by Satan due to your ignorance though you think, you are a learned-one but you are NOT. Learned-one never leave Islam, and this is unalterable Law. Though you claim, you learned Islam for 16 years but we assure you, that you did not learn Islam at all but you were being dragged in garbage-pile that Mullahs and Imams are spreading from past 1200 years. You wasted your years. If two Billion Christians can go astray from 2000 years due to blind-following; then why Blindly-Following Muslim-Majority cannot go astray too? It is not strange. Quran35_36_37F8– You claimed, you Know Quran, but we claim we know Quran from 50 years (time more than your total age). We know each word of Quran and we know that Quran is TRUTH of all Truths. At same one time, all words of Quran are under our eyesight. When Quran was landing, Slavery was already in society and it was Quran that ordained in 2:177 to set slaves free and it is out of question if Prophet had disobeyed Law of his Lord 10:15. It is matter of basic common sense. Malakat-Aiamanokum never mean Slaves but all what is under your control. If you keep all verses of Quran under your eyesight, you will realize that Quran forbids any kind of sex without wedlock Marriage. During War, or in other times, Some women became Muslim and took asylum with Muslims. Now if a married Kaafir woman becomes Muslim, automatically she is considered divorced from his Kaafir Husband, So if that Lady agrees to marry a Muslim, she can marry. You have tried to explain Quran by forged Material of Mullahs and that is the main reason, you ignorant very arrogant beast is gone astray. Quran_23_99_1009– Regarding your point that you have raised in this video about Quranic term “ma malakat yaminuka“, please read below: During war, women used to take part in war too. Example: She was Hind who chewed Liver of Uncle of Prophet “Hamza” in one war. If after Enemy was defeated, and if a woman from that defeated group with her consent embraced Islam and agreed to marry a Muslim or Prophet; then that marriage is validated in 33:50-51-52. In other cases, some times wives of Kaafirs embraced Islam but their husband were still Kaafirs. In that scenario, If that woman escapes from his Kaafir Husband and come to Prophet or Muslims to seek asylum; now that woman also comes under “milk al yamin” mentioned” (in your control). If that woman agrees to marry a Muslim; that is valid then. Please note that when a non-Muslim Wife of a Non-Muslim husbands becomes Muslim; marriage/Nikah remains no longer valid, Quranic verse 33:50-51-52 do not mention in specific slaves but “milk al yamin”: Under your Control or under your asylum. Quran in 2:177 ordains to set slaves Free. It is Quran who rescued Humanity from slavery. Also 8:67 is relevant . “IT DOES NOT behoove a prophet to keep captives unless he has battled strenuously on earth. You may desire the fleeting gains of this world-but God desires [for you the good of] the life to come: and God is almighty, wise. – 8:67” – as an aftermath of a war in a just cause. As almost always in the Qur’an, the above verse lays down that no person may be taken, or for any time retained, in captivity unless he was taken prisoner in a jihad-that is, a holy war in defense of the Faith or of freedom (regarding which see Quran surah 2, note 167) – and that, therefore, the acquisition of a slave by “peaceful” means, and the keeping of a slave thus acquired, is entirely prohibited: which, to all practical purposes, amounts to a prohibition of slavery as a “social institution”. But even with regard to captives taken in war, the Qur’an ordains (in 47:4) that they should be freed after the war is over.(Quran Ref: 8:67) QuranIsMadeEasyQuran_14_1810– Why you are gone astray? Its root cause is: what you learned was about Counterfeited Religion of Mullahs and Imams; and in this ways, you remained totally blank-Ignorant in Real Islam which is finalized in Quran. You made a blunder by understanding Quran through the glasses of Pseudo Scholars and man-made Material. You even was not aware that in Real Islam, there is NO ANY PLACE of Mullahs Imams and Pseudo Scholars (Because Quran is simple and made Easy 54:17). We Ignorant Muslims copied priesthood from Zoroastrians Rabbis and Church. Mullahs Imams & Pseudo Scholars are aliens to Islam. For adultery Quran ordains 100 lashes. As per Quran, no sex without wedlock. Rape, mass murder, terrorism come under Fasaad-Law of Quran 5:32-33 and criminal is to be crucified. QuranMakesUhumanQuran45_14_15_Forgive11– So purpose of our these comments is not to tell you, what Faith you should follow and what not; but main purpose is to rescue you from the Grip of Satan who has misguided you from the True Path in order to destine you to Hell-fire. In this message we have given address of our Main Site and email too. You can put even a Million Questions to us (but one by one, maximum 5 Question at one time) and InshaAllah we will answer you LOGICALLY and Rationally. You frequently quote in your false videos that that Mullah said so and this Mullahs said so. Where Quran tells you that Mullahs are authority on Islamic law? Nowhere. You also quoted many books that were fabricated by hypocrites in order to defame Islam and Prophet like Exegesis Tafsir Jalaalain and many others. Did God or Prophet Mohammad certify that all man-made books that you have frequently quoted in you false videos? GOD told Prophet Mohammad in Quran that around you are many hypocrites; you know them not but God knows: Quran9_101+ZubyrCallOutApostatesQuran2_256_16_104Quran17_45_46_Second


May Allah Al-Haadi rescue you from path of Satan Iblis and put you back on right True Path which is none but Islam. A Muslim or a Mullah can be a culprit but never ISLAM the Sole One True Path of One GOD 3:19, 3:85, 3:52, 3:67. Bye now.PopCompQuran16_116NplusNF 2016-04-09_142104ProphetMohammadCONow this conscienceless hypocrite the self-proclaimed Apostate is uploading his new videos in which he is insulting Prophet Mohammad. Truth is that about Prophet Mohammad, we do not have any authentic info except what we find in Book of GOD Quran. The Most truthful witness is witness of GOD, and GOD has witnessed in Quran 68:4 that Prophet Mohammad used to have the best sublime ethics and moral conduct. After this witness of GOD; we are absolutely not in need of any other fabricated witness from fabricated Hadith Books of Zoroastrian Pseudo Imams and from Book called Seera of Yahoodi Hypo Ibn Ishaq. Should we expect; that hypocrites will praise Prophet Mohammad? No. These hypocrites sold sugar coated candies of cyanide. In one page of their Books, they praise Prophet and when they assess that reader has put trust in them; then in next page they start to insult Prophet. This is their way in their books. They were professional forgers. If they had not coated their cyanide-candies with sugar; then no one was going to buy their candies. This is why they deliberately mixed truth and lies and stuffed in their evil books.ProphetMohammad68_4Contents of books of Persian Hadith Imams, Ibn Ishaq, Wakidi, Tabari, Ibn Hisham clearly show; that all were Zoroastrians/Majoosi/Parsi, and Yahoodi hypocrites. It is matter of basic common sense to realize that GOD will not chose a bad person for Prophet-Hood. Who thinks that God had chosen bad guys as Prophets, is nothing but an idiot insane mentally paralyzed beast. Quran repeatedly tells us that all Prophets were of great character. All Slanders against Prophet Mohammad for pedophilia and Slave trading comes from forged Persian Hadiths and from evil Books of Majoosi Tabari and Yahoodi Ibn Ishaq. Also there is slander that Prophet married wife of his son but all historian knows that Prophet Mohammad had no any son. His sons died in childhood. In Islam, and near GOD, Son is only Son that is your real son and is born from the body of your wife from your sperm. Adapted son is never a Real Son. It is simple matter that your son is only that, who is your biological son. Zoroastrian Bukhari fabricated one hadith in which he shows that Prophet at 52 years age married 9 years old Aisha RA. But it has been fully Proved that, this report of Parsi Bukhari was forged by Eleven Shia, 9 from Koofa and 2 from Basra Iraq. People know well that Shia abuse Caliph Abu Bakar and Aisha Siddiqa. Oldest Book of Islamic history “Dalaa’l min Nobawate Syedna Mohammad” by Abdul Jabar” written 150 years even before book of Parsi Tabari shows that Aisha RA was a widow of martyr Saleh bin Saleh Tayyab and she was 48 years when Prophet at 52 years age married her. Reader must note also a very important point that Islam is to follow Divine BOOK “Quran” that Mohammad delivered; and not Mohammad in PERSON 6:114, 10:15, 47:2. Quran makes very clear that sole duty of Messenger was no more than to deliver BOOK of GOD. In Quran 28:56 and 72:21 it is made clear that Mohammad cannot guide any one but it is Allah who guides. Therefore; how Prophet could guide through fabricated books of Sira Sunna and Hadiths that he himself neither certified nor verified. Please read following very important page:

All #Hadith Imams hailed from Persia were Zoroastrian hypocrites & worst adversaries of Messenger & Allah




Read Proof at: https://factszz.wordpress.com/2015/01/01/actual-muslim-population-in-the-world/

frigfdwaeUKCRFCQuran8_67PlusNoteQuran3_67PlusNoteMosesAndJacobMuslimsCallOutEssenesFollowing is record from one the most recognized historians of First Century. Though in historical records, not every thing is 100% authentic but even if not all, but most of following text appears sound and credible to us. After reading following text, reader is requested to compare character of Essene (Hawaari’yoon of Quarn 3:52) with the character of followers of Paul that we call Christians. In following text (relevant to Essence) Important lines are highlighted with Red font and blue color of font shows comments of Team Factszz:

The Essene; although Judeans by ancestry, they are even more mutually affectionate than the others. Whereas these men shun the pleasures as vice, they consider self-control and not succumbing to the passions virtue. And although there is among them a disdain for marriage, adopting the children of outsiders while they are still malleable enough for the lessons they regard them as family and instill in them their principles of character: without doing away with marriage or the succession resulting from it, they nevertheless protect themselves from the wanton ways of women, having been persuaded that none of them preserves her faithfulness to one man. There is also a different order of Essene. Though agreeing with the others about regimen and customs and legal matters, it has separated in its opinion about marriage. For they hold that those who do not marry cut off the greatest part of life, the succession, and more: if all were to think the same way, the line would very quickly die out.

Since [they are] despisers of wealth—their communal stock is astonishing—, one cannot find a person among them who has more in terms of possessions. For by a law, those coming into the school must yield up their funds to the order, with the result that in all [their ranks] neither the humiliation of poverty nor the superiority of wealth is detectable, but the assets of each one have been mixed in together, as if they were brothers, to create one fund for all. They consider olive oil a stain, and should anyone be accidentally smeared with it he scrubs his body, for they make it a point of honor to remain hard and dry, and to wear white always. Hand-elected are the curators of the communal affairs, and indivisible are they, each and every one, [in pursuing] their functions to the advantage of all.

No one city is theirs, but they settle amply in each. And for those school-members who arrive from elsewhere, all that the community has is laid out for them in the same way as if they were their own things, and they go in and stay with those they have never even seen before as if they were the most intimate friends. For this reason they make trips without carrying any baggage at all—though armed on account of the bandits. In each city a steward of the order appointed specially for the visitors is designated quartermaster for clothing and the other amenities. Dress and also deportment of body: like children being educated with fear. They replace neither clothes (though used to wash) nor footwear until the old set is ripped all over or worn through with age. Among themselves, they neither shop for nor sell anything; but each one, after giving the things that he has to the one in need, takes in exchange anything useful that the other has. And even without this reciprocal giving, the transfer to them [of goods] from whomever they wish is unimpeded.

Toward the Deity (God), at least: pious observances uniquely [expressed]. Before the sun rises, they utter nothing of the mundane things, but only certain ancestral prayers (seems Dua/Adore God) to him, as if begging him (Clearly it seems Dua) to come up. After these things, they are dismissed by the curators to the various crafts that they have each come to know, and after they have worked strenuously until the fifth hour they are again assembled in one area, where they belt on linen covers and wash their bodies in frigid water (mean normal cold water refer to Quran 5:6). After this purification they gather in a private hall, into which none of those who hold different views may enter: now pure themselves, they approach the dining room as if it were some [kind of] sanctuary. After they have seated themselves in silence, the baker serves the loaves in order, whereas the cook serves each person one dish of one food. The priest (seems Dua) offers a prayer before the food, and it is forbidden to taste anything before the prayer; when he has had his breakfast he offers another concluding prayer (Dua like thanking GOD, you have granted us Rizk). While starting and also while finishing, then, they honor God as the sponsor of life (Sustainer). At that, laying aside their clothes as if they were holy, they apply themselves to their labors again until evening. They dine in a similar way: when they have returned, they sit down with the visitors, if any happen to be present with them, and neither yelling nor disorder pollutes the house at any time, but they yield conversation to one another in order. And to those from outside, the silence of those inside appears as a kind of shiver-inducing mystery. The reason for this is their continuous sobriety and the rationing of food and drink among them—to the point of fullness.

As for other areas: although there is nothing that they do without the curators’ having ordered it, these two things are matters of personal prerogative among them: [rendering] assistance and mercy. For helping those who are worthy, whenever they might need it, and also extending food to those who are in want are indeed left up to the individual (Please refer to Quran 2:177); but in the case of the relatives, such distribution is not allowed to be done without [permission from] the managers. Conc anger, just controllers; as for temper, able to contain it; of fidelity, masters; of peace, servants. And whereas everything spoken by them is more forceful than an oath, swearing itself they avoid, considering it worse than the false oath; for they declare to be already degraded one who is unworthy of belief without God. They are extraordinarily keen about the compositions of the ancients, selecting especially those [oriented] toward the benefit of soul and body. On the basis of these and for the treatment of diseases, roots, apotropaic materials, and the special properties of stones are investigated.

To those who are eager for their school, the entry-way is not a direct one, but they prescribe a regimen for the person who remains outside for a year, giving him a little hatchet as well as the aforementioned waist-covering and white clothing (Hawari’yoon f Quran 3:52). Whenever he should give proof of his self-control during this period, he approaches nearer to the regimen and indeed shares in the purer waters for purification, though he is not yet received into the functions of communal life. For after this demonstration of endurance, the character is tested for two further years, and after he has thus been shown worthy he is reckoned into the group. Before he may touch the communal food, however, he swears dreadful oaths to them: first, that he will observe piety toward the deity; then, that he will maintain just actions toward humanity; that he will harm no one, whether by his own deliberation or under order;that he will hate the unjust and contend together with the just; that he will always maintain faithfulness to all, especially to those in control, for without God it does not fall to anyone to hold office, and that, should he hold office, he will never abuse his authority—outshining his subordinates, whether by dress or by some form of extravagant appearance; always to love the truth and expose the liars (Refer to Quran 2:42); that he will keep his hands pure from theft and his soul from unholy gain; that he will neither conceal anything from the school-members nor disclose anything of theirs to others, even if one should apply force to the point of death. In addition to these, he swears that he will impart the precepts to no one otherwise than as he received them, that he will keep away from banditry, and that he will preserve intact their school’s books and the names of the angels. With such oaths as these they completely secure those who join them.

Those they have convicted of sufficiently serious errors they expel from the order. And the one who has been reckoned out often perishes by a most pitiable fate. For, constrained by the oaths and customs, he is unable to partake of food from others. Eating grass and in hunger, his body wastes away and perishes. That is why they have actually shown mercy and taken back many in their final gasps, regarding as sufficient for their errors this ordeal to the point of death.

Now with respect to trials, [they are] just and extremely precise: they render judgment after having assembled no fewer than a hundred, and something that has been determined by them is non-negotiable. There is a great reverence among them for—next to God—the name of the lawgiver, and if anyone insults him he is punished by death. They make it point of honor to submit to the elders and to a majority. So if ten were seated together, one person would not speak if the nine were unwilling. They guard against spitting into [their] middles or to the right side and against applying themselves to labors on the seventh days, even more than all other Judeans (Zoroastrian Hadith Imams allow Hadithers to spit even during Non-Quranic Five Zoro-Rituals): for not only do they prepare their own food one day before, so that they might not kindle a fire on that day, but they do not even dare to transport a container—or go to relieve themselves. On the other days they dig a hole of a foot’s depth with a trowel—this is what that small hatchet given by them to the neophytes is for—and wrapping their cloak around them completely, so as not to outrage the rays of God, they relieve themselves into it [the hole]. After that, they haul back the excavated earth into the hole. (When they do this, they pick out for themselves the more deserted spots.) Even though the secretion of excrement is certainly a natural function, it is customary to wash themselves off after it as if they have become polluted. (As no modern toilets existed in those days and no any method could be better, clean and hygienic than the method they adopted)

They are divided into four classes, according to their duration in the training, and the later-joiners are so inferior to the earlier-joiners that if they should touch them, the latter wash themselves off as if they have mingled with a foreigner. [They are] long-lived, most of them passing 100 years—as a result, it seems to me at least, of the simplicity of their regimen and their orderliness. Despisers of terrors, triumphing over agonies by their wills, considering death—if it arrives with glory—better than deathlessness. The war against the Romans proved their souls in every way: during it, while being twisted and also bent, burned and also broken, and passing through all the torture-chamber instruments, with the aim that they might insult the lawgiver or eat something not customary, they did not put up with suffering either one: not once gratifying those who were tormenting [them], or crying. But smiling in their agonies and making fun of those who were inflicting the tortures, they would cheerfully dismiss their souls, [knowing] that they would get them back again.

For the view has become tenaciously held among them that whereas our bodies are perishable and their matter impermanent, our souls endure forever, deathless: they get entangled, having emanated from the most refined ether, as if drawn down by a certain charm into the prisons that are bodies. But when they are released from the restraints of the flesh, as if freed from a long period of slavery, then they rejoice and are carried upwards in suspension. pulses of the bad are impeded by anxiety, as they expect that even if they escape detection while living, after their demise they will be subject to deathless retribution. Team Factszz thanks to author of following page which is source of above-given text :


OneGodOnePathQuranPermitsWarinDefenseOnlyBibleVsQuranBackwardCheckImportantMessageMainCiCPAddW0AAr_g0CiCZApQXAAEUuaICiCY1vBXIAAucsmQuran24_4N1Quran24_23_24Quran2_190AndNote QuranVsBible StoningInTorahBibles1DeenANDReligion1FatwaByBinBaaz1970

NoStoningInQiranLast testament of God Quran makes crystal clear in 3:19, 3:85 that one God has only one True Path and that is Islam. These verses also tell: People who will follow any other Deen except Islam will be losers on the day of Resurrection and their deeds will not be accepted. Therefore; all Prophets and Messengers of God preached none but Islam 42:13, 3:67, 2:130-133, 3:52; and all true followers of all Scriptures (given to Prophets), were Muslims. Quran 22:78 tells us: From Adam to Prophet Mohammad(s), God has named all True believers only “Muslims”. Not Hindu, Sikh, Yahoodi, Christian, Sunni or Shia etc. All scriptures are scriptures of Islam. Every new Prophet came with new scripture which contained updated version of Divine law. So it was mandatory for Muslims of all times to stick to the latest Scripture of their life-span. Moses was given Book of God “Torah”. Jesus/Isa was given Enjeel. Because all previous scriptures were to be implemented for a limited time, so after their time expired, those got corrupted. Old and New testament has been badly corrupted, this is why Quran abrogated Torah and Bible 1400 years ago in verse 2:105-106, 5:48. Quran updated Divine law and also carried forward still-valid remnant law of previous scriptures. For example: Quran carries forward 9 commandments from 10 commandments of Torah. 10th, Sabbath is dropped. Some Ignorant Islamophobes spread lies that Mohammad(s) has plagiarized some passages from new and old testament. These fools know not that author of Original Torah, Original Enjeel and Quran are not Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad (Peace be upon all of them) but Author of all scriptures is One GOD. When author plans to bring forward his new edition, usually he uses some still-valid material from previous editions in his new edition. So slander of Plagiarism is mere moronic nonsense. We must also note, that after Jesus, Original Aramaic Gospel of Jesus (Enjeel) became extinct. Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John are never scripture Enjeel but are unreliable hadiths of Jesus. In that books, truth and falsehood is melted down together. Any verse of today’s old and new testament which still runs along with Quran, can be considered still uncorrupted but all verses of old and new testament which contradict Quran, are corrupted. Even that four books of hadiths of Jesus Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John are being tampered from 1800 years. Many top bible Scholars like Dr. Bart D. Ehrman PhD and Dr. Robert Beckford PhD admit that Old and New testament have been badly corrupted. Top most Christian German bible scholar of all times Dr. Tischendorf also wrote that bible has been corrupted. For example when we read Book of Mark of 4th Century, its verse 1:1 is: “This is Gospel of Jesus Christ” but when we read Book of Mark of today, verse 1:1 has been badly tampered and now it is: “This is Gospel of Jesus Christ son of God”. You can see, by adding in verse “son of God” they turned table at 180 degree, as they made a mortal human Prophet, Son of God. In same way, in Gospel of John of today we see many verses which we do not find in the Gospel of John of 4th Century. Over 10 news manufactured verses has been blended in last chapter of Book of Mark that we read today because that over 10 verses never exist in Mark’s edition of 4th century. In fact there are thousands of contradictions in corrupted old and new testament. For example: following verses has been deleted from The NIV (New International Version); Matthew 17:21, 18:11, 23:14, Mark 7:16, 9:44, 9:46, 11:26, 15:28,16:9-20; Luke 17:36, 23:17; John 5:4, 5:7; Acts 8:37, 15:34, 24:7, 28:29; Romans 16:24. Nothings happened like this in Quran in past 1400 years. No any verse was blended or removed from Quran nor any verse was changed from one form to other.Most of the over 5000 New Testament differences between the King James Bible and modern Bible versions like the NASB, NIV, RSV, ESV, NET, Living Bible, and others, are the result of two manuscripts which allegedly date to around 350 AD called Sinaiticus (Aleph) and Vaticanus (B). Dean John William Burgon, personally collated the Sinaiticus and Vaticanus manuscripts. In his book, “The Revision Revised”, which he wrote in 1881, he gives his opinion and lists undeniable facts about what these two manuscripts say. Mr. Burgon states on page 11; “Singular to relate Vaticanus and Aleph have within the last 20 years established a tyrannical ascendance over the imagination of the Critics, which can only be fitly spoken of as a blind superstition. It matters nothing that they are discovered on careful scrutiny to differ essentially, not only from ninety-nine out of a hundred of the whole body of extant MSS. besides, but even from one another. In the gospels alone B (Vaticanus) is found to omit at least 2877 words: to add 536, to substitute, 935; to transpose, 2098: to modify 1132 (in all 7578): – the corresponding figures for Aleph being 3455 omitted, 839 added, 1114 substituted, 2299 transposed, 1265 modified (in all 8972). And be it remembered that the omissions, additions, substitutions, transpositions, and modifications, are by no means the same in both. It is in fact easier to find two consecutive verses in which these two mss. differ the one from the other, than two consecutive verses in which they entirely agree.

On page 319 of he remarks, “In the Gospels alone Vaticanus has 589 readings quite peculiar to itself, affecting 858 words while Aleph has 1460 such readings, affecting 2640 words.” In his book, Revision Revised, Dean Burgon wrote over a hundred years ago, concerning the ages of Codices Vatican (B) and Sinai (Aleph): Quote: “Lastly, – We suspect that these two Manuscripts are indebted for their preservation, solely to their ascertained evil character, which has occasioned that the one eventually found its way, four centuries ago, to a forgotten shelf in the Vatican library; while the other, after exercising the ingenuity of several generations of critical Correctors, eventually (viz. in A.D. 1844) got deposited in the waste-paper basket of the Convent at the foot of mount Sinai. Had B and Aleph been copies of average purity, they must long since have shared the inevitable fate of books which are freely used and highly prized; namely, they would have fallen into decadence and disappeared from sight.” (Ref: P1) In short these two codices are old simply because, first, they were written on extremely expensive and durable antelope skins, and secondly, they were so full of errors, alterations, additions and deletions, that they were never used by true believers and seldom even by their own custodians. Thus they had little chance of wearing away.

Herman Hoskier also has written a 2 Volume set called: Codex B and Its Allies: A Study and an Indictment. – Hoskier, Herman Charles (1864-1938) This thorough and scholarly work can now be seen online: In it he documents many of the 4000 or more differences that exist just between these two “oldest and best” manuscripts.

Now there are two main groups, who from centuries, want to prove that Quran has also same problem as their Hadith books and 4 Gospels have. So it is to think like this “If am am sick, why my neighbor is not Sick too”. That two groups are: Christian Missionaries, and Sunni Hadithers. In order to defame and degrade Quran, and in order to bring Quran down to the level of fabricated Hadith Books and badly tamped Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John; hadithers and Christian Missionaries has invented many lies against Quran. Hadithers follow a false fabricated doctrine called abrogation but in fact Quran never abrogates its own verses but abrogates corrupted Bible and Torah in 2:105-106, 5:48. Hadithers also spread big lies from centuries that Quran, like hadiths, also came through narrations (Chinese whisper A told B told C told D told E….told X, told Z). But Truth is: Quran was instantly written down after Divine Revelations, and full Quran as hard book was present in the life of Prophet. You can read its full proof at: http://wp.me/p4GOwI-lv Quran is protected by God through memorization, and in all times thousands and thousands Hufaaz (people who memorize whole Quran) existed. At present time, over 50 millions Huffaaz exist. So even if Islamophobes publish Quran with twisted deformed words and verses; their trick will be useless because in Chest of 50 million Huffaaz is the same Quran which was in the hands of Prophet Mohammad(s). Hadithers and Christians missionaries has also invented together another lie against Quran. They call it Hafs and Warsh. Hafs and warsh is same one Quran with different style of Arabic graphic text. Because many Arabic regions, though write Quran in different style and some time they pronounce even same word differently but meaning of word remains same. Like in USA, Canada, and Britain, many English words are spelled/written differently and also some time pronounced differently. Like Color, Clour. Word “Schedule” is pronounced differently in USA and Canada from Britain. In same way: In Saudi Arabia, Friday is called Jum’a but in Egypt Friday is pronounced as Gum’a. But meaning is same which is Friday. In Saudia word Quran starts from “Qaaf with 2 dots at top” but in Morocco, they place just one dot on Qaaf instead of 2 dots but both Pronounce it as “Quran”. Usually “how are you” in Arabic is “kai’ful haal” but in some areas it is pronounced as “chai’ful haal”, here ch sounds like ch of chair. Please also note: 1400 years ago, in Arabic text, no any diacritical marks were used on Arabic words because being the mother tongue, Arabs knew how to read and pronounce the words without diacritical marks. Diacritical marks were added later in order to make the reading of Quran, easy for non-Arabs, so diacritical marks are not part of text but are mere facilitators. In Quran, God has addressed many time as “I did so” and also “We did so”. We, here is majestic Plural. Conclusively, that all minor differences in different Graphic Arabic texts makes no any difference in the meaning of any verse, any ethics, law, and codes of Quran, It is not like corrupted bible where many verses are deleted, made-up, and blended in Bible and many verses has been badly tampered. We have talked already above about that tampering. So try of Hadithers, Submitter-Cult, and Christian Missionaries to defame Quran is totally failed, and that has no any base at all. Last Prophet of God,  Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him) died in year 6:32 A.D. and after his death, only Book of Quran was found in his Room. He left behind no any other written manuscript. He left no any hadith and Sunna manuscript. He did not certify any hadith. He did not verify any hadith. Six hadith Books of Sunni Sect labeled as Shihae Sitta and four of Shia books were fabricated 250+ years after the death of Prophet. 250 years is big time gap. Besides, contents of that books itself prove forgery of these books. All extra-Quranic books attached to Islam has no any relation with Islam. Quran makes clear in many verses that to Obey Allah and Messengers is same thing, and that is nothing else but to follow Quarn 6:114

Many of you have already heard nonsensical cacophony of Islamophobic bigots, haters, and of some Atheists, in which they scream, that Quran has copied material from Torah, Bible and Zoroastrianism. This kind of dumb Idiots do not know even basics of Comparative Religion nor have they ever read and understood whole Quran with an honest unbiased mind. Truth is: final protected edition of all Scriptures “Quran” is the Truth of all truths. Fact is: from Adam to last prophet, Mohammad; God sent many prophets to different nations, and God bestowed upon them Divine Books/Scriptures, so that, people of that era should live according to law and ethical codes of that Scripture. So, it is clear, that Author of all Genuine Real Scriptures is same One God. When an author, publishes his new edition (next scripture), He always carries forward some material from previous editions to his new edition but author also drops that material which is outdated. Therefore; if Scriptures have some common passages, that is quite normal, and question of plagiarism never arises. Quran tells that Torah, Injeel (given to Jesus). and Psalm were also books of God. Quran also indicates indirectly in verse 22:17 that Zoroaster was also a Prophet of God who taught monotheism. Therefore, if we see commonality among some laws/codes of Quran, Zoroastrian Books, Torah and Christian’s books; that is not surprising at all because author of all Scriptures is one God.

He is God who told Zoroaster, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad to teach followers that there only one God, there are angels; there is Paradise and Hell, there is day of Judgment, people must not break promise; they must not commit adultery, should give charity, should be honest and should not tell lies, tell people that God is Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent, tell them that God is Creator of life, God is source of all goodness and happiness, — and if God has placed same codes in his last Book, Quran; then, how can these Islamophobic Bigots and haters can say that Mohammad had copied from Zoroastrians, Jews and Christians! Does it make any sense? Not at all. He is God who commanded Zoroaster, and he is God who commanded last Prophet Mohammad through Quran, and he is God who commanded Moses through Torah, and He is God who commanded Jesus through Injeel (not through anonymous books called Mark Matthew Luke and John). So, in all cases, Author of these all codes and commandments is God. Therefore, where is Plagiarism, O Hater!        

However, when we talk on this subject; we must be cautious, because after Prophet Zoroaster, his teachings were corrupted. This is why, not all Zoroastrian practices are endorsed by Quran but Quran has endorsed only some those practices which were really taught by Prophet Zoroaster. In the same way, Quran only endorses some those teachings of Torah, Psalm, and Injeel which existed in uncorrupted Scriptures. This is why, God has called Quran Muhayman in verse 5:48 which means: a Book that superseded all previous scriptures, and also that means: a Supervisor over all, and a Corrector over all. God has also called Quran “Al-Furqan” which means: a Criterion between True and False. By using that Criterion, one can Judge degree of Truth and Corruption in Torah, Injeel and Avesta which exist today. Any passage of these previous books which is endorsed by Quran is the Real Passage of those previous Scriptures. And any passage of those old books which contradicts Quranic laws and codes is either outdated or a result of tampering. For example: during Hajj, Quran has permitted round of Safa Marwa but Quran has neither mentioned kissing of black stone nor have ordained we Muslims to walk seven rounds around Kaaba. Because Safa and Marwa rite is real Abrahamic rite of Hajj, so is included in Islamic Hajj but Quran has dropped rites of kissing black-stone and walking seven rounds around Kaaba because such rites were part of Hajj of Pre-Quranic Meccan Pagans (mushrikeen). If you discuss this point with Sunni and Shia sects, they will tell you that kissing black stone is Sunnah. They are big liars because Prophet, four Caliphs and all Companions of prophet left behind no any manuscript of Sunnah and Hadiths. They left only Quran. So, all books of Sunnah and Hadiths are fabricated books which have to do nothing with that Islam which has been finalized in Quran. Meaning of “Obey Allah and Rasool” is: to follow that Divine Book which God delivered to we people through his last Prophet, and name of that Book is Quran only 6:119, 6:114, 10:15. After landing of Quran, any rite, ritual or Islamic law (Sharia law) which does not have roots in Quran , is not part of Islam.

Being the final edition of all Scriptures, Quran has carried forward almost all dietary laws of Original Torah but Quran has never said that God created man in his own image as we see in Genesis of today. But Quran says: nothing is like God. So, it is clear here, that, that verse of Genesis which tells that God created man in his own image is 100% Fabricated. You see, how does Quran correct all previous scriptures. Quran tells that Jesus was no more than a Prophet of God 5:75 but Four Hadiths Books of Christians Mark, Matthew, Luke and John show that Jesus was god and also son of god. These verses of those four hadith books of Christians 100% contradict Quranic laws; therefore, it is clear that such verses of Gospels are fabricated. On the Contrary, these gospels tell that Jesus was very much alive even after the incident of Cross, and he made over 10 meetings with disciples even after the incidence of Cross, and he ate bread and fish with disciples to show them that he is human Jesus; not Soul/Spirit of Jesus. This clearly shows that Jesus did not die on the Cross, and same is told by Quran that Jesus did not die on the Cross in 4:157. Please note: verse 4:157 never denies nailing of Jesus on the Cross but verse 4:157 denies crucifixion of Jesus because according to definition of Crucifixion, death on the Cross is binding condition of punishment which is called Crucifixion. If a person is removed from the Cross before his death; then that person is not Crucified. For full in-depth discussion on this subject, please read our page at: https://wp.me/p4GOwI-rN

Also note that Torah never commanded Jews to pray three rituals daily. Those rituals were created in Judaism by Jewish Council of Rabbis “Sanhedrin”. It is important to note that Prophet Zoroaster forbade his follower from Ritualism. Prophet Zoroaster also never told his followers to pray five Namaz Rituals daily but these five Rituals were injected among Zoroastrians by one false Prophet “Hakeem Mani” and Magi, much later. And then Sunni and Shia sects copied these Five Zoroastrian Namaz rituals, and in order to legalize those Five Namaz Rituals in Islam, Pseudo Hadith Imams forged Hadith of Flying Horse – Buraq. Quranic Salat is not any kind of Ritual. In order to learn, what is Quranic Salat, please read our this page. http://wp.me/p4GOwI-6v

Before entering in Religious meetings, according to God’s commandments, it was teaching of Zoroaster to do wudhu, and wash body if required. Same True Practice of Prophet Zoroaster is endorsed by Quran, and Quran also tells to do wudhu and washing if required before attending any Ijtamah of Salat like weekly meeting of Salat on Friday. If Zoroastrians of today worship Fire; then that practice cannot be from Prophet Zoroaster because Quran forbids such practices. Prophet Zoroaster talked about Hell and Paradise, and Quran has endorsed it. Which means: that is told by God that there is Hell and Paradise. Zoroastrians of today say that there will be a Chinvat Bridge upon which all people will pass from this world to next world after death but Quran does not endorse this story; which means: that story of Chinvat Bridge might have been concocted. Please note, Prophet Mohammad and his all companions left behind only Quran. All books of Hadiths are Fabrications. Authors of those Fabricated Books have copied tons of fables from Talmud, Corrupted Gospels, and Corrupted Books of Zoroastrians. All those Rituals in which Person places his forehead on ground toward any city or Cube cannot be part of any Scripture because all scriptures including Quran make clear that God is Omnipresent which means: All directions belong to God, and God is not confined in any one Cube or any one City.

According to Quran 3:19, 3:85, one God has only one True Path which was preached by all Prophets, and name of that path is “Islam”. According to Quran, Moses and Jesus were also Prophets of Islam. All Original Scriptures were Scriptures of Islam, which have been superseding each other with time. Being the Final edition of all Scriptures, Quran carries forward all those laws of previous scriptures which are not outdated. Quran has also abrogated some laws of previous scriptures which are outdated 2:105-106. Quran also updates Divine law. Therefore; after consigning all previous scriptures to oblivion, Quran has superseded all previous scriptures 5:48. So, after landing of Quran, all humans are bound to follow only that Divine law which has been finalized in Quran.

In addition to 2:105-106, 5:48; verses 28:52…28:54 also show us: that after landing of Quran, “people of Book” are bound to believe in Quran and follow it.

Quran 28:52…28:54 “As for those unto whom We have vouchsafed revelation aforetimethey [are bound to] believe in this one (Quran).” and whenever it is [clearly] conveyed unto them, they [are bound to] profess, “We have come to believe in it, for, behold, it is the truth from our Sustainer – and, verily, even before this, we were Muslims. These it is that shall receive a twofold reward for having been patient in adversity, and having repelled evil with good, and having spent on others out of what We provided for them as sustenance.”

Note: According to Quran, all Prophets were Prophets of Islam and all their True Followers were named by God “Muslims” 22:78, 42:13, 2:133, 3:19, 3:67, 3:85, 3:52. When a Non-Muslim reverts to Islam, in most cases he/she might face opposition and harsh behavior from his non-Muslim family and society. Therefore; in lieu of that hardship, Allah Jalla Aala has kept for them Double Reward. When we read 2:105-106, 5:48 and 28:52…28:54, it becomes crystal clear that being final edition of all scriptures, Quran has superseded all previous scriptures, and after landing of Quran, all humans are bound to follow only that Divine law which has been finalized in Quran.paulaChistianityBiggestDogmaticFraudFIn order to learn; who is Bart D. Ehrman; reader is suggested to see Wikipedia. In short; he was a devout Christian (follower of Roman Paul), but later when he realized that the books upon which, he had built his faith, were indeed forged, therefore; he relinquished Pauline Christianity, and became an Atheist. Please note: dogma of Christianity was never founded by Islamic Prophet Isa PBUH (Jesus), but he was Roman Tentmaker Saul later called Paul who launched a new dogma which is called today Christianity. In the same way, he was not Islamic Prophet Moses but Talmudists who centuries after the death of Moses, converted name of a tribe “Judah” in to a new dogma “Judaism”. Last and Final Book of God which has superseded all previous scriptures “Quran” makes clear that near God, acceptable Deen is only Al-Islam. Deen Al-Islam = Divinely Prescribed Way of Life. Quran also makes clear that all Prophets including Moses and Jesus preached only Islam, and all Scriptures including original Torah and original Injeel were scriptures of Islam which have been superseded by final edition of all scriptures “Quran”. God has named all true followers of all Prophets “Muslims” 3:19, 3:85, 42:3, 42:13, 6:125, 39:22, 10:72, 3:67, 2:130-140, 10:84, 3:52, 22:78, 2:105-106, 5:48, 48:28. Being the final edition of all Scriptures and for being also Muhaymon 5:48; after consigning all previous scriptures to oblivion, Quran has superseded all previous Scriptures 2:105-106, 5:48, 28:52…54, 2:137, 6:155.

God guides only those people who are worthy of guidance and who are sincerely researching for Truth. God is nearer to man  than even his neck-vein and listens even what soul of person whispers 50:16. No leaf fall but He knows it 6:59. So, He knows very well about the degree of sincerity of a person toward the search of Truth. Those who are sincerely after truth, are, for sure, guided by God.

We give you here one example: there is a Jewish Professor who teaches in a University in State of Hawaii, USA. He is Professor of Comparative Religion, which means: he has studied all religions. He is not a Scholar like Bart D Ehrman who knows about only 12% of total life of Jesus; but Professor of Comparative Religion has studied all religions. So, area of Comparative Religion is much more broader than that area of a Bible Scholar who knows only about 12% life of Jesus, and he does not know about his rest of 88% life. After reading the Quran, that Jewish Professor converted to Islam. Now, he is a Muslim; you can say: Jewish Muslim, because a person is called a Jew who belongs to tribe of Judah. According to Quran, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and his twelve sons including Judah, David and Solomon all preached none except Islam.

On the Contrary, God has not guided Bart D. Ehrman because God knows well the degree of sincerity of Ehrman toward the search of Truth. We have read almost all books of Bart. After reading his all work, it clearly appears to us that he is intellectually, dishonest, and also he is not a wise man. We ask reader this question: should we criticize and mock a book even without reading and understanding that Book! Of course not, but Bart Ehrman who is a scholar about 12% life of Jesus mocks even a book which he has never read nor understood with an unbiased honest mind. We ask: Mr. Ehrman: do you understand Arabic? No. Do you understand that Arabic, in which Quran is written? No. Do you understand Arabic Grammar? No. Have you understood Quran only through Quran’s own built-in Tasreef? No. Then, what is your right to comment on Quran and mock Quran? If you have even a trace of wisdom; when YouTuber host asked you about Quran; your answer was supposed to be: I am not a Scholar of Quran, so I should not comment on Quran.

Do you think, Mr. Ehrman that the Jewish Professor of Comparative Religion which we have mentioned above, is converted to Islam even without knowing about the Author of the Quran! Fact is: when that Professor read and understood whole Quran with honest unbiased mind; he fully realized that what is written in Quran, cannot be word of any human being; no way. Bart type people are placing same blame on Quran which was being placed by Meccan Pagans 1400 years ago, who used to say: Mohammad has forged this Book. Then, God challenged Meccan Pagans in Quran 10:38, 11:13, 52:33-34, 17:88, 15:99, 41:42, that if you think that Quran is not word of God, then write even one chapter like of Quran. But Arab Pagan failed to accept challenge despite the fact, they were master in Arabic Language. Meccan Pagans were aware, that the Eight Dimensional Arabic which is used in Quran, cannot be structured by any human being; no way. Within Quran, God has said numerous times that It is He, Who has sent down the Quran, and He will protect the Quran 15:9, 17:88, 41:42. And in Quran, Mohmmad “in person” is not talking but God is talking to people directly or God is commanding Prophet Mohammad: Say (Qul) this and that to people. For example; even a person with half-brain can realize that in following verses; it is God Who is speaking, and following words can never be words of Mohammad (peace be upon  him).

Quran 50:16 (God says) NOW, VERILY, it is We who have created man, and We know what his innermost self whispers within him: for We are closer to him than his neck-vein (Note: “We” is majestic plural).

Quran 50:43 (God says)  Verily, it is We who grant life and deal death; and with Us will be all journeys’ end (Note: Mr. Bart: if you have even trace of sense in your brain; you must realize that these are not words of Mohammad).

Quran 4:105 We have sent down the Scripture to you [Prophet] with the truth so that you can judge between people in accordance with what God has shown you. Do not be an advocate for those who betray trust

In Quran, God has called this kind of Stubborn Ignorant people “Cattle“.

Quran 7:179 (God says) And most certainly have We destined for hell many of the invisible beings and humans who have hearts with which they fail to grasp the truth, and eyes with which they fail to see, and ears with which they fail to hear. They are like cattle -nay, they are even less conscious of the right way: it is they, they who are the [truly] heedless!

Quran 10:38Or do they say, ‘He (Muhammad) has forged it?Say, ‘Bring then a chapter like unto it, and call upon whomsoever you can, besides God, if you are truthful!

Quran 11:13Or do they say, ‘He (Muhammad) forged it.’ Say, ‘Bring you then ten forged chapters like unto it, and call whomsoever you can, other than God (to your help), if you speak the truth.’

Quran 52:33-34 “Or do they say, ‘He (Muhammad) has forged it?’ Nay! They believe not! Let them then produce a recital like unto it if they are truthful.”

Quran 2:23 And if you doubt any part of what We have, bestowed from on high, step by step, upon Our servant [Muhammad], then produce a surah of similar merit, and call upon any other than God to bear witness for you, if what you say is true!

Quran 17:88 “Say: ‘If all mankind and all invisible beings  would come together with a view to producing the like of this Qur’an, they could not produce its like even though they were to exert all their strength in aiding one another!

Quran 4:153 The People of the Book (Jews and Christians) demand that you [Prophet] make a book physically come down to them from heaven, but they demanded even more than that of Moses when they said, ‘Show us God face to face,’ and were struck by the thunderbolt for their presumption. Even after clear revelations had come down to them, they took the calf as an object of worship, yet We pardoned this, and gave Moses clear authority;

Quran 6:7 But even if we had sent down unto thee [O Prophet] a writing on paper, and they had touched it with their own hands – those who are bent on denying the truth would indeed have said, ‘This is clearly nothing but a deception!’

Quran 38:29 This is the Blessed Book that We have revealed to you, (O Muhammad), that people with understanding may reflect over its verses and those with understanding derive a lesson. 

Quran 39:2 It is We who sent down the Scripture to you [Prophet] with the Truth, so serve God with your total devotion.

Quran 39:41 We have sent the Scripture down to you [Prophet] with the Truth for people. Whoever follows the guidance does so for his own benefit, whoever strays away from it does so at his own peril: you are not in charge of them.

On the Contrary; after Jesus, Original Book of God “Injeel” was lost, and after the death of Prophet Harun (brother of Moses), Original Book of God “Torah” was lost. Existing NT and OT are mere collections of those books which are books of folkloric tales. In NT and OT, not even one book is Original Scripture.

Even Bart Ehrman himself has written in his own books that Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John are Anonymous Books. And the names Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John were randomly attached to these books of contradictory folkloric tales at the end of 2nd Century. Even these four Gospels are being tampered for centuries. Gospels of 4th century from Codex Sinaiticus are different from four Gospels of today.

Then, how can this man Ehrman compare those concocted and corrupted books with the Quran, in which, God repeats several times that it is He Who has sent down the Quran, and He Himself will protect it 15:9, 17:88, 41:42

Quran 15:9 (God says) We have sent down the Quran Ourself, and We Ourself will guard it.

But Ehrman asks? Who was author of Quran? God has addressed this kind of misguided people in following Quranic verses:

Quran 2:171 And so, the parable of those who re bent on denying the truth is that of the beast which hears the shepherd’s cry, and hears in it nothing but the sound of a voice and a call.  Deaf are they, and dumb, and blind: for they do not use their reason.

Quran 14:18 [This, then, is] the parable of those who are bent on denying their Sustainer: all their works  are as ashes which the wind blows about fiercely on a stormy day: [in the life to come,] they cannot achieve any benefit whatever from all [the good] that they may have wrought: for this [denial of God] is indeed the farthest one can go astray.

Quran 17:45-46 (God says) But [thus it is:] whenever thou recitest the Qur’an, We place an invisible barrier between thee and those who will not believe in the life to come: for, over their hearts We have laid veils which prevent them from grasping its purport, and into their ears, deafness. And so, whenever thou dost mention, while reciting the Qur’an, thy Sustainer as the one and only Divine Being, they turn their backs [upon thee] in aversion

Quran 23:99-100 [AS FOR THOSE who will not believe in the life to come, they go on lying to themselves] until, when death approaches any of them, he prays: “O my Sustainer! Let me return, let me return [to life], so that I might act righteously in whatever I have failed [aforetime]!’’ Nay, it is indeed but a [meaningless] word that he utters: for behind those [who leave the world] there is a barrier [of death] until the Day when all will be raised from the dead!

Quran 35:36-37 But as for those who are bent on denying the truth – the fire of hell awaits them: no end shall be put to their lives so that they could die, nor shall aught of the suffering caused by that [fire] be lightened for them: thus shall We requite all who are bereft of gratitude. And in that [hell] they will cry aloud: “O our Sustainer! Cause us to come out [of this suffering]! We shall [henceforth] do good deeds, not such as we were wont to do [aforetime]!” [But We shall answer:] “Did We not grant you a life long enough so that whoever was willing to take thought could bethink himself? And [withal,] a war­ner had come unto you! Taste, then, [the fruit of your evil deeds]: for evildoers shall have none to succour them!”

Quran 5:72-73 Indeed, the truth deny they who say, ‘Behold, God is the Christ, son of Mary’ – seeing that the Christ [himself] said, ‘O children of Israel! Worship God [alone], who is my Sustainer as well as your Sustainer.’  Behold, whoever ascribes divinity to any being beside God, unto him will God deny paradise, and his goal shall be the fire: and such evildoers will have none to succour them! Indeed, the truth deny they who say, ‘Behold, God is the third of a trinity’ – seeing that there is no deity whatever save the One God. And unless they desist from this their assertion, grievous suffering is bound to befall such of them as are bent on denying the truth

Preservation of Quran: God tells within Quran that he appointed Scribes who wrote Quranic revelations instantly when those revelations were downloaded on the heart of Prophet Mohammad, and at the same time, Quran was memorized by Prophet and his companions. God tells in Quran 54:40, that He has made Quran easy to memorize and understand. Of course Quran will not be easy for any Islamophobic hater who neither understand Arabic nor is he honest and unbiased in his research. A person who memorizes whole Quran (about 600 standard pages), is called Hafiz, and plural of Hafiz is Huffaaz. Huffaaz are a Check on Quranic Arabic text. Prophet Mohammad was first Hafiz of Quran; then his thousands companions became Hafiz, and that Memorization of Quran is continued for 1400 years without any break of even a fraction of second. It is like a River which flows 1400 km without any break. Today we have almost 50 million Huffaaz. If these all Huffaaz are gathered, and they become habitants of a new country; population of that new country will be more than Spain.

If you call a Hafiz from Moscow, 2nd from New York, 3rd from Australia, and 4th from Saudi Arabia; they all will recite same Quran which was recited by Prophet Mohammad 1400 years ago, because as we have mentioned above that in past 1400 years, memorization chain never broke even for a fraction of a second. O Man: do you not think that preservation of Quran is itself a great miracle! Fifty millions Huffaaz are a Check on Quran’s original Arabic Text. Will any Islamophobic hater change even one word of Quran; his tampering will be challenged and exposed by 50 millions Huffaaz.

If we throw all books and computer archives in Ocean; Quran will be right back. Just bring one Hafiz, and print whole Quran. Quran itself shows that Quran as Book was present during the era of Prophet Mohammad. Quran calls itself a Book several times. God also ordained in Quran “One should not touch Quran unless he is clean”. Now, a simple rational question arises, which is: can we touch a Book if that book is not present in a physical state! We suggest reader to visit this well researched page on the Compilation of Quran. Even unbiased Non-Muslim Researchers have accepted, that the Quran which we have today is same Quran which was in the hands of Mohammad 1400 years ago. Professor Dr. John Burton PhD was Professor on Islam. He was a non-Muslim. He wrote a book “The Collection of the Quran”. After in depth research, and after heavy rational argumentation; John Burton concluded in these words: That the Quran which we have today is same Quran which was with Mohmmad

Quran 17:9 VERILY, this Qur’an shows the way to all that is most upright,  and gives the believers who do good deeds the glad tiding that theirs will be a great rewardIslam_Deen_Not_Religion

Read “Quranic laws” at: https://factszz.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/quranic-laws-by-ga-parwezr.pdf


SatanWorksWhatIsSalatOfQuranFToFollowQuranIStoFollowProphetQuranIsMadeEasyImportant_ArrowQuran tells, Prophet was a great man with the highest level of sublime conduct but fabricated hadith books especially following fabricated hadith of Parsi Bukhari depicts Prophet as the worst person on planet.Note: Team Factszz about above-posted fabricated Hadith: 1– Prophet left behind not a single written hadith except complete written Quran. 2– Up to 722 A.D.; Satanic Innovations of Hadiths and Sunna used to have no legality in Islam (Professor J. Schacht). 3– Four Caliphs never compiled or ordered to compile any hadith Book. In fact Four Caliphs burned and banned all hadiths. Read our page “True History of Hadiths”. 4– It were Muslims who bulldozed millennia Persian Zoroastrian empire in 7th Century. During Abbasid Period from 750-1258 A.D., Persians hijacked Islamic empire and in order to disable Quran and to place Muslims on the path of Satan, they forged millions of lies with fake chains of narrations, and later labeled those all lies as Hadith of Prophet Mohammad(S). Did Prophet certify any Book of Hadith? No. We have read each line of all hadith books. It is very clear in these books that books were fabricated to misguide Muslims and to distort Islam. They remained successful in this conspiracy. 5– First painful thing is; that Persian hypocrites Imams forged millions of Hadiths in the name of Prophet. But more painful than this is; that instead of learning that these hadiths books are the biggest conspiracy against Islam; our Evil Mullahs, Freak Imams and their dumb and dead blindly following pets are always busy to defend crap that is stuffed in all forged hadith books. The report of Nine year marriage age of Aisha RA was fabricated by Eleven Shia narrators of Iraq, two from Basra and Nine from Koofa but our Mullahs and their pets are always busy to convince world that to marry a 6 or 9 year girl is ok. They have neither any brain nor any shame or honor. When Abu Dawud says in his forged hadith: Do ablution from water in which dead dogs and menstruation shreds of women are floating; these shameless hadithers and Mullahs start to defend even this kind of crap by hiding it under a metaphor etc. No any stoning in Quran. For fornicator, married or unmarried, are 100 stripes punishment but these dumb hadithers are stoning people by following fabricated hadith of Rajam (stoning) from centuries. Quran says: All is haram that dies itself but hadithers follow a fabricated hadith and say: Dead fish is Halaal. 6– Through this camel urine’s fabricated hadith, Criminal Bukhari has also tried to tell people that Prophet was very vicious and aggressive Person, as, as per his fabricated hadith of camel urine, Prophet ordered to take eyes of alive people out. This his crap totally contradicts witness of Allah of 68:4 in which Allah said that Mohammad(s) used to have the highest level of sublime moral standard.When we show the garbage that is stuffed in fabricated hadith books to conscienceless ignorant hadithers; in stead of admitting that these hadith books are heap of lies; they reply: these are Metaphors or Miracles. Remember: Mothers of all Prophets were also women. But If Bukhari declares all women of universe an Evil; Shameless Hadithers say: It is metaphor. If we show them forged hadith in which Prophet Solomon drilled 100 woman (other report says 60 women) in one night, Hadithers say it is miracle, If Crap of Sahih-Muslim says: that all black dogs are Devil; honorless Hadithers say: It is metaphor. If we show insane hadithers that forged hadiths which say: To do ablution (Wadhu) from Water Well in which orgasm fluid of man and woman, and dead dogs and menstruation shreds of women are floating; ignoble, hypnotized, despicable hadithers say: it is a metaphor. Therefore; all brainwashed mad Hadithers and their Satanic Mullah teachers want to cover tons of garbage of forged hadith books under just three words. It is a metaphor or it is a miracle or it is a wrong interpretation. They are mentally sick but who has made them sick? They are Evil Satanic Mullahs and Imams who has distorted their brains within past 1200 years. They all are psychopaths like fanatics of ISIS and Boko-Haraam. They deliberately fail to grasp the truth, that all hadith books were fabricated 250-400 years after the death of Mohammad(s) the exalted, and Prophet has no any relation with these forged hadith Books. Bukhari and Muslim were either mad ignorant Parsi Mullahs or hypocrites. Our research shows that they were Zoroastrian hypocrites under Taqiya with fake Muslim names. Contents of their Satanic books are the biggest proof of their hypocrisy. Quran45_6WithPicF2HadithsBooksAreLiesQuranMakesUhumanshariaisquranonly

Following is copy of our response to an Hadither (at YouTube) who raised some points about hadiths, Salat and Zakat

1– Prophet Mohammad left behind no any hadith or sunna or Tafsir manuscript except Book of Quran which is Protected by Allah 15:9. So if you follow fabricated Hadiths, you are following not Prophet but Satan Iblis. Hadith and Sunna are Satanic innovations that converted majority of we Muslims into Mushrik-Mohammedans 3:80. Up to year 722 A.D., Sunna and hadiths used to have no any legality in Islam. Four Caliphs burned and banned all Hadiths. In the time of Caliph Umar RA, it was CRIME to preach and even possess any hadith. See link #2 at this page for full proof. Sunna of Rasool (Messenger) is NOTHING ELSE but replica of Quranic ethics and Laws. All extra-Quranic Hadiths and Sunna are inspired by Satan Iblis. Rasool delivered you Quran, and no any hadith or sunna book. So in order to follow Rasool and his LORD; follow Quran. Quran tells many times: Obey Allah and Rasool but Quran also makes clear several times that to obey Allah and Rasool is to follow DIVINE BOOK that Rasool delivered, and Rasool delivered NONE but Quran 6:114, 47:2, 10:15, 6:19, 16:116, 50:45. Quran is made Easy 54:17. Quran explains every thing that is needed in Islam 16:89. So Quran is standalone, self-explanatory book and is not in need of any Mullah, Imam, Pseudo Scholar, Hadith, Sunna, Tafsir Contexts Nazool and fiqa books. Mullahs and Imams are aliens to Islam. We Muslims copied priesthood from Christians, Yahood, and Zoroastrians.

2Islam is not, to follow Rasool in person but Islam is to follow THE DIVINE BOOK that Allah delivered thru his Rasool and that Book is Only Quran 6:114, 10:15, 6:19. Quranic verses 10:15, 6:114 make clear that Prophet was told, not to follow any Book or law except Quran.

3– Books of Hadiths like Bukhari and others were forged 250-800 years after the death of Prophet. That Books of Satan were never seen by Rasool-Allah. You brain-dead Jaahil Hadith followers never read Quran nor all hadith books in your whole life. We have read that all Hadith Books of Shia and Sunni sects, and that book are full of stinky garbage that stinks more than dead dogs. Can a Great Man (68:4) Prophet Mohammad could say this kind of Stinky Garbage such as: Sun rises from two horns of Satan, all black dogs are devil (Sahih-Muslim), Woman is Evil (Bukhari), Prophet tried many Suicides (Bukhari), Water full of dead dogs and menses blood of woman is still clean and pure (Abu Dawud 0066), Quran is eaten by Goat, so verses are missing (Ibn Majah 1944), do not touch peeenis with right hand, Do not kill a snake if that lives in your home, Prophet used to wear shirt of Aisha RA before receiving Wahi, Prophet tried to rape a woman Juhania, Prophet was a pedophile as he at age of 53 years did sex with 9 years Aisha RA, Prophet was Zaalim & he took eyes of alive people out, Prophet told people to drink disgusting urine of camel. This list is very long and reader is requested to view this whole list in link #3 of this page. You all hadith follower are brainwashed mentally paralyzed Cattle because you all hadithers follow that all forged garbage blindly. You never think or even try to think that a Great Man (68:4) like Prophet Mohammad can never say so. Donkey has better brain than you all hadith followers. You hadithers are a Gang of Jaahils. Satan sent all Christians astray, and Satan of we Muslims were Pseudo Hadith Imams. Very Clearly, Quran depicts Prophet Mohammad as Great Man 68:4 but forged Hadith Books depicts him as the worst person on planet. It is matter of basic commonsense: That GOD could never send a Prophet to people who is a bad man.

4– Quran makes very clear in 5:44 that all hadith followers are Kaafirs because Islamic law is valid only from Quran and who make laws from other books are Kaafirs 5:44 and Hadith followers are Kaafirs because they make laws from forged books of Hadiths. Allah makes clear in Quran that to follow Allah and his Rasool mean nothing else but to follow Quran because Messengers were no more than AGENCY of Allah 29:18, 5:99, 42:48, 3:20. So if you follow any other Book for Islamic law except Quran, then you are following your Murshid Iblis

5Salat and Zakat:

All what is in Quran is Islam and all what is not in Quran is NOT ISLAM. Salat of Quran has no any relation with Five daily namaz Rituals that were blended in Islam by Irani Zoroastrians in 773 A.D. Five Zoroastrian Namaz were forged thru forged Hadith of Miraaj. Read full page on forgery of Miraaj (night journey) in link #30 of this page. No any mention in Quran that during Miraaj Prophet Mohammad took ride on a flying donkey and bargained with Allah like union leader to reduce daily rituals from 50 to 5. That all tale is forgery of Zoroastrians. Allah has not mentioned 2.5 percent Zakat in Quran because Zakat is not mere 2.5 charity tax. Zakat is Economic System of Islam and in that System, Zakat-Tax is tiny part of System of Zakat. That tax percentage is not fixed in Quran by Allah Jalla Aala intentionally, and have left it to Muslim Ruler; it could be 2 percent in peace time and 15% or more in War time etc. In order to read, how Zoroastrians blended Five daily Namaz Rituals in Islam in 773 A,D.; please read link #1 at the top of this page.

Allah says in Quran: Task of Rasool (Messenger) is NO MORE than to deliver Quran clearly to people 29:18, 42:48, 5:99, 3:20. Allah also tells in Quran that Mohammad cannot guide any one (Quran 28:56, 72:21). So how Rasool guided you brainless brain-dead foolish Hadith followers from hadith and Sunna books that Prophet/Rasool Mohammad never left behind nor certified? Just use your common sense. Just ponder. How then Prophet Mohammad guided you Sunni and Shia about your mutually conflicting Azans (Calls for Rituals) and Ritual Units? Did Prophet give you two brands of Rituals? Quran 2:177 blasts all kind of Rituals when verse starts with words “it is NEVER a GOOD deed that you turn your face to EAST and WEST but Good deed is Philanthropy”. Quran 22:78, 3:19, 3:85, 42:13, 3:52, 3:67 make clear that from Adam to Mohammad, Allah has named all True Believers as ONLY MUSLIM 22:78. No Shia No Sunni No Wahabi No Salafi, No Yahoodi, No Buddhist, No Zoroastrian, No Yahoodi, No Hindu, no any sect at all. As per 6:159, Sect followers are Khawaarij who took exit from Islam by making sects. As per Quran 3:103-105, HELL is waiting sect followers.

Islam is simple: Follow Quran and that’s it. Allah says in 16:89, 12:111, 17:12, my Quran explains EVERY THING for Muslims. Therefore; what is not in Quran, is not part of Islam. For example: If Quran does not tell you, with which hand, RIGHT OR LEFT, you should drink water; then that’s mean, Quran has given you the option which hand you like to use. If Quran does not tell you, which shoe, RIGHT OR LEFT you should wear first; then that mean, you are free to wear either right or left. If Quran does not show you map of India and USA, then that Maps are not part of DEEN Islam but of Geography. If FULLY DETAILED Quran, never uses words of Mahdi and Dajjal; that means, Mahdi and Dajjal are fabricated tales and lies by hadith-forgers. If FULLY DETAILED Quran does not mention Units of Shia and Sunni Rituals and does not mention text of Atta-Hiyaaat and Drood Ibrahimi; then that’s mean; Salat of Quran is NEVER Rituals. If Quran fixed 100 lashes for Adultery; then no one can change that number to 101 or 99 or more or less. If Quran ordains 80 lashes for an evildoer who placed slander on a chaste lady, then no one can change that number of 80 lashes. If Quran depicts sodomy as an heinous crime but does not fix its punishment; then that mean, Quran has left the option of Punishment to Muslim Ruler/Shoora. Know that Quran is BOOK for Muttaqi and Wise; and not for brain-dead stubborn fools who are destined to hell due to their own stubbornness. Quran is a Big Book and is fully detailed 16:89. Then did Allah forget to mention 2.5 percent Zakat and Units of Shia Sunni Rituals? No Allah never forgets. Have Allah shortage of words? No Never.

If Allah can use complex fractional Math in Inheritance verses like 1/2, 1/6, 1/8; then what was difficult for Allah the Omniscient to mention units of Shia and Sunni Rituals, text of Atta-Hiyaat (Tasha’had) and Drood/Salat Ibrahimi of Tasha’had? Do you know that text of Att-Hiyaat (Tasha’had) was forged by Shia; and Text of Drood Ibrahimi was forged by a Persian Dehlmi fish-catcher Shia of Caspian Area, His name became later Moiz Doula when he captured Baghdad & became Ruler?


If you want to please Allah and his Rasool on the day of resurrection, then follow Noble Quran 25:30, 69:40, 39:23. For Islamic law (Sharia); do not follow any other Book in Islam except Quran, otherwise you will die as a Mushrik Kaafir. This is not our verdict but verdict of Malik-ul-Mulk in Quran 5:44. During formation of Islamic law (Sharia), to place Man-Made Books and Humans beside BOOK of GOD is like to make partners with GOD and no any sin is bigger than to make partners with ONE GOD. It is called Shirk and as per Quran, Shirk is that Crime which is unforgivable.

“Who do not judge from what Allah has bestowed from the HIGH (scripture) are indeed Kaafirs (Kafiroon)” 5:44.

Also note: verse 53:3 talks only about Quranic Wahi. It is clear when whole Sura 53 is read alongwith verse 6:114, 10:15, 6:19, 50:45. And 59:7 points to only distribution of Spoil of war. and Verses of Sura Ahzab like 33:21 are talking about Patience of Rasool during battle of Trench for living Prophet. No where Quran tells: to follow Prophet Mohammad in Person but to follow the Scripture that he delivered 47:2, 6:114, 10:15, 6:19. Quranic verse 3:31 never tells you to love Rasool, but Allah. And verses 6:114, 47:2, 10:15, 6:19 tell, that to obey Rasool and Allah is nothing else but to follow Scripture Quran. We have clarified that all points that you shameless hadithers deliberately twist and misuse in order to worship Rasool 3:80

May Allah Al-Haadi rescue majority of our Muslim Sisters and Brothers from the grip of Satan, the Satan who also sent all Christians astray.

Quran 38:82-83 [Whereupon Iblis] said: “Then [I swear] by Thy very might: I shall most certainly beguile them all into grievous error, [all] save such of them as are truly Thy servants!”

Quran 14:22 (Asad) “And when everything will have been decided (on the Day of Resurrection), Satan will say (to his followers): “Behold, God promised you something that was bound to come true! I, too, held out [all manner of] promises to you but I deceived you. Yet I had no power at all over you: I but called you, and you responded unto me. Hence, blame not me, but blame yourselves. It is not for me to respond to your cries, nor for you to respond to mine: for, behold, I have [always] refused to admit that there was any truth in your erstwhile belief that I had a share in God’s divinity.” Verily, for all evildoers, there is grievous suffering in store”.


ISIS, Mullahs, Imams, Fabricated books of Sira Sunna, Exegesis Tafsirs, historical crap, and Hadiths has no any relation with the True Islam that has been finalized in Quran, After studying almost all hadith books and all Tafsirs (exegesis) that Hadithers follow, Our Team have honestly and sincerely, concluded, that vast majority of Mullahs and Imams of today are Jaahil Ignorant, and vast majority of Mullahs, Imams and Mofassars 1300 years ago were also Jaahil Ignorant, and 1200 years ago were Ignorant, and 1000 years ago were Ignorant. Reason is: Exalted Last Prophet left behind only Noble Quran because his sole one duty was to deliver Quran and return to his Lord 29:18, 42:48, 3:20, 3:80, 5:99, 72:21, 28:56, 18:110. This is why; after completion of Quranic wahi, after a short period, he died because his great mission was now complete which was none but delivery of Quran clearly. He left behind no any manuscript of Hadith, Sunna, Contexts, Fiqa, Shane-Nazools, and Tafsirs (Exegesis). Know that: If the heart be pure, clean and sanctified, it will be able to discern between right and wrong, truth and lie, and guidance and misguidance.

But question is; why he did not leave behind any Extra-Quranic Book; despite he could setup another panel of honest mature writers to write down Tafsirs, Hadith and Sunna books? Answer is: He was absolutely not in need of to leave behind all that extra-Quranic books because Quran is made easy 54:17. Because Quran is fully detailed 6:114. Because Quran explains every thing for Muslims 12:111, 16:89, 17:12. Because Quran has its own best build-in dictionary, and its own best built-in Tafsir (exegesis) 25:30, 25:33. Mullahs, Imams and Mofassars (authors of books of Tafsirs) even 1300 years ago remained Jaahil Ignorant because most of them did not use Quran’s own built-in dictionary and Quran’s own built-in Tafsir but they added long tales/stories in their books which came from fables and fabricated hadiths (hearsay) that in most cases were concocted by hypocrites (pseudo converts of people of Book) like Wahb Ibn Munnabih, Hammam Munibbih, Rabbi K’ab al-Ahbar and by his many students like Abu Hurairah, Ibn Abbas, Ibn Umar and many others. All that hadiths and Tafsir are huge pile of lies or let say: that all books of hadiths and Tafsirs are Himalaya of Lies, Nonsense, Gossip, Hearsay, very Foolish-talk, and comic moronic Stupidities. It is sad to ascribe that all concocted tales to Prophet but that what is done by hypocrites. You will see many Mullahs and Pseudo Scholars who say: After Quran, Bukhari and Muslim are the most authentic books but truth is: Bukhari and Muslims are books of authentic lies. For solid Proof, read our page “some hadiths that will drag you to paradise even before your death”.

Among other oldest hadiths collection are of Malik’s Mowatta, Tabarani, Al-Hakim  (Mustadrak), Bayhaqi, Musnad Ibn Hanbal, Darimi, and Daraqutni. We have read all that works and we have concluded, that authors of that all works were not different from stupid ignorant Mullahs of today. Their collections are full of laughing stock. Regarding Tafsirs; majority considers and loves Tafsirs of Razi Jalalyn, Risala of Shafi, Fiqa-Hanfi, Ibn Kathir, Baghawi, Qartabi, Tabari, and Zamakhshari but truth is: in that all books though there is some truth too but billions of tons of lies and foolish-talk too. Ibn Hajar is one of the biggest demigods  (9:31, 2:170) of Sunni sect but truth is: this Egyptian Mullah was in way more educated than our stupid Mullahs of today. He was a Jaahil. His work is full of Kufar and Shirk. Though not all but almost all Mofassars and Hadiths-collectors belong to Shafi-School, and Shafi was the Greatest Satan/deceiver of our 1400 history; and an Ass never gives birth to elephant. If Teacher was a Satan, then how will be his followers! Read our special page on Shafi (an hidden Shia). And Books of Shia sect also stink more than dead dogs. That almost whole pile of garbage grew in Abbasid era 750-1258 A.D. DNA-wise, Abbasid were half Muslims and half Zoroastrians. Their Tutors, Ministers, Prime Minister, many wives and even mother were Persian Zoroastrians. O Wise Person: Know that: Whole Islam is finalized in Quran. Any rite, ritual or law that has no roots in Quran is absolutely not part of Islam. All extra-Quranic Laws (Sharia Laws), Rites and Rituals are innovations of Clergy. Islam is to have right faith 4:136; to follow Divine law; to be mindful about Allah in all awaken conditions; and to live your whole life as a righteous Philanthropist 2:177. If you follow all this, then day of death is the Best day of your life on this earth.

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Below are some Videos for that Ignorant Apostate; and also for other non-Muslims


Meaning of Sunnah is “a way of“, and that could be Good Sunnah=Good way, and also could be Bad Sunnah=Bad way. Nowhere Glorious Quran tells even in one verse to follow Sunnah of Mohammad PUBH. Oswat-Hasna of someone mean: good ethical codes one follows. Neither Prophet nor even four guided caliphs left behind even one extra-Quranic report of his Sunnah and Hadith. We will discuss these point in detail, below:

All, so called extra-Quranic reports of Sunnah are derived from so called extra-Quranic Hadiths. In other words, so called Sunnah reports are daughters of so called extra-Quranic Hadiths. But if all extra-Quranic Hadiths are mere fabricated tales; then their byproduct so called Sunnah is also fabricated stock. And Truth is: neither Prophet nor even four guided Caliphs left behind even one page of any extra-Quranic Hadith, nor they certified any extra-Quranic Hadith. Therefore; rationally, logically, and legally, we cannot classify even one extra-Quranic Hadith as authentic report. That all Extra-Quranic Hadiths and their byproduct “Sunnah” are based on mere hearsay fairy tales like A heard from B, he heard from C, he heard from D … XYZ; and fictitious fabricated hearsay-chains of that stories are spread over 250 years; but fact: is people do not remember a verbally-told story even for a week. Only a Fool will build his faith on such kind of fairy tales and hocus pocus. Quran never tells even in one verse to follow Sunnah of Mohammad PBUH. Quran does use word “Sunnah” in some verses but that word “Sunnah (a Way)” is used in Good terms and also in bad terms. Quran uses this word as “Sunnah of Allah”, but in other verses, Quran also uses words like “Sunnah of already passed away bad People”.Noble Quran is a big book and, throughout Quran, we do not find even one verse which ordains we Muslim to follow Sunnah of Prophet Mohammad PBUH. Then where did that term of Sunnah of Muhammad PBUH come from? Fact is: even before the birth of Prophet Mohammad PBUH, terms Sunnah and Ahle-Baiyt were used by Arabs. They used to say: they follow Sunnah of their Ancestors which Quran has blasted in 2:170. After completing his great mission which was only delivery of Quran, Prophet Mohammad PBUH returned to his Lord in year 632 A.D. Imam Ghazali wrote, and Professor of Islamic law of Columbia University J. Schacht also wrote: up to year 722 A.D. Muslim Jurists were using only Quran. They never used any kind of extra-Quranic Sunnah and Hadiths. It was year 722 A.D. when fabrication of Sunnah and Hadiths of Prophet were started. According to Professor Schacht, before year 722 A.D., Jurists (Fiqih) used to say: any Jurisprudence derived from extra-Quranic sources is erroneous. This again confirms that word “Sunnah of Rasool” is an Innovation, a Bid’a which entered in Islam after year 722 A.D.However; Quran talks about Oswat Hasna of Prophet Ibrahim PBUH and Oswat Hasna of Prophet Mohammad PBUH. But question is: Did Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Mohammad leave for us any manuscript of their Oswat Hasna along with Quran? Answer is: No. Never. Not alt all. They did not leave such thing behind because their Oswat hasna was replica of Quranic Ethical Codes. That mean: their Authentic Oswat Hasna exists only within Quran. For example: When Quranic verses 60:4, 60:6 talk about Oswat Hasna of Prophet Ibrahim; in same verse, then Quran also tells: what was that Oswat hasna, in following words “Abraham and those with him said to their people: “We are clear of you and of whatever ye worship besides Allah. we have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever,- unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone”. In the same way, we read in over 50 books this reliable report that when a Person asked Mother of believers Aisha RA: How did you find Akhlaaq (Conduct) of Rasool? Pointing to Quranic verse 68:4, she replied: Quran is Akhlaaq of Rasool. In Arabic she said:In Fact, Quranic verse 4:26 tells: that from within Quran, God guides you through the Way (Sunnan) of righteous people who are passed away. So, authentic Sunnah of previous people exists only within Quran. Quran 4:26 “It is Allah’s Will to make things clear to you, guide you to the noble ways (Sunnan) of those before you, and turn to you in mercy. For Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.“ Therefore; all extra-Quranic Sunnah, Hadiths etc are mere Bid’a invented by Sectarian Imams and Mullahs. And that Bid’a have no any relation to Deen Islam which have been finalized in Quran.

Quran tells in verses 29:18, 5:99, 3:20, 42:48, 39:41, 18:110, 28:56, 72:21, 2:272 that Prophet was mere a Divine Postman, and his Only duty was to deliver Quran Clearly. Quran also tells us: That Rasool could not guide anyone to Right Path but only Allah guides people 29:18, 5:99, 3:20, 42:48, 39:41, 18:110, 28:56, 72:21, 2:272. Now point is: If Rasool could not guide anyone to Right Path, then how could he guide Sunni and Shia through his Sunnah and Hadiths which he never left behind? Truth is: because Rasool was mere any Agency of Allah 29:18, 5:99, 3:20, 42:48, therefore;

Authentic Hadith of Allah 39:23 = Authentic Hadith of Rasool 69:40 = Only Quran 6:114.

When you follow Quran, you are obeying “Allah and Rasool”. When you follow Quran, you are also following Oswat Hasna of all Good People of past, Prophet Mohammad and  Prophet Ibrahim. Because Allah says: his Quran explains everything for Islam 12:111, 16:89, 17:12. 6:114, 25:33, 18:54, therefore; all what is not given in Quran is absolutely not part of Deen Islam.Fabricated Context-stories (Asbab-Nazool) which enemies of Quran and Heretical Sunni/Shia sects have attached to the verses of Quran. Truth is: Extra-Quranic material such as Fabricated Books of Hadiths, Concocted Sunnah, Gossipy Tafsirs (exegesis), and stories of Context (Asbab-e-Nazool) are the Greatest Conspiracy against Noble Quran, hatched by defeated Zoroastrians, Zanadqa, hypocrites, and other enemies of Islam

At the very beginning, here is one important question: Did Prophet and four Caliphs leave behind any written manuscripts of so called Hadiths, Sunnah, Tafsirs and Stories of Contexts (Asbab-e-Nazool) along with written Quran? Answer is No, Never. If that all stuff was required to understand Quran, then at least four Caliphs were supposed to compile this kind of extra-Quranic manuscripts? But did they? No. If that all extra-Quranic stuff was part of Deen Islam, then at least four caliphs were supposed to compile this kind of extra-Quranic manuscripts but did they? No. Therefore; it becomes crystal clear that this all extra-Quranic material was neither needed to understand Quran nor that extra-Quranic material is part of Deen Islam.

On the Contrary; we have tons of well-known references which show that Prophet forbade people to write down anything from him except Quran. Prophet also told people: who have already written down from me any extra-Quranic material, he must destroy it. After death of Prophet, First Caliph Abu Bakr RA told Muslims “La Tuhadithu”, which mean do not narrated any hadith from Prophet. He told Muslims: decide your all matters according to Quran. Caliph Umar RA ordered all Muslims to submit to him all notes of written Hadiths which they possessed. People obeyed the order and submitted all such material to Caliphs Umar RA, thinking: that probably, he wants to compile a Master-Copy of Hadiths. But do you know, what did Umar RA do? He burned all those hadiths in an open Field, and told people: these hadiths are like Jewish Mishnah which sent Yahood astray. Mishnah is now part of Talmud. Caliph Umar RA wrote letters to all City Governors ordering them to erase all hadiths. Caliph Umar RA warned two Supersonic Hadith-Mongering Machines “Abu Hurairah” and “Rabbi K’ab-al-Ahbar” (a Pseudo convert to Islam) to stop narrations of hadiths or you will be punished. It is recorded that Abu Hurairah said: he could not narrate any hadith during era of Caliph Umar RA because he was afraid: Umar RA could break his head. But there were three Companions of Prophet who were still narrating hadiths to People. It is documented in all Famous books that Caliph Umar RA called those three companions (Sahaaba) of Prophet, and asked them “What are those Hadiths of Prophet which you guys are narrating to people?” Then Caliph Umar placed them under house arrest for life. They were released only after the martyrdom of Caliph Umar RA. Does it not show you clearly that Hadiths-Spreading was a Punishable Crime and so is even today? Caliph Uthman RA walked on the footsteps of Abu Bakar RA and Umar RA

O Man: Factszz never talks without references and proof. You can read Original-Book Scanned references of all points which we have just mentioned above, in our this page “True History of Hadiths and Sunnah” at: http://wp.me/p4GOwI-6e

How did Muslims understand Quran in the life of Prophet and four Caliphs without the existence of books of Tafsirs, Hadiths, and Contexts? Answer is: they understood Quran only by Quran because Quran fully explains itself, which mean: Quran does its own Tafsir (exegesis) through its own internal built-in Tasreef and its own built-in dictionary. And this is Only the Correct way to understand Quran correctly. Also, logically and rationally; Infallible Book of Infallible God cannot be explained through Fallible Books of Fallible men. In order to write Tafsir of Quran, a Person must have more knowledge than Author of Quran, or at least level of his knowledge/Intellect must be same as of Author of Quran. Now, we all know: Author of Quran is One God. Then, is there any Mofassar (exegesis writer) who have more knowledge than God? No way. In Quran 75:19, God says about Quran that “It is for Us to explain it”.  And Quran indeed does its own Tafseer through its own Tasreef 6:114, 25:33, 18:54. This mean: all Quranic verses are interconnected like brain neurons. And in this way, verses explain each other in multifaceted forms. For example: when we read Surah Baqara (Cow) of Quran, we see two terms, Muslim, and Momin. New reader of Quran might pause a while and think; Oh: then what is difference between these two terms? But when reader proceeds further and reaches to Surah Mominoon; he reads there full definition of “Momin,” and in short, it becomes clear that if a Muslim is equated to an Engineer, then a Muslim-Momin is like a Professional Engineer who really practically applies all laws and ethical codes of Book of God in his temp earthy life. Quran explains itself very beautifully.

At the beginning of 7th Century there were two superpowers, Romans, and Zoroastrian Sassanid Empire of Persia. Bother Superpowers were defeated by Muslim-Generals. Millennia old Zoroastrian Empire was totally collapsed. Now because Zoroastrians could not face Muslims in battlefield, therefor; they started to destroy faith of Muslims in Ideological field. Defeated Persians got full chance for Revenge after year 750 CE when Abbasid with the support of Persian Zoroastrian, revolted against Omayyad Caliphs, and finally built their Abbasid Empire in year 750 CE. Abbasid were Pro-Persian and Pro-Zoroastrians. Tutors of their Children, and almost all Ministers in the era of Abbasid Caliph Haroon Rashid were Persian Zoroastrians from Bramka dynasty/ancestry. Even wives of some Abbasid Caliphs and Princes were Persian Zoroastrians. So, now Iron was hot enough to beat and bend. Zoroastrians Ministers tried to change Arabic Text of Quran but badly failed because there were thousands and thousands Huffaaz out there, and they could catch even if one word of Quran is changed. God has put these Huffaaz as a Check on Quranic Text. Say: In fact Huffaaz are Divine Guards of Quran 15:9, 17:88, 41:42. If all Books and Computer archives are thrown into Ocean; Quran will be right back within hours. Just bring One Hafiz, and print whole, exactly same Quran which was being recited by Prophet Mohammad PBUH 1400 years ago. Hafiz is that Person who memorizes whole Quran cover to cover. Plural of Hafiz is Huffaaz or Huffaz.

Now when Enemies of Islam failed to change Quran, they came with several other conspiracies to change the Translation of Quran by attaching different concocted stories of Hadiths, Sunnah Tafsirs and Contexts (Asbab-Nazool) to each verse of Quran. As said above: that kind of extra-Quranic manuscripts never existed in the era of Prophet and Four Caliphs. Their purpose to attach such stories with each verse of Quran was in fact: to superimpose that Stories upon verses of Quran, so that: Reader of Quran may have already a built-in Story in his mind, and then he will understand Quran not through Quran’s own internal Tasreef but through that concocted stories of Hadiths, Tafsirs and Asbab-Nazool (contexts). For example: when these hypocrites planned to blend Stoning/Rajam Punishment of Jewish Talmud in Islam, they invented many hadiths in which it was shown that Prophet Mohammad PBUH was ordering to carry out non-Quranic punishment of Rajam (stoning). From such many ridiculous stories, we read one comic story in the book of Zoro forger Bukhari:“Narrated `Amr bin Maimun: During the pre-lslamic period of ignorance I saw a she-monkey surrounded by a number of monkeys. They were all stoning it, because it had committed illegal sexual intercourse. I too, stoned it along with them. Now in school, even a 5th grader boy can judge that this is a moronic Joke, a comedy, despicable forgery. Bukhari was applying his concocted Rajam law even to monkeys. Please note: regardless if a person is married or unmarried; for illegal sex (sex without wedlock), Quranic punishment is 100 lashes. Nowhere Quran tells to apply Rajam. With Quranic verse 11:114, these hypocrites and heretical Sunni sect have attached another ridiculous story of Context (Asbab-e-Nazool) which is given in Tirmidhi 3114, as: one man kissed a woman illegally, and in order to forgive sin of that Idiot Kisser; God sent down verse 11:114 in which God ordered all Muslims to pray two Namaz Rituals at sunset and at morning in order to forgive sin of that sexy Kisser. Can you believe in such kind of ridiculous concocted fables if you have a healthy brain! And same concocted comic story is also given in book of Zoro hadith forger Bukhari, number 4687, at: https://sunnah.com/bukhari/65/209

These Enemies of Allah and Quran also invented another lie against Quran which they named “Abrogation”. Through this lie, they tried to make Quran a Scribbling-Pad of a Poet. Through this lie of Abrogation, they started to declare any verse of Quran “Abrogated”. When their Fabricated stories of Hadiths started to contradict Quranic Laws; they started to say that relevant verse is Abrogated. Besides; when these Ignoramus Sectarian Heretical Sunni and Shia Mullahs/Imams of past failed to reconcile verses of Quran, mutually; the easiest way they found was: to declare relevant verse of Quran “Abrogated”. But truth is: in order to understand Quran correctly, there is one Golden Rule, which is: whole Quran must be considered as background context of every verse of Quran because in Quran, verses are interconnected like brain neurons, and in this way: verses explain each other in multifaceted forms. When we take whole Quran as background context of Quran, and we read verse 2:106 along with verses 2:105, 5:48, it becomes Crystal Clear that due to, being the Final Edition of all Scriptures, Quran is abrogating previous corrupted Scriptures, and is abrogating their outdated laws. Quran never abrogates its own verses. Kindly read our page “Abrogation – the Greatest lie against Quran” at: http://wp.me/p4GOwI-Y

Heretical Sunni and Shia sects are being badly misled by these Fabricated Hadiths, Fake Stories of Contexts (Shan-e-Nazool) and concocted stories of Tafsirs from 1200 years to such a degree that from 1200 years, these Shia and Sunni heretical Mullahs and Imams are failed to understand Quran correctly. They failed to understand Quran correctly because instead of understanding Quran through Quran’s own in-built Tafsreef, they always superimpose Fabricated Hadiths, Fake Stories of Contexts (Shan-e-Nazool) and concocted stories of Tafsirs upon verses of Noble Quran.For example: these Mullahs are totally failed to understand; meat of which animal is Halal or Haram in Quran. They have different sectarian Fiqah (Jurisprudence) which they have derived mostly from those fabricated books which we have mentioned above. And what is the Result? One Sect says: meat of Rabbit is Halal (legal), but other sect says, it is Haram (illegal). Even J. Ghamidi type Pseudo Scholars say: All grass eating animals are Halal (legal to eat). This is the Climax of Ignorance and stupidity of these Pseudo Mullahs and folly Imams. If we take words of this Pseudo Scholar Ghamidi, then, because Donkey, Horse, two-ton heavy hippopotamus, and three-ton heavy Elephant also eat grass; so, according this Pseudo Mullah; meat of Donkey, Horse, two-ton heavy hippopotamus, and three-ton heavy Elephant is also halal! But according to Noble Quran, meat of these all five grass eating animals Donkey, Horse, Rabbit, Elephant and hippopotamus is as Haram as is Haram flesh of Swine. This mental-blindness is not confined to Ghamidi only but also to all those over 100 ignoramus sectarian Sunni and Shia translators who have translated verse 5:1 wrongly as “All grazing beasts of the flock are permitted to you“. This is 101% wrong translation. This mean: according to all over 100 translators of Quran; meat of Donkey, Horse, Rabbit, Elephant and hippopotamus is Halal! This is the foulest idiocy propounded by these Ignorant Sectarian Psychopaths. This all happened to them because they superimpose Mullahs-Made Extra-Quranic books upon verses of Quran, and they never pondered on Quran through Quran’s own Tasreef. But even after 1200 years, they are not ready to accept the Truth. Iblis has made them dumb by hijacking their brains 38:82-83. Noble Quran is so beautiful book that it has made clear this whole big subject of “Halal and Haram meat” of animals just in Two Words. After understanding that two-words, you can learn easily that on whole planet, which grass eating animal is Halal, and which is not Halal. In order to read detail, please visit our page “Which meat is Haram and which meat is Halal according to Noble Quran” at: http://wp.me/p4GOwI-Ni

Answering one self-proclaimed apostate
